Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, May 21, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    WKINKMIAY, SIAY 21, 1019.
for IAUC
TEAM and 10 years old, ftUo bar
9s and wagon for sals. Bell all
or part. Call 71) North Eighth
or phone H-L. M
PjTe88NT OWNERSHIP township
plat of Josephine county, (Oe
each. For sal by Josephine Coun
ty Abstract Co. Blue printing at
reasonable rates. tf
FOR BALE Strictly fancy aifalfa
seed, iwMt clover and other grass
seeds. Nltro Cultures. Ralph
' Waldo Elden, Medford. 80
yll bTLe-AV a bava boiler, en
glnea and aaw mill machinery, etc.
gene, Oregon'.
FOR 9A US i 0 acres. 40 acres In
cultivation, balance In paatura and
tlmbur. Hood outalde range, 5
mllea to atore and postofflce, IVi
in Ilea to achool. comfortable all
room bouao, good barn and abode,
good well and three aprloga. Stock
and equipment go wRh ranch.
Would consider Crania Pan pro
perly a part payment. C. A.
Newatrom, lke Creek, Oregon,
call 8-F-48 Kagle Point. 73
FOR BALK OR XllADE 1 3 acres
beat land In Josephine county.
Will take lined car or work horses
Ideal place for home.. Just out of
city HmlU. 11. 0. Durbar. 74
FOR SAIJI! 1 H dozen, one year old
brown leghorn laying bene, $1.26
per hen. One mllo from town, R.
F. D. 2. C. Sohafera. 74
FOR SALE Jioiisehold goodi, li
brary table, sectional book case,
buffo t, round dining table, six
dining room chairs, beds, rhlfflon
er, princess dreeser, rocking
chairs and other articles. Seventh
and A'streets. C. A. Isham. 75
but two months; also good cornet
for sale cheap, Seventh and A
streets. Carnar bouae. C. A.
Isham. 7S
FOR SALE Good, dry wood. Haber
Bros. 225 West G street, or phone
C09-J. 75
FOR SALE 30 bead line Jersey
cows, located just east of town on
river. These cows must be sold
at once. Come and look then
over. Address No. 936 care of
Courier. 71tf
FOR SALE a very fine wicker
baby buggy. Call 149-L. 72
TOR SALE 44 feet of S-ttlnch
Iron pipe, good as new; also some
little pigs. A Glgler. , . 73
FOR SALE Pack horse and saddle.
Toois for prospecting. Cheap.
Call at Red Front Barn. 77
Four weeks old While Leghorn
cockerels, 11.50 per dozen. K.
Hammerbacher, phone 606-F-2S,
R. F. V., 2. 92
WANTED Man "to do farm -work.
Address Geo. W. Smith, Route 4,
or phone 601-F-12. 77
WANTED Competent girl for gen
eral housework. Airs. U. L. Up
son, Bridge street at city limits. 76
WANTED A second-hand pump
Jack. A Heavy one preferred. Ad
dress Peter Tan gen, R. F. D. No.
' 2. ' 78
WANTED Duroo pig weighing from
25 to 30 pounds. ' L. A. Robert
eon, 306 West O street. 77
WANTED A wood saw. J. M.
Branscombe, Itt. 2, Box 20, phone
C04-F-I. 7t
electrical work, repairing, - house
wiring. C. C. Harper, 315 North
. Sixth street, phone 47. , tf
' Motors Installed and repaired,
house wiring and electric Irons re
paired. Phone 38 or call at 606 H
street. Jo A. Polley. -89
TIRES Used tires bought and sold
, Auto Service Co. Pbona S24-J, op
. posits Oxford hotel. ,. ,.. 20U
E. L. QALBRAITH, Insurance,' rent
als a specialty. Acreage, Bulldlm
' and Loans. 609 O street, Launer'c
old locntlon. ' - ' tf
HEMSTITCHING and plcotlng at H
' tents a yard All work guaran
,t teed. The Vanity Shop, Medford.
