- J OKA .ITS PASS DAILY OOVRIER Tl'HHlMX MAY 27, J 010. PAGH THRSa G. B BERRY Harness and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work With Grants Pass Tire Bargains :i3 iiib trout .'. $io.a iM)3H lUb treiMl '. $12.25 8S34 lUb twul ...$14 S0 C. L. HOBART CO. Classified rXH MAL.K TKAM and 10 xeare olJ, also har nni nd wnr.ou lor sale. 8li all or part. Call 7 1 2 North Elhth or phone li-L. 8tf PRESKNt" OWNEllBlUr township plats of Josephlns county, 50o each. For ssle by Josephine Coun ty Abstract Co. Blue printing at reasonable rati. J1 v-OR SAJ,KStrietiy fancy aUelfa seed, eweel clover and other graia seeds. Nltro Culture. Ralph Waldo Elden, Medford. 80 FOR SALE We have boilers, en gines and saw mill machinery, etc. OREGON MACHINERY CO.. Eu gene, Oregon. TOR 8AJ: SO head fine Jersey cows, located Just east of town oa Iver. These cows must be sold t once. Come and look them over. Address No. S3 6 re of Courier. 7 ltt FOR 8AIB AT A SNAP Fine 20 acre stock ranch. SO acres In cul tivation, balance In timber and posture, 14 miles down the Rogue from Orants Para. Good terms, and If a quick deal can be made, you can get a. real bargain. Ad dress R. F. D. No. 2. Box 7. C. P. Cardwell. 88 FOR SA-UC First crop alfalfa hay, now ready. Ft. Vanoy Orchards, C08-F-12. 79 FOR 8ALESlx end eight Inch gal vanized Irrigation pipe cheap. Ft. Vanoy Orchnrds, C06-F-12. 78 IF VOl' WANT to rim an Al stock rnh, or dairy farm, I have them. If you want to buy a splendid fur nlHlicd home, al a bnrgaln, see me. If you want a tree honxwteacl, I have a good one left. If you wunt an 0.(& C. homestead, I have sev eral. If you want Information fthout the country, call In and talk it over. E. T. McklnKtry, the malty man, COS G street. 7Stf WORE COCKEiRELS Present lot all gone, new lot ready June 18, tl.r0 per doz. . Order now. K. Hammerbacher. 82 FOR 8Ail,E lAlfalfa hay, 1 miles .below town. Well cured, $20 per ton. J. I,. Davis, R. F. D. No. 2, Box 11-B. 80 ALFALFA HAY In field tor salo. Inquire W. S. Tucker at Mclntyre ranch, iVt miles from city on up- per river road. 82 MISCELLANEOUS TIRES Used tires bought and sold Auto Service Co. Phone 824-J, op posite Oxford hotel. 20tf E. L. QALBRAITH, Insurance, rent als a specialty. Acreage, Building and Loans, 608 O street, Launer's old location. tt HEMSTITCHING and plcotlng at 10 cents a yard All work guaran teed. The Vanity Shop, Medford, Ore, 152 EXCURSION RATES TO COAST Grants Pass to Crescent City, by easy riding cars, for $7.50. Grants Puss and Crescent City Stage com , pany. Phone 26. 70tf FOR BRICK AND". CEMENT WORK and all kinds of masonry "' con struction, see W. L. Hart, Grants ; Pass. 78 CIVIL UNG1NKEIW DANIEL McFARLAND,, civil engi- , neer and surveyor. nentdenre 740 Tnth t.rt. p'mne I11-Y, r,5 Hardware' Co. Advertising i TAXI DAILY JITNEY to Selma,' Kerby and Waldo. Leaves Grants Pass dally at 9:80 a. ni. Everett Hogue, phone 117. 317 USE THE WHITE LINE TAXI for prompt service. City and countr trip. Safety first. Call Grants Poms Hotel, phone 896. Residence phone 320-R. W. O. White. 83 SpTT TAXI'wb machines at "your service at any hour. Phone 262-R when in a hurry for a car. 48tf LODGES KNIUUTd and Ladles o( Security Council meets second and fourth Friday's In W. O. W. ball. 43tf ' DENTISTS E. "c. M ACY,D."m7IX First-la ' dentistry. 10H South Slxt street. Grants Pass, Oregon.' C E. JACKSON, D. M. D.. successor to Dr. Bert Elliott. Over Golden Rule Store. Phone 6. Residence phone 15 8-J. ' ' PHYSICIANS. U" "6. "CLEMENT,!. b' PractTc limited to diseases of the eye, est nose and throat. Glasses turf Office hours 9-12, 2-5, or on si , polntment. Office phone 62. ri dence phone 869-J. 8. LOCGIIKIDGK. M. D.. Posioi and surgeon. City nr country ?' attended day nr nlftht. Reslden phone 869; office phone Is 1 Blxth and H. Tuffs Bids AaT'wiTHAM". MTbTnterna tnodtdtie and nervous diauaimv SOS Corbett Bldg.. Portland. Or Hours 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 p. m FREDERICK 1). 