TtUtlWDAY, MAT 2. iOl. Tire Bargains 80x lUb tread ...l......l. ..;.'....$I0.85 IMH lUb tread ...-..... ....ia.2i ax)4 lUb tread ...... ...,.....;...........$H.80 C. L. HOBART CO. G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas . Work With Grants Pass Hardware Co. Classified Advertising hill HAUi I l..M mid ID yoart ulil, also bar nuc nail war.nn (or suit). Hell all ir uri, Col! 712 North Kltljlb or phone ll-l.. 2 8t( i'IcKSKNT OWXKH81IIP township ulsts of Josephine countr. 60c finch. Kur tale by Josephine Coun ty Abu trad Co. Illua printing al reasonable rate. 39tf t-'OU 8Ai.E-8trlctiy fancy alfalfa - seed, sweet clover and other grass seeds. Nltro Cultures. Ralph Wuldo Klden, Medford. 80 KKSA1.B We have bollera, en Klnoa and aaw mill machinery, etc. OltEGON MACHINERY CO., Bu gene. Oregon. S KM SALK 30 bead fine Jersey cow i. located Jiiat east of town on 'Ivor. Theme cows must be sold at once. Come and look them over. Address No. 930 nre of Courier. 71tt Wtt. 8AIJC AT A SNAP Fine" 8 90 ucre stork ranch. 80 acres In cul tivation, .balance In timber and . pasture, 14 miles down the Rogue from Crants Pass. Good terms, and If a quick deal ean be made, 1 you can get a real .bargain. Ad dress R. T. D. No. I, Box 78. C. V. Card well. -98 IK YOU WANT to get an A1 stock ranch, or dairy farm, I have them. If you want to buy a splendid fur nlHbed home, at a bargain, see me. If you want a free homestead, 1 luivo a kiioiI one left. If you want an O. & O. homestead, I have. sev eral. If you want Information about the country, call In and talk It over. JC. T. McKlnstry the realty mnn, 603 O street. 7rtf MORS . XKJKBIlfcL& Present lot all gone, new lot ready June 18, II. HO per dox. Order now. K. Hammerbacher. " --9! TOR 8.U.E Alfalfa hay, 1 V4 miles below town. Well cured, $20 per ton. J. U Davis. R. P. I). No. 2. Box 11-B. 80 AJ-FAIiPA If AY In field for sale. Inquire W. 8. Tucker at Mclntyre ranch, 3 H miles front city on up per river road. 82 BUY YOUtt 8IJAB WOOD NOW at the low price and avoid the rush whloh always oomes later in the Mason. (Phone 365-J or 187-J. 80 TO RKNT FURNISH1BD 5 -room cottage for rent. Mrs. 3. P. Jester, 21B C street, phone 168-R. 84 WANTED WANTEJD Old car, Ford or Chevro ' let prefered. (Must be cheap. State -price. Addreas Box 636, Grants Pass. 88 FOUND FOUND Masonic watoh oharm. Owner can secure it at Courier of fice. 80 MISCELLANEOUS TIKES Used tires bonght and sold Auto Service Co. Phone 834-J, op posite Oxford hotel. !0tf B. It. OALBRAITH, Insurance, rent alt a specialty. Acreage, Building and Loans. 609 O street, Launer's . old location. tf HEMSTITCHING and plcottng at 10 cents a yard AH work guaran teed. The Vanity 8hop, Medford, Ore. 8 EXCURSION RATB3 TO COAST Grants 'Pass to Crescent City, by easy riding cars, for 7.50. Grants Pass and Crescent City Stage com pany. Phone 26. 70tt ENGINEERS oTviT" CIVIL DANIEL, MoFAiRLAND, civil engi neer and surveyor. Residence 740 Tenth street, phone 211-Y. 15 umr IjOHT lletweeu Karnvr's sawmill and Cirunls I'bhs. Ono t'resto tii nk. Finder please leuve at 112 m si i; sireoi ami receive re ward, ltay Eleveusun. 83 TAXI DAILY JITMCy to Si-Una. Koruy mi,. Waldo. Leaves (Irani Va dallj at 9:30 a. in. Kvntitt llotfiie. phone 317. 3 1 (!8K " Tl 1 K "W HIT IS 1.1 NK" T A X I To. prompt service. City and coimr.. ', trips. Safety first. Call Grants Pass Hotel, phone 396. Residence phone 320-R. W. 0. While. 83 $PA TAXI TwoiichlneaTiryoifi sorvlce at any hour. Phono 262-11 when in a hurry for a car. 48U LOlKaKS ivMUHTS ud ladles of Security Council meets second and fourth Friday's In W. O. W. hall. 48tf HKNTIHTH E. C. MACY, D. M. t). First-"! dentistry. 109H 8outh 8l street. Grants Pass, Oregon C. E. JACKSON. D. M. D.7auccessor to Dr. Bert Elliott. Over Golden Rule Store. Phone 6. Residence phone 15 3-J. PHYSICIAN L71b".CO:ME"NT.i."bpra7tT. limited to diseases of the tye. note and throat. Glasses flt'" OB re hours 9-15. 