Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, March 29, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    HATt'ltli.W, MAIU'll 21). 1010.
To The Automobile Trade
When buying your auto lliii tpring remember one thing your
battery. Do not neglect it. Drive to our icrvice station and have it
registered j it will cost you nothing. We will give you a 90-day guar
antee, no matter what make of battery it it. D.1ot let the would-be
battery expert! tamper with your battery and ignition it will be ex
pensive even if they charge you nothing. '
We know our busineu from A to Z and you take no chances
when you come to ut, at we give you a guarantee that our work will
be satisfactory.
Do not think we expect you to trade with ut if you come here
for your battery work. You are just at welcome at the customer who
trades with ut and we are alwayt glad to show, you how to cut down
your car expense and get all there it coining to you from your car.
Drive up.
The Battery Shop
Classified Advertising
rots SALK
HATCHING EQOft 8. C. Wblta Leg
horn. Dent of winter layer.
$1.60 per tettlng of IS. i In
100 lota. K. Ilawmerbacher,
' phone eofl-F-23, R. F. D. No. 2. tt
FOR BALE 10 acre 3 mlloa from
oily, 8 acre Tokay grapoa, good
garden, good building, 6 -room
house, email barn, to. Call 502
Jlrldne 8t or addrcas P. O. Uox
152, GranU Pnaa, Ore.
FOR 8AL.E AVhlle beifhorn and
Ilnxred Rot okct from hone with
laying rocords. Kaatorn atock, 11
per setting of 15. Luther Kobln
aon, Rt. , GranU Pna. 2
JITNEY SERVICE Any where, any
time. Phone Mocha Cafe 181-R
Otto 1. Kolpt, Residence 149-Y.
TIUE8 Used lire bought and told
Auto Service Co. Phone S24-J, op
Itoalte Oxford hotel. ' 20tf
Joe Gorman, Pacific coast feather
weight champion, returned to Port
land last evening after visiting Jacob
Uocsch and family for a week.
The California and Oregon
Coast Railroad Company
Effective Nov. 19, 1918.
Tralna will run Tuesday, Thurtdaj
and Saturday
Leave GranU Pata 1 P.
Arrive Watora Creek 2 P.
Leave Watt re Creek P.
Arrive Granta Pane .4 P,
For Information regarding freight
and passenger ratet eall at the offtc
of the company, Lundburg building,
or telephone 181.
All kinds of Commercial Printing
st the Courier Office. '
fit tlK Churches
diurtlt (iwn Take Notice
Tha anlhnritlM have attain UUt In
force the dayllxht saving plan by
hu h nil rlorka are to be set ahead
one hour on March 30th. This means
that If you arise at 8 o clock Sunday
morning you will ant your clockj and
watches ahead to 9 o'clock and regu
late yourseir by the time thus established."
Catholic Church
Masses on Sunday at 7:30
9:80 a. m.
Rev. Father J. O. Vlen
First Ctiuivh of (lirint Scientist
ChrlHtlan Science services are held
every Sunday In the W. O. W. hall,
at 11 a. m. Wednesday evening
meeting at 8 o'clock. The subject
for today la, "Reality."
Reading room la open from 2 to
4 p. m. dally except Sundays and
holidays. The public Is cordially in
vited to attend the services and to
visit the reading room.
Presbyterian Church
Sunday school at 10 o'clock, the
only service during the day. Prayer
meeting at 7:45 Thursday evening.
Everybody welcome. -
E. L. QALDRAITH, insurance, rent
als a specialty. Acreage, Building
and Loans. t& O street, Launer't
old location. tf
NEW HATS and hosiery at Mrs. II.
E, Burton s. Opposite cotirtnotise
407 North Sixth street.
FOR SALE Minnesota No. 13 seed
oorn at Co per pound. B. 8. Watts,
Murphy, Ore. . 29
ELECT 1UO W11UNO and general
electrical work, repairing, bouse
wiring. C. C. Harper, 815 North
Blxth street, phone 47. ' tt
IIEMSTITCIIINO and plcoting at 10
cents a yard All work guaran
teed. The Vanity Shop, Medford,
Ore. 163
DANCE at Rogue River, Oregon
April 5, 1919. Music by Frultdale
Orchestra. 30
WILL SELL to highest bidder, either
cash or payments, Iota 1 and 2
Lundburg addition. Make offer.
