Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, April 26, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    ' VACflS FOCB "
SATi niUV. APIUI. 2(1, 101 i.
Graduation Gift
Line Is Now Here
Many new items have
been added to our
stock for this occasion
; Today's The Day ,
iWA. . . , ....
l'm-lk' f f ou como in ana select juur cuwro oi tag
' i frw exclusive Summer patterns, and leave the order for
Geo. S. Calhoun
' 60S O Street
Exclusive local dca!?r
The Logical Question
of the war-ridden housewife I
"How shall I replace the faded and worn out Ruga which,
though an eyesore, I have endured in order to Economize and Save?"
See Holman's Line of Floor Coverings
The best on the market at the Price jron can afford to Pay
, Holman V Furniture Store
Are you registered? If not, you
must do so on or before May 3rd in
order to vote at the special election
June 3rd. E. L. COBORN,
52 Couaty Clerk.
FEED GRINDING and all kinds of
stock and chicken feeds for sale at
The New Mill, Third and O streets,
phone 356-R. J. J. Morton. 46tf
"Cutk" tor nails. Sabln has It.
Mrs. A. C. Jloloomb and little
daughter left yesterday for Salem
and 'Portland.
The Gilnian, Lone Cheatnut brand
dairy butter, tor sale at tbe Jose
phine Grocery. (3
Geo. M. Esterly returned -to his
mine near Waldo today, after trans-
acting business in the city.
Chick feed, beef scrap, grit and
shell at Cramer Bros. 52
Remember the May Breakfast at
the Presbyterian churoh. uMay 1. 52
Arthur Erickson and wife return
ed last evening to their home at
Yankton, 'Ore., after a week's visit
with Mr. Erlckson's parents at Wll
dervllle. Remember the May Breakfast at
the Presbyterian church. May 1. 53
Paint up with Patton'a Sun Proof
guaranteed paint sold only by Cra
mer Bros. - r3
Mrs. G. A. Baker and two chil
dren left this morning for Portland
to Join Mr. Baker, who is employed
in an iron works engaged In supply
ing shipbuilding material. Two chil
dren, 'Metha and Nahura. will remain
with their aunt. Miss Pearl Birum,
until the close of school.
Hot Point electric ranges at Cra
mer Bros. Come In and see one. 52
Poultry tonic at Cramer Bros. 52
Odd Fellow to Kerb)-
A large number of Odd Fellows
and Rebekahs and their friends from I
this city motored to Kerby today to!
attend the Odd Fellow picnic.
Mina Taylor Dresses!)
Fof Spring, 1919 .
The new JMiim Taylor styles for Spring nrc here!
To you who have nuulo the acquaintance of Minn
Taylor Dresses, we don't need to. say another word.
Heeause you know from experience all their good
qualities nnd you'll he eager to come eiulv to make
. . . 1 . .A i 11 . a '
om- selection irom tne new models.
And for the womau to whom "Mina Taylor" is making her how for the
first time, there is a delightful experience in store. You'll enjoy looking
through the selection of frock on display and you'll enjoy even more
wearing one of these smart, cleverly designed dresses.
Mina Taylor Dresses
"Full of Infinite Variety"
Free Lesion
On the Schottlshe at the dancing
party, Waldorf hall, Saturday night.
Remember the May Breakfast at
the Presbyterian church, May 1. 52
All kinds of garden seeds at Cra
mer Bros. ' ,62
Not Alilund Murder
A dispatch yesterday stating that
A. B. Foster, of Ashland, had shot
and killed J. L. Goodell, should have
been dated Portland Instead of Ash
land, as the tragedy was at Portland
and not In tbe Southern Oregon city.
Alfalfa seed at Cramer Bros. 52
LOST April 4, straw suit-case with
rope handle. Reward for return
to Crescent City Stage office. 55
May, 1, Thursday (May breakfast
given by the Woman's Association
' of Bethany Presbyterian church.
May 11, Sunday Baccalaureate ser-
'May 15, Thursday IA1 G. Barnes
circus In Grants Pass.
May" 16, "Friday High school commencement
ed: wool, mohair, pelts, hides,
. rags, rubber, metal, sacks and
heavy cast iron. Bring to 403
South Sixth street before Wednes
day night. Grants Pass Junk Co.
On Sunday Morning
At 11 o'clock at Newman M. E.
church. Rev. Melville T. Wire will
take as his topic, Alfred Noyes' mag
azine article, "Is Civilization Imper
iled? or What Comes of Reversing
the Decalogue." 52
An Imported Talcum
1 large 5 oz. pkg 63c
Sample for the Asking
Sells Drugs and Books
ance, plate glass liability Insur
ance. 204 Sixth street. tf
W. L. CHAP1N is now prepared to
do saw gumming and grinding of
all kinds, also fine shoe repairing,
319 G street. SOS 9
FOR SALE Good, sound work
horse, weight about 1400 lbs.
