Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, May 21, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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WKltMOSUAV, MAY ai. 1014.
There come a tim In every man' lite when.
Judicious, -well thought out Investment will Uy the
foundation for fortune.
. ' When this tlm conies, a man Is fortunate to have
his means In shape to handle -where he can utilise
them at once.
This can best ie accomplished by banking your
earning and savings till the golden opportunity arrives.
We ask you to candidly investigate our standing
and favor us with your banking business.
tjnmenAi. bescbve
, The All Fuel Combination Range Is On IHsplay At
Holman's Furniture Store
Come and see It work. A cool kitchen in the summer and a warm
on In the winter
Burns either WOOD, COAL or GAS just as you wish and is a
Complete Range Either Way
Outfit $41.85
$5 Cash $ I Week
It's a gem, this outfit; yon cer
tainly get the worth of your
money when yon purchase it.
look what yon hare:
Vfetrolm VI-A '
Six tea-inch doable-faced re
cords (18 selections).
Record Album, Record Cleaner
800 Needle
What more conld yon ask for
This Price?
The Photo and Music House
Stanton Rowetl, Prop.
507 and 509 G street
CUT PRICES on Hardware, Cloth
ing, Shoes, Groceries. Having
purchased the Prultt stock of Gen
eral Merchandise at Merlin I will
close out everything at cut prices.
Sale ' ibegins Saturday, ' Wonder
store 'building opposite Peerless.
R. Tlnunons. 61tf
acre stock ranch'. 80 acres in cul
tivation, 'balance in timber and
pasture, 14 miles down the Rogue
from Grants "Pass. Cood terms,
and if a quick deal can be made,
you can get a real 'bargain. Ad
dress R. IP. D. No. 2, Box 76. C.
P. Card well. 98
I. V. .Peck, mining engineer, has
been, in the Illinois valley for several
days looking after his copper pro
perties. His claims are located on
the Chetco side of the divide and Mr.
Peck has had two minora working on
them for several mouth.
rtonerr of 4 VUU
O. H, P. Beagle, one of the four
surviving pioneers who crossed the
plains In 1843, visited his two broth
ers. .Manuel and Frances Beagle, and
his sister, Mrs. C. A. Turner, In the
Holland district, and returned to
Roseburg today. Mr. Heart 1s at
the soldiers home and had a 14
days' furlough.
Hut-In Go to Calgary
Mr. and Mrs. George Buel. If!
Second street, left Saturday night for
Calgary, tAlberta. to make their fu
ture home. Mr. Buel and famllr
have been resident of Grant Pas
for the past 12 year, coming here
from Sitllna. Kan. Never liking city
life, when a brother-in-law urgently
requested Mr. ORnel to come and help
him seek farm and fortune In the
Canadian whoat Holds, he willingly
accented the Invitation. Mr. Buel
still retains his city home? and varied
mining interests.
and all kinds of masonry con
struction, see W. Ta. Hart, Grants
Pass. 78
Centenary Drive
The amount subscribed to date on
the Methodist Centenary quota of
$11,000 is 110,169. 'Additional sub
scriptions are coming in slowly. The
drive will continue to the end of
the week.
Quarterly Conference
iRev. H. J. Van Fossen, of Ash
land, will hold quarterly conference
at the Newman M. E. church tomor
row evening at the close of prayer
meeting. Official members are re
quested to fce present.
RIMER To Mr. and Mrs. Tobe Ri
mer, of Grants Pass, Wednesday,
May 21, a son.
If you have anything to sell try
classified ad.
per plants left. 105 Central Ave.,
Phone 29-J. H. M. Webb. 74
FOUND Gentleman's watch fob in
M. E. church last Sunday. Owner
can have name by calling at the
parsonage, 610B street, describing
the article and paying for this
notice. ' . n
Water Good and Bad
lilies tRuth Corbett. home demon
st radon agent, has Just received re
ports from the O. A. C. on samples
of water from Josephine county
which have keen analyzed by the
college experts. Of 25 samples test
ed, 11 were found "perfectly good
for human consumption," six were
doubtful, two slightly contaminated.
and six samples condemned so far as
drinking purposes are concerned.
These samples were taken from var
ious wells and springs over the
May 27-June 1, Tuesday-Sunday-Grants
Pass Chautauqua.
