T ACT FOtn UIIANT8 PA8M DAILY (XH'KIEM E PERSONAL LOCAL SilK Dresses in Fashionable Styles 10 Save Your Eyes We can help you by fitting them with glasses. Letcher & Son Optometrists Ernest . I'mphlette, ot Uota uui., was in the city test evening. "Tanlac." Sabin has It. tt F. C. Bramwcll loft lost night for San Francisco on a business trip. I Hear the special by Robert's I chorus tonight. Church of Christ, i Jos. Schmitt. formerly of this city. I hut now oueratlng a sawmill at C.a- j telle. Cal., Is at the Oxford. American wire fencing and barbed ; wire at Rogue River Hardware 'Co. ,V. B. 1-yon. of Seattle, and T. O. ! XIacDonald. of Tacoma. mining men, i nre In "the city. . I VT'iortiiiff a carload of wire and ! nails this week. Hold 'your orders i prices lower. Grants Pass Hardware I Co. 37 ! G. C. Knapp, of Portland, who was j In the city yesterday, left this morn : ine for Crescent City. The "Restoration Movement tonieht at corner Fourth and H Krost Krt Through arrangements made by County Agent C. O. Thompson, fruit growers of this section will now he able to receive, "frost reports" from the iMedford Btatlon every evening by calling "information" after 1 o'clock. Auto Own Have your car washed and polish ed. We have an expert and prices are right. Collins Auto Co. S 1 tt XKW TOiMT HAVE A 120-acre homestead close in, will come under Irrigation, Three splendid city houses at low er prices than you will ever see again. - 2 V acres cleared, good ' 5-room house, $500. If you -want to know what you are buying, nothing more, nothing lees, see McKlnstry. 603 G street. 14.000 to loan. 32tr FOR SALE OR TRADE tiew' Chev- rolet; 1918 Ford, electric starter- and lights at bargain, $550; second-hand Chevrolet, fine niectian ical condition, $400 if taken soon. See them athe Battery Shop. 34 streets. S7 FOR KENT 5-room hungalow, cor ner Third and Evelyn. Inquire of A. U Edgerton. 38 WILL THE party who found the $10 bill on April 7th .please leave at Courier office 'care No. 649. The lady who lost it is destitute with serious illness in family. ' 37 FOR SALE Good 'wardrobe, poul try wire, iron roofing, lumber, good truck bed for Ford, car win dow, door, etc. Address Hd. 3, Box 63, or phone 153-L. 37 FOR RENT Two housekeeping rooms with bath. Shade in sum mer. 207 West C street. 42 WANTED Two men wanting long, steady -work out ot town; I have a good opportunity. Will be in Grants Pass this week. Phone 196-L. Geo. Wertz. 38 HOUSE FOR RENT. 207 Fifth street. Not modern. Phone 212-R or call 824 E street. 88 When yon are overworked, feel listless or languid, or when yon can't sleep or eat, better take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, livens you up, purifies the blood, soothes and regu lates the stomach, makes you eat and sleep. A real Spring 'Medicine, 35c. Tea or Tablets. Sabln's Drug Store. Adv. Miss Mattte McGee left this morn ing returning to Klamath Falls after spending a week In the city. "Racine cord tires. 10,000 miles guarantee. All sires. C. L. Hobart Company. 38 Mrs. A. L. Johnston went to Med ford this afternoon to visit her daughter. Carload of American wire fencing, barbed wire, etc.. to arrive this week. Get our trices. Rogue River Hard ware Co. 40 Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Haley, of St. Louis, Mo., arrived this morning and will spend several days here. Racine cord tires. 10,000 miles guarantee. All slies. C. U Hobart Company. 38 Miss Lulu Benedict left this morn ing for Spreckles, Cal., to spend a few weeks with the Ivan Livingston family. Mrs. F. W. Chausse. of Portland, arrived this morning to spend a few wuti with her, tarents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Colvig. ! ' Sold four coTds and three fabric Goodyear tires Friday, and two Dia mond cords and five fabric tires on Monday? Yes, people know what to buy. Grants, Pass Hardware. 37 Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Donnell, who snent a few days here with friends. returned to their canyon home this morning. . That long looked for carload of fencing, barbed wire, etc.. Is cm the way and will aTrive in a few days. Send us your orders. Rogue River Hardware Co. 40 Mrs. Lester Coburn arrived this morning .from Portland to spend a week or more with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. H.Tetherow. Mrs. H. r. naArmnnd. of Medford, Is also visiting at the Tethrow home. Racine cord tires. 10.000 miles guarantee. All sizes. C. L. Hobart Pomnanv. 