: Ore. 16:
Grants Pass to Crescent City, by
' easy riding cars, for $7.50. Grants
Pass and Crescent City Stage com
pany. Phone 26. 70tf
FUiv ilENT Furnlh"willvarooni
cottage, lire. O. V. Jester, 215 C
street. Phone 16S-A.' It
KNIUHTS and Ladies of Security
Council meeta second and fourth
Friday's In W. O. W. ball. 4Stf
Mocha Cafe to "Stag" cigar store,
call 183-J. iResldence 149-Y.
Otto J. Knlpa. 231
DAILY JITNEY to Bel ma, Kerby and
Waldo. Leaves Granta Pass dally
at 9:30 a. m. Everett Hogua,
phone 117. 17
prompt service. City and country
trips. Safety first. Call Grants
Paaa Hotel, phone 396. Residence
phono 320-R. W. G. White. St
81' A TAXI Two machines at your
service at any hour. Pbona 262-R
when in a hurry for a car. 48tf
DANIEL MoFARLAND, civil engi
neer and surveyor. Residence
740 Tenth street, pbona 211-Y. 66
B. C. MACY. D. M. D. Flrst-lao.
dentistry. 109H South 8UU
street, Grants Pass, Oregon.
C. E. JAiKSON. D. M. D., successor
to Dr. Bert Elliott. Over Golden
Rule Store. Phone 6. Residence
phone 16 3-J. '
L. O. CLEMENT, U. D., Praetlr
limited to diseases of tba vje, eat
nose and throat. Glasses fitted
Office hours 9-12, 2-6. or on ap
pointment. Office pbona 62, res'
dance phone 359-J.
a LOUGHRIDOK. M. D.. PhyaKua
and surgeon. City or country eaii
attended day or night. Resident
phone 169; office phone l
Rlith and H. Tuffs Bld(.
A. A. WITHAM, M. D. Internal
medicine and nervous diseases
90S Corbett Bldg., Portland, Ore
Houra 10 to 12 a. m.: 2 to 4 p. m.
Rooms 6 and 7 Masonlo Bolldlng.
Office boura, 9-12 a. m.; 2-5 p. m.
Phones: Offloe 18-R; Rea. 18-Y
Rooms '1 and 2 Schmidt Bldg.
Treats all diseases. Hours 9-1 2
a. in.; 1-5 p. m. Phone 304-R. tf
DR. R. J. BK8TUL. Veterinarian
Offloe, residence. Pbone 306-R
kinds of drayage and -transit
work carefully and promptly don
Pbone 181-J. Stand at freigfr
depot. A. Shade, Prop.
Bunch Bros Tranafer Co. Pnoo
K. U. ISHAM, drayage and iransf
Safes, , ilanos and furnltuji
moved, packed, shipped and stor
ed. Office pbone 114-Y.' Resi
dence phone. 124-R.
H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law.
Practices in all State and Federal
CourU. First National Bank Bldg.
Q. 'W. COLVfa, Attorney-at-law,
Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg.,
Grants Pasa, Oregen,-
E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Prac
tices in all courts. First National
Bank Bldg. .
O. S. iBLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law.
Golden Rule Bldg. (Phone 270.
Granta Pass, Oregon.
torneys. , Albert Bldg. Phono
236-J. Practice In all courts; land
board attorneys. '
O. iA. SIDLBR, Attorney-at-law. Ma
sonic Temple, Grants Pass, Ore.
J EX). H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law,
' referee In bankruptcy, Masonic
Temple, Grants Pass, Oregon.
Phone 135-J. , ,
first National Bank Blag., Grants
Pass, Oregon.
You feel different the minute you
take it a gentle soothing warmth
tills the system. It's pleasure to
take Holllster's Rocky Mountain
Tea. Helps purify the blood, drives
out the germs of Winter, gets you
hustling, bustling, full of life and
energy. 35. Tea or Tablets. Sa
bln's Drug Store. 'Adv.
. Ml kinds of .Commercial Printing
t the Courier Offloe,
Clyde Tbomas arrived this morn
ing from Portland to spend a ' few
days with bis family. .
