FAQS TWO GRANTS PASS DAILY COI'HIKR MO.VDAV, Jl'.NK 2, JfllO. B9R PASS DAILY HER Prtllaned 0Ur Excopt 8undky' For Coated Tongos Bad Breath, Sour Stomach, Bloating, Gu, Blllouuww, Sick Haad- , ache, Indljettloa, Cooillpitloo, tkt5 1 lb alwayt rtliable ' it1' FOLEY CATHARTIC TABLET! They clou Iht bowaU, iwealca lh tlom ch and loo up the liver. DoDotrip. When you think of Pearls think of Richelieu Pearls ,THB hMKr IKIHSTIU'(T.IUJC I'KAIUj MADE NTIUNIJH 7 TO !Ht.0 IN .MV WINDOW VOORHIES, Pub. and Propr. a Chips ftterbd at poatoBIoa, GrantJ Pin, Or, m aeoond clua mall matter. . ADVERTISING RATES INatfay apace. Per lnoh...w. 15c SANDWICHOLA BLUHILL CHEESE Laeal-paraonal column, par lina..lOe aaader. par una bo J. B. Cofew. 10) UwTMwk, La A , Cat.: Atot M ' owriaaca wtik all ton Unit ol wihani iwitw, I Im M ! Caihwttt Tblu, Iter tn tW txtt I . BARNES, The Jeweler 8. P. Time limcUr Next door First National Rank DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier, par yaar..$S.OO T maU or oarrlar, per month .60 SOLD EVERYWHERE Saratog WEEKLT COURIER By man, par jraar $1.0 MXMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS Tta Aaaodatad Praaa la axelBairaty auuea to tn aaa tor rapabdcaooa of all nawa dlapafccbaa oradltad to It or all otherwlaa eradltad la U papar and alao tha local mm pab- uaaaa Kerala. AS rliata of repubUcatioa of ape- eial dispatches herata are al MONDAY, JVXE 8, OREOOX WEATHER . 4 . - Fair; cooler Tuesday; gentle aoath to irest "winds. 1 a ' THOSE FOURTEEN' POINTS Germany Is engaged in her last big propaganda drive. It la veil tor Americana to be on their guard. It la aimed especially at this country, and is designed to save Germany from the (fulfillment of tier war ob ligations by playing dishonestly up on American generosity and sense of fair play. Nearly all the talk is baaed on the same text, the "Fourteen Points." Germany maintains that the peace settlement, which according to the armistice agreement was to be work ad out along the line of the fourteen principles stated by President Wil son, has ignored these principles completely. Germany Is therefore appealing, over the head of the peace conference, to the American people. A recent statement issued to American newspapers by the Ger man cabinet, after a wordy argu ment, concludes as follows: "We demand nothing more than that Americans place the fourteen points opposite the peace terms. We do not believe that anyone in the WorK In charge of the battery de partment of the 13th Division, 17. 8. A., at Camp Lewis dur ing the late war. Now with Barker Ratten cntter at Auto Service Co. And is prepared to handle all kinds of battery work. KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY Quality Fint ' STRAW VOTE TAKEN (Continued from page 1) trot. I Dlmlck. nun hall. Prealnot No. 8, old 'Roue Wlokman building. Precinct No. 7, court house. Precinct No. 8, 716 North Seventh jl P- m street, Ora Hood house. uimicK, grange nan. Krulidal. Ceo. lwli horns, serosa the ibrldge. Oraolte Hill, county home. The poll open at I a. m. and close If you hare anything to tell try a claaniiud m. United States will then have the courage to claim that there can be found in the peace conditions one single trace left of President Wil son's program. . "And here begins America's defi nite duty to step in. America either must put Its fourteen points through or it must declare that It is nnable to do so or that it does not want to do so, so that in no case may the world be led to believe that America desires to have the peace conditions count as President Wilson's fourteen points. 'That is our demand, to which we cling, and we cannot Imagine what argument from the American side would he effective against It." It would seem that if there had never been "fourteen points" peace could have been made months ago. Germany was hopelessly beaten and had the matter been left with Mar shal Foca the Germans would have signed before ever allowing the al lies to reach Berlin; the world re construction program would by this time have been well under way and each nation would have been In a position to devote ' more time to crushing out the Red Terror that is creeping over the world. So much for the 14 points. They have been a stumbling block. D. S BUTTON I Battery ! SOI RECENT SALES BY ISAAC BEST GO. John Van Zante, of Portland, Ore., hag purchased 160 acres of land within nine miles of Grants Pass, from Fannie "B. Richardson, as an investment. T. J. Aiuzzall, of Oak Harbor, Wash., has sold his SO acres' two miles north of town to Adam Gresh aber, or Cortland, Cal. Mr. Gresh aber expects to move his family here shortly to make their (future home. Mrs. Nellie Elliott, of Vancouver, Wash., has purchased the Thomas P. Carmony tract near Murphy, and will move here early in June to make her home. Mrs. Grace B. Ball has recently purchased the Merlin Heights or chard tract consisting of 160 acres from John Van Zante, of Portland, Oregon, there Is 80 acres of this place In cultivation, and good build ings. She will move on to the place next fall. C. I. Leaven good, of 'Lebanon, Ore., has sold his six room house at 300 West C street to Mrs. Lucia May Peterson, who is now