88 At trailing ltod (tons OmferenvC" Mrs. W. W. Canby loft this morn Ins for Seattle to represent Jose phine county chapter American Red Cross at a conference in that city April 10, 11 and 12. for the purpose ot making a survey tor the future activities ot the orgnnltntloa and to plan for the next yoar's work. At a meeting of the directors of the local chapter Chairman O. S. lllan- chard was elected to either attend the meeting or select a representa tive. He named Mrs. Canby. Jt was thought at first that Josophlne county would not be represented, but the headquarters practically de manded a representative and. Mrs. Canby was selected. I W. A. Clarke, 63rd artillery, mod-1 leal detachment, returned to Uruiit Puss last niglu and loft this morn lug tor his home at Solum. He wus seven mouths ill France at dltfereut points, the lougest stay being at U moyes. , L. T, Smith, 8 1st field artillery, with the IVlbfludor dlvialou, return ed to Urunu Pass a few days ao, and relumed this morning to his home on the yVpplugute river near the River Banks Farm, lie was for tour months In Franco, most of the lime at itrut. On returning to America ho was at Camp Merltt for several weeks uti'd Camp 1awIb for a mouth. MRS. E. REHKOPF Why lie a Mere Danrrr When the opportunity is here to be a real dancer. Mrs. Goettsche will start a class" 'soon. ' If Interested phone No. 383-R or call 704 D. 38 Crowds growing at Evangelistic meetings Church of Christ. There's a reason. 37 ItcNiile iu Medford M. B. Merrlman, of Medford, and Miss Bluuche Ilurvoy ot this city were married Monday noou at the M. E. Parsonage, Rev. Melville Wire performing the ceremony, and Mrs. Merrlman have gone Medford where they will reside. T. Mr. to April It), One ltlg Time At Takllma dance. 40 KiiIkMs Templar SuKr Melita Commandery, Knights Templar, will have supper at tho Masonic hall Friday evening at 6, followed liv the conferring of the orders of the Red Cross and the Black Cross. All members and vis iting Sir Knights are Invited to participate. O Hirer GEO S. CALHOUN Exclusive local dealer Special Values in Ranges The Colonial, an Oregon Made Range that has stood the test of time and service Made in Oregon ever since 1882. ' We will take your old range in exchange and guar- antee satisfaction " Holman's Furniture Store Joy Theater TONIGHT AXI) THURSDAY Enid Bennett and DOUGLASS SUcOLEAX in "Happy Though Married" The bride suspected that her husband was a cynic and did not really love her; and the photograph fclie found seemed to Indicate "a past.".. When the beautiful Spanish girl apieared on the scene it seemed to clinch matters, but when all was explained she was 'Happy Though Married." ' ' t A Bray Pictograph Directed by Maurice Tourneur Scenario by Charles Maigne ADOLPH ZUKOR presents MAETERLINCK'S 66 TGI IE BLUE BIRO 99 eAn ARTCRAFT Picture A Migjity Spectacle of Happiness ! Most People in this community carry accounts at this bank. Some are checking, others are savings, while still others are both. We invite YOU to become a member ot our happy family. Checking accounts are the most convenient method of paying bills, and they discourage extravagant habits. Our Time Certificates Draw 4 per cent Interest THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON A Thousand Smiles! A Thousand Sobs! A Thousand Beautiful Scenes BALLET Miss Jeanette Cramer, director 'Mytle... Constance Baker Tytle .'. Keith Stonaker Fair Queen Helen I Smith Dancing Kulrlen Dorothy Kallln Louise Fallln Dorothy Kimmermann Hinging r'alrle VeOna Williams Lynetta Qulnlan Vernetta Qulnlan ' Marlon Babln Remoh Tryer A photodrama that will put new courage into America's hearts, the sort of a play that lifts dark thoughts into the sunshine HERE'S A RECOMMENDATION THAT MEANS A LOT liy Margaret K. HanKHter, In the Christian Heruld Some people many people, know the story of Maeterlinck's "The 'Blue Bird." Everybody should know it. And now that the producers of Artcratt Pictures have put the story Into a perfect picture, there Is no reason why everyone should not know it. The Christian Herald does not often feel that It can heartily endorse a film, lor many film stories are, regrettably, not the sort of thing that one could take one's small, or older, son or daughter to see. But "The Blue Bird" is the sort of film that holds a lesson worth learning. It is the kind of a film few people have dreamed of producing an Idealistic picture made real (by splendid acting and remarkable photography. Several points stand out from the story stand out by sheer beauty of word and action. When the children go at twelve o'clock to the graveyard to eee the dead arise when they tiptoe fearfully in through the door and walk in frightened silence, past the yawn ing tombs, one can perfectly understand why folk Tear di-uth. But, when suddenly the raves burst forth Into blossoms and the roses and llllles grow fragrantly all about, one sees the Buster story retold In a marvelous way. Kpr the little, boy, astounded, asks "Where are the dead?" and the glrl-chlld, with' a triumphant Binile upon her face answors "There are no dead!" The moving ploture lias come to stay, come to stay with Its unlimited possibilities for good or for evil. And "The Blue Bird" Is the sort of picture than cannot fall to do unlimited good. It will be a delight to children, "but only the grown-ups can read their Uvea into the search lor Happiness, it will be a dream, a falrly tale come true, to your boy or girl; but to you It will be the mean ing of life, told poetically, but none the less truly. "The Blue Bird" is a milestone In the production of motion pictures. We hope for more pictures of the same sort. -Coming for a Two Day's Engagement at the- Joy Theater - Friday and Saturday Matinee Saturday at 2:30 P. M. (S aCHWMal(sWH neraraAVKSBBvis KsBhSYSTeMdHi -