Price $100. Phone A. T. Cart
Wilderville, Oregon. 57
for the summer. Across the street
from Bdgerton's saw mill. C. A
Heath, phone 347-R. 52
WANTED Invalid's wheeled chair.
Phone 327-R or Inquire at 823-C
street. 53
IF you WANT to buy a new con
crete block building, that cost
18,500, for $1,600, that is now
only partially occupied and pays
13 per cent Interest at this time,
and will pay 20 per cent If turned
into a lodging house come and
see me aboutt it NOW. E. T. Mc-,-Kinstry.
, 52tf
Why Wait
When you can get
a car every minute
We try to please
Two cars day and night
Spa Taxi
Day 262-R. Night
FOR SALE! A good cow and house
hold goods, etc., too numerous to
mention. Inquire at 726 South
Sixth stTeet. 63
young work horse or will exchange
tor good milk' cow and py dif
ference. Chas. E. Wise, Rt.
phone C00-F-12.
Incubator bargains at Cramer
Bros. 52
Darning Clam Starts
Mrs. Goettsche, last night at the
Waldorf hall, started her dancing
class with an enrollment of 51.
ll 1 ll I ! Ill
There is a Mina Taylor Dress for every ac
tivity. There' are darker, strictly "service"
frocks that are just the garb for mornings whti
you have n lot to do alnnit the house. Trim, com
fortable, attractive, they're proof positive t lint
workaday clothes can be' good looking.
And there are Mina Taylors for all kinds of
dainty uses, too. Kor afternoons on the porch
with your sewing, a visit to a friend, an auto ride
or a picnic, every qcension is a good reason for
one of these fascinating frocks.
Mina Taylor Dresses express' your own
taste and personality they're "individual"
dresses. They're a pleasure to wear, they're so
comfortable and dainty and they "do up" per
fectlythat great requisite of ideal summer
wear. After you've once worn them, von '11 un
derstand why Mina Taylors are such "likeable"
dresses. '
Shown exclusively in the store of
Another Hero Home r'.
Irvine E. Rigel, son of Dan Rlgel,
Williams creek rancher, returned
this morning from Camp Lewis
where tie received his discharge. Rl
gel" was through the St. Mlhlel and
Argon ne battles, hut luckily escaped
without a wolind.
Garden sprayers for aphis at Cra
mer Bros. 52
Dining Room Clones
On account of Mr. Lavlgueur, chef
and steward at the Oxford, leaving
for Portland Sunday the dining room
service will be discontinued until a
new management is secured.' 52
Helmet From Boesch
Mrs. Boesch recently received from
her son, Joseph, a highly camou
flaged German helmet, picked np on
tfo (Man's Land. The head-gear Is
a heavy, cumbersome affair that
would weigh an ordinary man down.
The helmet Is on exhibition In the
Courier window.
xk SALE One 2-orse, and one
6-horse gas engine; 160 feet 3-Inch
irrigation pipe; one 800-gallon
tank; pump jack and pump. Any
part or all to purchaser. Address
box 690, Grants Pass, Oregon. 53
FOR RENT Private garage at 403
I street. . 52tf
"Parties wishing to reserve taibles
for the May Breakfast phone 305-R.
All the garden tools you need at
Cramer Bros. 62
May Day and Springtime
Lamb tongues and apple blossoms.
The world's young and so are you.
Kut kapers at Murphy May 3rd. 51
K. and Ij. of 8. Are Active-
Mrs. J. L. Calvert and Mrs. Grant
Orme who Just returned from Port
land where they attended the big
Initiation of 300 candidates Into the
Knights and Ladles of Security
lodge reported one of the grandest
affairs they ever witnessed. Rev. E.
J. Cromwell, national prelate, of
Wichita, Kan., put on' 1200 feet of
film work during the Initiatory ser
vice with a lecture to suit each scene.
Southern Oregon expects to secure
Mr. Cromwell and his moving picture
before the end of tbe year.
Red clocer seed at Cramer Bros.
, .
The Famous Drury Lane Melodrama
66 s
If TTTTTir99
A tremendous tale of fast horses, flying fists and beautiful
women, now, produced with all the world for,its stage
A Companion Picture to "The Whip"
It Isn't very often that I break
.Into the public print to commend
a photoplay. AVhen I do It Is be
cause there Is something about It
that Is decidedly extraordinary.
That is why I am publicly and
personally endorsing "SportlnK
Life." It is extraordinary. It is
a magnificent spectacle that you
cannot afford to miss.
Mgr. Joy Theatre.
Prices 15c-30c
Am & Vr
7 V W. V
t J-
t,- IV 1
IT"nirffi I HTinfl
8om ol thf. in hit cofl'a.