Joy Theater
Dorothy Gish
The star of "Heart of the World," and "Battling Jane," in
"The Hope Chest"
Wake up, little girl! You're only a waitress in his millionaire,
fathei" restaurant. Yon know how to handle men, do yon? Be
lieve yon can put it over hi haughty family? All right. Go to It!
And she does.
Pictures of You
By apodal request we are showing these picture again. If you '
missed them last week, don't fall to see them this week.
Admission lOo and 20c "
H. D. Norton left last night on a Mining Engineer Hei
trip to Portland.
Brunswick tires and Wlllard bat
teries. Battery Shop. 78
Fifteen per cent 'cut on all tire
and tubes. C L. Hobart Co. ,78
S. S. Schell and L. B. King made
a business trip to Medford and Jack
sonville today.
"Florlent" Toilet Water. Sabln
hat it
Cut price on wire fencing, all
heights and meshes. Grants Pas
J. F. Burke, of the Fashion gar
age, left last night for Salem and
Spot lights and No-Glare lenses
and a full line of accessories. Bat
tery Shop. 73
Fifteen per cent cut on all tires
and tubes. C. L. Hobart Co. 78
Mrs. Hattie L. Corey Baker, of
Denver. Colo., arrived here last night
to visit her niece Mrs. Clarence Wyn
ant. Free battery Inspection. Battery
Shop. 73
II. E. Haofner returned )t.erday
from a four weeks' stay in Portland,
where he was in the office of the dis
trict forester.
Brunswick tires, IS per cent off.
Battery Shop. 73
Selling more 'Diamond tires than
ever Grants Pass Hardware Co. 74
Frank S. Spoffard. of Boiae. Ida..
was in the city today. He is assist
ant federal supervisor of surveys in
All work done at the Battery Shop
is guaranteed. 73
Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Woodson, of
Murphy are moving into Grants Pass
today. Mr. Woodson is employed on
Pacific highway work.
Detroit Vapor Stove, an oil stove
without a wtck. Demonstration
Thursday, May 22. Rogue River
Hardware Co. 73
Fifteen per cent cut on all tire
and tubes. C. L. Hobart Co. 78
The' Farm Bureau executive com
mittee is holding its regular month
ly meeting at the courthouse this
Royal cord casings. Battery Shop.
MIbs Louise Henry, who until the
closing term was a teacher in the
East school, leaves tonight for Ash'
land where she will visit for a short
time, and from there she will go to
Seattle to live.
Demonstration of Detroit Vapor
Oil Stoves, Thursday, May 22. Let
us show you how to save money on
your fuel bill. Rogue River Hard
ware Co. 73
Cheap paint is no good. iBuy Lowe
Bros., and be happy. Grants Pass
Hardware Co. 74
Miss Katharine Bridges, principal
of the High school during the past
year and previously an instructor
in the High school, left last night for
her home near Portland.
Detroit Vapor Oil Stoves work like
city gas and cost but le per hour per
burner to operate. See the demon
stration at our store Thursday, May
22. Rogue River Hardware Co. 73
S. S. Mitchell, a cattleman of Ash
land, and E. F. Topping or the Tern
pie market, left last night for the
Coos Bay section to buy cattle. They
will stop at Myrtle Point.
Fifteen per cent cut on all tires
and tubes. C. L. Hobart Co. 78
Lieut. H. D. Taylor, who ha been
stationed at Camp Dfx, New Jersey.
stopped off here this morning on his
way to Camp Lewis to 0 discharged.
He will visit his cousin, Miss Flor
ence Buel, who has lately returned
from Washington, T. C, where she
was employed In the war department.
Irv for MiHlfnrd .
Miss (Ruth Corortt. home demon
stration agent, County Agent C. D.
Thnnnuini. .1 , rwy L . .
1. ,.uimu, auu .nre. i nonipson ana
Mrs. George Eaton exnect tn Imv
for Medford tomorrow. In company
with Miss MoCormlck, home demon
stration agent of Jackson county,
they will visit ten homes In that
county. In a home study tour, such
homes to show good arrangement of
rooms, oiodern labor-saving devices,
attractive grounds and sanitary con
ditions. Mrs. Eaton will have charge
of the home study tour for Josephine
Five Dollar Reward
Five dollar reward will be paid
for the arrest and conviction of any
one stealing the Dally Couriers! from
residence or mall boxes.