Address N. O. Plko, 343 K Wash
ington. St.. Portland. Ore. 29
FOR SALE Light wagon, cart, gas
engine and pump., piower, , team
and harness. R. F. IX No. 2. Rox
19R Call In evonlng. 28
FOR SALE Household goods. Six
hole ranuo In fine condition; re
frigerator; fine bookcase, glass
front; parlor chairs, etc. A few
farming tools, pitchforks, scythe,
scoop etc. Harrow, light wagon,
bungy. 654 North Eighth street,
phone 191-R. 31
FOR SALE 70 acres of choke land
on banks of Rogue rlvor, one-half
mile from city. Part (black sandy
loam, balance red soil. Some cash,
liberal torma. Quick deal. Priced
to tell. No. 657 care Courier. 31
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon In and for the County
of Josephine
Ebba A. Rowe, p!lniirf,
vs. ,
Albert J. Rowe, Evelyn M.
Ilallcr, 'Henry A. Howe,
Fred M. Rowe, Helen E.
Houze. Fred H. Rowe also
known as Frank H. Rowe,
Daniel Uenjamin William
Lee, Alma Gracla Lee,
Martha J. I-ee. the unknown
heirs of William U Lee, and
sIho all otherpersons or
parties unknown claiming
any rltfit. title or Interest
In the real entato hereinaf
ter dosrribed, defendant".
To the above named and designated
In the name of the Siate of Ore
gon: You are hereby notified thai
plaintiff. Ebba A. Rowe. la the own
er and holder of Certificate of De
linquency No. 823, of date and is
sued Auk. 31, 1914, to M. A. Rowe
by the Tax Collertor of Josephine
County. Oregon, for the sum of
840.50, being amount then due and
delinquent for taxes for the year
1912, with penalty and Interest, up
on tho following described real pro-
lierty, situated In-Jonophlne County,
lint rtapUHt Church
Bible school at 10 a. m.. R. K
Hackett superintendent. Classes for
II ages. The attendance Is growing,
come and help make this the best
ay yet. Morning service at 11, mis
sionary address by a natlvs of In
dia, to be followed by a missionary
Herlng. There will be a missionary
parent by Mrs. Hackett's class. The
Hindu !.idy win dress In native cos
tume, will have curios and will sing
native song.
B. Y. P. U. at 6:30, subject. "De
veloping Self-support on the Foreign
Field," Mary Pope leader. All young
people, especially youn? men and
boys, Invited. Come and study one
of the greatest social and benovelent
movements of the day.
Evening service at 7:30, sermon
on "The Only Angel Whose Age was
Even- Told." There will be an an
them by the choir.
C. M. Cllne, preacher.
IF YOU WANT to tell your pro
perty; If you want to buy proper
ty; It you want good loans; If you
want any sorvlce that a realty man
can render. See McKlnstry, 603
O street. . 25tt
ANGEL CAKE8 75c. Phone 190-J
FOR RENT Modern house, eeml-
furnlshcd or unfurnished, 1324
East A ttreet. Mre. A. J. Klocker.
Medford. Ore. . 8022
FORTY ACRES on touse creek for
. rent. I will furnish aeed If ne
cessary, also one horse, and 60
chickens. Plows and cultivator,
four cows and two pigs. Come and jC,
see R. Tlmmons for particulars at
608 L street. 23tf
prompt sorvlce. City and country
trips. Safoty first. Call tho Spa
confectionary, phone 262-R; rcsl-
' donee phone 220-R W. G. White.
TWO VACANCIES at the Medford
Sanitarium, for reliable girls to
come Into training. Apply to Mrs.
A. W. Foots, superintendent of
nurses. 29
THE PICTURE MILL tor fine photo
graphs. Open dally-except Sin
day from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Sun
day tlttlngt by appointment onl
Phone Mill. 283-R. or resident
Mn-J. ' 67tl
E. C. MACT, D. M. D. Flrst-'lat.
dentistry. 109 tt 8outh Blxtr
street, GranU Pass. Oregon.
FOR RENT A 6-room cottage, nice-, .
ly furnished, garage, electric
lights, etc., 608 A street, bob n.
B. Townsend, 621 A street. 31
B. JACKSON, D. M. D., successor
to Dr.- Bert Elliott. Over Golden
Rule Store. Phone 6. Residence
phone 15S-J.
WANTED About two'doxeii White
or Brown Leghorn -hens. Address
W. U Hart, P. O. Box 680, Grants
Paaa, Ore. 8
L. O. CLEMENT. M. D., Practlc
limited to diseases of the oye, est
nose and throat, masses ntiec
Office hours 9-12,' 1-5, or on ap
polntment. Offloe phone 63, ret'
dence phone B59-J.
