Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, March 28, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    KIUKAV. MAIM'll BH. 1010.
Tar four
f k
t f
?'.'' '
Would you take
a million dollars
for your eyes?
Then lon't
Neglect Them.
We are at your
Service with
Many years
Experience In
Eva examination.
Letcher & Son
John Animond -Lewman, pioneer
of 1852, died at his home at Provolt
Thursday, March 27. aged So years
7 months and 12 days, after an ill
ness of only a few hours. The night
before his death Mr. Lewman was
walking in his garden and a few
days before had made a trip to
Grants Pass. He was born In
Plymcmthburg. Ky., August 15, 1S34.
When a lad of 15 he left by ox team
for the west and landed in Portland.
, Ore., November 22, 1852. He re
moved to Jackson county and en
gaged in mining, and later became a
resident of Yreka. On retiring from
active mining he purchased, a ranch
in the Applegate valley, where he
resided until his death.
Mr. Lewman served for several
years as postmaster at Applegate. He
is survived by six sons, Everest S..
Richard P. and William, all of
Grants Pass, Thomas E., of Provolt;
Charles, of Chieo, Cal., and George
A. Lewman, of Trinity county, Cal.,
and by four daughters, Mrs. Maggie
Lash, Provolt: Mrs. Ora Powers,
Tacoma; Mrs. Alice Hardman, Win
atche, and Mrs. Annie Hyde. Can-
The funeral will be held at the
Missouri Flat cemetery Sunday af
ternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. E. Bad
ger conducting the service.
Glee Club Arriv
The University of Oregon siee club
members arrived this morning from
Medford, where they appeared last
night in a very entertaining concert.
Following Is the personnel of the
elub: Harold Grey, Medford;
Charles Huggins, Hood River; Mar
tin Howard, Arthur Johnson and
Stephen Matthieu, all of Portland;
Curtiss Peterson, William Morrison,
C. A. Farlss, Richard Lyons, Ray
mond Osborne. Graham Smith, Paul
Spangler, all of Eugene-, Wesley Be
harrell. Hillsdale; George Doust.
Salem: Herald White, Cottage
Grove; George Hopkins, Los Angeles.
Cal. John Stark Evans, director.
prompt service. City and country
trips. Safety first. Call the Spa
confectionary, phone 262-R; resi
dence phone 320-R W. G. White.
TWO VACANCIES at the Medford
Sanitarium, for reliable girls to
come Into training. Apply to Mrs.
A. W. Foote, superintendent of
nurses. 2 9
BARRED ROCK hatching eggs for
sale, l per setting of 15. Fred
Smith, Courier office. 28
The Prosperous Man
doesn't like to take chances on a weak banking institution. His
property has been gained by judiciously guarding his financial
This bank has an unbroken record for success and advancement
Its strength Is unquestioned. We handle the accounts of many of
the most responsible firms and individuals of this community.
We will appreciate your business. Every customer receives par
ticular attention to his individual needs.
. Our resources are $075,000.00 and we pay 4 per cent on savings
George E. l.undburg weut to Mont-j
ague this morning on business.
Tanlac." Sabin has it. tl
E. J. Hottenroth, postmaster al
ISelma, is in the city today.
H. L. Wilson, Glendale merchant,
is in the city today.
Thlrty-six-lu h Shantung silks in
new shades and white. O rd. Kin
ney & Truax. 28
Jack Shade, of Selma. was trans
acting business here last evening.
We pay 26 cents for good chickens
Temple Market. 7
Wm. Neil, of, Williams creek. Is a
Grants Pass visitor.
College Glee Club Friday. 27
Attorney J. T. Chtniock Is sport
ine a new Velie car.
lives Clemens, the
Rexall store. !S
W. E. Gllmore left for Kerby yes-
i terdav evening.
For a real treat hear the I, of O.
Glee Club Friday. 27
Mr. Molony, of the Copper Queeu
mine near Leland, is in the city for
a few days.
F. C Bramwell and James Wood
went to Medford last evenrng. re
turning early this foreuoou.
Elkay's stray hat dyes Clemens,
the Rexall store. 3
C. L. Hobart and F. S. Bramwell
made a trip to Medford by automo
bile yesterday afternoon.
"Glee Club" true to name. Opera
house Friday. 27
H. B. Reed, of the Holland dis
trict, arrived in the city last even
ing. "Try OTegon-Made Products
First." by buying Oregon-Made fur
niture at Helmer's. 27
Mrs. Ralph Swinden left this
morning for Santa Rosa, Cal.. hav
ing received a message telling of
the eerious illness of her mother.
A breezy bunch, that College glee
club, and they put up a good show.
Don't miss it Friday. 27
Mrs. W. W. Baughn. who spent
the past month with Mr. Baughn's
mother, Mrs. L. E. Kerley, went to
Redding, Cal., to Join her husband.
The new silks. Satin Duchess and
fancy lining satins are In and will
please you, Kinney & Truax. 28
Mrs. Belle" Hufstader, of Glendale.
who has been visiting at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Glenn Ward
rip, expects to return to her home
Eighteen college men will enter
tain you Friday night, opera house.
Harold King went to Eugene to
day to enter the University of Ore-
on. He will continue his course in
journalism which was interrupted by
the war and his entry Into the ser-
vice of the marines.
