Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, April 08, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    UIWiaiB I'AWI alAJail 111 e.n
Classified Advertising
horni. Dsit of wlntnr layer.
11.60 per tllng of 16. $7 In
100 lots. K. Hammerbai-her,
phone 808-F-23, It. V. D. No. 1. tf
TOR BALE 10 acre S mile from
oltr. t aoret Tokay trapes, good
garden, good building, 6-room
boms, small barn, eto. Call ibi
Bridge St., or ad draw P. O. Ilox
161, OranU Pass, Or. 48
A 3-YHAIl OLD belfor cams to my
ranch two years ago; light red
with whlte face and line back: no
brand; marked with crop of right
ear, with uppor bit; crop of left
ear with half crop. Owner will
please call and pay charges. Ad
drew P. O. Box 106, Kerbjr, Ore
gon, a
ti. v .art -.--.-
TEAM 9 and 10 years old, also har
ness and wagon for sale. Sell all
or part. Call 711 North Eighth
or phone 11-L. I8tf
MOO10RN bungalow and 9 -room
house, both on East D street, for
sale cheap; terms It required.
Mrs. R. A. N. Reymers, phone
291-J. 66
FOR BAIJS -120-aoce ranch on
. Chapman craok, 60 acres In culti
vation, 100 fruit trees, 6 bead cat
tle, I horses, ohlckens, buggies,
wagon and farm Implements all
for 11,000 cash. Be Lee Brown
at Red Front barn areola gs IT
FOR SALE One new Oliver type
writer. Phone 178-J. 37
FOR SALE Heavy team of draft
horses. Weight about 1600 each.
Also wagon and harness. Address
No. 611 care Courier. 88
FOR SAUJ 840-acre stork or grain
farm. Also team, buggy, hack.
Saw mill. 10 h. p. steam tractor
engine. Will rent farm. W. J.
lavage, ltd. 1, Grants Pass, Ore.
FOR SAM? Young ealf. Inquire A.
V. Hay, West D street. 41
TIRES Used tires bought and sold
Auto Service Co. Phone S24-J, op
posite Oxford hotel. 20tf
E. L. OALORA1TII, Insursnce, rent
als a specialty. Acreage, Building
and Loans. 609 O street, Launer's
. old location. tf
electrical work, repairing, house
wiring. C.'C. Harper, 116 North
Sixth street, phone 47. tf
HKM8TITCIMNQ and plcollng at 10
cent a yard All work guaran
teed. The Vanity Shop, Medford,
Or. is,
IF YOU WANT to sell your pro
petty; If you want to buy proper
ty; If you want good loans; If you
want any service that a realty man
can render. See McKlnstry, 603
O street. jju
motors Installed and repaired.
Phone 248-L. Joe A. Polley. 63
Famous Wash
Deals Skin
I. I. p.. the rrottMt of akin rmnarflat wig
!moU,,? ,kln emirtlojw that ban muu
our life bur.l.n. That Intolerable ltcln.
buralnt wt dlaoomrnrt will diaapfwar uiW
tha bails of this tmy. It hiu cumt nmnr
cum pronounced. IncuraMa end will math
bins you railcC "
Do 3B)o BDo
H. Clemens, Druggist
April 14, Monday Colonel Leader
speaks In Grant Pass.
YOU mil at rtan lh atnmaiti an1
bOWAla. mirlfv f H a ihlnnrf aah finriii.
or you leave Winter's germs and lm-
puncips in your Diooa ana system.
rH va h am aarav Dliin lha afnm-
acb and bowels, take Holllster's
Rnikff Mountain Taa a Oti.lH
cleanser-purifier. 85c. 'Tea or Tab
lets. Sabln's Drug Store. Adv.
The California and Oregon
uoast Kauroad company
Effective Nov. 19, 1918.
Trains will run Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday
Leave Grants Pass 1 P. M.
Arrive Waters Creek 2 P. M.
Leave Water Creek 1 P. M.
Arrive Grant Pas 4 P. M.
For Information regarding freight
and passenger rate call at the office
of tbe company, Lundburg building,
or telephone 121.
excellent mechanical condition,
newly (minted, at a bargain. In
quire at desk Hotel Oxford.
FOR SALE Five empty bee hives.
In good condition. A. Alberts, ltd.
