Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, April 17, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    taot Forn
Tilt ItHDAY. Al'llIL 17, 1019.
Save Your
We can help you
by fitting them
with glasses.
Letcher & Son
Due to an oversight ' in the
Courier office yesterday, there was
an error In the notice gtven by
Judge Gillette in regard to the en
tertainment planned in honor ot the
returned soldiers, to be given at the
courthouse. The notice shoulu hare
read as follows:
"Mr. O. S. Blanehard,
Grants Pass, Oregon.
Dear Sir:
Judge Gillette requests me to ad
vise you that the county court will
not permit the courthouse vto be
used for dancing at the reception to
be given by the American Red Cross
to the returned soldiers and sailors.
Tours truly, B. L. COBCRN,
The above correction is cheerfully
made in justice to Judge Gillette.
Minute Men's Service ,
The Methodist minute men will
bave entire charge of tonight's Pas
sion week service Vt Newman M. E.
church at 8 o'clock. The service will
te unique. J. M. Isham, chairman
of the minute men will preside and
will sing a solo. There will be a
quartette number by 'Messrs. Isham,
Zimmerman, Wrble and Martin. In
vocation by N. E. Townsend. Five
minute addresses as follows: "The
Centenary in a Nutshell," by Eclus
Pollock; "The Centenary and Pray
er," by J. G. Imel; "What If All
Church Members Tithed?" by Geo.
Sabin; "The Centenary and the Ne
gro," by Jas. Martin; "Modern In
dustrialism and Christianity." by E.
I Coburn, 'The Christian Cure for
Bolshevism," by S. H. Baker. All
are Invited.
Editor Courier:
la your issue of April 16th you.
print a letter to O. S. Ulanchard
from E. L. Couurn, the county clerk,
and by the ommtsalon ot two words
put a construction on the letter that
Is misleading to the public. The
letter aa printed says that the coun
ty court "will not permit the recep
tion to be given by the American
Red Cross to the returned soldiers
and sailors." The two words omit
ted were "dancing at" and should
! have read "will not penult 'dancing
! at' thA isarAnttnn te M
The last entertainment given by
the Red Cross In the courthouse was
last September, at which there was
dancing and vaudeville stunts and
there was much damage done to the
building and furniture. In fact run
slderable damage was done and it
cost quite a bit to repair this
age. At the meeting of the court in
October an order was issued barring
danoing and vaudeville in the build
ing. That order was issued by the
old county court, the present county
court having nothing to do with it.
There is no objection to receptions,
public speaking, banquets In the
basement or like publlo gatherings
being iield in the courthouse.
Owing to a misconstruction being
put on the order ot the county court
last October there has been consid
erable comment and at the minstrel
show of the Elks on the evening of
April 16th one ot the end men made
a caustic, sarcastic and an unwar
ranted joke (?) for which he was
not responsible, but which was in
spiredby someone else to vent their
vendlctiveness by misrepresentation
through one who was a stranger and
not acquainted with the question at
The county court is not alone in
this matter, but the question has
been taken up with many prominent
citizens and taxpayers and they were
of the same opinion as the county
court that dancing should be elim
inated from the courthouse enter
tainments. C. a GILLETTE.
Concrete Tennis Court
Some of the tennis enthusiasts are
planning a community court on the
concrete floor of the former store
house of the sugar factory, this will
be as good as the city courts. Those
wishing to Join see Mr. Allyn at the
city hall.
New York, 'Apr. 17. The Kaiserln
Augusts Victoria, a German ship
turned over to the allies under the
armistice terms, has arrived here
, with troops, including the base hos
pital ot the 46th, Oregon nurses and
Hear RoberU preach toulght,. at
the Church ot Christ. 44
J. 11. Johnson, ot Waldo, U In the
city today,
"Olivllo." Sabln has It.
Special cut prices on Furniture,
Rugs and Bedding at llelmer't. 45
Rex Harnett left last night for
Portland on a business trip.
Rev. Robert Mvl-ean, who spent
several days in the city, left this
afternoon returning to Los Angeles.
Hear Roberts preach toulght, at
the Church of Christ. 44
Mr. and Mrs. George Hood left
this afternoon tor Santa Rosa, Col.
to remain Indefinitely. '
Don't fall to see the new mlllenery
at Mrs. M. P. .Anderson's, "03 E St
K. . Lcadbetter went to Port
land test night for a tew days on
The lowest prices on Furniture In
Southern Oregon, quality considered,
at Helmer's. 45
H. C. Mueller, of Portland, arrived
yesterday to look after property In
terests. Hear RoberU preach tonight, at
the Church of Christ. 44
Game Warden P. II. Dally and Ed.
Walker, ot Medford. are In the city
Call Grants Pass hotel tor White
line Taxi. 48
Mrs. P. li. Crosley arrived last
night from Roaeburg and is the
guest of Mrs. 'August Goettsohe for
a few days.
Mrs. J. F. Burke went to Rogue
River this afternoon to Install offi
cers of the Rogue River Rebekah
Mr. and .Mrs. Geo. M. Esterly, of
Waldo, were In the city yesterday
afternoon, Mrs. Esterly leaving on
the evening train for a visit at Se
attle. New line ot Easter mlllenery at
Mrs. M. P. Anderson's this week.