The newest in Centemerie kid
gloves from Grenoble, France, are
In for Easter. Kinney & Truax. 28
Mrs. Bruce Stephenson, of this
city, and her nle'-e, Mrs. E. A. Sim
mons, of Klamath Falls, who has
been visiting with her here, left this
morning for Grants Pass, where they
will remain a short time with rela
tives. Mrs. Simmons will continue
I to Klamath Falls and Mrs. Stephen
son will return to this city. Rose
. burg Review.
I Georgette and Crepe-de-chlne
waists, $6 to $9 values, special at
$5. Kinney & Truax. 28
Buying t attle
Sylvester Jones, of North Bend, Is
In the city today. He came to Jose
phine county to buy a car of cattle.
In the Circuit Court of Oregon for
Jackson County
In the Matter of the Determination of
the Relative Rights to tne use oi
the Waters of Rogue River and
its Tributaries.
Notice is hereby given that the
final decree herein will be made and
f.ntoror! nn CEntiirrin v Anrll 1319.
1 In open Court.
lloys and tiirbt
Are asked to assist the collectiug
of clothing by carrying bundles to
We Have a Stock of Ti
And tubes which we will sell free
from government tax ot S per cent
while they lust. Get your tires now
and save money. C. I Hobart Com
pany. SO
liny Store nt Tiikllnia
G. B. Fife has sold his genera,
merchandise store at Takilma to
Harry Messenger of that place. Mr.
Fife Is spending a few days in Grants
Found Out His Ailment
Jack Eads, of Selma, camo to
Grants Pass yesterday for treatment,
but our efficient Chief of Police, C.
E. Mcl.ane. met him and diagnosed
his aliment as smallpox and urged
him to leave town before exposing
others. Ends promptly did so, walk
ing bark to Solma.
Several Smullpox tBsos
Eight cases of smallpox were re
ported yesterday by Dr. J. C, Smith.
The doctor says that while most of
the patients are In no danger, one
or two of the attacks are severe, and
if many more cases appear a pest
house will have to be provided. One
man walked In from the" country yes
terday, but before he had proceeded
very far on the street was sent home
by Chief of Police Mclane. The di
sease has made Its apnearanre at
Portland and a few other cities also.
- : 4
m : '
Cltlit Nell Iteturalng
Mrs. K. M. C. Nell, now in Port
land, received a cable from her hus
band, Captain Nell, announcing his
doparturo for home.
Tax Collector II
Q. V. Wlmberly. deputy income
tax collector who arrived In the city !
yesterday, will remain here until
Saturday night to assist those whoj
have failed to make returns. Cor-!
in) rat ton blanks are now on hand,!
which could not be obtained when '
Mr. Wlmberly made his former trip
hore. He Is making headquarters j
at the courthouse. - i
Itcturun Ktu Portland
Ellsworth Tubbs returned from
Portland yesterday where he spent
several days ou business. He re
ports that trains going Into Portland
are not carrying heavy passenger
traffic, while those leaving that city
are well crowded with people seok
Ing location nnd investment. Many
of the former shipyard workers are
returning to the Interior towns. Mr.
Tubbs states that two families came
south when he returned home, both
of them expecting to locate In the
Rogue River valley.
The LilMt Appeal .
Josephine county's quota of cloth
ing for European refirgcea la still un
filled although much has already
been turned In. Saturday Is the last
day. Make one last search for any
thing In the rlothlttg line which Is
. serviceable and that is not absolute
, ly needed and take It to the head
quarters near the Panama cafe. If
you rannot take It yourself ask some
child lo do It. By running these er
rands the children will be helping
suffering children In war stricken
'Ihe Man From Funeral Range"
an intense, absorbing story of a cabaret beauty
and a handsome prospector
This tale has got a moral which we hasten to make clear;
, We'll state it very simply, and we'll state it now and here:
We'll state it very briefly, and we'll use no fancy phrases:
When a Westerner gets angry he can fight like Helen Blazes!
"Hicks Manhattan
a 2-Reel Flagg Comedy
Introducing a new star, the foremost comedian
in musical comedy .
That In the big liens for anybody who
ever saw Fred Stone on the roKuIar s'iikc
He Is hero on the screen in "The
Goat" and lie nets the house arock, MIhm
him and you will be sorry for the whole
town will have something on you, not "lo
mention the rest of America I
Music by a Five-Piece Orchestra
SilK Dresses
in Fashionable Styles
Spring Time Is Dress-Up Times
IH not delay nlr "nl'l"
suit nuido to your ohm iiiraaurn by
ED. V. PRICE & 00.
(103 O Street
it .-
Holman s Furniture Store
(iold Seal CoiiKnli'um Kng.
Hoy wood llnm. and Wakefield llal.y CarrluKc.
Oregon Clialr Co.,' ("halra and Itocker.
Portland Klovo t'o.'s llangra and Stove.
Hoernlxvlwr (Portland) Prenwin and Tables. .
Znnn Itroa. (Portland) Woodcmvnro and Haket.
1. .V. & K. Walter (Portland) Hug.
."'J .''"!!l!."!'!!.'JJ"Jja.,'!!5w
Admission 20c
Children 10c
Sunday and Monday
a two-reel
Kxclualve local dealer