GRANTS TwVSS DULY COVIUER Tt ', Al'ltlli Uf. IOI0, Graduation Gifts at Letcher's ' LA TAISCA PRARLS BEAVTIFVIi OKHUOX AGATE KINGS AXI) PEXDAXTS WRIST WATCHES ELGIN'S How about a thlu model Howard fur the- young man grmluate? LETCHER & SON JEWELERS Gypsies Invited to Iamvi A band of Gypsies arrived last night from California and early this morning the women were on . the streets attempting to tell the fortune of everyone they met. Before their : activities had become very bother some the whole Junch was rounded up by Chief of Police McLane and sent to their camp across the river. They were advised to leave town at once, which they did. COMING EVENTS May, 1, Thursday 'May breakfast ... given by the Woman's Association of Bethany . Presbyterian church, May 6-7, Tuesday and Wednesday Senior play, "Circumstantial Evi dence." 60 NOTICE OP ANNUAL MEETING Notice is hereby gives that the stockholders of the Illinois Valley Building Association will hold their annual meeting in the Spenco hall on Saturday. May '24, 1919, at 2 o'clock p. m. Th's meeting Is called for the purpose of electing a board of directors to serve for the ensuing year and to transact any other bus iness that may. properly come before the meeting. J. 0. J30WELL, 60 Secretary and Treasurer. MAY BREAKFAST Presbyterian Church Thursday, May 1 6:30 to 8:30 Menn Strawberries and Cream Cereals Rolled Oats Toasted Corn Flakes ' Hot Cakes Sansage or Eggs Brel Coffee Price 35 cents 55 Fruit-Juice Essences Jiffy-Jell desserts carry real fruit flavors in es sence form, in vials. A wealth of fruit juice is condensed for each des sert So you get a fresh fruit dainty, healthful and delicious. This is the new-type quick gelatine dessert five times as good as the old kinds. Loganberry and Pine apple are two of the best flavors. Try them. They're found only in mm 10 Flavor, at Your Grocer's 2 Packagmt for 25 Centt m Considerable mystery has sur rounded the death of John Lawrence Goodell, the crippled nlsht clerk, who was Shot and killed at Angela Hotel In Portlnnd April 25, by A. B. Foster, a love-crazed druggist. Port land papers state that young Good ell was an orphan, was born at Sa lem, and was the son of an Alaskan judge. A Courier reporter learns from George M. Esterly, a prominent min ing man of Waldo and who also has extensive mining interests in Alaska, some history concerning the deceas ed hotel clerk's parents. According to 'Mr. Esterly, who was well ac quainted with the 'boy's father, the lad was the son of prominent people. His father went to Alaska a few years ago as deputy collector of cus toms, practiced law at Valdez, Alas ka, and later, through the influence of Mr. Esterly, became TJ. S. com missioner at Cook's Inlet. In 1S96 he ,was county clerk of- Josephine county, Oregon. While in Alaska Mr. Goodell was known as Judge Goodell. His health failed him and about five years agt he committed suicide at Sitka Hot Springs, Alaska. i John Lawrence Goodell's mother was formerly iMiss Benson, daughter of Frank W. Benson, who was secre tary of state of Oregon and became cx-officlo governor in 1909 by the resignation of Governor Chamberlain who was elected to the United State senate. Benson was governor from March 1, 1909, to June 17, 19!0. PERSONAL I a Mr inrm ltnyal Arch Special A special convocation of Reames Chapter No. 2$, R. A. M. will be held Wednesday, April 30. M. E. degree at 4:30 p. m. and R. A. de gree at 8 p. m. Supper at 6:45 p. m. Visiting companions Welcome. By order of F. M. Huyler, H. P. 54 NEW TOwAY LOST April 4, straw sult-cas6 with rope handle. ' Reward for return to Crescent City Stage office. 55 QUIT BUSINESS 'APRIL 30 Want ed: wool, mohair, pelts, hides, rags, rubber, metal, sacks and heavy cast Iron. Bring to 403 South Sixth street before Wednes day night. Grants Pass Junk Co. 64 WANTED Dishwasher at Josephine Hotel. 53tf WANTED Boy 15 to 18 years of age to work In a hardware store. Inquire In person at Cramer Bros. 64 WANTED Wheeled chair for In valid. Mrs. W. C. Hale, 408 C street. 