No. 1, near county home. 30
FOR SALE Four room routine,
partly furnished: muko your own
terms. 801 Jordan street. Apply
at Roper's Tailor shop. 40
Tt itr.vr
FORTY ACRES on Louse creuk for
rent. I will furnish soed'U ne
cessary, also one horse and :. 6b
chickens, plows and cultivator,
four cows and two pigs. Com and
see R. Timmons for particulars at
608 L street. IStf
FOR RENT Furnished 6-room cot
tage. Inquire of a. P. Jester, at
Grants Pas bank. 40
TEAMS WANTED On Pacific hlKh
way work, 12 miles north of
Glendale; 87.60 for eight hours;
work for three or four months.
Address O. E. Colby, Glendale.
Oregon. 37
WANTED I wish to buy a young
single horse; also single harness.
L. P. Chandler, 902 North Ninth
street. 83tf
WANTED Farm In exchange for
good city property, value 35,000.
Phone 3667. . 36
TO TRADE Two house and 6 lots
In Dundee, Yamhill county. Ore.,
27 mile south of Portland, one
block from S. P. depot for 6 or
7 room house In Grants Pass. Ap-
ply 216 West I street. 42
Mocha Cafe to "Stag" cigar store,
call 183-J. Residence 149-Y.
Otto J. Knlps. 288
DAILY JITNEY to Selma, Kerby and
Waldo. Leaves Grants Pass dally
at 9:30 a. m. Everett Hogue,
phone 317. 317
prompt service. City and country
trips. Safety first. Call the Spa
confectionary, phone 262-R; resi
dence phone 320-R W. G. White.
- 183
eT "c7M AC YD. 7i. Klm-al o
dentistry 1UV4 tSoutb Blxti
street, Grsnts Pass, Oregon.
C. E. JACKSON. D. M. D., successor
to Dr. Bert, Elliott. Over Golden
Rule Store. Phono 6.' Residence
phone 163-J.
L O. CLEMENT. M. D.. frscti
limited to diseases of the uye, est
nose' and throat. Glasses Otter
Office hour 9-12, 2-6, or on ap
polntment. Office phone (!, res'
dence pbnne 369-J.
H kUOUUHlUUIa, at.. U.. rujafcua
sod surgeon. City or country call
attended day or night. Resldeur
phone 869; office phone ltd
Sixth sml II. Tuffs Bid.
A. A. WITH AM. M. DT-Tnterii
mrdtrln and nervous dlseasot
203 Corbett Bldg.. Portland. On
Hours 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 p. m
DR. R. J. BE8TUL, Veterlnarlat.
Office, .residence. Phone I0B-R
TO TRADE Flv room house, barn
and five lots on West L street for
Ford car. (Must 'be In good condi
tion. Address Box 92, Merlin, Ore
The Many Mysteries of
You can take an onion seed and a pansy
seed, and plant them tide by side in th
same spot of ground. In one cose, you
get an onion, with its peculiarly strong
odor, and in the other you get a flower of
rare beauty. You can plant a poppy seed
and get opium (a dangerous, habit-iormins
drug), or you can plant a rhubarb seed and
kinds of dray age and trenuf.
werk carefully and promptly -Inn.
Phone 1S1-J. Stand at frelgl
depot. A. Bhade. Prop.
Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phon
F. Q. ISHAM, drayage and transfsi
Safes, ifanos . and furnltur
moved, packed, shipped and stor
ed. Office phone 124-Y, . !
denc phone, 124-R.
THE PICTURE MILL tor fin photo
graphs. Open dally except Sun
. day from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. Bun
day sitting by appointment only.
.Pbnne Mill, 288-R, or residence
140-J. J7t
" C'lyilj KNQINKERS "
DANIEL McFARLAND, civil engl
neer and surveyor. Residence
740 Tenth street, phone 2U-Y. 65
get something that helps constipation.
No scientist, living fcr dead, con explain
these mysteries of Nature. Behind the
invisible life germ in each seed is hidden
the deep secret that nobody understands.
Everything growing out of the ground
seems intended for some use in establishing
natural conditions. Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo,
N. Y.. long since found out what is
naturally beat for women's diseases. lie
learned it all through trotting thousands
of cases. The result of his studies was a
medicine called Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription. This medicine is made of
vegetable growths that nature surely in
tended for backache, headache, weakening
drains, bearing-down pains, periodical ir
regularities, pelvic inflammations, and for
the many disorders common to women in
all ages of life. Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription is made of lady's slipper root,
blaok cohosh root, unicorn root, bluo
cohosh root and - Oregon grape root.
Women who take this standard remedy
know that in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription they are getting a safe woman's
tonio so good that druggists everywhere
sell it.. -
Favorite Prescription should have the
ful confidence of every. woman in Anjorica
because it contains no alcohol and nv
narcotic Dr. Pierce knew, when he firai
made this standard medicine, that whiskey
and morphine are injurious, and so he hut
always kept them out of his remedies
Send lOo to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel
Buffalo, N. Y. for trial pkg. Tablots.
