Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, April 11, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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FlUltAY, Al'lUi. II. 1910.
Save Your
We can help you
by fitting them
with glasses.
Letcher & Son
( Optometrists
TniMdav. Wednesday and Tours-
day. Make an extra effort to add
at least one extra garment to your
already liberal donations.
Miti nr ni! vour bundles. It
too large to carry phone Mrs. J. E
Peterson, forenoons and a car
will call.
As final shipping date haa not yet
been decided on and aa more old
clothes have been promised lor the
French and Belgian refugees, and a
Josephine county's quota l far from
being filled, the Red Cross commit
tee will be at the collecting rooms,
near the Panama restaurant, three
afternoons next week.
iVlORE GLOIHtS NttUtU pfrcomil aml LOrjL
. Mrs. Allena O. Walker died at ihe
Good Samaritan hospital In this city
last night at 7 o'clock, of pneumonia,
after an Illness of about two weeks.
The deceased was brought to the
hospital two weeks ago from her
Tiome at Leland. She was 38 years
of age and leaves five sisters and two
brothers to mourn her loss. ' Her
husband died about four years agoi
in the east.
Funeral services will be held at
Hall's chapel Saturday afternoon at
2 o'clock and interment will be made
at Granite Hill cemetery.
Tanlac." Sabtn has It. U
Bverybody Is going to the dancing
party Saturday night. 40
Hanging baskets for trailing
plants and vine at Cramer Bros. 40
John Dubuls left last night on an
extended business trip to Eastern
Leave an open date for Wednes
day, Aiprll 16.
Fertilizer for house plants and
erarden plants at Cramer Bros. 40
Carload of American wire fencing,
barbed wire, etc., to arrtve.thla week.
Get our price. Rogue River Hard
ware Co. 40
Leave an open date for ednes-
Aay, April 16.
Miss Mary Pope left this afternoon
for Lindsay. Cal., where she will
become the bride of a wealth River
side county farmer.
All sizes in glazed Jardinieres at
Cramer Bros. 40
. Non-skid auto hats and caps at
the Hat Shop.
Mandy Lee will be at 4 he Opera
1 House, Wednesday evening, April 16.
Better make a date with Mandy. 39
To facilitate matters at the spe- s, ,. rwu-m nnd wife lnave
clal election to be held on the third ton,ght for mber, where Mr. De-
Saturday Spare-
Advertising apace In the Saturday
Courier should be arranged tor early
In the morning as Saturday space Is
unusually limited.
V. K. O. Mooting
Gen. Logan W. R. C. will hold
their regular meeting Saturday af
ternoon. There will be Initiation of
new members, and a social hour at
the close. All Civil War veterans
and visiting members of both orders
who may be In the city are cordially
April 11). One lllg Time
At Takllma dance.
next June, those
registered, or have
who have not
changed their
places of residence, or who have
failed to vote at a county or state
election during the cast two years,
should go to the county clerk's office
at once and register. That will
avoid being compelled to swear your
vote In. The time for registering
expires on May 3.
This special election is for the
I purpose of voting upon measures re
ferred by tue legislature 10 me peo
ple of the state for approval.
Seattle. Apr. 11. J. P.. Morgan
and other American financiers h.ive
promised to Join Japanese capital
ists In the organization of a new big
steamship corporation, according to
Kotaro Modzuki, member of the
Japanese parliament, who is in Seat
tle on his way to New York. Mr.
Mochisukl said probably $200,000,-
000 of American and Japanese
money would be Invested in the new
venture. Although details have not
been arranged Ihe asserted, the con
cern probably will be called the American-Japanese
Steamship company
, and will buy and build boats and
operate them on all the world's im
portant ocean traffic lanes. One line
will ran (from Seattle to the Orient.
HAVE A 120-acre homestead close
In, will come under Irrigation,
Three splendid city houses at low
er prices than you will ever see
again. 24 acres cleared, good
5-room house, $500. If you wrant
to know what yon are buying.
no thine more, nothing less, see
McKInstry, 603 G street. $4,000
to loan. 32tf
rolet; 1918 Ford, electric starter
and lights at bargain, $550; sec
ond-hand Chevrolet, fine median
leal condition, $400 If taken soon.
See them at the Battery Shop. 34
WANTED TO BUY A few good,
fresh milk cows, or some that will
be fresh soon. Must give the milk
and test well. Ed. L. Schmidt &
Son, R. F. D. No. 2, phone 612-
F-23. 39
for really good
pumpkin pie
IhsHid at prlWhiTTT nlht
"n " M -' Sugar Pump-
Us an tlx in emeriti, It it put
aaeaiy to powtiiemia your tardea
M Carrol Beau, Pea, Lettuce,
Radithta, Oaioat, Cabbage, etc,
prorided ym plut MORSE'S
diautod to tba Pecinc Cout, tme
Mm Sad full o( vitality.
