Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, April 24, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Classified Advertising
T11VT18DAV, A PIU 1 21, IDlb.
born. Beit of winter Uyer.
11.80 per Mtttng of 15. $7 In
100 lots. K. Hainmrbachr,
phone 06-r-28. R. F. D. No. i. tt
TEAM 9 and 10 yean old, alio bar
ne and wigon for aale. Belt all
or part. Call 711 North Eighth
or phone H-L. Mlf
MODERN bungalow and 9-room
bouse, both on Kaet D street, tor
aale cheap; term II required.
Mrt. It. A. N. Heymer. phone
ro'liTsA'LBisis acree of land three
mile east of Oram Pae, on the
north bank of the Ilogue River.
Part bottom, the balance bench
land. About 40 acre clear and
can be cultivated. Two thousand
dollar I the price now. See N.
E. Towmond, 621 A atrent, Grant
Pa. 61
FOR BALK ISO bead good Shrop
shire ewee, delivered In Grant
Pane or Rosobtirg, 1SS lamb
thrown In more to come. These
sheep are thoroughbred Shrop
shire; good flwwe of wool on
their back; price $20. Geo. W.
King, Montague, Cal. 64
plat of Josephine county, 60c
each. For aale by Josophlne Coun
ty Abstract Co. Blue printing at
reasonable rate. 89tf
FOR SALE 10 aore. partly fenc
ed, 6-room bungalow, two poultry
house, large barn, wood house,
family orchard. Near New Hope,
for aale cheap. Addreaa No. 722
care Courier or phone 323-J. 65
16 '
FOR -SALE Jersey cow, giving
milk now. Robert McClaskoy, Rt.
No. 2, Box 22, Grants Pas. 61
FOR BALK Household goods, 2
autoa, 1 Ford '16 model, ahock ab
sorbers, first class condition, $300
cash or bankable note. Phone
204-R. O. M. Rowley. 4tf
FOR SALE A 3-year-oJd gelding,
weight about 1350 lbs. Broke.
Address W. F. WlUon. 'Murphy. 54
I)9T Bulck lde curtain, new,
black with blue-gray lining, lost
on road between Grants Paaa and
Waldo. Finder please notify Geo,
M. Esterly, Waldo, or Courier of
fice. 63
WANTED A home for a bright lit
tle 'boy of about 8 year of age.
Mother and father both dead. In
quire of C. O. Gillette, county
Judge. 46tf
TIRES Used tire bought and old
Auto Service Co. Phone 124-J, op
posite Oxford hotel. 20tf
E. L. OALBRAITH, Insurance, rent
al a apeolalty. Acreage, Building
and Loan. 609 O street, Launer'i
old location. U
electrical work, repairing, houe
wiring. C. C. Harper, 315 North
Sixth atreet, phone 47. tt
HEMSTITCHING and plcotlng at 10
cent a yard All work guaran
teed. The Vanity Shop, Medford,
Ore. 1"
if YOU WANT to ell your pro-
nertf : If you want to buy proper
ty; It you want good loan; It you
want any service that a realty man
can render. Bee McKlnstry. 603
O street. I5t'
motor Installed and repaired.
Phona 848-L. Jo A. Polley. 63
KNIGHTS and Ladle of Security
Council meet second and fourth
Friday' In W. O. W. hall. 48tf
IP YOU WANT good O. & 0. horae
tead; two good relinquishment.
Splendid home at your price. See
E. T. McKlnstry. 60S O street. 48tf
Mocha Cafe to "Stag" cigar tore,
call 183-J. (Residence 149-Y.
Otto J. Knlp. 238
DAILY JITNEY to Selma, Kerby and
Waldo. Leave Grant Pas dally
at 9:30 n, m. Everett Ilogue
; phone 317. 817
prompt service. City and country
triu! Safety first. Call Ornnts
i Pass Hotel, phone 896. Residence
phone 820-R. W. O. White. ; 83
SPA TAXI Two machines at your
service at any hour. Phone 262-R
when In a hurry for a car.' 48tf
FOR KENT Furnished house at
71 J B atreet. See O. M. Flint. 46tf
K. C. MACT. D. M. U. flrst-'las
dentistry 0 South Bliti
street, Oranta Pass, Oregon. .
C. B. JACK80N. D. M. D., successor
to Dr. Bert Elliott. Over Golden
Rule Store. Phone 6. Residence
phone 16 J-J.
L O. CLEMENT. M. P., rTauix
limited to disease of the y. ex
oote and throat. Glasses Bllvr.
Office hour t-lZ, t-i, or on at
polnlmeot. Office phone 12, res
dence phone 159-J.
and aurgeon. City or couotry esii
attended day or night. Realdsnr
phone 166; office phone 11:
Stub end II, Tuff Bldg.
