FAQB TWO GRANT PASS DAtLT COURIER VKl.NK8lAV, MAY 81. IMS. (MR' MS DM COURIER Published Daily- Except Sunday A. B. VOORHIK3, ' Pub, and Propt. tared at poetolfloe. Grants P Or., second class mall matter. ADVERTISING RATES Local-personal column. per N""1?? sVsedtrs. P 6C DAILY COURIER . By mill or carrier, per yeAr-M.OO KntUor carrier, par montli .60 WEEKLY COURIER By mall, Pr year . .12.00 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS T. A-odatrf Pr-. UeS aU new. dlp ertdlUd tott or aU otherwise credited la tkJe paper and alao the local iew P lla&ed herein All right ot republication of epe- reserved. ' WEDKESUAY, MAY 21, 191. areM)V WEATHKB Fair, gentle northerly winds. AIXOHOL AND "DOPE" . It has been generally accepted that ..deprivation ot alcohol would result in an increased use of habit-forming drugs. This has been one of the leading arguments of the liquor In terests. Friends ot the prohibition movement, while not admitting it u a, valid objection to prohibition, lave granted that such a danger ex feted, and have sought to meet It by tetter control of the "dope" traffic. Perhaps this fear has been exag gerated. The editor ot the Arliona Gazette, speaking from the exper ience ot a state that has already met this situation, maintains that the transition from strong drink has been made without any appreciable Increase ot the drug evil. "There Is no doubt In my mind," cays the editor. In a personal state ment, "but that Arlxona when wet was the wettest region In the United States In proportion to Its popula tion. I know now from actual inves tigation that there was practically no tendency toward the nse of drugs as a substitute for alcoholic drinks. We nave been good and dry. outside of a little bootlegging,' for four years. The people in Arizona who were con firmed drunkards of alcoholic drinks men and woman, simply had to quit, fcecause no such drinks were procur able. No matter how mucn u may have hurt them, they simply had to quit; and I am sure that not one In .. - . . Arnm 60U attempted iu iu for the liquor habit or appetite." This information will be reassur ing to many communities and many Individuals that have been worried about the matter. There should be no relaxation, however, of the effort to provide a more adequate pumic control ot the sale and use ot deadly drags. The evil is fcerlous enough at best to. deserve , the careful , attention of all legislative todies nd publie au thoriOea. " " ioOD ROADS AS GAS SAVERS A test was made In Ohio recently to determine the saving in gasoline irom running a. i -good road. The greatest pains were ' taken to eliminate from the test every variant except the surface of the Toad, Five new Army Standard A trucks were used for the trial They were sent over seven different types of road surface on practically level ground. ' ' ' The test results showed an aver age of 5.78 miles per gallon over a dirt road in good condition, 7.19 ' over fair gravel, 9.89 over good gravel, about the same over fair bi tuminous macadam and good brick roads, 11.44 over extra smooth brick and 11.78 over good concrete. Here is a gain ot six miles per gallon between the best and worst type of road with unloaded trucks. The trucks loaded showed that the poor road took seven times as much gasoline per mile as the good one. This being the age of the automo bile and the beginning of the auto You Should a Perfect House Broom 35c - 50c Own V t. KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY Quality First truck" as a real factor In transpor tation, these figures speak louder than words on the sound economy of sound roads. Furthermore, Into these figures enters no calculation of the wear and tear upon an expen sive machine in going over rough highways, nor the time lost. They are only to show that the saving of gasoline alone must be figured as going a long way toward paying for the construction ot good pavements the country through. The Mechanics stopped on the ac celerator and finished in high last evening In their twilight game with the Professionals. The 'Profession als hold third place for the reason that there are only three clubs in the league. It la hoped that the Mer chants, who have won easy victories from both the above