Mama Flower Seeds are ol tke
H bifh quality. DcaUn rmj
wkerc m11 Mooe'i Seed.
Write lot our 19l9CanUCiad
Sdgn mtar48rm
Saa Fraacitea, California
IT 3
Five Dollars Reward-
Five dollars reward will be paid
tor the arrest and conviction of any
one stealing the Daily Courtors from
residences or mall boxes.
A wise man protects
his future
It means comfort In old age.
U means freedom from the harrowing cares of poverty
In the decline of lite.
Let an account In this bank be the FIRST step. The
others will coins quickly aud easily.
Witt has aa engine run. They have
been residents of Grants Pass for
several years and have many friends
American wire fencing and barbed
wire at Rogue River Hardware Co.
Brighten up your home with a few
house plants put in one of our jar
dinieres. Cramer Bros. 40
"De Miracle." Sabln has it. 39
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wilbur and
five children, of Marcus. Wash., ar
rived here the first of the week to
spend a month with Mrs. Wilbur's
mother, iMrs. Theresa Layton. The
family spent the winter at San Diego
on account or Mr. wiiDurs neaun
and they made the trip to Grants
Pass by auto, encountering all kinds
of troubles from mud and snow to
washouts on the Slsklyous.
Mandy Lee will be at the Opera
House, Wednesday evening, April 16.
Better make a date with -Mandy. 39
We will pay 30c a pound, live
weight, for chickens during the bal
ance of the week. City 'Meat Market
Fern dlahes with inset at Cramer
Btob. 40
That long looked tor carload of
fencing, barbed wire, etc., Is on the
way and will arrive In a few days
Send us your orders. Rogue River
Hardware Co. 40
IUhI Owa Members
The chairman of the local Red
Cross chapter desires to make an
earnest apieal to the ladies of
Grants Pass to give up a portion of
their time again to the completion of
allotments of sewing on hand. The
need Is urgent and the Buffering
great, and we must not fall to com
plete these shipments. To fall at
this time would be a black epot ou
our splendid record. Do not leave
It for someone else to attend to.
Feel that it Is your personal duty to
assist In. this work.
pigs for sale Now is the time to
buy choice bred pigs, either sex,
Sired iby our 'big type herd toar,
Crimson Orion. Look up the Orion
and Golden Rod strain of hogs
they are the best. Ed. L. Schmidt
& Son, Grants Pass, Ore.,' R. F.
D. No. 2, phone 612-F-23. 43
FOR SALE Heavy, old team and
harness, $200. Good pullers and
gentle. Terms to the right party
or will take part in wood. In
quire at Edgerton & Adams mill.
10 ACRES unimproved land near
town to trade for old auto. Value
$200. Address, 312 West L St. 40
You must clean the stomach and
bowels, purify the 'blood, each Spring
or you leave Winter's germs and Im
purities In your blood and system
Drive them away, clean out the stom
ach and bowels, take Hollisters
Rocky Mountain Tea, a Spring
cleanser-purifier. 35c. Tea or Tab
lets. Sabin's Drug Store. Adv.
FOR SALE 150 head good Shrop.
shire ewes, delivered In Grants
Pass or Roseburg, 135 lambs
thrown In more to come. These
sheep are thoroughbred Shrop
shire; good fleece of wool on
their backs; price $20. Geo. W.
King, Montague. Cal. 64
.Mrs. CiocttMche Uiimlng Party-
Saturday night at the Waldorf
hall, good floor, good music, good
time tickets 75c. You are Invited.
C. 8. S. Meeting
1-ast Saturday atternon the C. C
S. S, members met at the home of
Miss Lulu Garrett, on West C street.
The afternoon was pleasantly spent
in games and conversation, and later
dainty refreshments of pineapple
and whipped cream and cake were
served. Tho members present were
the Misses Josephine A. Smith, Jose
phine F. Smith, Eva U rat ton. Mary
Reed, Evelyn Anderson, Helen Lis
ter, Melba Macy, Corylss Courtney,
Violet Beet and Lulu Garrett.
Auto Owners
Have your car washed and polish
ed. We have an expert and prices
are right. Collins Auto Co. 3Ht
Claude Itooth Home-
Claud Booth, 17th aero squadron,
returned home Thursday, after two
years' service 4n the IT. S. A., one
year being spent in France. His
brother, Clifton Booth, who was with
him during all the time, was also
discharged but Is visiting for a tow
days In Washington. Bert Booth,
another brother, is at Camp Lewis,
Apr. 14, Monday Col. Leader speaks
at High school, I p. id.
