Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, May 20, 1919, Image 1

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VOL. IX No. 171.
TUESDAY, MAV 20, 1919.
London WniU Anlouly for Faint,
cot News of Daring AtuMi-Klian.
Strong Wind and Fog
Washington, Muy 20. Tbu NC-4
successfully flew from lloru to l'on
U del Gardo today. The NC-3 will
not be able to resume tlio trans-At-lantlo
flight. A mosmige froiu llorta
aald the damage resulting from the
buffeting the received when forced
to alight when noarlug Azores hai
deflultely put her out of the race.
London, May 20. The weather la
so Ibad off the couat of Ireland that
the airplanes ordered by the air mln
iatry to aeaib for Aviator Harry
Hawker'e machine were unable to
fly. There was v strong southwest
wlud and fog at Intervals during the
night. All coinmunloa'.'.on centers
In London are silent as to news from
Hawker and IJeutenant Commander
Or love. Even yesterday's rumors
have died out
Warsaw, May 20. The Ukrainian
offensive against the Polos has been
completely broken. The Poles have
occupied Dallca and iNovaalolkl. The
Ukrainian losses were extremely
heavy, the iPoles say.
London, May 20. "The sights one
aees In Armenia are almost beyond
belief, and the tales one hears are
too ghastly to be Inventions."
This Is an extract from a letter
an Armenian medical officer, writ
ing from the base of 'Mount Ararat,
to a fellow countryman In London.
The tetter aays:
"It miay Interest you to know ot
the awful state ot distress existing
In the country here. Thousands of
people are homeless and absolutely
destitute. 'In the town ot Erlvan
alone there are 36,000 refugees.
Thoir country has been ravaged, the
houses burned, and the survivors
who . escaped with their lives have
nothing ibut the rans they are wear
ing. "1 have been sent down here to
Inquire Into an epidemic ot typhus
among the native population. It is
as serious as It was reported to be.
"For months the people have been
cut off from all communication, with
the outside world, with the excep
tion of a email area round Brlvan.
pie'whole country has been overrun
by Its enemies. . There are no sup
piles of any kind and the population
Is on the verge of starvation, many
already 'having died ot .hunger. ,
: New York, May 20 Noarly 11,000
troops arrived today on five trans
ports, including members of the Old
Third Oregon. In company H, 162nd
Infantry. 4 titt division, company In
cluded tour officers and 247 men.
I'olk Hays It Is I'm t lliu .Vcusp
Mrs to fitNvato Acquaintance
of Latin America
Washington, May 20. That peace
will be lurgoly strengthened on the
Western hemisphere by an extonslve
interchange of thought among the
peoples ot the various countries was
the burden of a statement Acting
Bocrotary of State Frank L. Polk to
day In urging that the newspapers
of the United States devote more at
tention to news of the LaUn Ameri
can countries. Ms. Polk said be
hoped tlie American newspapers
would take this means of educating
the people ot the Unltod States to
better understand and appreciate
the Importance and greatness of our
nelidiltors of South and-Central Am
erica and pointed out that by lend
ing their aid to the furtherance of
this education the newspapers would
bo fulfilling a public duty to the gov
ernment. "The more we know of the other
countries of North and South Amer
ica," said Mr. Tolk today, "the less
likelihood there Is of misunderstand
ings. The nations of the world are
becoming more and more Interde
pendent dally with the Increased ef
ficiency of transportation and com
munication facilities. Exchange ot
news results inevitably In better re
lations and a fuller comprehension of
the efforts that are being made by
the different countries to solve the
problems ot civilization. Improved
commercial relations are accompan
ied by "better cultural relations. . .
"One result of the European war
haa been to show the United States
how completely our Interests lie in
this hemisphere. With peace restor
ed our Interest In European affairs
will be more theoretical than real
but we have and must have closer
relations with our neighbors In Cen
tral and South America. The people
of Latin America are Intensely Inter
ested in the United States. The
newspapers ot Central and South
'America print a great deal ot news
about this country. It would he of
Incalculable benefit if the newspa
pers of the United States would pay
more attention to news regarding
Latin 'America and In a very short
time these newspapers could educate
the public to seek' further Informa
tion and more news about our neigh
bors to the South."