clubs, will grow so fat and lazy in their conceit and haughtiness that they will fall an easy victim in the next game. The Big Four Brotherhood will oppose returning the railroads to their owners. The almighty dollar has an almighty influence and the boys possibly see their big salaries slipping. Officers estimate that fully 30 au tomobiles are stolen each day . In Washington, Oregon and California and many of them are never re covered. Better put a burglar alarm on your Tin Lizzie. Many are predicting that the league of nations will last about as long as the proverbial snowball after being placed in the gentle care of congress. Is it possible that Wood row has run short , of vote-winning slogans and Is going to play to thr Towers' gallery? We will have to admit that he sprung a "ringer." ." ' ! '. , I '. ( Everyone wanted Harry Hawker to make good in his ocean flight. And bis wife and little baby were awaiting his arrival. San Francisco, May 21. Michael Ryan, derelict, is lucky. He found a 150.000 check andigave it to the police. They gave him SI reward "I'm lucky," he said. "I was look ing for a dime to ibuy coffee." rV J unci Detroit Vapor 051 Stave Works Like City Gas Demonstration THURSDAY May 22 By a factory representative Rogue River Hardware Co. TO GREAT VICTORY It took the Mechanics five Innings to get their old machine tinkered In shape to run, but In the sixth they had a Joy ride to victory. When they did step on her she came from be hind the Professionals and went too far In front there was no heading her. Final score, 9 to 5. Instead of the usual five Innings, It was agreed by the two captains to play seven. The first four Innings were snappy enough, with the Me chanics ahead, 2-1. The first half of the fifth, Whipple, of the Profes sionals, safe on Stelger's error; Bradford was hit by pitcher; Cale Smith doubled to left field, foriuclnR i Faubion Retired In the Sixth the two on bases home. Coburn was out to Kearns; Hammerbacher sac rificed Smith to third, where be was caught off the base on an over run but scored when he eluded Collins and Faubion who tried to trap him. Pittinger and Johnson both hit safe ly, but Pittinger was caught at the plate trying to come home on John son's hit. In the sixth inning, with one down, Patterson hit safely, and was forced home when Faubion is sued free transportation to three men. iBlevins was sent to Faublon's relief, and stopped further scoring. For five Innings the Professionals had held their opponents to two hits and two runs. The two runs had been handed to Fred Collins through errors, followed by hits. In the sixth after one was out, Kearns hit to center for two bases. He stepped 20 feet off the bases and went to sleep, temporarily. But no harm came to him for the second baseman, Johnson, also slumbered, and the ball was tossed to center field again on the play to catch Kearns, who, being rudely awakened Ibeat It for home, where he arrived safely. Then followed the Joy ride. Collins sin fled; Stelger safe on Bradford's er- Johnson's second error of Inning; Collins closed the Inning Iby a roller to Henimerbacher, 1 Record, of inning; Hits, &; runs, 7; errors ot Professionals, 4. ' ' Scanning the score book for dope, there Is revealed the fact that the Mechanics' outfield did not get '" chance to make a putout. While Faubion waa pitching he made 5 put outs and two assists. Kearns, first baseman, made 8 putouts and waa charged with one error. Collins, catcher, made 4 putout, one error. Stelger, at second, killed two, assist ed once, erred once. Hoffman., ax- bl it-league shortstop, two putouts. two assists. San tee, recruit third base Mechanic made two hits, one taring a double. For the Professionals, Captain Gene Coburn waa the busy boy, making 7 putouts, and one as sist. Oeno could not hold down the base runners, however, for they otole everything In sight. Hammerbacher, on first, had B putouts, and waa debited one error. Pittinger, short stop, killed two, assisted four time erred one. Gale Smith, 6tott. Pat terson and Whipple, each had a put out. Johnson was charged with three errors; Bradford, two, Stott one. Hammerbacher and Patterson each hit safely two times. AB R H PO A B Professionals 28 R 7 18 5 8 