Mrs. Mble 'Flanders, of Bandon,
Mrs. Walter Noel, of CoqullJe, and
Mrs. Elmer Hopper, mother and sis
ters of 'Mrs. Winifred Robinson, of
Wllderville, arrived here this after
noon to visit wRh the Roblnson fam
ily. Mrs. !!. N. Tarkor returned tbls
afternoon from visit at Portland.
She was accompanied by her daugh
ter, Mrs. lAlbert Frost, and two chil
dren,' who will visit here.
Old Friends Hx-nd Evening
Between 30 and 40 old friends of
the Geo. dl. Parker family spent
Tuesday evening at the George Rid
dle home on On-hard avenue In hon
or of Mr. and Mrs. George Parker
and tbelr son, Charles Parker, and
wife, who are visiting here. A most
enjoyable evening was spent, E. S.
Van Dyke added to the pleasure of
the evening by giving a number of
vocal selections. Ice cream and wa
fers were served.
Appointments made t the South
ern OreKon conference, Free Metho
dist church recently are as follows:
Mmlftird IMMrlrt
C. E. Glazier, district elder.
'Medford Rhoda Burnett.
Grants Pans A. J. Edwards.
Ashland Mrs. Elba Hobart.
TrallJ. E. McDonald.
Dorrl. Oal. Mr Olive Lemery.
W. E. Goode Evangelist.
J. W. Sharpe, superannuated.
lUMtehurg IHntrirt
D. D. Dodge, district elder.
Roseburg 'R. H. Dollarbide.
Oakland Ernest F. (Lee.
Cottage -Grove To be supplied.
Springfield B. B. Beckett and
MaHnda J. Beckett, supplies. - '
Masshiefld J. F. Smith, and Ot
to Fuson, supply.
M. F. Chllds, IF. W. Oliver, H. E.
Buckbee transferred to the Oregon
Ministerial delegate to the general
conference, Greenville, 111., D. D.
Lay delegate. Mrs. Cyntha A.
Delegate for W. M. F. Si, Mrs. Ida
I Dodge. .
Rev. A. J. Edwards, recently of
Los Angeles,, the new pastor assign
ed to Grants Pass, will preach at
the church, 250 West I street, Sun
day the 25th, at 11 m., and at, 8
p. m. You are cordially Invited to
come and hear the new pastor.
drowing of Green Manure Crops Must
Be Practiced Where Other Fer
tilizer Is Unavailable.
When hnrnyard manure, straw or
stubble, lire not avnllable for use as
fertiliser, then the growing of green
manure crops must be practiced. Soli
fertility must be kept up and there
must be the right .supply of humus.
There, are very few farms where
enough manure is produced so thnt the
green-innnure crops are not needed.
However, where nil the barnyard ma
nure Is propely saved, there Is less
need for the green manures. If Ihe
green crops, mainly the legumes, are
grown In sufficient amount for aiding
In fertility, the soil can be kept In
fine condition even If there la a abort
age of the bnrayard mannrea.
Printing that pleases We do It'
'onrler Job Department
Hear the Testimony of GrantaPaas
People and Decide the Case
Doan's Kidney Pills are on trial
are being tried every day for weak
kidneys for exhausting kidney
backaches. What Is the verdict!
Read Granta Pase testimony person
al experiences of Grants Pass wit
nesses. There can be only one ver-
dlot a chorus of approval.
Mrs. J. R. Gunning. 406 S. Fourth
St., says: "My back caused me a
great deal of misery at times and
there were dull, bearing-down paint
across my kidneys. During these at
tacks, my kidneys have acted too
rneeiy and . then again, have been
congested. Doan's Kldnoy Pills al
ways regulate my kidneys and ctop
that misery in my back after I have
taken a box or two." - ,
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't
limply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney. Pills the same that
Mrs." Gunning had., -Foiifer-Milbnrn:
Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
Rabbi Joseph Goldman, a Russian
Jew who has suffered extreme cruel
ties at the hands of the Bolshevik!,
will apeak here twice next Sunday
morning and evening. Sunday morn
ing he will occupy the pulpit of the
Christian church. In the evening
he will again preach at the Chris
tian church. ' In the morning his
address will be on 'The Home Com
ing of Israel," and In the evening
on "The Inner Life of Russia."
