t MOl.V. APRIL iM, 1010. Classified MM H,IJ fjATciiiNa eouhb. c.wuite Leg horni. Best of win tor layers. 11.50 per sitting or 15. $7 In 100 lott. K. Haiiimerbui'hur, phone e00-r-23, R. K. D. No. 2. If TEAM 9 and 10 year old, alio har ness and wagon for sale. Soil all or part. Call 712 North Eighth or phona 1I-L. l'1' MODERN bungulow and 9-room home, both on Kant D street, for aula cheap; term If required Mra. n. A. N. Reymor. - phone -92-J. 8J FOR SALE -125 acre of land three miles east of Orant Taaa, on the north bank of the Roguo River. Part bottom, the .balance bench land. About 40 ai-rce clear and can be cultivated. Two thouannd dollar la the price now. Bee N. B. Townaend, 621 A street, Grant Pass. FOR SALE 150 bead good Shrop shire ewes, delivered In Orant Pa or Roseburg. 1ST, lamb thrown In more to come. Thnno aheep are thoroughbred Shrop hires; good fleece of wool on their back: price $20. Geo. W. King, Montague, Cat. 4 pTtESKNT OWNBRaiilPtowtiHhlp plat of Josephine county, 50c each. Kor ale by Joxiphln Coun ty A b trai t Co. Blue printing at roaaonable rat. J9tf TOR SALE 100 acre, partly fono. ed, 0-rootn bungalow, two poultry houses, large barn, wood house, family orchnrd. Near Now Hope, for aula cheap. Address No. 728 earn Courier or phono 323-J. 55 FOR SAI.Kllouaohold good. 2 auto, 1 Ford '18 model, ahock ab sorber, first clau i-ondltlon, $300 caah or bankable nolo. Phone 204-R. a. M. Rowley. 4Stf FOR 8AIJC A 3-year-old gelding, weight about 1350 lb. Ilroko. Addrea W. F. Wilson. Murphy. 64 WHITE OCItONTO and Yellow Mc Klnley chrysanthemum. 6 for 25c. leave ordor at Oregon ( ft Kloctrlo office, where we will de liver plant. Phone 32-R. W. R. Nipper. 55 FOR BALE One Maxwell car, 1914, 1175. A. G. llou' k. South Park atrent. 55 FOR SALE 40 acrea partly culti vated lund, all fenced, nicely lo rn ted on good highway, ten mllea from Grant Pane. Addres Mr. M. A. MoColm, Wlldorvllle, Ore. 55 FOR SALE-Good, sound work home, weight about 1400 lb. Price 9100. Phone A. T. Cart. Wlldervlllo, Oregon. 57 FOR 9 A UK A good cow and house hold good, etc., too numerous to mention. Inquire at 726 South Sixth atrcet. 63 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A young work ho rue or will exchange for good milk cow and pay dif ference. Chaa. E. Wlae, Rt. 1, phone 600-F-12. 63 FOR SALE One 2-horae, and one 6-horse gai engine; 160 feet 3-Inch Irrigation pipe; one 800-gallon tank; pump Jack and pump. Any part or all to purchaser. Address, box 690,'-Grant Pa, Oregon. 53 TO RKXT FOR "RENT Private garage at 403 I atreet. 52tf WANTED WANTED A home for a bright lit tle boy of about 13 yean of age. Mother and father both dead. In quire of C. G. Gillette, county judge. 46tt WANTED Men for farm work. Phone 600-F-4. W. L. Tetter. 63 WANTED Invalid's wheeled chair. Phone 827-R or Inquire at 323-C atreet. 53 TAXI CHANGE OF JITNEY STAND from Mocha Cafe to "Stag" cigar store, ' call 183-J. (Residence 149-Y. Otto J. Knlpa. 238 DAILY JITNEY to Selma, Kerby and . Waldo. Leaves Grants Pas dally ' at 0:30 a. in. Everett Hogue, phone 817. 317 VSE THE WHITE LINE TAXI for prompt service. City and country trip. Safety first.' Call Grants Pass Hotel, phone 39G. Residence ' phone S20-R. W. G. White. 83 SPA TAXI Two machine at your service at any hour. Phono 292-R when In a hurry for a car. 48tf Newspapers 5 & 10c Advertising I LOHT ' t j jyOST Hulck aide curtain new, I black -with blue-gray lining, loit on road bet w eon Orant I'as and Waldo. Kinder please notify Geo. M. EMorly, Waldo, or Courier of fice. (3 MIH.KLLAMKOt;M TIRES Used tire bought and sold Auto Service Co. Phone 124-J, op posite Oxford bote, v 20tf E. L. OALDRA1TH, lniurtnce, rent al a specialty. Acreage, Building and Uan. 609 O atreet, Launer'a old location. tf ELECTRIC W1K1.NO and general electrical work, repairing, bout wiring. C. C. Harper, 31S Nortb Sixth street, phone 47. tf HEMSTITCHING and plcotlng at 10 cents a yard All work guaran teed. The Vanity Shop, Medford, Ore. 152 IK YOU WANT to sell your pro port y; If you want to buy proper ty; It you want good loans; It you want any service that a realty man can render. Bee McKlnstry, 603 O street. 