Apr. 17, Thursday Easter social at
home of Mrs. W. G. White, 807
North Fourth street, by Ladies
Benefit society, Presbyterian church.
May, 1, Thursday 'May breakfast
given by the Woman's Association
of Bethany Presbyterian church,
May 11, Sunday Baccalaureate ser
mon. May 16, Friday High school com
mencement. .
Classified Ad Hates
Classified advertising In the Dally
Courier will be chanted for at tht
rate of 5 cents per line ror issue tin
less paid In advance. The rate of
25 words at 50 cents per week doei
not provide for bookkeeping, post
age on statements mailed, etc. Here
tofore we have permitted occasional
charges at the cheap rates bat, no
LOST Crank for Velle automobile.
Finder please notify J. Wolke.
Phone 208-L. 40
FOR SALE Cement blocks, 3 sizes;
bricks in any quantity; gravel;
lime. 25c wagon load; sewer pipe.
Smith's Racket Store. 44
FOUND Chevrolet auto crank
Owner may secure It at Courier of
fice. 40
WHO can say man or
woman "Bigger pay
rolls in Oregon mean nothing
to me"?
There Is no one who does
not benefit In some way from
the circulation of payroll
money. It buys necessities
and luxuries. It adds to the
Joys and softens he sorrows
of life and In doing so travels
through the whole community.
The way to make more of It
in Oregon is to USE HOME
Home Industry League of
plats of Josephine county, 50c
each. For sale by Josephine Coun
ty Abstract Co. Blue printing at
reasonable rates. 39tf
FOR RENT Six-room bungalow at
605 South Fifth street. Gas and
electricity and stationery wash
tubs with connection. Inquire at
611 D street. 40
FOR SALE 10 acres one mile west
of city limits of Grants Pass, all
fence and in cultivation, half In
alfalfa. Gall on or write James
'Martin, Grants Pass, Oregon. 44
Printiag that pleaaes We ds
Gender Job Separtneat.
When you are overworked, feel
listless or languid, or when you can't
sleep or eat, 'better take Holllster's
Rocky Mountain Tea, livens you up,
purifies the blood, soothes and regu
lates the stomach, makes you eat and
sleep. A real Spring Medicine, 35c.
Tea or Tablets. Sabin's Drug Store.
Elkay's Straw Hat Dye
Easter Egg Dyes
Putnam Dyes
Elkay's Soap Dyes
Sells Drug's
Salem, Ore., Apr. 11. A manda
mus action has been brought by Karl
Herbrlng, of Portland, representing
the brewing Interests, against At
torney General Brown to compel him
to write on the ballot the title for
a petition to refer to the people the
legislature's resolution ratifying the
(federal prohibition amendment,
argued before the supreme court.
California and Washington attorneys
were among the legal talent present.
' About Bathing.
Frequent bathing Is conducive to
good health as well as comfort It
keeps the pores of the skin clear, so
that tbey can perform their proper
function of clearing the system,
through the skin, of excretions which
are not discharged through the mouth,
nose, kidneys or alimentary canal.
Rinse with cold water. A brisk rub
after the bath promotes circulation of
The Poor In Italy.
The majority of the poorer class In
Italy lire noted for their general good
health. This Is to some extent attrib
uted to tile fact that the working peo
ple of Italy est less meat than those
of uny other European nation.
erjr.or.HAi. BKitr.sviO
AO.1 0 Street Kwliwlve local dealer
Special Values in Ranges
The Colonial, an Oregon Made Range that has stood
the test of time and service Made in Oregon ever
since 1882.
We will take your old range in exchange and guar-
antee satisfaction
Holman's Furniture Store
Ioy Theater
Ailolph Zukar presents
An AltTl'lt.UT picture
'Miss Jeanette Cramer, director
Mytle Constance linker
Tytle ; Keith Stonaker
Fair Queen ...Helen L. Smith
DaiK'liiK Kiilrlct
'Dorothy Fallln Louise Kntlin
Dorothy Zimmerniann
' Hinging Fairies
VeOna Williams Lynotta Qulnlan
Vrrnetta Qulnlan Marlon Sabln
Reinoh Tryer
Directed by .
M.M'llfCK TOW MK I' It
Scenario by
Blue Bird
is the
symbol of
Maeterlinck's stirring play is the
spectacular drama o? the sages
old struggle for happiness.
Every age and every class will
thrill with delight at it.
Adm. 30c15c Mat. Nuturiuiy 2::i( Aclm. ii.V-15c
Silk Dresses
in Fashionable Styles