Swnni , HATl IID.IY, APRIL i'i, GRANTS PASS DAILY COLHIEH PA3B THREE Classified Advertising APPLICATION TO WHIWMM4K DICM.NytKNT TAX CEItTIFIO'ATl'. FOR BALK HATCHING EGOS 8. C. Whit Ug- horns. Beit of winter lsysr. 11.60 per setting of 16. $7 In 100 lots. K. Hammsrbai'hr, phon 606-F-23. K. F. P. No. 1. tf MISCKIAANEOI'H T1REB Used tires bought and sold Auto Ssrvlcs Co. Pbon 324-J, op- poult Oxford hotel. 3011 FOR BALE 10 acres S mile from city, I. or Tokay grape, good garden, good building, 6 -room boiwv, mall barn, eto. Call 602 Brldg 8t., or address P. O. Bo 162, Grant Pas. Or. 48 TEAM and 10 ysar ow. aio nsr- dhi and wagon for Ml. Boll an or part. Call TIB Nortb Eighth W pbon 13-L. 2tf MOD10IIN bungalow and 9-room house, both on Kat D street, for ale ctiean: term If required. Mrs. 11. A. N. Reymers. phon 292-J. J FOR SALE 640-acr tock or grain farm. Alao team, buggy, back Saw mIM. 10 h. p. team tractor ngln. Will rnt farm. W. J. Baraga, ltd. 1. Oranta Pass, Or. 26 for BALE Young ealf. Inqulr A v H.v VklMt D street. 41 roil BALE Four room cottage. partly furnished; mak your own turrna. 201 Jordan atreet. Apply at- ItnflMIVga Tailor ahou. 40 B. L. GALBRAITH, Inauranc. rni- ala a specialty. Acreage. Building and Loan. 609 O atreet, Launar's old location. tf ELECTRIC WIRINO and general electrical work, repairing, home wiring. C. C. Harper, 216 Nortb Blxth atreet, pbon 47. tf HEMSTITCHI-NO and plcotlng at 10 cent a yard-rAll work guaran- teed. The Vanity Shop, Bedford, Ore. 162 IP YOU WANT to Mil your pro- perty; If you want to buy proper ty; It you want good loan; If you want any service that a realty man can render. Be McKlnatry, 602 O atreet. 26tf ELECTRIC WIRING Houi wiring, motors Initallod and repaired. Phone f 42-L. Jo A. Polley. 62 TYPEWRITERS repaired, overhaul d. rebuilt, .by typewriter expert of ten year experience. Cha. A. laham, car Iaham Trantfer Co. 41 PHOTO STUMO rOR SALE 135 acrea of land three mile eaitt of Oranta Pass, on tb north tank of the Rogue Rlvr. Part bottom, the balance bench land. About 40 acre clear and can cultivated. Two thousand dollar I th price now. dee N. E. Townaend. 621 A street. Orants THE PICTURE MUX for fin pboto graph. Open dally except Bun day from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. Bun day eatings by appointment only Pbon Mill. 383-R. or realdenot 140-J. - 7U HL'M.MON'U Paa. 1 FOR 8 A LB 7 Jersey heifers, com ing fresh In May; 2 Jersey cows aivlnc milk now and one Durham cow giving milk ami one 9-month old Durham bull. Olonn Provolt. phone Provolt central. 42 FOR 8AIB 10 acre one mil wort of city limit of Oranta Paa. all fwtce and In cultivation, half In alfalfa. Call on or write Jame Martin. Oranta Pass. Oregon. 44 TOR BALE Heavy, old team and harno. $200. Good pullers snd gentle. Terms to th rtitht party -t will lake nart In wood. In quire at Edgprtqn Adams mill 40 OX BALE 160 bead good Shrop hire ewes, delivered In brants Paaa or Rosbunr, 135 lambs thrown In more to come. Those sheep are thoroughbred Shrop ithlres; good fleece of wool on their backs; price $20. Ooo. W. King. Montague. Cal. 64 FOR BALE Cement blocks, 3 lxes; brick In sny quantity; gravel; lime, 25c wagon load; aewer pipe. Smith's Racket Store. 44 PRESENT OWNERSHIP township plats of Josephine county. 