25tf ELECTRIC WIRING House wiring, motors Installed and repaired. Phone 243-L. Joe A. Policy. 53 KNIGHTS and Ladles ofSeeuriTy Council meet second and fourth Krlday' In W. O. W. hall. 43tf IK YOU WANT good O. ft C. home atoad; two good relinquishment. Splendid homes at your price. See E. T. McKlnatry. 603 O treot. 48lf I KYOlMVANT to buy a now con crote block building, that cost IH.500, for ft, 600. that la now only partially occupied and pay 13 per cent Interest at this time, and iwilt pay 20 per font If turned Into a lodging house come and see me ahoult It NOW. E. T. Mc Klnstry. 52tf DENTISTS B. C. MACY. D. M. D. First-las dentistry 109 V 8outh 81xtk atreet, Grauts Pass, Oregon. C. E. JACKSON, D. M. D., successor to Dr. liert Elliott. Over Golden Rule Store. Phono 6. Residence phone 15 3-J. PHYSICIANS L. O. CLEMENT, M. D.. Practlc Mlinlted to diseases of the oye, eai nos and throat. Glasses fittef Office hours 9-12, 2-5, or on ap polntment Office phone 62. res' dence phone 159-J. 4 LOUUHK1DGS. M. D.. Physlolai and surgeon. City or country calli attended day or night. Redden phone 369; office phone 181 Sixth and H, Tuff Bids. A. A. WITHAM, M. D. Interna' medicine and nervous diseases 103 Corbett Bids., Portland, Or Hours 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 p. m FREDERICK J). 8TRICKER, M. D.. -Rooms 5 and 7 Masonic Building. Office hours, 9-12 a. m.; 2-5 p. m. Phones: Office 18-R; Res. 18-Y. VKTKRINAItY Kt K.-;ON OR. R. J. BESTUL. Vctorlaarlaj, Office, residence. Phone 306-R MIAYAQK AND TRANSIfclt COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. A kind of drayage and trans' wark carefully and promptly don Phoue 181-J. 8tand at freigb depot. A. Shade, Prop. l-HE WORLD MOVES; ao do w Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phon 397-R. r. U. I3HAM, drayage and transtei Safe, llano and furnltur moved, packed, shipped and stor ed. Office phone 124-Y. Resi dence phone, 124-R, ' CIVIL KNUIN KICKS DANIEL McFARLAND, civil engi neer and surveyor. Residence 740 Tenth street, phone 211-Y. 65 PHOTO STCIUO THE PICTURE MILL for tine phoio- ran.hs. Open dally except 8un day from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. Sun day sittings by appointment only Plume' Mill, 2R3-R, or residence 140-J. B7U CHICHESTER S PILLS W TUB DIAMOND BRA NIK A LsvdlMl Ak jrtMirDt-Ml4fcr I'UUla Krd in J Uetd ir-HiilAc' TJ BIWll'l taili. Hlu KILb-iO. f, nm vincr. Ifny or vour AMOMI I:K,iN PILLM. fur IB Bundles- Courier GUAXT8 1'AftS 31 MEMBERS TO THE LEAGUE Continued front Page One.i As In the original document, the oovonant provide that the loague shall act through an assouibly, In which each state ahall have one vote uud not more than three delegates, and a council, comprising for the present one representative of each of the five great power to tie selected from time to time by the assembly Mmlor of each class represented on the council may be Increased by unanimous consent of the council and a 'majority of the assembly. The text provides that nothing In the covenant shall be deemed "to af fect the validity of International en gagement such aa treaties of arbi tration or regional understandings like the 'Monroe Doctrine for socur Ing the maintenance of peace." This was tho amendment for which Presi dent Wilson made a successful fight at the same time the Japaneao dele gation to the peace conference eought vainly to have a race equality provision Inserted In the covenant. KOIUX'AHT WMt THE PKIUOD OF A PHIL 2H TO MAY 3 Washington, Apr. 26. Pacific Coast States: !ycal rains early In the week, generally fair thereafter; nearly normal temperatures. I'KltHIIING 11KVIKWR TIUK)IH Coblenz, Germany, Apr. 26. Gen eral Pershing reviewed the 19th di vision today and Brigadier ienera) .noAiexanoer was decorated wltn a dlatlnguiehed service nir lul. INKU KXZA REAP HEAVY TOLL AMONG HO. AFRICAN'S Brussels, Apr. 25. Great loss of lire among the natives of the Belgian Congo as a result of an Influenia epidemic is reported In dispatches received here. Some estimates place the number of deaths at 500,000. .' Mark