59 Your Liberty Bonds- ARE THEY SAFE? ' Every dully paper tells of Lllwrty Bond lost, stolen or burned. Put your bonds In one of our safe deposit boxes Fire and burglar proof. ONLY S2.00 PER YEAR THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON MEMBE j fkdebai. assEnvs .SYSTEM t t L. Flint, of Roeeburg. la stop plug at the Oxford. Harvey Silver, of Ashland, la a Grants rasa visitor today. H. G. Slukrou Is In frqm Holland today. Mr. and iMra. Arthur Hageu, Tt Glendale are In the city today. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Fobs, or Placer. ,wtre In the city yesterday, returning home this morning. C. E. Mullory returned to Port Inud toduy after spemllug a few days wit W his mother, Mrs. Alice .Mullen. "Tetlow's Pussywillow." Suliln has It. Miss Ruth Corbott returned last evening from a business trip to Roselmrs. I). E. and I. E. Raymond, of Wal do, are transacting busluess here to day. . Mrs. C. E. MeMltllan loft last night for her home at Taoouia after spending the past two weeks with her mother Mrs. V. Wallace. New features In slating effects In. Circumstantial Evidence." May 6-7. Charles Williams returned home this morning from New York, where he received his discharge from the V. S. navy. H. D. Norton returned this morn ing from Portland where ho spent several days on professional busi ness. Corporal Nels Rosen, former em ploye of the Collins Auto Co., re turned today, having been discharg ed from Co. H, 157th Infty. He was In the service 10 months and eight months of that time was In France. Sergeant Charles Parker arrived this morning from San Diego to visit his parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Georse H. Parker. Sergeant Parker's home tie fore entering the service was Illsbee. Ariz., and he was stationed at San Diego until his discharge last week. Sergeant Parker has not visited his home for 14 years. Have you ever mislaid something In a moment of abstraction or ex citement? It's a very bad symptom. You might develope Into a ! ! 1 In "Clrcnstantlal Evidence" you have a very good Illustration of what might happen to you. Opera House May 6-7. 54 Private L. J. Lamphere returned home Monday morning. Private Lamphere was in the sen-Ice a year and was over there nine months, be ing In all the active engagements with the 3A3rd Infty., of the famous 91st division. He was In the Argon ne Wood fight and at the time or the signing of the armistice wan at the front In Belgium. ' I "Grain) istantial Evidence" Senior Class Play Opera House, May 6-7 8:15 Sharp Admission 50c & 75c Ham Sandwiches Home made cake, pickles and cof fee, good roads and a Murphy dance May 3rd. That's plenty for $1.50. Discover Placer Gold H. B. Cady ha returned home from a three weeks' prospecting trip with his partner, H. E. Woa, over Joyed at their discovery of some fine placer ground on Pleasant' creeit near the Lone Star mine which ha been a good producer tor many years. Mr. Cady brought with him a bottle of heavy placer gold panned from the new ground. Mr. Rosa 1 still at work on their claims and Mr. Cady will return there shortly.--Medford Tribune. Ten-cent May Ttaket Social The Methodist Ladies Aid will hold a May basket social In the church parlors at 3 p. m. Wednes day. Refreshments and program "by the little folks, Including the May pole dance. 54 PEPTONA WILL HELP YOU Peptona, the best tonic we sell, gives you Extract of Cod "Liver Oil, the blood enriching tonlo effect of Iron and Man ganese, and the nourishment of Malt, ' Poptona Is a scientific pre paration, of time proven value; is pleasant to take and does not nauseate or disturb sensi tive stomachs. . Recommended as an aid In convalescing from colds, and In , the rebuilding of run down systems. For Sale Only by M. CLEMENS 73U $alj FIGHTER VISITS CITY Isaac VanDorn, of Merlin, pioneer of Southern Orowon, was In Grants Pass Monday on buslneo. the flrxt trip to this city since last summer. Mr. VanlHirn Is now KS years old and h::a been lit Southern Oregon for 67 years and on his place rour miles west of Merlin for 41 years, lie foiuht the Indian wars on Murphy croek In 1S32, when a party of 21 whites trailed and attacked about 150 Indlnus which had escaped the regulars near Steamboat. In that fight Die party of -whites were sur rounded and fired on. one man, Wi ley Cash, being killed, and their horses