Mechanics SO 9 7 21 3 Standing of the Teams W I, Pot. Merchants 2 0 1000 Mechanics 1 l' .500 Professional Men 0 2 000 A collection for expenses was tak en amounting to $11.0. The next game will h Friday evonlng, when the Mechanics, having started the upward path, will try to displace the Merchants from their present high position. i AT THE MOVIES VuukumI Comedy at Joy Theatre There are laughs all through this, along with dozens of cbecklee, and thoy owe their existence to Mark I.ee lather's story, although the plot makes a sufficiently strong skeleton to support the situations devised by a clever scenario writer and Director Elmer Clifton. Treatment and act ing are the real factors in making the film the success It seems sure to be. The? keep out of the rut by do ing pretty nearly everything Just a little bit differently. The camera-! man shoot from unexpected angles, Dorothy and Richard Barthelmessj don't make love like ordinary young J movie folk, Sam de Grasse shows something new In the way ot a mil- j lionaire father who tries to get his j son out of an "unfortunate" mar- j rlage and George Fa wee t as a cneap vaudeville actor, is the most genuine two-a-day comedian that ever Jump ed a board bill. A sample of the unique humor running all through the film is found In the antics of .Dorothy when she Is awaiting an introduction to nuoby's family. Reverting to her usual habit wben she becomes nervous, she does a peppy ragtime dance in the digni fied drawing room, not realising that her newly made relative are spectators. Coburn Let the Meclianfcn titcul , All the Hiiwh ror; Santee doubled; Hoss passed; Faubion singled; Hoffman singled: BleVins out to Hammerbacher; Per noll safe on error; Kearns safe on Chicago, May 21. John Simon Is In a hospital, reflecting on his poor tennis playing. . lA hard hit ball struck a large, rough man, Simon will ibe out In a week. Dull, lifeless eyes, colorless lips, sallow, yellow cheeks, give a girl little chance tor a "man" these days. Don't lose heart, Just take Hollls ter's Rocky Mountain Tea helps to make you attractive and fair. Don't delay, begin today. Sabln's Drug Store. Adv. OVERALLS- ig.u.t.o'r. Keep Kids Kleen $12 the Suit A New Suit FREE if they rip m. Btuar of Imitation . Hover a us Mu.u.s.fAT.orr. Look for this Red Woven Label MaJ.b, ' Levi Straun & Co, Sn Francitco Anrted GRMID PRIZE t P.M. I LEVI STRAUSS tCOJ "1 And it costs no more Is what you want we give The economical selling of groceries baa been re duced to a science ut this store. It Is the logical result of many years ot conscientious endeavor to satisfy our customer and give them the best possible returns for their money. It la the result of loarning from long experience how to buy the right article at the right time and at the right price, and H enables us to sell to you aa we buy, J. PARDEE,, Grocer HOMK GROWN 8TKAWBERR1M ANI KIIKHH YKGKTAIII.Kfl Used Car Bargains 1 MMM Maxwell Good as new IMOO 1 1917 Miuwrll In fine mndlllon with romplWo equipment .toIM) 1 1I7 llurkskln Maxwell 780 1 10IH tlicvrolnt, Good m new J7 1 Ford Truck - (loo 1 Hoick Hug that can hnrtlly wait $150 COLLINS AUTO COMPANY Reliable Second Hand FORDS at prices which are right C L. HOBART CO. Ask the Battery Shop about the still better Willard with threaded rubber insulation cm TABLETS rLi is just what you need, madam. Many women who were troubled with indigestion, sallow, muddy skin, indicating biliousness and habitual constipation, have been permanently cured by the use of Chamberlain's Tablets. Before using these tablets they felt miserable and despondent. Jow they are cheerful and happy and relish their mmna TV.. 4.L TM 1 miwiuj. iiv iiiciii. inrv nn v rrvsr a ninrfw J J " : JUST TRY IT! Deposit your weekly or monthly pay check In our bank In a oherk Ing account; then pay the butcher, the grocer, the dairyman, the laundryinan, and all the others with checks. Your check stubs will show where the money goes and your checks will come back to you as legal receipts for payment. It's the business-like way. Be gin today. We have a .check book and a bank book roady for you when vou sail. Orowlag by Helping Others ount will be welcome at our bank. No matter how small your acc Josephine County Bank