A. A. WITHAM, M. IJ. Interns
nivdtcln and hervous disessnr
101 Corbett Bldg., Portland, Jr
Hour 10 to It a. m.; 2 to 4 p. m
Rooma 6 and 7 Masonic Building,
Office hour. 9-12 a,, m.; 2-6 p. m.
Phone: Office 18-R; Re. 18-Y.
DR. R. J. BE8TUL. Veterinarian
Office, residence. Phone 805-K
kind of drayagv and traasi
wrk carefully and promptly don
Phone 181-J. Stand at fre!g
depot. A. Shade, Prop.
THE WORLD MOVE8; so do .
Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phon
F. U. 1SHAM, drayaa and tranafo
8afes, llanos and furnltur
mured, packed, shlppsd and tto
ed. Office phone 124-T. Rssl
dence phone, 124-R.
DANIEL McFAJtLAND, civil engi
neer and surveyor. Residence
740 Tenth street, phone 111-T. 66
THE PICTURE MILL tor fine photo
graph. Open dally except Sun
day from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Bun
day sittings by appointment only
Phone Mill, 2X3-R, or resident
140-J. 67U
H D. NORTON, Attorney-at-la
Practice la all Stat and Pedrt
Court. Flrat National Bank Blrft
at-Law, Grant 'Pa Banking d
Bldg., Oranta Pass, Oregon.
B. 8. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Pra
tlo In all court. First Nations
Bank Bldg.
O. a BLANCHARD, Attorney at
Law. Oolden Rule Uulldin
Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oregn
lorneya, Albert Bldg. Pbos
2 2 6-J. Practice In all court; la
board attorney.
C. A. SIDLE R, Attorney-at-Law, ret
ere In bankruptcy, Maeorii
tempi. Oranta Pass, Ore.
GEO. H. DURHAM, attorney at law
referee In bankruptcy, Masonic
Temple, Grant Pas, Ore. Phon
138-J. ' '
Flrat National Bank building.
Grants Pas. "Oregon.
The California and Oregon
' coast Railroad company
Effective Nor. 19, 1918.
Train will run Tuesday, Thurdaj
ana Saturday,
Leave Oranta Pas.... ....1 P. M
Arrive Water Creek ..........2 P. M
Leave Wstsrs Creek ..........8 P,
Arrive Grant Paaa ..4 P. M
For Information regarding freight
and paisenger rate call at the office
of the company, Lundburg building,
or telephone 181.
hi ,hM tor llrai Braa
Ikiiu. Mtlmt wllh Ulna RIMiM.
I'llla In K uol mruill
Irnnitnt. Aik lnr1lll.OlrkH.TV.B (
ytm knownn Drtt, bitoat. Alwvyt Rfltlktitf
Following are aome extracts from
lottor just received from E. R.
Chub) Harvey, by their parent, Mr.
and Mrs, O. P. Harvey, of this city.
Chub" iwa with the American army
of occupation on the Rhine, but has
Just returned to that post after ' sj
mree weens term ai a moiorcjrcie
school In France:
Dearest 'Mother and Father: Well,
here I am back to my own outfit
nd I aure am glad to get'back. It
rained every day, but two while I
wa at school and beside the school
didn't amount to a great deal a fel
low couldn't loam very much there.
I left there Itutt Saturday nigtil
nd got here Thursday noon... I had
day lay over In DIJon, then bad
to change train at Chaumont (O.
V.) ana again ei ioui naa io
tay over night there. Traveling
ure I disagreeable now, there are
so many men on leave now and every
car la crowded way over It capacity
and a great deal of the traveling Is
one In box cars.
It sure waa a relief to et here
and bow 1 enjoyed reading all my
mall. There waa 39 letter here.
two roll of Saturday Evening Post,
and the Xma box. The cake wasn't
polled, either, It waa rather dry but
It sure wa good and the candy and
gum wa all O. K. One of the boys
ild he thought It was rather early
In the season to 'be getting Xmaa
The best organization over here I
the 'Red Crosa and they are absolute
ly A'-l and are not getting half the
credit that la due then, but thev
soon will for the boys getting home
ill sure boost for the Red Cross.
Wallace ("octant Hear Jteriml
Hub Atrocities
Fort do Tavanncs.
March 17, 1919
Dear Folks:
Your letter of. February ICtb
came thla noon. when the rest of the
boys returned from company head
quarters. .1 don't have any desire
to go In there at all, and have made
the trip Just once since January 1.
I don't think C. C. Kelley knows
a thing about when we are coming
home, and as a matter of fact, 1
don't think any one doe know.' )
told one of our lieutenant what Mr.
Nunn said and he remarked that he
heard we would be home by May 1.
It look fo me like the 23rd Is
stuck on or In France and you can
save a place for me at that turkey
dinner next Thanksgiving.