2-5. or on si polntment. Office phone 62. rt deoce phone 8&9-J. 1 LOl'UHRIOOIC. U. U.. Pbyslr ' and surgeon. City or country rsl attended day or night. Rrsldoo phone 969; office phone I Sixth and H. Tuffs Bid A. A. WITHAM. M. l. Inlerm medicine and nervous dlsoane 901 Corbutt BIdg.," Portland, "nn Hours 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 p. m frIjdbrkT)." strIcjcerTmTd.". Rooms 5 and 7 Masonic Building Office hours, 9-11 a. m.; 2-5 p. m. Phones: Office 18-R; Res. 18-Y. DR. W. t. TOMPK1N87TC f, Rooms 1 and 1 Schmidt Bldg. Treats all diseases. Hours 9-12 a. m.: 1-5 p. m. Phone 804-R. tf VCTKKINABY St'ltflKON DR. R. J. BESTUU Veterinary Office, residence. Phone S05-R im.tYAMK AMI TRANS Mi - OOMMERCIAL .TRANSFE'iT CO. kinds of drayage and transf work carefully and promptly don Phone 181-J. SUnd at fre'.gl depot. A. Shade, Prop. THE WORLD Bunch Bros. 897-R. . MOVES; Transfer do w ' Phon F. U. 1SHAM, drayage and transte Safes, llanos and furnltur moved, packed, shipped and stoi ed. Office phone 124-Y. Roal dence phone, 124-R. ELECTRIOAL WORK - ELECTRIC" WIRINO and general electrical work, repairing, . house wiring. C. C. Harper, 215 North Sixth street, phone. 47. tf GENE RIAL ELECTRICAL WORK Motors - installed and repaired, house wiring and electric Irons re paired. Phone 38 or call at 606 H street. Jo A. Polley. - 89 anaoHANics' tests Salem, May 29. The new board of Automobile mechanics examiners will hoJd teste at Portland, La Grande, AMorla, Klamath Falls and Eugene at least every two months upon applications lor licenses. nmmmnt j Would You Efconomlze? Then Ibuy letter paper1 ream;" 500 sheets tor tl. office. "' WS !,M ill, I f m il? k ( ' t HJ -1 : ! t.,..r.r. . . ... l .XHli!!!hN''ft tContlnued from page 1) -r-:. :if.!!;iii i ! rr.. &ym WW?.--- Qatrniai isitbr - U.M. ihh TUmi Oa, TALK about smokes, Prince Albert is geared to a iovhandout that just lavishes smokehappiness on every man game enough to make a bee line for a tidy red tin and a jimmy pipe old or new! Get it straight that what Ee , - ivvu 1V1 Hi ipe or cigarette makin's smokes youH find aplenty i P. A. That's because P. A. has the quality I You can't any more make Prince Albert bite your tongue or parch your throat than you can make a horse dnnk when he s off the water! Bite and parch are cut out by our exclusive patented process 1 You just lay back like a regular fellow and puff to beat the cards and wonder why in samhill you didn't nail a section in the P. A. smokepasture longer than you care to remember back! Mrrl h, hwm, pound and Half povtd to, hZuon-j , moUt.n.r top that k,pm th. roiacco in ch perfect conditio. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem, N. C 1 TO BE PASSED MAY31 Grants Pass, Oregon, May 24th, 1919. To the Landowners Under the Grar Ity Ditch Survey: A special meeting of the members of the Gravity District Improvement company will be hold In the Chamber of Commerce rooms, Grants Pass, Oregon, on Saturday, May 31st, 1919 at 1 o'clock id the afternoon, for the purposo of ronsUlerlns and acting upon a proposition submitted by The Irrigation and Power Company for the Immediate construction of tbe gravity ditch. The need for Irrigation Is great and Immediate, and the board of di rectors Is considering the proposi tion which should meet with the Instant approval of overy landowner who knows the necessity of Irriga tion. Undef this proposition pay ment for the water does not iberome due until after crops are harvested, annually. Construction of the ditch will be started as soon as necessary contracts are sinned and pushed to completion. A more favorolblo opportunity to secure irrigation has never been of fered you, and your board of -directors earnestly ask that every land owner desiring- irrigation, come to the meeting prepared to act Immedi ately, whether you 'are now a mem ber or not. ' Very truly yours, , . BOAUD OIF DIRECTORS, By K. Hammerbacher. 