50c each. For sale by Josephine Coun ty Abstract Co. Blue printing at reaaonabta rate. 39tf TO RENT FORTY ACRES on Lous creek for rent. I wllk furnish seed If ne reasary. alao one bora and 50 chickens, plow and culUvator, fnnr Mm and two nlzs. Come and see R. Tlmmon fof particular at ni T. atreet. . " 23tf In th Circuit Court of tbs Slat of Oregon In and for th County of Josephine Ebb A. Row, plaintiff, VS.' Albort J. Howe, Evelyn M. Haller, Henry A. Itowe, Kred M. Rowe, Helen E. House, Fred II. Rowe also known as Frank II. Itowe, Danll Benjamin William Lee, Alma Oracla Lee, Martha J. !, the unknown heirs of William L. Lee, and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title or interest In the real estate hereinaf ter described, defendant. To the above named and designated defendants In th nam of the Stat of Ore gon: You are hereby notified that plaintiff, Kbba A. itowe, la the own er and holder of Certificate of De linquency No. 823, of date and Is sued Aug. 31, 1(14, to H. A. Rowe by the Tax Collector of Josephine County, Oregon, for the sum of 140. hO. brine amount than due and delinquent for taxes for the yearn 1212, with penalty and Interest, up on the following described real pro perty, sltusted In Josephine County. State of Oregon, to-w4t: ' EH of SH14, and EV of NEU. and NWV of BEVi of Section 16, township 24. south range 6 West of the Wlllam-1 ette Meridian. You are further notified that plaintiff and her assignor of said certificate, H. A. Rowe, bave paid taxe upon said premise for thei following subsequent yeara, on the following dates and in the following amounts: ror year 111, I3S.74, paid BopL 10. 1914; for 1914, 141.60. paid Jan. IS. 1915; for 1st half 1916. 317.60, paid Apr. 5, 1916; for 2nd half 1916, $17.60, paid Aug. 8, 1916; for 1st half 1916, $22.40, paid Apr. 5, 1917: for 2nd halt 1916, $22.40. paid July 10. 1917: ror 1st half 1917, $21.62. paid Mar. 26, 1918: for 2nd half 1917, $21.62, paid Oct. 5, 1918; for 1st half 1918. 823.98. aid Mar. 16. 1919; the said several sums paid for aald certificate and for ssld subsequent tsxes draw Interest at the rate of 15 per cent per annum from date of payment. The defendant Albert J. Rowe Evelyn M. Haller, Henry A. Rowe, Fred M. Howe, Helen E. House and Fred H. Rowe, also known as Frank H. Rowe appear of record to be the owners of said property and the other defendants claim some interest therein. You are further notified that the plaintiff will &rily to the above en titled court for a Judgment against you for the amount paid as aforesaid upon the amid Delinquent Certificate Ith 15 per cent Interest thereon from Aug. 31, 1914, and tor Judg ment for each ol the said several sums paid for subsequent tsxes with 15 ter cent Interest thereon from respective dates of payment; and for a decree decreeing anme to con stitute a valid first Hen upon said property, foreclosing same and or dering sale of said property for est Isfact Ion of said lien Including mata ann AruFil1nflr mtti nf thla tin. USE THE white LINK TAAi ior ced4ni: and for a further decree prompt service. City and country correcting ay defect that may - trli. Safety first. Call Oranta Pear in tne naming of tne owner of Pass Hotel, phone 896. Residence r Dress for Easter Alert American young men soldier and civilian alike who recognize how vital is erect virile appear ance, will find no finer expression of mind and body fitness than in the new waist-line models we are now displaying. ' SEE THESE CLOTHES FIRST OE LAST AS YOU WILL BUT SEE THEM. $25 and up