'ur classified o bMn? result
Many ProKpertont
Geo. W. Finch and his partner, C.
A. Mc-Dermolh, came in from the Il
linois river yesterday evening and
will remain in the city for a few
days. They have been working their
placer mine on that stream, located
Just below the mouth of Dally creek.
Mr. Finch states that there Is now k
fine road along the Illinois river, the
highway having recently been work
ed down smooth with a grader. He
also said there are quke a number
of prospectors In the hills and along
the streams.
New House Aprons
AU colors In Ginghams and Percale
The Difference
depend largely on how your taste and apptlt
run. Men who have good taste in clothe are tti
sort of men who look to
00.1 a Street
Kiclualve locaj dtwlrr
Another Veteran Pa-
Calvin N. Houck, late a private tn
Co. K, 39th Missouri Infantry, ana
native of Missouri, died at the Ore
gon Soldiers Home at the age of 85
yean, 11 months and 18 days. H
was admitted to the home on Jun
23, 1903, from Grants Pass and ws
discharged at hi own request In
March, 1905. He was readmitted
February 17, 1919. He I survived
by a daughter, Mr. H. R. Gethlng.
of Oakland. Oregon, and a son, Ar
thur S. Houck, of Grants Pass. Th
funeral will foe held at the horn
cemetery at 1:30 on Wednesday.
Roseburg Ravtaw.
Light Run of Salmon-
According to H. E. Gethiog, man
ager for the local salmon fishermen,
the present year Is one of the poor
est seasons for fishing that the men
have ever struck. Catches are small
and two or three or the boat have
discontinued the business for the
present. 'Mr. Gethlng states that up
to the 12th of the present month the
run of salmon had been very light
ait the mouth of the iRogue, while on
the I'mpqua conditions were little or
no 'better. iPurlng the dry weather
the fish hover near the mouth of
streams and a heavy storm 1 prob
ably needed to send them on Up the
Frost Expert Leavi
The frost season In the Rogue
river valley officially ends Wednes
day, say the Medford Tribune, as
far as the 'weather .bureau Is con
cerned, as Floyd Young, the frost ex
pert, who has 'been stationed here
during the season will leave with
Mrs. Young tomorrow night for Port
land where ha will .be attached to the
weather iburean office of that city
for the summer. About the same date
last year Mr. Young ceased bis duties
here and left for Portland, and the
next day occurred one of the worst
frost of the season. (Hence it 1 up
to everyone to cross their finger
and hope for south wind th minute
Young leave town.'
All kind of legal blank a't th
Do You Know You can
Buy MJ.B. Coffee for
Less in Five Pound Cans
(Vacuum Packed) $2.25 A CAN
We daimit'fi the Best Coffee on Earth
The Basket Grocery
Q Pound
417 O Street
Get Thorough Cultivation
Without Hard Work
Do yon still find that making a
cultivator do th tight kind of
work is a tiresome, tsdiou Jobf
Wouldn't yon b InUreeted In
a cultivator that pat thorough
ness Into cultivation and lake
th hard work out?
That I lust what th im of
our John Deer KC Cultivator
Th K CV rig, In shifting
uy parallel. It (hovel always
face iquerely to their work. Tbey
never track or trail on crooked
rows. Mo uncultivated spots nor
no deep trench art left. Ovr
all of th Bald, on crooked rows,
"'! on ttralghl row, th
KC give thorough cultivation
th kind that most effectively
destroys weed and coorv
Th rig shift quickly In re
sponse to (light pressure on the
loot lever. Oulding tb rig 1
M nararal a walking.
Yon can maintain thorough
cultivation without delaying worn
to make adjustment. Nowrencb
work I necMsary. You don't
hav to leave th seat Simply
na th bandy levers. The
lever enable you to meet quickie
nd accurately avery field coo
W want yon to get into tb
eat of thi cultivator and sea foe
yourself how handy nd rellabl
it la We've never seen it equal
in single-row cultivation for time
saving, lbor-viog, weed
deewoylng work in the field.
. Don't fall to com In early and
get acquainted with this cultivator.
AVrtAoef quipmtM p.pimt hoof JW W
The Implement Man
Newspapers 5 & 10c Bundles- Courier