occupying the property. CllID Ask the Battery Shop aboutthe still better WUlard with threaded rubber insulation iiSSS;;y'.',: Confidence - Appreciation TO OUR CUSTOMERS AND ' THE BANKING PUBLIC: Our steady growth during the past four years is chest inside. This is where we keep your bonds. In an expression of public confidence and by the service addition to exercising this cure, we have taken out and courtesies which we extend, we hope to merit the, BURGLAR INSURANCE covering our customers' same degree of confidence in the future. Our growth bonds entrusted to our care for safe-keening. Could is indicated by comparison of our total resources on a customer ask for any better protection! the following dates: SAVINGS ACCOUNTS: We encourage thrift May 12th, 1915, $238,979.18 by SAVING. Set aside a portion of your savings May 12th, 1916, $278,632.00 each month and deposit them in our Savings Depart - May 12th, 1917, $334,659.50 ment. Teach your children the value of a Bank ae- May 12th, 1918, $407,565.85 count. Under our State Law, Savings Accounts are May 12th, 1919, (Official Call) $503,681.32 PREFERRED DEPOSITS. Every loan made in our Savings" Department, must be fully and proper- We extend to you every courtesy and accomnio- ly SECURED. In case a State Bank fails under our dation consistent with conservative, yet liberal, Law, Savings Depositors must be paid FIRST. They banking. This means that we are ready to assist and have a FIRST LIEN on the insets. Don't hesitate cooperate with the FARMER, STOCKRAISER, 'to open a Savings Account. You can juld to or draw LUMBERMAN ..BUSINESS MAN and the LA- from your balance any time and the average balance ' BORER. We are prepared and take pleasure in ex- draws interest at the rate of 4 per cent ier annum, tending to our customers and to the public every fa- payable on January and July first of each year. The . cility and courtesy to meet their deserving needs. We interest will be paid to you in cash or credited to , offer our assistance in all public and private enter- your balance. pnses,r ' , ; : CHECKING ACCOUNTS: We invite checking We have vigorously supnorted all Liberty and accounts. Every man and every woman who trans Victory Loans. Our first duty has always been to acts business should have a Hank account and avail OUR COUNTRY. This Bank.ind its customers have themselves of the convenience and protection which always oversubscribed the amounts asked for. In we offer through a cheeking account at this Bank. . the Victory Loan we guaranteed $J7,(KX).00, and have Pav your bills by check. YOUR CANCELLED already paid in FULL for $34,800.00, of the amount CHECK JS EVIDENCE OF PAYMENT. It often guaranteed. On May 12th, the date of our official saves you money and settles disputes between your statemeut call, we had on hand in Government self and your creditors. We offer every convenience Bonds and United States Treasury Certificates, the and facility to meet your needs Whether you are sum of $56,500.00. A portion of our Victory Loan our customer or not we will be glad to assist you in notes have been received and arc ready for delivery, any wayVe can. If we can give you information or advice, we gladly offer our services. We believe in SAFEGUARD YOUR BONDS:- We will be COOPERATION', a SQUARE DEAL and CO U It glad to have you deposit your bonds with us for safe THOUS TREATMENT. Come in and get bi tter ac keeping, for which .jye will make no charge. We will quaintcd. We will treat you right, give you -a receipt, and the bonds will be delivered ... i , , , ' , , when you want them. Following our regular custom Sto.-klioldcrs and Directors represent the of protecting our depositors and customers in every ,,1,,st ,,stilll,1;l1 " Josephine County, way possible, we keep your bonds in our safe where Not being a member of the ' Federal Reserve we keep our ACTUAL CASH. We consider bonds System, we have .established splendid advantages and the same as cash. This gives you the, protection of, facilities (luoiicli correspondent. Banks to meet your a fireproof vault equipped With the only American : needs. These Banks have always had confidence in Bank Protection Company burglar electric alarm our business ability and integrity. They always are y system in JOSEPHINE COUNTY. Inside this vault -ready with assistance when needed. We transact ; Ave have "a TIME LOCK safe with a combination our business with the following strong Bunks: Resources ' ' The National City Bank -of New York $933,000,000 (The largest Bank In America) , -v The Anglo & London Paris National Bank J Sail .... -'Francisco J : ,...,.-...........,. ....$113,000,000.00 (The largest iBank on the Pacific Coaat) 1 ' ' : ( ''''..' ' . , The Bank of California, National Association... $102,000,000.00 (The second largest Bank on the Pacific Coast) ." .The Northwestern ..National Bank of Portland $ 26,000,000.00 ';' (Referred to is' the iriost rapidly growing Bonk In the United States) THE GRANTS PASS BANKING COMPANY -CAPITAL 'AND SURPLUS $60,000.00 'DIRECTORS Claus Schmidt President I. A, Robie ' Vice-President Frank C. J3ramwell Cashier John Hampshire Franklin S. BramweJl 'Max Tifffs George P, Jester Asst. Cashier