Peerless Clothing Co. Cash Clothiers "If Men .Wear It We Have It" U 'l ! ' p : cLy gas '. , . (IVIIi KNOINKKR8 DANIEL McFARLAND, civil engi neer and surveyor. Residence 740 Tenth street, phone 211-Y. 65 STRAYED A 2-YEAR OLD heifer cam to my ranch two year ago; light red with white face and line back; no brand; marked with crop of right ear, with upper bit; crop of left ear. with half crop. Owner will please call and pay charge. Ad drew P. O. llox 106. Krby. Ore gon. 42 TAXI tlon or pay the amount due as afore said, and in case oi your lumre o to do a decree mi 'De renaerea iuns cloelng the lien of said taxes and costs against the land and premises above described. Thl summons pursusnt to an or der of Hon. F. M. Calkins, Judge of the above entitled court, or aax March 29th. 1919. served upon toii bv Dubllcatlon once a week for alx successive weeks: date of first Dubllcatlon being Mar:b Z9tb. ll All process and papers In this pro ceedlnas may be eerved upon the un dersigned at his address, Jackson ville, Oregon. H. K. HAN.NA. Attorney for Plaintiff. CHANGE OF JITNEY STAND from Mocha Cafe to "Stag" cigar atore, call 183-J. Resldonc - 149-Y. Otto J. Knlp. 238 may be placed tor th delivery of all or any part of aald wood and price may -foe quoted for either fir or hardwood or both. EDWARD 8. VAN DYKE, Clerk, April S, 1919. 45 Mr. and Mrs. 'A. E. Kockstron and son left last night for Elsmore, Kan to remain. They have been resi dents of the Selma section for the past J 5 months. . LADIES When Irregular or delayed use Tri umph Pills. Safe and alwaya depend able. Not aold at drug store. Do not experiment with others, save dis appointment. Write for "Relief" and particulars, R's free. Address: Na tional (Medical Institute, Milwaukee, Wia. Mrs. S. H. Rockhill, of Riddle, I visiting -with her sister, Mr. J. D. Stinebaugh, for a few day. ' DAILY JITNEY to Selma. Keroy and Leaves Grants Pass dally Waldo. at 9:30 a. phone 217. m. - Everett Hogue, 317 phone S20R. W. O. White. 83 DENTISTS 8!. C. MACY. D. M. D. Flrst-laa. dentlstrv 109 V South Blxti treat. Grant Pass, Oregon. C. E. JACKSON. "D. M. D., auccessor to Dr. Bert Elliott. Over Golden Rul Btor. Phon. 6. Residence phon 163-J.' said property In the assessment thereof tor any of the aforesaid yeara. You are summoned and reaulred to appear in the abote-entkled court and matter within 60 days after the date of the first publication of this summons, exclusive of th date of first .publication, and defend thia ac- WOOD I1IDS WANTED Notice la hereby given that on Tuesday, May C, 1919, at the hour of 5 o'clock p. m. at the office of the clerk, Edward S. Van Dyke, First National Bank Building, Grants Pass, Oregon,' the board of directors ot School District No. 7 of Josephine county, Oregon, will receive sealed bids for the sale and delivery - to the aald district of 400 tiers ot wood to be cut from the 'body of sound green timber free from rot, dote or punk, diameter to be not less than 4 Inches and not larger than 10 Inohes, (round timber not less than seven Inches and . not to exceed 0 per cent of the entire delivery) and all wood to be cut and delivered In two foot length. Delivery to"-be made at the various school houses of the district at th direction of the board and well piled, ready to be measured, on th ground prior to I the first day of August,. 