Fate has been against Rabbi Gold
man. Six years ago while the Bol-
sbevikl movement was on In Russia
In a different form from the present
ha lost his wife and six children at
the hands of the mob. He displays
a Jagged set of teeth, the result of
being kicked in the head fey a Rus
sian I. W. W. at that time. Two
yetfrs ago he got his boy out of Rus
sia and brought him to America,
lUbbl Jotwvh Ooldnuut
When America entered the war
young Coldman believed bis duty
was to fight for his adopted coun
try and he enlisted at Seattle and
went to France with the 91st dlvl
slon. He went over the top twice
and escaped without a scratch; but
on November 9, two days before the
armistice waa signed, a German shell
hit near him ' and be was blown to
"But I do not regret It." said Rab
bi Goldman. "A man cannot die for
America. When a man dies for Am
erica he lives forever.' Lincoln died
for America and his name will go
down for all time. I regret losing
my boy, but I thank God he died in
fighting for the cause."
"Rabbi Goldman is a Zionist and a
firm believer in the prophecy that
the Jews are to return to Palestine,
the promised land, and in' his even
ing sermon will develop that idea in
connection with Biblical statements
and the -war events (bearing upon the
possible return of tbe Jews. He is
now on his way to.Plaestlne and will
Join In the homecoming of thousands
of. Jews who will make the pilgrim
age to the Holy Land, recently re
deemed from the grip of the barbar
ous Turks and Germans. -
Rabbi Goldman was in Grants
Pass this week to make arrange
ments for bis appearance here Sun
day. He Is an intensely interesting
talker and Is overflowing with infor
mation about ill-fated Russia which
he knows like a book, and there Is
no'doubt but that the meeting Sun
day morning as well as the story of
the Jews In the evening, will ibe tre
mendously interesting.
The "Classic."
Perhaps the best definition of classic
Is that given by Lowell: "Something
that can be simple without being vul
gar, elevated without being distant,
that Is neither ancient nor modern, al
ways new and Incnpnhle of growing
' Useless Precaution.
"I told -the minister to' leave the
word 'obey' out of the marriage cere
mony." ,
"You net'ilirt to have tiiken the truu-
ble. He Is u it in n who doesn't liollsvo
In wasting words."
The California and Oregon
Coast Railroad Company ,
Effective Noy. 19, 1918.
Trains will run Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday
Leave Grants Pass ....1 P. M.
Arrive Waters Creek 2 P. M.
Leave Waters Creek ...3 P. M.
Arrive Grants Pass.....v...., 4 P. M.
For information regarding freight
and passenger rates call at. the office
of the company, Lundburg building,
or telephone 181. -.. .
i i S- t
t.; 4 1 XI. A
l N--;Vl j
The people of Rogue River valley
are to be congratulated upon having
at their doors an Institution like the
Medford Sanitarium. It 1s the. only
Institution on the Pacific coast thor
oughly equipped for the treatment of
diseased conditions. The building la
so constructed that each room has
Its own lavatory accommodations,
private telephone, sleeping porch,
etc. Take the item of the Xray de
partment alone. The cost of equip
ping same would purchase a rery
comfortable bungalow of five or
more rooms. Bat ' without such
equipment It would be impossible to
thoroughly examine a person. In
diseases of the stomach every - por
tion of the Intestinal canal can be
seen and the diseased portion shown
to friends and often the patient
Special attetlon Is paid to diseases
of wotnen, the stomach and Nutri
tional diseases. Titf
Aotinnotilln Accident-
Mr. and Mrs. Dick ILewman met
with a serious accident while driv
ing their automobile near the Jess
York ranch on the Add) eea te vetrter-
day afternoon.' Something went
wrong with the steering Kear and the
car overturned, bruising Mr. Lew-
man slightly, while Mrs. Lew man
received a bad cut on the head.