Twain's Toast to "Babies," ResKindlng to the touht of "Babies" at the memoriiil Chicago banquet in honor of General Grant In 1?70. Murk Twain concluded with a sentence thai set the gathering in an Upruur. In his Ininili.'ible drawling voire be mid: "In bis cradle, sumewht're under the las. the future lllnstrious conuuaiider-in-chli-f of the American armies is so llltle luih.cneil with his approaching grumleurs and reKimiwIliilltle u to be giving hla whole strategic mind. 01 this moment, to trying to find some way to get his own big toe Into his mouth, an ach'eveinent whU-u (mean ing no disrespect) the Illustrious puest of this 'evening also turned hla atten tion to some fifty-six year ago. And If the child Is but the futher of the man there are mighty few who will doubt that be succeeded:-' At that conclusion the audience broke Into cheers and roars of laugh ter In which even the reserved Grant Joined. Envelopes at the Co .rte-' Office The California and Oregon coast Railroad Company TIME CARD Effective Nov. 19, 1918. Trains will run Tuesday, Thuradaj and Saturday Leave Grant Paa....,i 1 P. M Arrive Waters Creek .. 2 P. M Leave Waters Creek ......S P. M Arrive Grants Pass ...... 4 P. M. For information regarding freight ind passenger rate call at the office of the company, Lundburg building, or telephone 131. ATTORNEY H. D. NORTON, Atlorney-ai-i Pra. Ucea In all State and FedT Court. Flrat National Bank bid. OOLVIG ft WILLIAMS. Attoron at-Law, Grant Paa Banking (' Bid., Grant Pas, Oregon. . 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney, fr tic In all court. First Nations Bank Bldg. 0. 8. BLANCHARD, Attorney ai Law. Golden Rule Bulldin Phono 270, Grant Pas, Oregci dLANOHARD BLANCHARD, A torneyi, Albert Bldg. Phor JSS-J Practice In all courts: lat board attorneys. ' !. A. dIDLER, Atlorney-at-Law, r rt In bankruptcy. Maxon teirule, Grant Pass. Ore GEO. H. DURHAM, attorney at law referee In bankruptcy, Masonli Temple, Grants Pass,' Ore. Phon. 135-J.- . .... . . . IAMES T. CHIMNOCK, Lawyer First National Bank '. building Grants. Pas. Ore-tin.- '' DAILY COURIER .(riC'K TO CONTRACTORS I HTATE lUfillWAY XN8Tia'CTION Sealed bids will be received by the! State Highway Commission of the! State or Oregon at Room 620 Mult nomah Cpunty Courthouse, Portland, ' Oregon, at 10 o'clock a. m. on thai ftik ,1utf . f Maw lain . u - ' " ""ft kur ilia iuiiuw- Ing projects: Grading and macadamizing, Pa cific hlg-hway, Benton county, Mon roe to Lane county line, 3.24 miles In length; 18,000 cubic yards exca vation; 6,750 cubic yard rock sur facing. Grading, Pacific highway, Clacka mas county, Oregon City to Oswego, 6.8 miles In length; 40,000 cubic yards excavation. Grading and macadam, Pacific highway, Douglas county, Comstock Pass Creek ectlon, 1.0 miles in length; 5,000 cubic yard excava tion; 2,000 cubic yards rock surfac ing. f Grading and macadam, Pacific highway, Douglas county, Leona Draln section, 3.25 miles In length; 19,000 cubic yard excavation; 6,000 cubic yards rock surfacing. Grading and macadam, Pacific highway, Douglas county, Oakland South section, 1.2 miles In length; 14,009 cubic yards excavation; 2,400 cubic yards rock surfacing. Grading and macadam. Pacific highway, Douglaa county, Roeeburg Wlnchester section, 2.0 miles in length; 9,000 cubic yard excava tion; 4,000 cubic yards rock surfac ing. Grading and macadam, Pacific highway, Douglas county, Roseburg Dillard section, 6.7 miles In length; CI, 000 cubic yards excavation; 7,500 cubic yarda rock surfacing. Grading and macadam, Pacifl': highway, Douglas county, Jacques PlaceJohns Place section, 7.2 miles In length; 28,000 cubic yards exca vation; 11,200 cubic yards rock sur facing. Grading, Columbia River highway, "llllam county, Arllngton-Morro-7 county line section, 12.3 mllea in length; 88,000 cubic yards excava tion. Grading and paving. Pacific high way, Jackson county. Gold Hill-Josephine county line section, 12.2 miles In length; 24,000 cubic yards excava tion. Grading and paving. Pacific high way. Jackson county, Ashland-Green Springs Mt. Road, 5.S5 miles in length; 24,500 