We eat a good deal better here
than they do at our company, at
least the bays say that thoy wr-uld
rather eat one meal here than a
dozen In camp. The reason 1 that
the "shines" know how to season
t 'elr food and take pride in It. The
cook say be will make us like
"corned willy" and he sure camou
flages It o we do.
We have had one or two wonder
ful spring days, but the rest are
cold and rainy or cold winds. To
day wa a terribly cold day and at
upper time looked like it was going
to snow before morning.
A few daya ago one of our trucks
brought Into camp a Belgian couple
on their honeymoon In a motorcycle
and aide ear. They were atranded
on the road and we 'brought the
whole outfit Into camp. The cap
tain moved In with ua and gave them
hi bed. During the evening -we all
assembled In the office and with the
aid of ah lnterpretor learned a great
deal of the conditions In Brussels,
their home. They told of foodstuffs
and different article being so high
priced that It waa Impossible for a
poor man to live there. Imagine
shoe, before the -war 26 francs (fS)
now .125 francs (325) and ladles
shoe running as high ea 800 franc
(360), bread, black war bread.
francs the kilo, or 50 cents a pound;
butter, a thing unheard of; ;eggs 40
franca (38) a dozen and not real
fresh at that. Everything Is In pro
portion. ' , .
The captain, at their Invitation
ha put in for a permisslonalre to
visit them at Brussels and I sure
would like to go with him. ' The
husband told of all the atrocities
committed by the Germans and
whenever he did not tell it right his
wife b'.itted in and did not seem even
embarassed. He also told of the
boohe killing farmers and their fam
ilies, children and all, , who lived
near Brussels. It sure mtfst have
been a terrible hardshln on Belgium.
(Muet get another letter written
Lots of love,, .;: .-, WALLACE
, Printing that please W do It
"ot-rler Job Department, ."' '
Our classified ad brlag result.
I 1 y x
7 vlj sk V '
f ' ii m ' i ir 1
' " Soma oi thU
Maurice Tojrneur, ho recently
launched !iib own no'lo", i.!ct.:ro
d id.!,- toinnsny, the first oifcrlnz of
wl:l h 4i a cinznlficp-.; ''l.-i r!-.-.tlon j York Time. "By this work be
of ''.:ort'rg Lire" a famGJs old . stands out prominently, even among
Drury I.ano n?elolrama which was the email group of exceptional nten
all tho rnto 20 years a;a, 1 widely who appreciate the peculiar powers
known for hi ambitious acreen offer-1 of the camera and know how to em
ne. Tlilc !i h.'a iF'.h Ancrl.--n rro-'rloy them in the production of a
duction, many of these now ranking
as famous scrca classics.
Mr. Tournour produced "The
Will;)," bared a?ss a ccieVaUd old the featured film at the Rivoli
English melodrama, and he is also ! theitre-thls week. iMr. Tourneur has
responsible for "The Blue Bird." ajnot faltered before any of the big,
aapero plcturlzatlon for Art:raft of comprehensive scenes, such as those
"Maurice Maeterlinck's famous alle-j ot the prizefight and the Derby race,
gorical uanerphce. 'He directed
many of E!sle Ferguson's picture
successes, cn4 "Tho Poor Little
Ri b Girl," one of Mary Plcktord'a
most celebrated picture atorie.. He
also made Clara Kimball Young'a
ad?rtat'on of "Trll'iy" and he wa
the discoverer of Vivian Martin, one
of the best known of Paramount
atar. ,
"Few motion picture directors
The American people have been ac
cused of forgetting too easily. Many
of ua have told our neighbors that
when the government asked its cltl
sens to subscribe to a fifth loan the
task would be too difficult and the
appeal would fall because the people
had lost eight of the war In readjust
ing tnemseives 10 peace conditions.
In spite of such thoughtless talk theJ'" avwncy, iauuuc
government does not believe it la go
ing to be hard to arouse the patriotism
of the American people. ' In fact Sec
retary Glass' told a doubter that it
would be easier to raise subscriptions
through patriotism than in any of the
former loans. He said this because
he knew that the character of the
American people la always to see
through to the end something which
they believed it was right for them to
Secretary Glass was right In Mi es
timate. The American people will re
spond to the call of the Victory drive
with the same enthusiasm and ardor
that has oversubscribed each previous
loan. And they will do this tor the
very reason Mr. Glass said they would
because they want to finish the Job.
A Single Remedy Often Cures
Many Diseases
It is almost impossible to eve a list of
the endless diseases that follow indigestion.