8TRIOKER. M. D., Rooms 5 and 7 Masonic Building. Office hours, 9-12 a. m.; 2-5 p. m. Phones: Office 18-R; Ree. 18-Y. DR. W. T. TOMPKINS, S. T. Rooms 1 and 2 Schmidt Bldg. Treats all diseases. Hours 9-12 a. m.; 1-5 p. m. Phone 304-R. tf VKTKIUNAKV KI'lt'Jr.ON DR. K. J. BESTUL, Veterlnaru. Office, residence. Phone 305-R DKAYAUK AND TKAMhto.it COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO7" kinds of drayage and transr work carefully and promptly don Phone l8l-J. Stand at freid depot. A. 8hade, Prop. THE WORLD MOVES; so do w. Bunch Bros.' Transfer Co. Phon . 887-R. F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfei Bafes, llanos and furnltur moved, packed, shipped and stoi ed. Office ' phone 124-Y. Resi dence phone, 124-R ELECTIUCIL WORK ETECTEIC WI RTNG" and "gSheral electrical work, repairing, , house wiring. -C. O. Harper, SIS North Sixth street, phone 47. N tt GMNEffiAL" ELKCTHrCXLT WOTTK Motors Installed and repaired, house wiring and electric Irons re paired. Phone 38 or call at 600 II street. Joe A. Polley. 88 AMM wSNT'lSDBl'drf or73 6 0 0sqTftTot two coat outside .work. For par ticulars Inquire of Hugo School Board, Hugo, Ore. 79 to ity.i ifUK Klvl Oue a-room lurnisueU cottage at the corner of Sixth and A streets. Inquire at Roper's tailor Ohop or. phone 608-F-14. 71 PROFESSIONALS LOSE BY BUNCH OF You'll have to admit that as ball players the Merchants are pretty good business men. They do their coring early. IasI evening they repeated the performance, winning from the Professional Men's team 5 to S, having made four of the five In the flntt Inning. Adair started the session with a good two base hit. Rlggs and Ting- ley wore safe when Op tain Gene Coburn and his partners fumbled. Those two errors lost the game for Captain Oene. Gllmore struck out; lio&rss hit safely; Bratton out on a foul to Gale Smith; Ievlor and Hough were safe on scratch, hits; Vernon Coburn out, Patterson to Gene. Four hits, two errors, four runs. The Merchants scored attain In the socond Inning, iwhen Rlges came In on his hit, followed, by two errors. Then the Professional tightened up, and no Merchant was allowed as far an socond base during the last five Innings. The Professional team scored once 1n the third Inning. Gale Smith hit one over Hough In right field for three bases, and then scored on Two MiTrluuit Oohmm! the I'nn on llKmmi'rlMU'hrr'a Hit In the Fifth Gene Coburn's sacrifice fly. In ihv fifth, nfter two were out, Gule Smith walked; Gene Coburn was nafj on vdjir'e irror; Hamuierbarher .ent one throiiKh second that scored both runners. The nll having been thrown towards home in an effort to Daily Health Talks GOING BACK TO NATURE. BY DR. W. LCCAS. ' , , People get lick because they go away from Nature, and the onlv wav to ml well is to go back. Something grows out 01 we grouna in tne lorni 01 vegetation to care almost every ill. Some of these vegetable growths are onderstood by man, and some are not. Animals, it would seem, know what to do when they ana sick . better than men and women.' Observers have noted that a sick horse, dog or cat will stop eating food and seek out some vegetable growth in the field or yard, which, when found and eaten, often restores appetite and health. Haven't you seen these animals do this very thing yourself T Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., long since fonnd the herbs and roots pro Tided by Nature to overcome constipa tion, and ha bad these vegetables col lected and made op of Mayapple, leaves of Aloe, root of Jalap, into little white sugar-coated pills, that