r &ATUUAY. JOY gj, 10. - ; PAGB THIUCB Tire Bargains i03 lllb tread .....$10.BS 1K)H lUu trout 912.29 82x3)4 1UI trcud U 80 C. L. HOBART CO. G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work With Grants Pass Classified KOIl HA UK TEAM 9 and 10 yean old, alao bar noat and wagon (or aale. Sell all or part. Call 712 North Eighth or phone ll-li. lilt PRE8BNT OWNBRaii U township plaU ot Josephine county, SOc each. For aale by Josephine Coun ty Abatact Co.i Ulna printing at reasonable rates. S9t( KOIl &AVR-Zf) head fine Jersey cow, (oca Lad Jut eaat ot town On j rjver. Ta tvvi must toe told . Mt onca, Coin and look them oVcr. Addr No, tit r of u Courier. - .. . tm Rnt SAUO AT A SNAPKine 290 acre stock ranch. 80 acre In cul tivation, balance In timber and paature. 14 mllea down the Rogue from Cranta 'Pane. Good terma, . and If a quirk deal can be made, you can v s, real bargain. Ad- arena n. t. d. no. j. bo n. c. P. Cardwell. 98 IF YOU WANT to g an Al atock ranch, or dairy farm, 1 have them. If you want to buy a splendid fur nlnhed homo, at a bargain, see me. If you want a free hommttoad, I have a good one left. K you want an O. & C. homestead, I have sov era). If you want Information about the country, call In and talk It over. K. T. McKlnatry, the realty innn. 603 O sired. "Iltf MORE COCK BUHLS Present lot all gone, new lot roady June 18, 11.50 por dot. Order now. K. HammorbaelX'f. &S ALFALFA HAY In field tor aale. Inqulro W. 8. Tucker nl Mcrhtyre ranch, 3 ',-4 mile from city on up per river road. 82 I'UMPINO OUTFIT -itt h. p. Kalr-banka-Morae enicine and 2-Inch centrifugal pumps good condition, for aula. Inquire Thos. Qroxton, L004 Boat D street. 8S WAVTKII WANTBD Old car, Ford or Chevro let proforcd. Slust be cheap. State price. AddroHS Box 036, Qranta Pass. ' VZ WUAj PAY CASH for murium welKh't car, not older than 1917, Williams Oarago and Cyclory. 80 TIRES Uaed Urea bough and aold Auto Service Co. Phone 3 24-J. op posite Oxford hotel. ZOtf E. L. OALBRAITH, Inaurance, rent al! a specialty. "Acreage, Building and Loan. 809 O afreet, Laufiefa old location. tf HEMSTITCHING and plcotlng at 1U cent yard All work guaran teed. ThevVttn4ty Shop, Medford, Ors. V .. . . 158 EXCURSION' 'RATES ' TO '"COAST OTAttU Paea'to' CTOace'ht' city, 'by efteyrMiniJ okra, br'ir.B0.'Grtfnta Pal bifid' Cr'ea'cenl! City fetaKe" etom-. ny. '-fftone'Se. ;70tt pASTfelTTIlcF AR UA N D dVl engl n'eer 'and ' surveyor. "Residence 74n'Tenlti"atre"t. pnone 211-Y. 155 Von feel different the minute you take It 'a gent)p.'B!bothlng,'warmth fill the sjMtqm. ...It's pleasure to take HofffHtor's ' Rocky Mduntain Tea. "Helps puiify the blood,' drives nut the gepns of Wlnter.'.'gsts you , hustling,, bustling, full of life and nnergy. - 85n. Tea or Tablets.. "Sa bin's Drug Store. JAdv. 1 Letter" heads that will please you at "the Courier. " ' V Hardware Co. Advertising LOST IX)8T Hot ween Karner's aawmlll and Oranta Vasa. One Presto tank. Finder pleaae leave at 112 West C atro and receive re ward, nay Stevenson. L 83 TAXI DAILY JITNEY to BelmaT Kerby and Waldo. Leaves Cranta Piuis dally at 9:30 a. m. Everett Uogue, phone 317. 317 USE TI IE" Will If ETiN in TX rfa prompt atyvlce. City and country trips. Safety first. Call Grants Pass Hotel, phone 896. Residence ahOM2Q-R. W 0, While. 81 Sl'A TAXI Two machiires at your service at any hour. Phone 262-R when In a hurry for a car. 48tf LODGES h.MUliTa and Ladle of tiecuruy Conjcll meets second and fourth Friday's In W. O. W. hall. .43tf OKNTISTH E. C. MACY. O. M. U. K1rl-lasi dentistry 109 H 8outb 8lit street. Grants Pass, Oregon. C. B. JAvKSON. D. M. D., auccesor to Dr. Rert Elliott. Over Golden Rule Store. ' Phone 6'. Residence phone 153-J. VHYMICIA.NN C"67CLE MENt, m7" DP racTi limited to diseases or the bye, noso and throat. Glates Btt 0(Dc hmirs 9-12, 2-5. or on ar pnlntmeni. Office phone 82, ri' dence phnpe 3S9-J.' 8LU tlUHKIUOK. U. U.. Pbyaivia and surgeon. City