Perhaps a whole column in this newspaper
would be required to print them alL You
eat to keep alive to aupply blood and flesh
and bone and muacle ana brain. It is easy
to see that if your food is not digested and
taken up by the delicate organs and dis
tributed where it i needed, a disease ot
some sort is sure to come. Uyspepaia n a
common symptom, and so are liver com
plaint, loea of flesh, nervousness, bad
memory, dissinesa. sleeplessness, no aooe-
tite. Many times, when neglected, indt-
cesuon results m coughs, throat diseases,
catarrh, bronchitis and even More danger
ous things. And all these disorders arise
because tne food is not properly digested
in the stomach. . It is plain even to a child
that relief and cure are to be had only by
acttingup a healthy condition in the stom
ach. Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., many
years ago combined a number of vegetable
growths iato a temperance remedy for in
digestion, and called it Golden Medical
Discovery. It is probably the most ef
ficacious discovery ever made in medicine,
for the list of people all over the world who
have had their countless ills overcome by
Dr. Ficrco'a Golden Medical Discovery
lauke an amazing total 01 inousanua.
' I know of no advice better than this
Begin a home treatment today with this
good vegetable medicine. It will show
you better than I can tell you what it will do.
When taking Golden Medical Discovery,
you can rest assured of one very important
thing it contains neither alcohol nor
opiates. There is nothing in it but
standard root and herb that possess
curative properties ot a high order. A
safe medicine is the only kind you .can
auoru w take.
in. his coie
erjual, and fewer surpass, Maurice
pro-jTourneur la the art of making
iE-enea for the acreen," said the JJew
photoplay. Once more, and in aome
ways more than ever, he baa reveal-
ed hi creative genius in 'Sporting
I wal:e ,n tne little incidents also be
ina on not only the obvious and
expe ted, but the surprising." "
"Sporting Life" will be presented
!sr the fCrst time In this city at the
Joy theatre next Sunday and 'Mon
day. That It will prove a superior
drawing card is undoubted and al
ready muoh interest in the produc
tion is evident among the clientele
of thct playhouse.
I 1 D n C
Tells What Was Behind
Doughboys' Punch
Private, flrst class, Joseph E. Rooney
ot San Francisco waa at Camp Lewis
last summer. He wanted to get to
France. He had almost given op tope
when at Retreat one day Captaia X,
hi company commander, said: t
"Does any man here want to volun
teer for the machine gun? It' a
chance to get to France." .
Rooney atepped out with about aux
other strapping fellow of the West.
Captain X looked them over. ;
"You understand, men, that you are
joining a suicide club?" , .
He got no answer and his eyes
twinkled because he knew that they
knew.. ...
Those fellow got to France In a
hurry. Rooney la one ot the survivors
of that half doten but even he was
shot ud In the Argonne and la over
there veL He la with the S47tn
Machine Gun Battalion of the Ninety-
flrat Division and has been etted for
bravery In action.
Hia sister wrote a cheering letter
which he received In hospital and here
la what Joe wrote back to her:
1 "It is surely fine to hear how the
folk at home appreciate my efforts
It waa the thought and love for hia
folks at home that made the American
boy fight so hard." '
In that one sentence Ilea the secret
ot the euccesa of America' arm. Joe
Rooney In his modest way let the eat
out ot the bag.
Those .."American ,boys" want the
folks at home to stay with them yet
a While. It will bring tear to their
eyes when thesablea carry thla mes
sage: "America ha oversubscribed the
Victory Liberty Loan
For tbey will know that the folk at
home are still with them.
The Victory Loan will be absorbed by
the people without the slightest dis
turbance of credit; according to John
Skelton Williams, comptroller of cur
rency. Mr. Williams based hia state
ment on the fact that during the war
the United States iLcreasod Its banking
strength 60 per cent, with a banking
power ot (39,000.000,000 In 1918, the
greatest reserve any country has ever
known. 1 vv"-
' Those fellowr back from France,
who can afford It, are going to sub
scribe to tb Victory Liberty Loan,
Aie yon? . . ; .
mm s
V H r'l i4vi
ft U ?i p 5 r
I41 !' I
- ill
v 11 1r
A :
400 Urea to
Choose f rem
"Yovi Must
select One
Obviously you m
can't compare the
prices and relative
merits of them all.
Onlya corporation, .
operating scores of
cars, can afford to
pay a man to do that
But there's your
"tip"! If you can't
study, and they can,
reap 'the benefit of
their investigation. ;
. If you learn that
cores of companies in
Chicago, New York,
Pittsburgh, Atlanta
and San Francisco, use
only Diamonds that
taxi companies in New
York, Philadelphia,
Pittsburgh, Washing
ton and Portland, Orew,
average over 5,000
miles on Diamonds
steadily , .
Then you have
positive proof, that
these business men
are convinced that
Diamonds are the
most economical tires
they can buy .
That you can "Cut
Your Tire 'Upkeep
with a Diamond."
Grants Pass
Hardware Co.