Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, April 17, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Till IWDAV, Al'ltll. IT, I01U.
GRANTS PASS Ell' till)
Published "Dally "Except Sunday
A. I. VOORHIES, Pub."ad Prtipr.
sintered at potofflce, Grants Pan.
Or., as second class mall matter.
Display a pice, per Inch 15c
Local-personal column, per line.. 19c
leaders, per line . B
By mall or carrier, per year-8.00
By mall or carrier, per month .50
By mall, per year , $1.00
Tie Associated Press la exclusively
entitled to the use lor rsimbtlcatton
of all news dispatches credited to It
or an otherwise credited - In this
paper and also the local news pub
lished herein. .
All lights ot republication of spe
cial dispatches herein are alse
f Rain; moderate winds, most-
4 ly southerly.
The government through its cam
paign to encourage popular savings
In thrift and war savings stamps,
has brought the word. "thrift" into
commoner usage than ever. One
hears it on every hand. Yet how
many people who use it realize that
( thrift is a' preliminary 'process and
entirely distinct from saving?
The thrifty person is not the one
who puts 25 cents into a thrift stamp
which should be put into a pair of
new shoe laces, or five dollars into
a "W. S. S. which should be set aside
that week for meat.
Thrift only paves the way for sav
ing. It considers carefully present
needs and future possibilities and
decides what are necessary expenses,
setting aside such a portion of the
Income as will provide for them. It
also determines what are unneces
sary expenses, and stops the outgo
of money for them.
That is not thrift which neglects
either prooess, nor can there he any
security in savin gs when either is
neglected. The essential item of ex
penditure, temporarily ignored, will
have to toe met finally, probably 'by
taking from the savings what should
never have been put there. The un
necessary expenditure oft repeated
means no savings at all.
Thrift holds the scale between the
two, and upon the nicety with which
a balance is maintained 'between le
gitimate expenditure and waste will
depend 'present comfort and future
Bootleggers beware! Governor
Olcott has appointed Frank Hopkins,
the "Shooting Deputy" of Canyon
vilie, to run down smugglers of
liquor. While Hopkins Is accused by
some of being too sudden on the
hair-trigger, nevertheless he gener
ally brings back the man he goes af
ter. There is sure to be trouble for
Rogue River salmon fishermen are
getting a fancy price for their catch
trot they deserve It. If you don't
think so, Just get into a small boat
and glide down the stream on a dark
night. It isn't everyone that can
shoot the rapids safely wlille hand'
ling a net, and' dodge all the whirl
pools and snags.
' The automobile driver . who
breaks the speed limit' while on the
city streets' may totf all that pedes
trians say he is, yet is be any worse
than the Jay walker who persists in
sauntering along at-not, over thirty
rods an hour and compels the drive
Plain English
. 30c TO 03e LB.
Quality First
to. stop whils he leisurely passes out
of the way?
The closing of the highway be
tween Glendale and Riddle was Just
a email samp'le of government own
ership. Thank goodness autolsts
can now at least glide past that place
In the night Al Burleson, however.
Is showing the, country a' genuine
sample of government ownership.
The Roseburg News states that
the Umpqua Valley Fruit union has
sent out 21 cars of Broccoli and the
Independent shippers three more
cars. We believe that record could
be duplicated right here In the
Rogue River Talley.
It is about time to warn a temper
ate nation once more against wood
alcohol: Drink grain alcohol and
you see double; drink wood alcohol
and yon -won't see at all. It poisons
the optic nerve and often brings, per
manent blindness.
Right now the highway commis
sion appears to be the most popu
lar commission in Oregon. But Just
wait until you hear the howl go up
from - those sections that were not
lookeg upon with favor.'
A dispatch says that autograph
letters of Wood row Wilson were re
cently auctioned in New York. One
three-page letter brought $90. Won
der if it was the appeal to the voters
made last October?
War may be all that Sherman
said it was, but to Europeans peace
doesn't seem to be exactly heaven.
(Continued frenf page 1)
"Howya Gonna Keep 'em Down on
the Farm" and the monologue by
Geo. T. Collins : were decided bits,
after Tvhlcli Herbert Alfred, suposed
to be the wildest Elk in captivity,
sang "Can You Tame Wild : Wim
mln." , It was a frenzied song sung
by a frantic' man.