cubic yards excava tion. Paving, Pacific highway, Jackson county, Green Springs Mt. Road-California line section, 14.8 miles in length; 11,000 cubic yards excava tion. Grading, Pacific highway, Jose phine county, Sexton Mt section, 7.6 miles In length, 118,000 cubic yards excavation. Paving, Pacific highway, Lane county, Eugene-Goshen section, 4.9 miles in length; 10,000 cubic yards excavation. Grading and macadam. Pacific highway. Lane county. Junction Clty Denton county line, 5.5 miles In length; 16,000 cubic yards excava tion; 11,500 cubic yards rock sur facing. Paving, Old Oregon Trail, Union county, Island City-LaGrande-Hot Lake section; 6.5 miles In length. Paving, West Side highway, Wash ington county, Hillsboro-Forest Grove section, 4.3 miles in length.' No bid will be considered unless accompanied by caah, 'bidder's ibond or certified check tor an amount equal to five (5) per cent of the total amonnt bid. A corporate surety bond will be re quired for the faithful performance of the contract in a sum equal to one-half of the total amount bid. Proposal blanks and full informa tion for bidders may be obtained at the office ot the State Highway En gineer, Capitol Building, Salem. Plans, specifications and form of contract may be inspected at the same iplace or may be obtained upon deposit of $5.00 for each set of plans and specifications. Plans and specifications are also on file at Room 1301 Yeon Building. Portland. Plans and specifications for the work In Jackson county may -be in spected ait the office of 'Mr. K. E. Hodgman,- division engineer at 'Med ford, and plans and specifications for the work in Union county may be In spected in the office ot Manche O. Bennett, division engineer, Pendle ton. The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals or to accept the pro posal deemed best for the State of Oregon. ' STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION, I S. BENSON, Chairman v W. !L. THOMPSON, Commissioner R. A. BOOTH. Commissioner Attest: ,s HERBERT NUNN. State Highway Engineer. i , Salem. Oregon, April 23, 1819. - 55 1 F3 i 1 lai xl A Flavor for sealed zlr-tlsht end II I j $yj Impurity-Proof, in the wax- J:1 wrapped safety packages. SI3 ' '' ' MJ Be sure to set ) A because it is supreme f jM, In' quality. I 'fr ,Tli.e Flavor (lasts' i USED CAR One "Back Skin" Maxwell. Good as new One 1017 MaxwelL First clasa condition One Ford Track "Raring to go" . One Overland CAR WASHING AND 6LMOXIZIXG A SPECIALTY PRICKS COLLINS AUTO COMPANY SERVICE What the public is interested In, Insofar as power and light companies are concerned, is SERVICE. If a power company does not give proper service, the consideration which the public haa ex tended to the .power company is not returned. Enlightened modern management recognizes this tact and therefore makes every effort within its financial and physical ability to ren der such service. This is not only a sentimental consideration. It is best business policy. No power company can successfully oper ate in a community amid dlsenalon, discord and dissatisfaction be , tween itself and its patrons. It has been the experience of this com pany that its efforts to redder good service have been understood and apprclated, and that it has been supported In its endeavors to so ar range Its affairs aa to give such service. ' The year Just .passed lias been an extremely trying one. Many of our men were called to the colors. Requisition by the govern ment for war time needs made It impossible to secure many kinds of equipment and material used in our "justness, and what could be obtained by release was most expensive, still we struggled on tor SERVICE, and U lias been a matter ot apecial gratification to the company to note the cheerfulness with irhlch our patrons have ex cused the little interruptions which conditions made It impossible to , avoid. The current year will see an Improvement which we believe will fully satisfy our friends. California-Oregon fhone 108-J JOB PRIfTTING NEATI Y DONE APTHE COURIER OFFICE t-AUlf THRU) BARGAINS .4750 -S530 ..$400 -$250 RIGHT Power Company Grants Pass, Oregon