driven 'off. VnnDorn had one bullet through his hat and another through his coat. Mr. VanDom has many Interest ing tales of Indian fights and early pioneer experiences. TOKAY HEIGHTS CO. WINS IN HULL SUIT Salem. Ore., Apr. 29. The su preme court has affirmed the deci sion of Judge Calkins In the caso of the Tokay Helghfs Development company against Daniel Hull In a sult to forecloso a mortae In Jo sephine county. The above case has been In court! tn alu-M,, ,. Al. II. .tl bought the land on Tokay Heights, paid part down and gavo a mortg.ige for the balance. Later, he claimed that the property had 'been misrep resented to him and did not make further payments. The above de cision gives the company power to foreclose. Attorney H. D. Norton of this cltv represented the Tokay Heights com pany In the supreme court. C. OF C. TAKES STEPS TO E About fifty people assembled at the Chamber of Commerce roomsj last night to enjoy the regular Mon day dinner and to take steps Imme diately to encourage the ' organiza tion of a band for Grants Pass. There was no speaking, 'but excellent music was furnished by Carpenter's orchestra. At the close of the dinner Presi dent Bramwell arose and announced the purpose of the meeting. Jle stat ed that there would be no speakers and that the entire evening would be spent talking "band." The motion that the Chamber, of Commerce support a band was car ried unanimously and tt was decided to finance the band by popular sub scriptions. A committee for this purpose was appointed and Is busy today i colle-tlng the necessary amount to start the organization, which Is estimated to be about $300. Grants Pass has the talent, and there is no reason why this city should not have one of the best bands In the state. Many people are contributing liberally. Show your public spirit by getting behind the movement and assisting a little In a financial way. The list of those who donate toward the support of the band boys will be published In to morrow's Courier. Will your name be there? Senior Play 'Circumstantial Evidence." Opera House May 6-7, (0 1 . -. ' '' No Ordinary Suit KVKH TKMITKI) THE (J 11,. ST to 1 'A TO Tim lmndomet linn of patterna mid weaves tills aenn you ever ryen on. May we olum thru to you? W iion s I rilhmin mKIOKtrtMjt FvHunIv Iuc-aI do I it The Logical Question of the war-ridden housowifo 1 "H'W liR I replace Uin faded anil Horn out Ruu which, though an eyesore-, I have endured In ordnr to Kcotiomlxo and Have?" See Holman's Line of Floor Coverings The Ixvtt on the market at the Price you ran afford to Pay Holman's Furniture Store White Lawn Petticoats I .ace and Embroidery Trimmed . HHk IVtlconM all colors MRS. E. REHKOPF loy Theater TONIGHT FANNIE WARD and Sessue Hayakawa In "THE CHEAT" A rc-lNNue that hits never been Mionn hero before The Ixnt thing that Funnle Wiird Iiun ever done TOMOItKOW und TIU'ltHDAY IKHtTHV II.U.TOX In I , "Qt'lCK 8AXDH" COMIXd "vrrrorH wivks- DOUGHBOY FORGOT THE BATTLEFIELD SERVICE San Francisco, Apr. 29. During the Chateau Thierry drive, a Y. M. C. A. man, Secretary Lane, while passing from bole to hole where the American doughboys bad dug-ln heard the cries of a wounded lad out In No 'Man's Land. He crept out to the spot and found a doughboy who begged him to get some water. . It was too rlBky to try to carry the boy to safety. Lane crawlod back and got the water. Then the boy asked him to take the crucifix to the priest and tiave him bless It and bring It back. Lane was glad to do this ser Recently, In the smoking compart ment of a Pullman this same dough boy was telling about his experiences overseas. By some curious lapse of memory he condemned the Y, M, C, A.servlce in violent terms. When he had finished fiocretary Lane asked him If he romemuered a Y, M. C. A. man risking his life to carry him a drink of water' one night when lia lay wounded In No Man's Land. The doughboy replied that he did. "I'm that secretary," repllod Lane and the boy bung his head In shamo. Would Yon Economise? Then buy letter 'paper by the roam; BOO sheets for $1, Courier office. ' 4itf Carriers Wanted Boys and girls with bicycles want ed for carrier routes. Apply at once. Courier office. '