Seattle, Wash., May 20. Possibil
ity of a strike ot Seattle's municipal
streetcar employes was believed to
have, beon eliminated vesterdav bv
the passage ot an ordinance by the
olty council granting the men's de
mands for an eight-hour day and
time and one-halt pay for overtime
work. As the ordinance was made
effective May 16, the council appro
priated $5,000 to make back pay
ments uf overtime.
Brussels, May 80. The arrival of
the King of the Belgians In Paris
to present the case of Belgium be
fore the peace conference created
great Interest In Parts. The tact
that the king made the Journey from
his capital to that of the' French re
pubUo by air route made his arrival
more spectacular.
Few knew that the king had orig
inally Intended to go to London that
morning but changed his mind at the
last moment'. Crombes, the young
Belgian millionaire aviator, who pi
lots him in all of his air travels told
the Associated 'Press that his motor
was running, his propeller Just gath
ering speed when he was Informed
by the king that Paris and Hot Lon
don was to bq their objective on
that particular trip. ;
Recommends Repeal of Wartime Prohibition Law As Ap
plied to Wines and BeerWould Abo Discontinue Tax
on Soit Drinks and Luxuries-Germans Given Until Wed.
( Washington, May 20. President
Wilson hi a message to congress to
day recommonded the repeal ot the
war time prohibition law so far as
It applies to wins' and beer only? He
also announced definitely that the
railroad systems, the telegraph and
telephone lines would he returned to
private ownership, and urged re
vision of war taxes particularly to
abolish manufacturers' and retail
sales excises and outlined In general
a program respecting labor. The
message waa cabled from Paris. I
President Wilson expressed the
hope to soon be at bis post again J
to report upon measures which made
his presence at the peace table Im
perative. Among the special taxes which the
president suggested he eliminated
are those on soda water and so-called
luxuries such as expensive clothing,
personal equipment, patent medicine
and toilet preparations, . pianos.
sporting goods, candy, cameras, elect
trie fans, thermos bottle, motor
boats, automobile trucks and acces
sories. These taxes were mostly et-j
fectlve May r and collection caused
much complaint
Yakima, Wash., May 20. Ruth
Garrison Is pleased at the decision
that she be kept at the penitentiary
and not sent to the asylum. She
thinks it will .be much nicer at Walla
Washington, May 20. With an
ever Increasing flood of men return
ing home from the iwar to take up
anew the tasks ot civil life, many of
them wlth greatly- changed ideas ot
lite and ambitions and in a quandary
as to Just .what to do, are appealing
to the department ot the interior for
Information as to the intentions of
the government In its proposed plan
ot providing farms for soldiers..
Such a deluge ot requests has been
received from the men who wore the
uniform aa to emphasise the lesson
of all other wars that the service
men, because, ot army life, with Its
openness and .activity, largely seek
out-of-doors vocations.
.The Interior department has al
ready explained to more than 40,000
men that the development of its
plans rests solely with congress. It
Is expected that early .In the extra
session which convened yesterday
noon, there will he Introduced bills
covering the farms-for-eoldlers plan.
Brletly the department Is saying
that, if such legislation Is . passed,
work will begin at once In the de
velopment of' cooperative farm set
tlements for soldiers and sailors In
nearly all the states. In practically
every state in the Union there are
large areas of land suitable tor this
purpose. ' ,
The plan Involves "the new farm
Idea" in that there will toe built
what are known aa community set
Momenta, each containing a number
ot farm homes, so that the men will
have near neighbors, good - roads
over which to bring their produce to
town; and a market tor the sale ot
the produce within a short distance
of the farm home. Efforts will be
made to overcome the handicaps of
farm life that are driving the people
to the cities the lack of society In
the'eountry, the distance ' between
Washington, May 20. Represen
tative Mondell, of Wyoming, repub
lican leader, announced in the house
today that a resolution proposing
that the equal suffrage constitutional
amendment be called up tomorrow
for passage. A similar resolution
was offered today In the senate.