TO TRADE Two houses and 5 lots
In Dundee, Yamhill county, Ore.,
27 miles south of Portland, one
. block from iS. P. depot for 6 or
7 room house In Grants Pass. Ap
ply 215 West I street. 42
kinds of drayage and tiaum.
"'k carefully and promptly -loo.
Phone 181-J. Stand at trelg)
depot A. Shade, Prop.
Hunch Bros.
8. LOUOHRIDflE, M. D.. Pbjalouu
and surgeon, City or country eall
attended day or night. Resldeno
Dhone 869: office phone 181
Sixth and II, Tuffs Bldg.
A. A. WITHAM, M. D. Interns
medicine and nervous disease
90S Corbvtt Bldg., Portland, On
Hours 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 p. m
MOVES; ao do
Transfer Co Phon
F Q. ISIJAM, drayage and iransfs
Sa.'et. lianoa and furnltur
moved, packed, thtpped tnd t in
ert. " Offlco phone 12-Y.r atl
denes phone, 124-R.
" Printing that pleases We do It!
Courier Job Department.
Dll. R. J. BE3TUL, Veterlnarlai
Office, resldeno. Phnne Sns-R
Mothers Should see that the
jvhole family take at least 8 or
doses of a thoro, purifying, system
ptnnnlnff medicine this spring. No
Is the time. The family will be
healthier, happier, and get along
better If the blood la given a thoro
purifying, the stomach and bowels
cleaned out, and tho germs of Winter
accumulated In the system, driven
awa.v. HolllBter'a Rock Mountain
Tea Is one of the very best and surest
Snrlng medicines to take. Get it an
sea the difference In the whole tarn
lly. Their color will be better, they'll
feel fine and be well and happy
Cabin's Drug Store. AdT.
ate tf Oregon. to-wlt: Rhk or
SEV4. and Ktt of NEV4. and NW VI
of SB1,', of Section 16. township 34.
south ran no 6 West of tho Willam
ette Meridian.
You are further notified that
plaintiff and -her aaelgnor of said
certificate, II. A. Rowe, .have paid
taxes .upon said preralt.s for the
following subsequent years, on the
following dates and In the following
mounts: For year 1913, 836.74,
paid Sept. 10. 1914; for 1914
41.60, iald Jan. 18, 1915; for let
half 1915. 917.60, paid Apr. 5, 1916
for 2nd half 1915, 917.60, paid Aug
8. 191G: for 1st half 1916, 922.40
nald Apr. 6. 1917: for 2nd half 1916
22.40, paid July io, ibit; ror tst
half 1917. 321.52. paid Mar. 26
918: for 2nd half 1917. 821.62
paid Oct. 5. 1918: for 1st half 1918
23.98. paid Mar. 15, 1919; tne said
several turns paid for said certificate
and for said subsequent taxes draw
interest at the rate of 15 per cent
per annum -from date of payment.
The defendants A I Den J. nowe,
Evelxn M. Hallor. Henry A. Rowe,
Fred M. Rowe. Helen E. House and
Fred H. Rowe, also known as Frank
H. Rowe appear of record to be the
owners of said property and in
other defendants claim some Interest
You are further notified that the
nlainilfT will nnlv In the aihnve en
titled court for a Judgment against
you for the amount paid as aforesaid
upon the aald Delinqnent Certificate
with 15 per cent interest tnereon
from Aug. 31, 1914, and for Judg
nient for each of the said several
sums paid for subsequent taxes with
15 per cent interest thereon from
respective dates of payment; and
for a decree decreeing aame to con
stltute a valid first Hen upon said
property, foreclosing same and or
derlng sale of aald property for sat
isfaction of said lien including
costs and accruing coats of thla pro
ceedings; and (or a further decree
correcting anv defect that may
pear In the naming or the owner or
said property In the assessment
thereof for any of the aforesaid
You are summoned and required
to appear in the above-entitled court
and matter within 60 days after the
date of the first publication of this
summons, exclusive of tho date of
first publication, and defend this ac
tion or pay the amount due as afore
said, and In case of your failure so
to do a decree will be rendered fore
closing the lien of enld taxes and
cost b against the land and premises
above described.
Tills summons .pursuant to an or
der of Hon. F. M. Calkins, Judge of
the above entitled court, of date
March 29th, 1919. Is served, upon
yon by publication once a week for
six successive weeks; date of first
publication being March 29th. 1919.