The male quartette, -Maddoxi Fish,
Vawter and Corliss, received genuine
applause and were! repeatedly en-
cared, Mr: Vawter later singing
"I'm Always1 Chasing Rainbows;" a
beautiful ballad' The end song by
Quisenberry' and' Jerdme; whom it is
rumored are past-masters1 In the art
ot minstrelsy, fairly brought down
the house. The song was entitled
"Oh Death Where Is Thy Sting," and
there were many Elks present who
really believed there was no eting In
death, if the song told the truth. Fol
lowing this was a march song, "Dixie
Military Ball" by Herbert Alfred, a
speciality by Geo. T. Wilson, and an
other speciality by Quisenberry and
Mr. Wilson, as interlocutor, was
perfectly at home and bla burlesque
interpretation of three school boys
For 200 years GOLD MEDAL Haar
lem Oil has enabled suffering human
ity to withstand attacks of kidney,
liver, bladder and stomach troubles
and all diseases connected with the
urinary organs, and to build up and
restore to health organs weakened by
disease. These most important organs
must be watched, because they filter
and purify the blood; unless they do
their work yon are doomed,
'Weariness, sleeplessness, nervous-
trouble, pains in the loins and lower
a women, gravel, rneumatisnr, sciatica
and lumbago all warn you of trouble
with your kidneys. GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem OH Capsules are the lemedy
reciting a piece was a fitting climax
to the merriment. TVs would espe
cially recommend Mr. Wilson as a
"heavy tragedian." The mrastrel
closed by a chorus, "Good Bye Folks,
We're Going Home."
The program was In two parts,
during the intermission George E.
Lundburg of the First National 'bank
making a brief talk in the Interest of
the coming Victory loan. Mr. Lund
burg pointed out what fine Invest
ment the Victory loan offered and
urged the people to give It their unit
ed support.
There are 50 Elks in Grants Pass,
and after the performance a sumpt
uous banquet was given the Elks at
the Chamber of Commerce rooms,
the guests departing for home about
2 o'clock this morning.
The Elks came, saw and conquered
and mirth-lovers of Grants Pass, all
ot whom sincerely hope that this will
not be the Medford troupe's last ap
pea ranee in our city.
pigs for sale Now is the time to
buy choice bred pigs, either sex.
Sired by our big type herd boar,
Crimson Orion. Look up the Orion
and Golden Rod strain of hogs
they are the best. Ed. L. Schmidt
& Son, Grants Pass, Ore., R. F.
D. No. 2. phone 12-F-2S. 43
G. W. CROSS piano tuner.'wlll be In
Grants Pass on or about April 16.
He now has a car and' will take
care ot orders tor tuning and re
pairing in the country. Call
Rowell's music store, 126-J. 51
TO LOAN Small amount of money
to loan on good real estate secur
ity. See Isaac Best. 48
WANTED Experienced dishwasher,
man or woman, at the Oxford cafe.
PASTURAGE For one to one hun
dred head live stock. River front
age for water. C. G. Ament ranch
east of town. 49
FOR RENT Two corner office
rooms; In, Lundburg' building.
Steam heat, water, Janitor service.
'Fine for attorney or doctor. Geo.
E. Lundburg. 49
FOR SALE: 160 acres, partly fenc
ed, 6 -room bungalow, two poultry
houses, large barn, wood house,
family orchard. Near New Hope,
for sale cheap. Address No. 72S
care Courier or phone 323-J. 65
FOR RENT A nice, large, well fur
nished house with- furnace and
garage. See Isaac Best; 49
FOR SALE Two-fine, large lots,
five room house and wood-shed,
nice shade trees! (Must be sold
this week. 8acrafice price, $200.
See Isaae Best. 49
FOR- SALE) Seven room,, plastered
house. Two large lots, shade
trees. Connected' with sewer, out
buildings. If taken at once will
sell for 1550, $100 cash, $10 per
month. See Isaac Best. 49
CAUL 183-J FOR TAXI The Stag
Cigar Store. "Lest you forget."
Otto Knips. 4-4
All kinds of Commurolal I'r'ntlrif
at the Courier iftct'.
hjma need. Take three or four every day.
The healing oil soaks into the ceil and
lining ot tne kidneys and drives out
the poisons. New life and health will
surely follow. When your normal vigor
has been restored continue treatment
for a while to keep yourself In condl- -tion
and prevent a return of the alt
ease. . Dont wait until yon are heapsMe ot
fighting.. Start taking GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil Capsules today. - Your .
druggist will cheerfully refund your
money if' you are not satisfied with -results.
But be anreto get the original'
imported GOLD MEDAL and accept no
substitutes. Is three sizes. Sealed "'
package At all drug stores,
One of tips three divisions ot the
Red Crtws upon which groat em
phasis was laid, at the second annual
conference ot the chapters ot the
Northwestern division of the Ameri
can Red Cross hold at Seattle April
10, 11 and 12, was the Junior Red
Cross the Red Cross of the future.
On Friday a dinner-conference
was held for all who were working
in that line, and was attended by
100 delegates. Experleneoa - and
methods were explained as practiced
In different chapters, and at the con
clusion of the dinner Robert Max
Garrett, director of Junior Red Cross
ot this division, announced the
awarding of four ot the 60 handker
chiefs made by Serbian children and
sent to national headquarters' as a
gift to the Amorlcan. Rod Cross. Six
thousands orphans, their leaders hav
ing been killed-were rescued by
members of the Red Cross and plac
ed In an orphanage In Archangel;
out of gratttudo for this rescue the
gift was sent. The awards were
made to the Junior Red Cross of the
country, one handkerchief being
sent to each state, and to Alaska
and given to the Junior branch of
the chapter In the state which had
done the beet all round work dur
ing the -war. The Oregon award was
to Josephine county Junior Red
The future of the Junior work was
briefly outlined by Mr. Garrett as a
general meeting of the conference as
Relief to sufforing children.