or country call attended day or night. Resident phone o8ce phone I1 BUth anil H. Tuffs Bldg. A. a. WITHAM, M. D. Interna medicine and nervous diseases 08 Corbntt Bldg.. Portland. Or Hours 10 to 12 a. m.: 2 to 4 p. m FREDERICK "l7 8TRICKERmTdT, Rooms 5 and 7 Masonlo Building. Office liotirs, 9-12 a. m.; 2-5 p. ra. Phone: Office 18-R; Re. 18-Y. HST'w. T. topk1ns7tT. Rooms 1 and 2 Schmidt Bldg. Trortts all diseases. Hours 9-12 a. m.; 1-5 p. m. Phone 304-R. tf VKTKItlNAHV Hi'KdKON UK. k. j. BESTUU Veurlnan.r Omce, residence. Phone 105-R . t'KLUCTlUOAIi WORK Eft:ECTrac'mTOOnTnfBne 'electrical work, repairing, house wltlng. C. C. Harper, 815 North 'Sixth street, phone 47. tf (JENERIAL ELECTRICAL WORK Motors installed and repaired, bouse wiring and electrlo Irons re paired. ; Phone 88 or call at 606 H street..' Jos A. Polley. - '89 DRAYAGK AND TKANHf b.H COMMBRCIAL TRANSFER CO. a' kTnd of drmyage and transr work 'oareTnlly and promptly don Pbons 181-J. Btaed at rrelgr depot. A. Shade, Prop. TWB WrORurTMOVEa; so do T Btmct Bros. Tranater Co. Phon 897-R. t. Q. ISUAM, drayaga and iraoi safes, ilaaos and furnltur moved, packed, shipped and slot td. Qfttce phone 124-Y. Resi Uenoe phone, 184-R. CHICHESTER S PILLS W 1IIR DIAMOND HDaNU. a ILLK. lor tf. yMtH kitown n ftctt, Bildit, Alwiyv RilttMi .7.S ! A.b jour Ur.la for . fn 'lil.hH-)wallaaionrTlradA biaWS I'm lu HrS nd Uola DidillltWfV "ix loin, MM wllh Dlu RHJma. fj V-3 'rie a tht,r. IIiit of jronr v JT UIAJHNI l-IIANU H 7llll)chi!rclK$ Pint Church of Christ Sciential Christian 84ence services are held very Sunday, In the W. O. W. hall, at 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meet ings at 8 o'clock. The subject for Sunday Is, 'Undent and Coders Ne cromancy." . Reading room la open from 2 to 4 p. m. daily except Sundays and holidays. The public Is cordially In vited to attend the services and to visit the reading room. IlajtlUt (Imrrh Dlble school at 10, R. K. Hackett, superintendent. Claases and teach ers for all ages and sizes. Morning service at 11, sermon on "Treasure in Earthen Vessels." Anthem by the choir. A cordial invitation to all. C. M. Cline, preacher. fit. Luke's K(lonpal Church Evening prayer and sermooat 8 o'clock. Rev. P. K. Hammond, of Ashland, vicar in charge. Members are urged to attend and visitors and stranger most welcome. Salvation Army 413 O Street At 11 a. m., "Sanctlflcatlon In De mobilization." At 2 p. m., Bible school for all ages. At . m.. Y. P. L., leaders, Master Hoy McFarland, Ensign Strautln. iAt 8 p. m. special message. Service men are welcome. J. E. Strautln. Ensign. Vc-man M. K. Church Morning preaching service at 11 Faith." Anthem by the choir. Solo a. m., sermon topic, "Give Them a by A. K. Cass. No nrshlnc service Sunday evening on accnt of Chau tauqua, but Epwqrth League it 7 s. m., as usual. Sunday school at JO a. m. A cordial welnoma fn all Melville T, Wire, pastd'r. Church of ChrlNt Children's day will be observed In the IDiible school with & program be ginning at 9:45. Communion at 11 followed by sermon. "Intermittent Christianity." There -will be no evening service on account of Chau tauqua. Chas. R, Drake, minister. The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD Effective Nov. 19, 1918. Trains will run Tuesday, Thursday nd Saturday Leave Granta Pass .....1 P. M. Arrive Waters Creek 2 P. M. Leave Waters Creek.. 