80 Secretary. KINGSBVIUJ ANTICIPATES FINANCIAL KMBAUASSMRNT '.Washington, , May . 29.-rJI. C. Kingsbury, vice .president of tbe Bell Telephone company, has urged the senate interstate commerce commit tee to enaot 'permanent legislation validating the present inoreased telephone rates and placing the tele phone systems under federal regula tion to prevent financial em harass ment wjien they are returned to pri vate ownership. . . The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company . TIME CARD ' Effective Nov. 19, 1918. V TralnB will run Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Leave Grants Pass...... Arrive Waters Creek.. Leave Waters Creek.... Arrive Grants Pass.... ...1 ,...2 ....3 ...4 For information regarding freight by" 'therand passenger rates call at the office Courier of the company, Lundburg building, 41tf'or telephone 131. "SERVICE". (OUR MIDDLE NAME) Expert Auto Repairing Tires and Accessories Car Washing and Simonizing - : ' ' ? COLLINS AUTO COMPANY Seeing Believing Factory Demonstration BY Q. M. ROSS AND R. A. FREEMAN Both Factory Men v Is Let us show you why a Royal has stood head and shoulders above all other Electric Cleaners in inde pendent tests, . . . TVhv the Roval erets All the dirt thnts in the carpet as well as on it threads aud lint as well as all other dirt, and how it cleans without . wearing your rug or., injur-; iiijj the nap. How thoroughly the Royal and its attachments will clean your house from cellar to attic. ROYAL - . Cleans by air ALONE. t . ' -iNeeas no oinsn nor me chanical assistance. Runs easily at a touch of your finger and .actually pays for itself in the increased life given to your rugs, and don't overlook the saving of your energy and the shortening of household work ing horn's. Let us demonstrate in your own home. ,. PHONE US. Make an appointment; we. will demonstrate the cleaner to you in your own home. No obligation to buy. : . , ;"; . - , Sold on Easy Payments. : For Two Days Only Beginning Thursday, May 29th Mr. Ross and Mr. Freeman will demonstrate in Grants PassPhone 108-J and either of these men will call and demonstrate the ROYAL CLEANER. Paul Electric Store MEDFORD, OREGON at par, Instead of at 85 to 90 cents on the dollar as has been tbe cus tom In the paet. Be sure to give tbe farmers a boost by carting your bal lot for this measure. The five million dollar reconstruc tion bonding "amendment" merely makes the $5,000,000 reconstruction bondln? "bill" legal if the latter is approved by the voters. Vote yes. The lieutenant governor amend ment creates a new office with a 1400 a year salary. The lieutenant governor thus elected would be come governor In case of the gover nors' death.' While most states have such a law, arguments are put forth that siK-h an office would not draw out candidates of gubernatorial cal ibre. Under the present Oregon law the secretary of state becomes gov ernor upon the governor's demise. Such an office does not appear to be a necessity. ! " The ooevelt 'highway measure should be supported. It provides a state appropriation of $2,500,000 contingent npon the appropriation by the United States government of a like amount lor constructing a military highway from Astoria south j line. Such a road would make a' great undeveloped country sex-ens-1 awe and bring millions of dollars of taxes to the state's treasury. Vote for it. Tbe reconstruction bonding bill provides that the state be bonded for $5,000,000. About $3,000,000 of this amount would be used for need ed state (buildings and about $2, 000,000 to promote land settlement, to develop reclamation projects and to provide for the settlement there on of honorably discharged soldiers. sailors and marines. It is a pro gressive measure