Stimulation of community activi
ties. Making friends with the children
of the world.
Developing the Idea of universal
Of the dues ot 25c a year to be
required In the future, 60 per cent
will be used for the relief of suffer
ing children abroad, and 40 per cent
for home children who' may be suf
fering. Production work In general came
to an end for the Juniors at the
signing of the armistice, as owing
to the prevalence of Influents, school
work was greatly Interrupted and
the time needed to develop good cit
izenship through application to
school work.
In September a manual will be is
sued explaining the conditions as
then existing, especially in the for
eign lands, and a monthly bulletin
will be Issued ten times a year, be
ginning in September 1919, at a cost
of 50c a year, to keep the schools
Informed regarding the plans and ac
complishments of the Junior .Red
Cross as they concern our home and
International work. 'As with the Sen
ior iRed Cross, fhe keynote Is SER
Apr. 26, Saturday Pomona Grange
meeting at Murphy. 12 o'clock.
May, 1, Thursday 'May breakfast
given by the Woman's' Association
ot Bethany Presbyterian church,
May 11, Sunday Baccalaureate ser
mon. May 16, Friday High school com
You' must clean the stomach asd
bowels, purify the blood, each' Spring
or you leave Winter's germs and Im
purities In your blood and system.
Drive them away; clean out) the stom
ach and bowels, take Holllster's
Rocky Mountain Tea, a Spring
cleanser-purifier. 35c. Tea or Tab
lets. Sabln's Drug Store: -Adv.
Printing that pleases W do it!
Courier Job Department. ,
Jiffy-Tell it flavored tritfi
fruit juice essences in
liquid form, in vials.
A wealth of fruit Juice
is condensed to flavor
each dessert So it brings
you ' true -fruit dainties,
healthful and delicious, at
a trifling cost
"Simply add boiling
Compare it with the
old-style gelatine desserts.
It will be a delightful rev
elation. Get the right kind
10 Ftaoort, of Toar Croeat
2 Paekagu for 28 Cn( '
CRXflOlKT Is lbs afa, cooooJaal
baking Bowdsr. It Is aid of the
Bsnst IntTsdMata-la earn sstasUns
proportion. Orewsot raUts srrt whsa
wli Van U ad4 la Um Kixlaf bowl, asd
Umo Ogata whsa hsat is asputd.
Thai yea aa dsptad abaoUUly spaa
OrsMtal to srodaos Um siort whslsssaMi
light aad sadly dlgwwd Manila; saksa
sad bmda, Witt tot Orssowt 0oS
OreNtatMff. Co, UU4,Wbss,
Stands Like
Tint Cattli, Horm, Hijt
Bujr your new fence (or yean to come. Get the big, heavy wires, the
hinge joint, the good galvanizing, the exactly proportioned quality ol steel
that i nut too hard nor too suit
We can show yoa this Icnce In oar stock and ei plain Its merits and super
iority, out unly in the roll but la the field. Ccme ami sec us awl get our pc Kca,
ron salc mi
Rogue River Hardware
Put it behind sterl doors put It In tills bank let mm be iu keep,
or and litMrad of "going" It will be "growing."
Josephine County Bank
Suggestive Therapeutics
Practiced by
DIt. W. T. TO.MI'KINH, 8. T.
MENT. KNOWN TO 6CIENCB for the relief and cure o. Headache,
Stomach, Liver and Kidney trouble; Rheu mutism, Constipation, In
fanUle Paralysis and all Female Complaints. Heurt, Lung and Throat
trouble; all Diseases of the Eye; Cancer, Goitre, Epilepsia, Asthma,
Nervousness or any Chronic disease. SUGGESTIVB THERAPEU
TICS PROPERLY APPLIED to a diseased body Is positive, sure and
permanent In Its results.
Office rooms 1 and 2, 802 HouUi Hixth Rtrect, RraaU Pass Orrson
Phone 304-K , , ,
Magnetos Generators and Starting Motors
Overhauled aad Repaired
Fourteen Years Experience
No Charge for Locating Your Troubles
ht South Sixth Street
In order to secure more room, I have moved my stock of second-hand
goods to the fcrick store room, No. S14 South Sixth St.
Automobiles and Accessories Buggies Wagons Farm ' Imple
ments Ul(g stock always on baud
R. Timmons
a Sfono Wall
- li PrtitUilIy Indutnitlbli
Adjoining Oxford Hotel