A possibility that the senate re
publicans ot the progressive wing
may take no part in selecting sen
ate committees developed when Ken-
yon of Iowa and Jones fc-f Washing
ton, followed the example of Borah
of Idaho and Johnson of California,
and announced that they would not
accept places on Lodge's committee
on committees.
Paris, May 20. The German plen
ipotentlaries will deliver their ob
servations on the peace treaty terms
Wednesday. No extension of time
will be given them. The general Im
presslon Is that they win ultimately
Washington, May 20. Senators
predicted today that reoeal orohtbl
tlon legislation asked for by Presi
dent Wilson will not he enacted
Prohibition leaders of both parties
are against the repeal.
, 6,8721.410 IS REVISED TOTA1 .
Paris, May 20 German war losses
up to 'April 30,' last were 2,050,460
dead, 4,207,028 wounded and 615.-
922 prisoners, a total of 6,873,410,
according to figures published in
farm homes, the remoteness from the
postofflce and the newspaper, the de
sire tor better school facilities for
the children. Under the new way
there will he the farm village, the
settlement of farmers around a cen
ter iwhlch A their home, in which
can be gathered most of the advant
ages of the city the good school,
the church, the moving picture, the
well-outfitted store, and these, with
good roads, the rural express, the
telephone,, the automobile and , the
postofflce will make life on the farm
thing ot far different ' meaning
from the Isolated lite it has been.
After these service men have
bullded dama and canals, or cleared
the cut-over land ot etumps, or built
the ditches to drain the . swamp
lands; after they have helped to
erect houses and barns, built fences,
constructed roads and laid out town
sites, Ibullt creameries, canneries,
warehouses and' schools, after they
have. In fact reclaimed the land, the
government Intends to allow the
men to pick out one ot these farms
The plan provides that these farms
and homes shall be paid for In small
payments over a long term of years.
It is expected that the men will be
able to pay the first small payment
out of the wages received from the
government in helping to build these
settlements. The balance can he paid
from athe proceeds from the sale ot
crops. .
It Is planned that the government
will also furnish the new farmers
with the necessary stock vand farm
Implements, these to be paid for in
small payments spread over several
These farms will contain from 40
to 80 acres for general farming pur
poses,. from 80 to 160 for live stock
purposes, from 15 to 20 acres for
fruit farms and from 5 to 20 acres
for1 truck farms.
Unification of Itaoes Impossible.
Korea l uder Organized Govern
ment for 4 .TOO Years
Seoul, Korea, May 20. Unifica
tion of the Japanese and Korean
races Is impossible, asserts the or
ganizing committee of the indepen
dence movement In Korea in a state
ment which it haa issued setting
forth the grievances of 'the Korean
people against the Japanese.
The two chief reasons for Korea's
effort to obtain emancipation from
Japanese rule are set forth ty the
committee aa follows:
"Korea is the'mnch older of the
two nations for it has a history of or
ganized government extending over
a period of 4300 years. During a
part ot that time Korea sent tribute
to the court of China, but this was
nothing more than an outward ex
pression of the relation between the
Imperial families of the two nations.
Korea waa ever the sole noeeesslon
of our Korean race and was never
nnder the actual control of any for
eign nation or government.
"The Japanese nation Is an entire
ly distinct race from the Korean
She is an island people and her nak
edness of body and mind could only
he covered by the civilization she
received from Korea and from China
during the centuries of the past.
Her customs, her literature, her very
clothing eame to' her throueh Korea.
Of late years she has added to these
the face-powder of a Western dvili
zatlon; thus she becomes the whited
sepulchre of the Cast She gives no
evidence of moral force, her actions
toward our nation haa proven her to
be the embodiment ot cruelty. -Tha
evidence Is complete that the unifi
cation of the Japanese and Korean
races is an impossibility."
