GRANTS PASS DAILY COVIUEIt FRIDAY, A Pit II. Sen, 1010. Save Your Eyes We can help you by fitting them with glasses. Letcher & Son Optometrists XKW TO. .AY' FEED GRINDING and all kinds of . stock and chicken feeds tor sale at The New Mill, Third and G streets, phone 356-R. J. J. Morton. 46tf LOST April 4, straw suit-case with rope handle. Reward tor return to Crescent City Stage office. .. 55 QUIT BUSINESS APRIL 30 Want- ,. ed: wool, mohair,, -pelts, hides, .. rags, rubber, metal, sacks and heavy cast iron. Bring to 403 South Sixth street before Wednes day night. Grants Pass Junk Co. 54 FOR SALE Household furniture. - Call at 31 F street. 52 WANTED Men for farm work. Phone 600-F-4. W. I Tetter. 53 CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our sincere thanks to the many friends for their kindness and assistance during the illness and death of our loved one. Also for the kindly services of the G. A. R. and the W. R. C. and the many beautiful floral offerings. MRS. J. W. GILMORE and w FAMILY. What kind of a meal would twelve ears of sweet corn make? Corn meal, of course! THERE MAY BE GREATER HARDSHIPS THAN BE OBLIGED TO GO WITHOIT GOOD WHOLESOME 31 EAT ' FOR EVEX OXE MEAL, ' Jit: . BUT WE CAN'T THIXK OF AXY VST OFF HAXD. DOX'T DO IT! IT ISX'T NECESSARY! WE SELL THE BEST OF MEAT! The City Market' 403 G STREET PHONE 82 You Need Now Is the time you need a checking account. Every payment your 'business calls for should be made by check. It Is the only absolutely safe way. It la the most convenient way. It adds dignity and tone to your business. , If you have no checking account you should open one at once and grow with your bank. We can offer you some attractive rea- ' sons why you should bank with us. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON BkKsjraTEMastm WILL BE TAKEN OUT The following letter has just been received by Geo. II. Dorman, local manager tor the Oregon Uas Elec trl? company, from -the gas com pany's head office in San Frnclsco. The letter should set at rest the an xiety of those who have been told that the gas company has ibeen plan ning on taking the gas out of Grants Puss on July 1, duo to a reduction tn the number of customers since the raise in gas rates: "We are In receipt of your favor of April 2lst, regarding your conver sation with the editor of the Grants Pass Dally Courier, in which he ad vises you that there are rumors around the city that the Gas Com pany is going to discontinue opera tlons after July 1st, and we are at a loss as to how such an unfounded rumor could be circulated, as we have not authorized anyone to circu late such a rumor. "It ts our Intention to continue operations in Grants Pass as long as the citizens of Grants Pass will con tinue to use gaa and while we feave never made any money by operating the plant at Grants Pass, still we are at all times willing to supply them service as long as they continue to patronize us and cooperate with us, "We thank you for calling this matter to our attention and would ask that you kindly place this before the public whenever you have cea sion to do so." TO Descendant of a long line ot prin cesses of ancient Syria and proud ot her pure Semitic race,,, daughter of the people who spoke the ancient Syrlac ot Bibical days, Princess Rah- me Haider, native ot the Holy Land is spending a few days in Grants Pass and on Sunday and Monday evenings. April 27 and 28, will ap pear at the Newman Methodist church. The direct occasion of her visit is In 'connection with a tour which she is making in this country since the San Franisco exposition acquainting Americans, wherever possible, of the knowledge concern ing the social and political rondl tlons of her people the Syrians. Her topic on Sunday evening at the regular hour of worship will be "Glimpses of Palestine." Her ap pearance In rich native costumes gives her story an unique setting, making an entertainment that will linger long In the minds- of her au ditors. Monday evening at the same church at 8:15 o'clock, Princess Rah me will present her own dramatiza tion of the old Bibical story of "Naa man the Leper." It tells how the early Syrian people were turned from the worship of Baal to the worship of the true God of Israel and the part the Hebrew captive maid played in bringing about this great change. With her Princess Haider has brought part of her wardrobe gowns that have 'been in her family for' more than a century. They are of Royal Damascus blue satin, hand made by native girls. They are elaborately embroidered In pure gold and each design has its own poetic significance. The Princess will be ably asslted by her traveling companion. Miss Lucille Burgess who will Tender the quaint Oriental music both Syrian and Egyptian. Legal Blanks at the Courier. 