1919. Bids Keep the Garden Growing with appropriate working tools Spades, Forks, Hoes, Bakes, Cultivators, Trowels, Hose, Nozels, Etc. . Everything necessary for garden work JEWELL HARDWARE CO. We do fine shoe repairing PHYSICIANS FOR RENT Furnished 5-room cot tage. Inquire ot O. P. Jester, at Grants Pas bank. 40 FOR RENT Two housekeeping rooms with bath. Shad In um mer. 207 West O street. 42 FOR RENT Six-room bungalow at 605 South Fifth street. Gas and electricity and tatdonery wash 4Vub with connection. Inquire at 1 l"l street. 40 U O. CLEMENT, M. D.. Prcti" limited to diseases ot th ey. sar bos and throat. Glasses Bttsrt Offlc hour 9-12. 2-5, or on ar polntmsnt Office phon 62. res' dance phon 269-J. fl LOUOHRIDOE, M. D.. Phyici and surgeon. City or country call attended day or night. Resident nhona - is: office ohone is 8lxth and H. Tuffs Bldg. A. A. WITHAM. M. D. Interns medicine and nervous diseases OS Corbett Bldg., Portland. f . Hour 10 to 12 a. m.: 2 to 4 p. m EIECT11C C00COBKG TO EXCHANGE TO TRADE Two houses and 5 lots In Dundee, Yamhill county, Ore., 27 miles south ot Portland, one Mnev from fl. P. denot for 6 or 7 room house In Grants Pass. Ap ply 215 West I street. 43 TO TRADE Five room house, barn find five lots on West L street for Ford car. Must be In good condi tion. Address Box 92. Merlin. Ore son. 40 10 ACRES unimproved land near town to trade for old auto. Value $200. Address, 312 West L St. 40 IAHT 1XX8T Crank for Velle automobile. Finder please notify J. Wolko. Phone 208-L. - ' 40 Seven additional customers on Schedule B with range and lights for month of February, 1919. VETERINARY SURGEON DR. R. 4. BEBTUU Vtnnanai Offle, residence. Pbon S06-R DRAY AGS AND TRANSlV.lt COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. A kinila of dravaxe" and trans' wrk carefully and promptly don r.i 111.1 Diiiul at frn'.a ruuus m . " - - - r depot. : A. Shade. Prop. No. In family Range wattage Light wattage KW Hr consumed ' : Cost Average light bill Cost for cooking 2 6,000 1,100 376 $8.46 $2.20 $6.26 3 6,000 780 ' ,163 5.66 2.20 : 3.46 5 T. 6,000 ' 700 45 ., . 3.30 -V 2.20 - 1.10 8 6,000 ' 1,050 210 6.60 . 2.20 : 4.40 4 . -- 6,000 , 900 200 6.40 . 2.20 4.20 2 6,000 600 110 " 5.04 2.20 " 2.84 2 6,000 700 - 222 6.84 ' 2.20 4.64 26 42,000 5,830 1,326 . $42.30 ' $15.40 $26.90 THE WORLD .MOVES; so do Riinnh-t)rna. Trsnsfer Co Phot 897-R. F. O. ISHAM, drayag and transt' Safes. llanos and furnltu' moved, packed,, shipped snd sto d. Office phon 134-Y. Rsl- dene phone, 124-R. WANTICK WANTED About 70 rods of rabbit tight woven wlro fencing. Peter Tangen, iR. F. D. 2, Box 108. 43 CHICHESTER S PILLS r9EK l4lal Atk tfuw Braaatai fcr j it( DlS likaM-WrIlaaiaSBraaayy fLJWfl m. Mled (Oi Hlua Rluboa. 4tA atk 1 Taka aa aiarr. Bur afraar . rJ yt iraait. tk i-t-in'if:.Te wm An average KAV lira, consumption per family of 189 KW Hrs. for lights and cooking with 26 persons in seVen families, an average of 3.7 persons per family. A total of 2,340 meals for seven families at a cost of $.018 per meal for lights and cooking. An average monthly cost of $6.04 per family, for cooking - and lighting. ; - ' ' ; ' " The old flat rate of $5.00 for range plus an average light bill of $2.20 made a monthly cost of $7.20 while under our present meter schedule an average cost of $6.04 as above. ' WHY NOT INVESTIGATE THIS NOW? tALIFORNiA--OREGON POWER CO. .I.a.f mniw, stir. irt Rin'.w SOLUUt iMLUljlSliLVLKrWHLkt Phone 108-J 7, Grants Pass, Oregou