Program for Wednesday, May 28
"Victory Day"
Afternoon Prelude The Overseas Quartet
Lecture "Hidden Things" Jeol W. Eastman
Admission 55c ; ...
Junior Chautauqua.
Evening "Songs of the Yanks" Overseas Quartet
Lecture "A Guest of the Kateer" Sgt. Arthur Gibbons
Famous Canacnan Writer and Lictur !! with Remark- ?
abl? Story if Life in. German Pr'ou Camps.
AdniUsLt i s:c
Sergeant Arthur Gibbons of the First Canadian Exp-M-" -
Tliotry Force, -as a metrfber o! a 'sr.irlflc s Co 1 pan?
at Yprevfrom which only two returned alive, waa se
verely wounded, left on the battlefield for four days
and finally taken behind the German lines as a prison
er. After his release and return home in special ser
vice in the United States for. the Speakers' Bureau Of
the Treasury Department, be has sold over $7,000,000
In Liberty Bonds Trom the platform, raised naif a, mil
lion for the Red Cross and has been of great assistance
in the War Work drives.
Men in uniform and discharged soldiers; and
sailors admitted free on this day
When the American engineers appeared on the scene :Over
There," the necessity of putting through one big Job was apparent.
Thousands of our boys were to follow; tbe 'big ships bringing them,
and the big freighters loaded with suppUes must be able to- dock
quickly, unload in haste and depart unhampered by delay ot any
kind, to bring more and more men and additional tons of food, sup
plies, ammunition, and the necessities ot war, in order that success
be assured right f rom the start.
A certain seaboard town, on the coast ot France, had been se
lected as the most favorable .port for the landing of these great
ocean carriers, but the facilities to dock and store were tar from ade
adequate and haste was the important factor to save France.
Elaborate plans had been prepared by the French engineers for
building suitable docks and warehouses, tout they said tt would take
six years to complete them. The American engineers redesigned
and built them in six months; ORGANIZATION did It.
ai. v? i to with everything today. Success in the operation ot all
the big things, In this age of wonderful accomplishment, Is through
this medium. Public service corporations have been quick to- realize
this fact and their policy has undergone a change.
Organization sounds the death knell of the dnplication Of effort,
it systematises details, it brings unity of action. It produces the
most for the least, it makes a smooth running machine whose pro
duct is service. , .
This 1s the reason why. in this day of progress and develop
ment, modern cities and great manufacturing industries prefer, to be
doing business with large concerns engaged in supplying electric
energy ; .4his Is why the systems and plants of big power companies
are being tied together to secure the most efficient service through
Phone 108-J
1 if
Get Well
IT is indeed hard to stand at on side
whii the stream et life flows by. A
nun or soma condemned to nduxas
that does ao permit biro or her to pet
form the active duties of life, to do his
or her share of tba world's work, is a
pathetic figure dcaerving of sympathy.
Mash sickows, paia and m'nery
remit from duordered kidneys and blad
in. PiWr of thm kiimm H tkttr wott
properly mt4 Utr fanpariiix oa of ih fcloo4
Wtd, M rfcamttic pafaw. tMekactx, Mr Meh
o twoMra ioiM. puSmm main tm, Soaa-
l'! vvfwwcjcjVVJSJc) DssMpsjsjcT vFVJABavSpOfJfli 9t9a
"". v ocW ipiomi ot aid r mrabta.
lor ihcy atraoslubwaj m4 lawioraia anak r
annScd kiincn aod kelp ibaoi to aimal
fcactioauit to thatik bloo4 arraas la swiaaal
aa4 tba caaaa mi dl raaMrraa.
W u a-. a a rt t .
Uaioa. S18 Blaia Sc., Paorta. 111 wriua: "Taw
loaor UImt la nok.anwf
tk badiacka aaal aaiaa. eorraniiis tlx kdaa
metiom. r laailna wr
mmm Moaiina apacaa paiota a, avaa.
toUr Kid-, cadTaW iZTZ
Printing that pleases We do it!
Courier Job Department.
Power Company
Grants Pass, Oregon