0;r classlfi 3 rds bring results It Now PER52M. Sheriff George Lewis returned this morning from a trip to Salem. J. Ralph Wood arrived this after noon from New York, having Just been discharged from the U. a navy. "Lux." Sabln has It. John Van Zante, attorney ot Port land, was In the city Thursday, re turning north last night. Attorney Jaa. T. Chlnnook was transacting business In Med ford yes terday. Men wanted tor road work. S. S. S.-hell. 51 Arthur Brown, circulation man ager tor the Oregontnn In Southern Oregon, is here from Medford today. Mrs. Mary Rose returned to Rose burg elonlght, after visiting her sis ter. Mrs. Pernoll, and her father, Mrs. 11. E. Wood arrived Wednes day from Long Beach, Cal., and will spend several months with her daughter, Mrs. H. K. Woodson. Men wanted for road work. . S. S. Sohell. 31 George B. Ylets, superintendent of the Oregon division of the American Railway Express Co., was in the city yesterday in the interest of the ex press service. Mrs. Jos. Fetzner returned last night from San Jose. Cal., where she spent the past three months with her daughter. Miss Ruth, who Is a stu dent In the California Normal. The Gilman, Lone Chestnut brand dairy butter, for sale at the Jose phine Grocery. 52 Sir David Paulln. of Edlnburg. Scotland, and John Readman stopped at Rogue River Thursday to visit Mr. Paulin's sister, 'Mrs. Jas. Martin Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Martin Jr., and Miss Marietta Martin, or this city, visited there Thursday. G. A. Webb, manager of the Grants Pass and Crescent City stage line, came In last -night from San Francisco end left this morning for Crescent City. The stage company is now running the automobile stages clear through to the coast, having had men on the Oregon mountain Improving the road to make It eas ier on auto tires. Men wanted for road work. S. S. Sohell. 51 BORN THEINN To Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Thelnn, at the Good Samaritan hospital today, a daughter. Would You Economize? Then buy letter -paper by the ream; 500 sheets for $1. Courier office. 41tf COMING EVEXTS Apr. 26, Saturday Pomona Grange meeting at Murphy. 12 o'clock. May, 1, Thursday 'May ' breakfast given by the Woman's Association of Bethany Presbyterian church, May 11, Sunday Baccalaureate ser mon. May 15, Thursday iAI O. Barnes circus In Grants Pass. May 16, Friday High school com mencement. NOTICE Are you registered? If not, you must do so on or befoce May 3rd In order to vote at the special election June 3rd. E. L. COBURN, 52 County Clerk When you are overworked, feel listless or languid, or when you can't sleep or eat, better take Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea, livens you up, purifies the blood, soothes and regu lates the stomach, makes yon eat snd sleep. A real Spring' Medicine, 35c. Tea or Tablets. Sabln 's T-n Store fv. PEPTONA WILL HELP YOP Peptonn, the best tonic we sell, gives you Extract of Cod Liver Oil, the blood enriching tonic effect of Iron and Man ganese, and the nourishment of Malt. Peptona Is a scientific pre paration, of time proven value; la pleasant to take and does not nauseate or disturb sensi tive stomachs. Recommended as an aid In ' convalescing from colds, and in the rebuilding of run down systems. For Sale Only by M. CLEMENS LftcdL lUvetvos Sad Xtw ; Mr. Geo. Seebach leave tonight for Portland, having received the sad no a of the death of her sister, Mrs. F. E. Miller. Salvation Army lluniitiaue Halo , Hum matte sale tomorrow after noon at Salvation Army barracks, 413 G street from 1 to 5 p. m. Ac cumulated gents and ladles clothes and shoes will be disposed of. Parker lloiiN llolUt Saturday ' More linking Co. 61 (Jen. ljwin W. It. t Tomorrow Gen; Ugan W. R. C. will hold their regular meeting tomorrow af ternoon. There will be a social hour at the close In honor of the newly Initiated members to which all O. A. R. and Civil war veterans are cordial ly Invited Xo be presunt. Frt-e LtwNnn On the Sdiottlshe at tho dancing party, Waldorf hall, Saturday night. Stat Highway Work The state highway commission is advertising for bids for road con-1 structlon In various mrU of the! state. One proposal asks for bids to grade and pave the Pacific high way from Gold Hill to the Josephine county line, a distance of a little over 12 miles. Carriers Wanted Boys and girls with bicycles want-! cd for carrier routes. Apply at once. ! Courier office. Shake Hnntls Willi IVnlilng In a communication recently re ceived hero from Mrs. Anno Hamil ton, daughter of the Rev. W. H. Hamilton, former residents of this city, and who has 'been In