All process and papers In this pro
ceedings may 'be served upon the tin
derslgned at his Address, Jackson
ville, Oregon.
. ..' H. K. HANNA.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Church of ClirUt
One more week and the meeting
begins! Carrol C. Roberts, of Cali
fornia, will be with us aa song lead
er. There will be music oy tne or
chestra each night. There -will be
solos, duets, quartets and choruses.
The gospel will be preached In love.
You won't miss It, you can t afford
to. '
Sunday services as usual. Bi'rie
hool will he at 10 after you have
moved the time tip an hour. Wor
ship at 1 1. Sublect. "Will the Lever
,1ft the Load?" Evening worship
at 8. Note change In hour. Sub
ject. "Who- Are Priests?" Mrs.
Lynch will sing at this service. All
are welcome.
Chas. R. Drake, minister.
Xewmnn M. E. Church
Morning service at 11 a. m. Ser
mon topic. "Relation of the Individ
ualize Gospel to the Social Forces
of Today." Solo by Miss Jackson and
duet by Mrs. Knapp and Mra. Llnch.
Evening service at 8 o clock, ser
mon topic. "The Land or tne -n J
Mahal." Anthem by the choir.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Ep-
worth League at 7 p. m.
These hours of service are accord
lire to the new time: so set your
clocks one hour ahead and go by the
time thus established.
Melville T. Wire, pastor.
St Lukes' Episcopal Church
There will be services Sunday eveu-
ing at 8 o'clock at St. Lukes'- Episco
pal church, wrlth "Rev. P. K. Ham
mond, vicar In charge. Bishop Sum'
ner "ill officiate on Monday evening
at 8 o'clock. Everyone cordially ln
Salvation Army
Hall at 413 G atreet. Street ser
vices at 10:30 a. tn., and 7:30 p. m
Hall services at 11 a. m., Holiness;
at 2 p. m., Sunday school; at 8 p. m..
Free and Easy; at 8 p. m.. Salvation
Good singing, music and testimonies.
The public is invited.
Ensign J. E. Strautin.
III la Kr4 ud W4 .llliV
ttoia, Mlad ffi BUM Rlbboa.
Tmkm 4lMr. Bur f Jr
r A.kf" Ul-OIIKK-TKBe
Mt known u Bt. Satot. Alwftyt RtlUMc
Whan lmuUr or dnUvod Triumph Rills. StU
nlwtrt dapondabU. Not aold at drat atoroa. ' Da not
axparlmanl with othara, sava dlaappotntnant. Writ for
"RallaC and rarUaalara, It'a Ira. Addroaal National
Mallaal lr.l"n, MiIkIm. Wla.
Th tortures and discomforts of
Weak, lame and aching back, swollen
feet and limbs, weakness, diuiness,
nausea, at a rule have their origin In
kidnev trouble, not "female comuluints."
These general symptoms of kidney and
bladder dUe&30 are well known o la
the remeriv. -
Keit tiuio yow feel a twinge of pain
fn the back or are troubled vith bead
aclia, iudi.'euiiou, iuiiomuta, irritation
in tho Miiider or pain in tha laics and
Inwcr abdomen, vou t.-:11 fhd cutck and
ure relief in COLD MEDAL Krarlem
Oil Capsules. TMs old ar-d tried tcm
edv for kidnev trouble and allied de
rangements baa Stood the test for hun
rireda of veers. It docfl the Work
Talna and troubles vsnich and Dew life
jtnd health will earns r vca continue
their uso. When completely restored
to your usual vigor, continue taking
t . ..u J-
GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Cap
gules are lmportea irom tne laoorato
winat fc VTnnrfpm. Holland. Do not ae
cept a aubttitute, J4 eealed bozet.
U.-at us;:,
SilK Dresses
in Fashionable Styles
Garden Tools
Now is the time to use them and we can supply your
A High Grade line at Reasonable Prices.
We do fine shoe repairing
Spring' Suits
We now have on display a splendid variety
of patterns o'f the new waist-line style in
young men's suits
Prices $25 to $50
We cordially invite
your inspection
Peerless Clothing Company
Cash Clothiers
CUD ft with truck attachment CQCH
rUKU in good shape PttU
One Trailer $30
Ford Touring Car ready to hit the road
New Ford Cars and Trucks
Plant Your Garden Now
also plant a little money in the
Josephine County Bank
You will enjoy seeing them both grow
Still In the Lead
Grants Pass Hardware Co.