70S E street. 6
Mr. and Mrs. Simmons, of Vancou
ver, Wash., returning home from
California, stopped off here to visit
Mr. and Mrs. W. 'M. Wilbur.- The
Wilbur family returned last week
from an extended tour ot Southern
Hear Roberta preach tonight, at
the Church of Christ. 44
Mrs. W. J. Walfort. ot Portland,
who spent a few days with Mrs. W.
H. Fallln, left this afternoon for
Berkeley to visit a 'daughter. Mrs.
Walfort was a resident of Grants
Pass 20 years ago, her husband,
Louis : Rotermund, who died ' in
Grants Pass, being a carpenter.
Pay Your Bills By Check
It in the safewt way.
It is Uie easiest way.
It is the popular way.
The man who pays hi3 bills by check always has a re
ceipt for the money paid. The canceled check tells the
Better open a checking account -with us today, even
though It be but a small one, tor a beginning.
Am her Good Time
At 'Mrs. Goottsche s dunning party
Saturday at the Waldorf hall. Tick
ets 73c. 48
Christian Science' Ieoture
Sunday, April SO, by Charles I.
Ohrenstoln, C. 8. B ot Syracuse. N.
Y. Opera house, 8 p. m. 46
Pay Your K. .V L. of 8. iHies
'At the Gas Office. 511 O street
and get your official receipt. 44
Weed Woman Dies
Mrs. Will Taylor, of Weed, sister
of Mrs. Howard Fallln. died Wednes
day night at Weed, Cal.
Knight Templar Meeting
Special meeting of Mellta Com
mandery No. 8, tonight at 8 o'clock.
Order ot the Temple,
quested to be present.
Members re-
A Heavy Ijiyrr
Mrs. F. O. Wilcox, of Rogue River
avenue, ha a Rhodo Island Red hen
which has exaggerated Ideas con
cerning egg production. This hen
lays every day but each third day
the egg Is double yolked. Two of
the eggs have been of abnormal sire,
measuring nearly 8x9 inches in circumference.
1918 Ford, line condition
1915 Ford Roadster, new tires $325
Other Bargains
Our swond hand w are as rcpnwnledw lien you buy from us
you iit "r guarantee
.... a.
Attention Holrilem anil Kalln
All men In uniform will be receiv
ed as guests of honor at Mrs. Goett
sche's dancing party at the Waldorf
hall Saturday night, 9 o'clock. 44
Would You Krunomize?
Then buy letter paper by the
ream: 500 sheets for $1. Courier
office. 4Uf
Willamette yunrtettc
The Willamette university male
quartette will give an evening's en
tertainment in Grants Pass at New.
man M. E. church next week on
Wednesday evening, April 23. Tlie
quartette la tourlni Southern Orn.
Ron. This will be a treat to thine I
who enjoy good music,
if ..-
Quality Above All Else
Thtuutinl of new iitiner rtrry
mumiii are learning to upprtH'lute the
quality (alluring of
003 O Street
Kxrlualve local dealer
Just a Few of Our Prices
t Window Shades from 80c up
All steel bed springs $6.50 up
Congoleum (Gold Seal) Rugs 9x12, $16.00
Iron Beds from $4.50 up
Holman's Furniture Store
Saturday, April 10
Keep your eye on Takllmn You
know Dance. 45
Auto Owner " '' "'.
Have your car washed and polish
ed. We have an erpert and prices
are right. Collins Auto Co. - sltf
Royal Arch Special
A special convocation ot Reames
chapter No. 28, iR. A. M., will be
held Friday. April 18, at 8 p. m..
supper at 6:30. Work In Royal
Arch degree. Visiting companions
welcome. By order F. M. Huvler,
H. P. " 44
SEGEUIN' To 'Mr. and Mrs. Segeuln
of Frultdale. April 17, a daughter.
SilK Dresses
in Fashionable Styles
Newspapers 5 & 10c Bundles- Courier
Mixs Darneille Marries
MIsW Lulu Darneille, formerly of
Grants Pass, was married in Jack
sonville to Owen Kinder, April 10.
Miss Darneille Is an alumnus of the
Grants Pass high school, graduating
in 1917.
Return Articles
The parties who took articles from
a tourist's car in the "Fashion gar
age, are known and unless articles
are returned 'within 24 hours, their
names will be given to the police
and arrest will follow. 44
Legal Blanks at the Canrlsr.
Joy Theatre
William S. Hart
"Border Wireless"
A five reel feature that shows Hart In an entirely new
"Floods of Fortune" Bill's Baby
a timely subject on irrigation
Introducing a new come,
dy to Grant Pass
"A Daughter
The Old South"
Last Gall -Get Your
Easter Clothes Now
F YOU want to be
counted among the
wellj-dressed men on
Easter, now is the time
to select that new Biiit.
A large variety is await
ing your inspection.
Shoes, Hats and
Regarding that new hat or shoes
our lines are very complete
and it will be a great satisfaction
to you to find here just what you
want Other furnishings will
please you.
Peerless Clothing Co.
Cash Clothiers
"If Men Wear It We Have It"