the service of the American Red Cross In Paris the past years, she states she had the honor to be one of four Red Cross workers to shake hands with General Pershing at a large gathering. jun In Moat Outline Sixteen prominent women of our city gathered at the Temple meat market this morning to learn all about the euta of meat. Mr. I.ewls, who demonstrated and answered the questions of the ladles was most obliging and the ladles are very grateful to him for his trouble. Learning of this sort makes better shopers and enables merchants to fill their wants more satisfactorily. K-xrt Farnum Paroled According to a current reort, Roy Farnum, who was convicted in the circuit court here a few years ago of murdering his sweetheart, Edna Morgan, whose charred remains were found In the smouldering ruins of an ' old bajn In Cow creek valley, hus been paroled after serving but. ap proximately two years of his sen tence of from three to 20 years for rape, and from one to 15 years for manslaughter. Roseburg Review. Dunclng Class Starts At Waldorf Hall Friday evening, April 26, 8 o'clock. Parties' wishing to begin phone 383-R. 51 Will Attend Meet 1 11 it Re v. C. M. Cllne leaves tonight for1 Ashland to attend the Rogue River Baptist Association conorence. He will ibe accomiwnled by the follow ing delegates, Miss Crane, Mrs. Booth, Mrs. Jordan, Mr. and 'Mrs. Roy Hackett, Miss Winifred Pad dock and Rev. J. iM. Powers. The visitors starting Sunday morning are, Mr. and Mrs. Britten, Mrs. J. M. Powers and iMIss Gonevieve Pat tlllo. Rev, -Cllne will return for Sunday services. Jeweler Arrested ' Emll Baler, a Jeweler of this city was arrested Tuesday on a warrant aworn out by Mrs. John Bolt, charg ing Jilm with attempt at rape upon the person of her 14-year-old daugh ter. The preliminary hearing was held ibefore Justice A. O. Clarke this week and Baler was bound over to the grand Jury, (bonds being fixed at $1,000. Attorney Urown of this city was employed by the defendant, and an effort was made to ' have Baler's bonds lowered. As 'we go to press it is reported that the bond has been lowered to $500. Baler Is still in Jail here. Olendale News. May Day and Springtime Lamb tongues and apple 'blossoms. The world's young and so are you. Kut kapers at Murphy May 3rd.' 51 Our slatslfled ads brtsg rssnlt White Lawn Petticoats I Are and Embroidery Trimmed Silk Potleonta all colors MRS. E. ft 00.1 O Street GEO S. The Logical Question of the war-rldifcu house w if o I "How shall I rosace the faded and worn out Ruga which, though an r-yeaorr, I have endured In order to Economise and Have?" See Holman's Line of Floor Coverings The best on tho market at the Price you ran afford to Pay Holman's Furniture Store Ford, neatly new, detrountable wheels $475 Breaker-points and brushes for all ignition systems C. L. HOBART CO. JOY THEATER TONIGHT and KATIUDAV Wallace Reid in "Too Many Millions" Wallace Inherits 40 millions while ruling a :Oc dinner. The "unfortunate" follow start out to smd It gives the iittice boys In the hotel a ten stt every time he saw one and you het he saw them for they took rare to lie prrm'iit. TELL THAT TO THE MARINES" ANtwo reel comedy SNIPE SHOOTERS ARE I Paris, Apr. 25. By no ono will the departure of the American sol diers from Paris he more keenly felt than by tho humble "megottlers" the pli kers-up of cigar stubs and cigarette ends. This has been a golden time for them, and "Papa CInquante," who Is the recognized 'boss of the trade and employes some thirty pickers, replies disdainfully wtien folks grumble to him about the scarcity of tobacco. . "There's always tobacco where Americans are," he says. "My men follow them up. Fine fellows. They smoke good stuff, and, what's better, REHKOPF A Clothes Investment It U economy in ortb-r, and gel, all wool riot tics matin us you want tlietti and made right ly CALHOUN Kirlnalve local dealer DON'T FORGET "Spoiling Life" Hl'NIMY MONDAY they Just chew their cigars" and throw away half of them. That's whore we gather In our little har vest. The quality of 'my tobacco' has gone up several degrees," and he grinned. "Just now business Is fine," he went on. "People are beglnnlg to sit outside the cafes again, and my men Pick up all the fag ends on the side walk Another squad cleans up the music hall lounges early in the morn ing. People smoke more than ever." Classified advertising In the Dally. Courier wilt be charged for at the rate of 5 cents per line per Issue un loss paid ' la advance. Tho rate ot 25 words at 60 cents per week does not provide for bookkeeping post- K on statements mailed, etc. Here. tofore we have permitted occasional charges at tits cheap rates but. no mors. , ..... . ,.