3 P. M. Arrive Grants Pass. 4 P. M. For Information regarding freight and passenger rates call at the office of the company. Lundburg building, or telephone 181. MEDFORD, OREGON We specialize in diseases of Woman, the Stomach and Nutcitional Disorders Gardening Made Easy Too ifin want to cultivate a good garden this year nearly everybody ttlll 4o reduce the cost ot existence. It is the sensible ay Ho relldve th strain of higli. prices. , ; . . k ' : i The Latest in Garden Implements ' , We have a full line ot the latest Improved Implements. They make 'practical gardening a real pleasure instead ot the hardship ithe old, tools and methods entalted. ' i , . .. JEWELL HARDWARE CO. ' We do fine shoe repairing UnAWffUl tltou Ov m. mm mt - - UNITED BTIATB RAILROAD AD M INISTRATIOX, DIRECTOR OBNERAL OF RAILROADS, BOUTirERN- PACIFIC RAILROAD LINES NORTH OF ASHLAND. v Train Schedule Change Sunday, June 1 Train 63 lv. Grants Pass 242 p. m. . Instead of 2:50 p. m. Train 13 lv. Cranta Pans 8:22 . m. instead of 8:07 a. m. Train 14 lv. Oranta Paae 9:00 a. m. Instead ot 8:47 . tn. Train 84 lv. Oranta Pass 6:15 p. m. Instead of 6:30 p. m. Ask local agent for particular and folders JOHN H. SCOTT General Passenger (Agent MKOFOKD SANITARIUM Many, many women go through life Buffering from diseases peculiar to their sex, when It Is possible to have relief by the proper care and attention. It Is only In Institution equipped especially (or the Intrud ing or sucn aiseases, wbere relief can be secured. At your very door you have the Medford Sanitarium which Is thus equipped. 78tf Dull, lifeless eyes, colorless lips, sallow, yellow cheeks, give a girl little chance for a "man" these days. Don't lose heart. Iiint taka TTniii. fter's Rocky Mountain Tea helps to ' you attractive and fair. Don't delay, begin today. Sabin's Drug Store Adv. "See 'Gets-It Peel OHThisCorn." leaves. The Toe as Smooth u the Palm of Your Hand. iL 7 "L "ot L neTr Irritates Uis Heh. never makes your toe sora. Ju.t two drops of 4iu-It" and presto! th corn-patn vanish?" fchortly you can peef the corn right tf, WaadWid to Sa "Cat Px Off Cora off. with your flnsrer and there you are pain-free and happy, with the toe as amooth and corn-free as your palm. "Gets-It" Is the only safe v way In the world to treat a corn or eallua. It's the sure way the way that never falls. It is tried and true used by millions every year. It always work "Gets-It" makea cut tins and digging at a corn and fuss ing; with bandages, salves or any thing, elae entirely unnecessary. T,ets-It," the guaranteed, money back corn-remover, theonly sure way, costs but a trllte at any drug; store. M'Cd by E. Lawrence ACo.Chlcago. IU, Sold in Granta Pass by Geonjo O Sabln . Varnished Surface Make Housework Easier When your floors begin to look shabby, and the irom spots show up on the stes. your work of keeping them clean Is almost doubled. Your housework will be made much easier tf yon have them refinlshed with , . fiCME QUALITY VARNOTILE (FLOOR VARNISH) msxle especially for floors. It wears well, does not scratch or mar white, and to the Ideal finish for floors, steps, hallways, and Interior woodwork of all kinds -There Is a special Acme Quality Varnish for every surface. Ten us what surface needs varnishing, end we will assure your getting the material that will give you tho best results. Rogue River Hardware Company "SERVICE" (OUR MIDDLE NAME) Expert Auto Repairing Tires and Accessories ' Car Washing and Simonizing COLLINS AUTO COMPANY 11THEN you have a bilious attack your liver fails If to perform its functions. You become con- , ttipated. The food you eat ferments in your stomach instead of digesting. This inflame the stomach and causes nausea, vomiting and a terrible headache. Take Chamberlain's Tablets. They will tone up your liver, clean out your stomach and you will soon be as well as ever. There is nothing better. mm m k. w, -m a i jm mm i w -m. No beard can resist the smooth, clean fl cut work ot the uem uamaskeene Razor. You don't risk your face when you shave with a Gem Damaskeene. It won its reputation by its constant use by clean-shaven and well groomed men. We tell the complete Gem Damaskeene Razor outfit for $L The outfit includes the razor, seven Gem Damaskeene Blades, shaving and stropping handler-all in a hand some leather case. Cemt in and get your Cim to-day t ' Sabin The Druggist Use rerelaa Pecret for tho Hands and Pace 11 I ' , &S V : UQm., atfreldbes at tha 'c6t!rler Officio. SOI 0 BY UALGQI3TS EVEinWHTRF