for the upbuilding of the state and might prove a safe guard against a possible surplus of labor emergency. It is a step for ward, in that it provides for better educational facilities and will make a place for .those returning soldiers who want to own farm of their own. If Oregonians want to. keep pace with Washington and Califor nia they ahould cast their ballot for this measure. The soldiers', sailors' and ma rines' educational bill is purely a state affair to help the boys return ing from overseas to finish their education. Should it become a law, any Oregon soldier may attend any institution of learning, poblle or private, in Oregon and bave their expenses, not to exceed $200 a year, paid by the state, and for a term not to exceed four years. , The two tenths of 1 mill tax provided iv this bill amounts to about 20 cents per i,000 valuation and is Blight re cognition of the service offered by the etudent-eoldler. Oregon will do well to educate bet young soldiers. The market roads tax bill is some thing thatwill ,be a direct benefH to the farmers and should receive an overwhelming vote. It provides for a one mill tax on all taxable proper ty, such road construction to be un der the supervision of the county courts. The tax la small, and good market roads are one of tbe tnoet pressing needs of the day. Such coun ties as Josephine will greatly bene fit should the measure pass. Be ure tp vote for the market roads tax bill. - II Daily Health Tal, URIC ACID IN THE SYSTEM BT LBB H. SMITH, M.D. : Uric acid is now generally recogui:-' as tbe cause of more diseases than woe heretofore believed. When the kidneys are oat ef order nrie acid, accumulates within tbe body in super abundance. The disordered kidneys do not filter the poisons oat of the blood, as they ongbt to do, and so the poisons remain in the blood and float around until they find a place to lodge, in form of urate salts. Tbe thing to remember is that yon may have rheumatism in any part of the body yon may have pains anywhere your back may ache and your bead may be diizy - - but tbe trouble is not where the pain appears. The trouble is in the kidneys, and what is the first thing to do T You must get that excess nrio acid out of your system, which can be done by taking Anuria Tablets, tbe splendid remedy which Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y has pnt on sale in tbe drag stores at a low price. Anuria Tablets (mads double strength), when taken into tbe system as medicine, have tbe peculiar power of dissolving tbe nrio acid de posited there. .Drop a bit of sugar or salt into hot water, and it will dis appear. In precisely the same way do these Anuria Tablets dissolve nrie acid. Of course, after ridding the system of nrio acid, it may return again unless yon eat the right foods and live ths right kind of life, but Dr. Pierce will advise yon fully on proper food and correct living if yon write and ask him. -; He makes no charge for suoh advice. Take Anurio Tablets to-day, by all means, and get that uric acid out of your system. Don't, don't, don't, put the matter off. . SQUEEGEE TREAD E Europeans .marvel at'. American Corporations All Europe realizes now than American business men, turned soldiers, simply ap plied methods of American business to war-winning. No wonder that now , Foreign Nations " marvel at American corporations not only at their efficient ' big scale methods, but their economies. Justly for American business men scrutinize every penny. When they buy tires, they study , -values and compare prices. Corporations all over the country are concentrating on Dia monds the people in this town who buy tires thoughtfully, calculat ingly, are buying Dia- monds. ' . For Diamonds are giv ing thousands of extra mUes-at LESS THAN AVERAGE COST. Let us present some com parative figures to you. Grants Pass Hardware Co. ' 1A toss' i