Salem, Ore., May 20. Governor
Okott today announced appoint
ments to the new child welfare com
mission. He named Mrs. Millie Tt.
Turnbnll and Fred Lockley, of Port
land, ftlrs. Fred G. Schilke, of La
Grande, Dr. S. W. Debusk. of the
University of Oregon, appointed by
President Campbell, and Dr. "Robert
d. Hall, of Portland, named fav tbe
special medical association. The gov
ernor named J. W. Ferguson, of
Portland, a member ot the state
board of accountancy, replacing Ar
thur Berridge, who resigned, and
will appoint IE. N. Wilson, ot Sled
ford, on June 3, when another va
cancy occurs.
New York, May 20. The Metho
dist missionary centenary announced
today broad plans for a movement
along social lines for world better
ment which Includes the adoption ot
12 French towns on the Chateau-
Thierry "battlefield for reconstruc
tion, the creation of recreation cen
ters in many war-worn cities ot
France and Italy, the building ' of
hospitals In darkest (Africa and es
tablishment of agricultural stations
to teach American methods In south
ern Italy, Chile and other countries.
Methodists everywhere are being
urged to help in the work.
This vast sociological and indus
trial enterprise Is to be carried on
by a department ot 58,000 young
men and women from the schools
and colleges. More than 20,000
Methodist Episcopal churches, in
cluding bosh the 'Northern and
Southern branches are behind the
Centenary movement, which Is in
spired . by the belief of the church
leaders that the world Is confronted
by the dangerous spectre ot bolahe-
vlsm which should be met by re
Uglous influence..
i i
Members Without Knowledge
Treaty With Germany or With 1
Relations to the League
Washington, May 20. Seuaj
Lodge, republican leader and ch
man of the foreign relations ti
mittee, in a statement declared
red ti
the revised league ot nations
acceptable" and predicted it wo
not be accepted by the majority
the senate without amendment, j
Characterizing the new lea;
covenant as Included in the pej
treaty "as distinctly worse than
old and more dangerous to the pe
of the world and to American rig!
and interests," Senator Lodge j
clared that none of the suggest!
from the senate or from Elihn R.
had been carried out. j
Senator Lodge's statement t
lows: ,1
" Bo far as I can Judge, and I h:
had conversations with many se
tors. Including members ot both p
ties, I am satisfied that a major
ot the" senate feel very strongly t'
the league as now presented m
receive amendment; that in its pr
ent form, without any. change. It
unacceptable and would not be
"To say that the amendments i
forward In the senate and those p
posed and formulated by Mr. R
on the suggestion of the state
partment have been met Is wtthc
any foundation. Not one of t
amendments proposed by .Mr. Rc
has been carried out. : Some ha
been entirely rejected 'and , wh
there is an appearance of there hi
ing been adopted examination sho
that the new form Is distinctly woil
than the old and more dangerous
the peace ot the world and to 'Ame
can rights and Interests.
"It is impossible not to enter npj
a detailed analysis because, althou
we may suppose that the draft
the league sent over in the press d
patches is fairly accurate, we Ha
no knowledge ot the treaty with Ga
(Continued on Page 2)
London, May 20. General Pe
shlng's proposed visit to England ad
been indefinitely postponed, po
etibly due to the belief that It wl
be inadvisable tor him to leave tb
Rhine until the Germans have eigne
the peace treaty.
Cuautla, Mexico, May 20. Leg!
ends already are beginning to sprln
up among the superstitious and id
norant Indians of this state regard!
ing lEmiliano Zapata, the rebel chid
who. met death near here' on iApri
10. In an attempt to preserve th
bandit's' body as long as possible 1
order to give the greatest number oj
hla former followers a chance to se
it, it- was packed In ice, In the ab
sence ot embalming fluids. The ic
burst the sides and top of the films
coffin and gave rise to the superst
tlous tales that the "Attlla of th
South," as Zapata was called, wa
not really dead, but had burst hi
coffin and escaped.