Notice 1 hereby given that on
Tuesday, May 6, 1919, at the hour
of 6 o'clock v. m. at the office of the
clerk, Edward fl. Van Dyke. First
National Bank Building, Grants
Pass, Oregon, the board of directors
of School District No. 7 of Josephine
eounty, Oregon, will receive sealed
bids for the eale and delivery to
FORD 03irhme"' $350
. One Trailer $30
Ford Touring Car ready to hit the road
New Ford Cars and Trucks
the said district oi 400 tiers of wood
to be cut from the body of sound
green timber free from rot, dot or
punk, diameter to be not less than
4 Inches and not larger than 10
lnchee, (round timber not less than
even Incbea and not to exceed 20
per cent of the entire delivery) and
all wood to be cut and delivered 1n
two foot lengths. Delivery to be
made at the various school bouses
of the district at the direction of the
board and well piled, ready to be
measured, on the ground prior to
the first day of August, 1919. Bids
may be placed for the delivery of
an or any part of said wood and
Price may 'be Quoted for either fir
or hardwood or tooth.
April t, 1919. 45
A Standard Test for
The third of a series of three statements
9iWaTn eCds made Promjnent the question of a standard test fcr gasoline. On July
31st, 1918, President Wilson ordered a committee appointed under the United
States Fuel Administration to establish specifications and standards of test for gas
oline supplied to the Government. This committee consisted of the United States
Fuel Administration and representatives of the War and Navy Departments the
United States Shipping Board, the Director General of Railroads, the Bureau of
Mines, and the Bureau of Standards. Standards were adopted for aviation gasolL
(export, fighting and domestic) and for general motor vzz -r. !:-.d and sea.
The Gravity Test Discarded
The Government's Committee on Standardi
zation of Petroleum Specifications stated in its
report; "It till be noted that there are no grav
ity limitations' in the specifications for aviation
gasoline, nor in 4he specifications for motor
gasoline which are given later, for it has been
' found that gravity is of little or no value in de
termining the quality of gasoline." The stand
ardg adopted by the United States Government
re based on b-'" -?ints.
Boiling' Feints the Real Test
Gasoline is known to the refiner as one mem
ber of the petroleum family. He distinguishes
each member of the family, not by gravity, but
by boiling points. Gravity is a fleeting stand
ard of test, but boiling points are unchanging
in their value and always determine the quality
of the product Knowing them the refiner can
keep his product uniform and reliable.
What Is a Boiling Point?
A boiling point is the temperature at which
a liquid will begin to boil or vaporize.
In distilling a given quantity of gasoline the
refiner ascertains at what point each 10 per
cent will boil, until the entire quantity is evap
orated or distilled. In this way he determines
what is known as the initial boiling point, as
well as- all intervening boiling points in the
chain, up to the maximum, higL boiling point.
Boiling Points Tell the Story
Boiling points determine the vaporizing and
combustive qualities of gasoline. They decide -the
action of the gas developed from gasoline.
They are the only true measure of gasoline
An ideal gasoline has boiling points in a con
tinuous, uniform chain. There must not be too
many low boiling points, otherwise the loss in
storage by evaioauon would be great There
must be just enough low boiling points to va
porize freely and give easy starting. The higher
boiling points are necessary for quick accelera
tion, high power and long mileage.
As combustion starts with the lowest boiling
points and flashes on through the gas, the con
tinuous chain of boiling points from the low
to the high is necessary' for instantaneous,
full-powered combustion. Only a straight-distilled,
all-refinery gasoline can have the contin
uous, uniform chain of boiling points.
The United States Government
Standard Specifications
for Gasoline
The United States Government Standard
specifications for gasoline are based on boiling
points- not gravity. Drafted as they were by
impartial Government experts, they are gener
ally considered, in the light of conditions today,
as the most practical standard -for gasoline.
They insure an efficient and satisfactory gaso
line and at the same time have due regard for
the best utilization of our petroleum resources,
and the maintenance of reasonable prices to the
Red Crown Gasoline Conforms
to United States Government
. All Red Crown gasoline now being supplied
in the Pacific Coast States is refined to con
form to the United States Government Stand
ard specifications. It is straight-distilled, all
refinery gasoline having the full, uniform chain
of boiling points necessary for full-powered,
dependable gasoline: Low boiling points for
easy starting, medium boiling points for quick,
smooth acceleration, and high boiling points
for power and mileage.
. (California)
- V
I .