he called Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Yon must understand that when your intestines are stopped np, poisons and decayed matter are imprisoned in yonr system, and these are carried by the blooa throughout yonr body. Thus does yonr bead ache, you get disxy, yon can't sleep, your skin may break out, yonr appetite declines, yon get tired and despondent. As a matter of fact, you may get sick all over. Don't you see how useless all this suffering isf All that is often needed is a few of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, which be has placed in all drag stores for yonr convenience and health. Try them by all means. They are probably the very thing you need right now. The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD .1 Effective toov. 19,1918. Trains will run Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Leave Grants Pass ........1 P M. Arrive Waters Creek..........2 P. M, Leave Waters Creek..........3 P. .VI. Arrive Grants Pass. 4 P. M, .For information regarding freight and passenger rates call at the office of the company, Lundburg building, or telephone 181. bead off Coburn, Hammerbacher at tempted to take second, but was caught, retiring the side. The, Pro fessionals tried dewperstely to tie the score 4n the sixth, three men getting on 'bases, trut the Merchants turned them back with some classy playing. There were a number of interest ing features In this same. In the Ixth, Plttinger, Hammerbacher, Co- burn made a double ulav en Hoiia-h and Vernon Coburn. Likewise Oil- more and Bearss retired Bradford and PHtlngnr on a double play In the lust of the sixth. On one occasion Beams jumped three feet In the air to capture a throw from Bratton. but came down with the putout. Stott hit a hot one to Bratton, who failed to handle H; the hall caromed to ward Tingler who made the wlav. getting Stott at first. Adair litt a good twoJbagger in the seventh, bui as he hustled for second failed to touch first base. The ball was re layed bock to first, and Charlie was shorn of his hit and sent to the side line. The next game will be Profeeslon- al Men vs. Mechanics, Tuesday, June Srd. e AB R H A E Merchant 28 6 6 8 2 Professionals 25 3 6 7 4 If you have snvthlr.i tn un n a classified ad. Eczema Wash A Inurh of T. I). IX to any enema m or nrhiDic eruption wdrntril tie abla to ml mod erp once rout. Think Ju.t touchl I it worth trytnki Get trial bottle today. tie. Mc and tIJM. lw tmnorm tact U the Ant botUe docs not rebera you. B. ED. B M. Clemens, Druggist ' The x - -' --r'i much tobacco as in the tin. iJfe ' also packed in tke 3rrr-iv. J c as heretofore. LA rJWKeat straw the lightest. tW V U I neat, fanes, atrongeat cigarette paper m all ' 1 r " , VX' ' Jr X . the world. RoU a Tuxedo cigarette with I : LA CROIX paper. I JT 1 Finest Burley 1 obacco ' rc llj 'y . Mellow-aged till perfect- (fS "7 plus a dash of Chocolate 'ivll ? J "SERVICE" ! (OUR MIDDLE NAME) I Expert Auto Repairing , ,T'ue and Accessories I Car Washing and Simonizing ! COLLINS AUTO COMPANY tli'Xf " " V-N Crown":. fa! HVr7r7 Th-Jfcy hT ta proved by ha J flflfHVv1'1 performance. Look fee Jl Jn'iwilk'' ,, ' " Red Crewn sign I ' V-TT t A 1 ' J ' " "Kfl (TANDAKD OIL Gasoline Quality C. D. Fies, Special Agent Have You Tried Tuxedo in the New "TEA-FOIL" PACKAGE? It's soft and pliabfe decreases in size as the tobacco is used tobacco does not , cake in the package no digging it out with the finper. Keens the in even better condition Now, don't you owe it to yourself to buy a package and Tuxedo a trial? Not quite much tobacco as in the tin. Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and Cigarette -s -. : ' ) '-si Guaranteed by - aaiaae 1 Standard Oil Co., Grants Pass tobacco Jf 4 than tut. give as 4-7 0 iHcenvoaviTte