Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, March 24, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Classified Advertising
It Happens About This Time of Year, M.UU1I 21, 11)111.
Kilt HA IK
KOIt BAldC CUKAP 40 aero, tf
mtlo from tuvvit on tho C'rHcont
City road. Mm. W. II. H. Taylor,
421 Wast, li Htrni'l. 25
tlATUIINU ICCiim-8. C. White Imii
horn. UkkI ot tutor layer.
II. 60 per ttliig f IS. $7 In
100 lntH. K. llmuiiiorbiti'lior,
Phono 000-F-23. 11. F. D. No. 2. If
KOIt SALKBlnglo work harries;
alhglo buggy tiiirno; 8 Inch
plow; 2 -shovel plow; H-tooth nil.
Uvntorj Iron Ak garden oeder
with cultivator attachment; )'
4tn digger. At 807 North Blxtli
Street. W. 0. While. 23
IH'I-T UKtillOHN ckk. 11.60 Pr
Mftllntc of 16. Good winter loy
.fr. Nnlllo Bhatturk. Crearent
('.My .load. 2
riAMOl'TIl HOCK tigg for hatch
In, 15 rKK for 11. Mr. A. J.
Qrwn, phono OH-F-2. 26
FOIl HAI.K -70 acre 4 ' mile
from town. 40 acre cleared. Cash
or attractive term. For further
pnrtli'tilnrit ' Iuar llot. 27
FOR SALE Kino grade hurford hull
olio year old; second hand 3'i
wugou; good middle. Address
Atonxo Jon.. phono 003-K-21. 27
POU 8AI.K I'riutlrally new win-id
chair, rubber ilri8. l'liuuo '"."I-F-2,
Murphy, Oro. 23
Foil KK NT --Modern houno, eml-fiiriiltili-d
or unfurnished. 132 4
Kiml A street. Mr. A. J. Klorkor.
Modford, Oro.
FOIl H10NT March 2Clh. it :. room
cottage, nlcoly furnished, gnrano,
eli-ctrlr IlKlitH. etc... li9 A street.
Sfl N. K. Townsnnd, G21 A St. 23
FOR ItllNT l'unilHli-d r.-rmmi cl-nn-,
linpiln- of '.. 1'. Jfnter,
lr.,,lll I-BMJ4 U.lllk. 27
TO TUAli!' Two h'HiM'H mid 6
In HundoK. Yumli 111 county. Ori..
27 iiiIIch miuth of I'ortlnnd, oim
' hlnrk from S. I'. ill"t f"r r' "r
7 ruum himui- In C.runlH Push. A
pl.'l" Wtut 1 aln-i't. 4-
jCVTLI-: VANTKD - O. W. KliiK.
I liuIllitKilli. Ciil. 23
KvANTKD Mil ii and wife tit hiiiiiH
I InluliiK cmnp. Mn '"f wor!
about mlno nml wlf to do kioU
! tn k. AddriBK 404 Courlor. 27
IWANTKI) -Nout ivniiiar, for Kcm-rnl
1 honiiowiirk, plnln cooklni:. , Wimi-n
$25 to $35. AiMriHis R. R. 4. Uux
82, Modford, Orn. 24
BIGHT MBN wnntod for f.irm work;
hoiiHi-s for fnmlllc-s. River Hank
WANTBD to rent for two montlm, n
Ford In Rood runnliiK condition.
Stato prlc AddroHB J. II. McKnr
land. 747 North Ti-nth direct. 2H
SITUATION W A N T K D by married
man who In iu)-to-dftto on mixliirn
methods of mlnlnR. Am nolo to
tnko eompleto chnrvu. Wife conk
If nocoimiiry. Address 511 euro
of Courlor. 23
WANTED Steel enKruvlnRB. Slutlne
Madona. ulor Dolorosa, Rllnd Nl-
dla. Notify Courlor offlca enre of
I B18.
.MAN WITH C.ASOM,H Biray outfit
Wttiils work. AddroHH Thos.', Moore,
Cold Hill, Oro. 1 27
JITNICY SBRV1CK Any where, any
I tlnin. I'hono Mor.-ba Cafe 181-R
t3! J. Knlps, UeMdence 149-Y.
ANGEL CAKES 75c. PhonoigO-J
, ryiigj Usod tires bought and aold ,
uto Scrvlco Co. Phone 321-J, op- '
poslto Oxford hotel. 20tf
5TTT G" ALU R A lTIlTl ii raiice," ron t
' I ala a specialty. Acreage,. Building
1 and Loans. COO G stroot, Launer's
old locntlon. , . if
electrical work, repairing, house1
I wlrlnK. C. C. Harper, 313 North
Sixth street, phono 47. tf
HEMSTITCHING and plcotlng at 10
cents a yard All work guaran
teed. Thu Vuntty Shop, Modford,
Ore. 17.2
F YOU HAVE a flat rouf, olther
gravel or patent roofing, that
leaks, sco mo, I hnvo tho dn;io
that will fix It. W R. Barnett.
cofner Fourth and F street. -J5
if you huvo anth!r.g to
k i..tli,iili: ml. -
36 ACItl-fs Irrigated land, inlio
from rlty on Iowit rlvur road, for
louse on share. I'hono 224-11 or
- wrltA Vox 3d, lid. No, 2. 25
TIIIC PICTURE MILL for fine photo
graphs. Open dally eicepl Bun
dy from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. Bun
day sluing I'y appointment onl)
Flions Mill. !J II, or r.ldnc
140-J. &7tt
K. C. MACY, D. M. U. Klrt-ls-dentistry
lOHty South BUM
street. Grant Puss, Oregon.
Dlt.C. B. JACKSON. D. M. D., iuc
ceator to Dr. Bart Elliott. Ovai
Ooldon Ruin Store. Diona 6.
DH.y'k. J. UKSTUL, Vetsrluarlai,
OfOoa, reddeor.u. Pbona I06-lf
U O. CUCMKNT, M. U., Practtt
llmlti-d to dlaeaius of the t,y. at
nolo and throat. Glaasee Bttni
Offlca hour K-12. 2-i, or on at
polotmant. Office phona 62, rV
dancn pbonit 8G9-J.
a I.OCtJUailXJK, M. I).. I'byak-la
and aurKvun. City or country can
atludd day or nUht. Rt-aldanr
phona 169; ofllca phou lo:
HUth and II, Tuffa llldtj.
A. a M I I'll AM.'" "m" U.'-l'ntiru
uii-dli-lnu und iii-i't out OimMicr
U3 Cnrhi-tt Hlds.. I'ortland. Or.
Hour 10 to J 2 a. in.: 2 to 4 p. m
klndn of drayagv a-ii) traiiKf
wrk cari-fully mid promptly doi.
I'limin IHI-. Stand at frn!i
iloput A Shade, Prop.
THK WORM) MOVKS; to do i
Hunch Hrt Trsnafi-r Co. rbon
K. ii IS11AM, ilrayaK'o and Irannf.
Safun. jlano and furnltu.
mnvml, packi-d. Hhtppad and ehv
m. Ofi!c phono 124-Y. , Rml
d'-nro phono, 124-R.
" 0 NORTON. . Attorney-at-l
rra- tlct-a In all Stats and Ked-ti
Courta. Flnt National Hunk RI.L
COLVIO ft" WH.MX.MS. "",
Dranta I'iimh DauklnK C
Itldx . Oranti Pan. Orufcon
l: S. V AN i)YKB, Attorney." Pra
liet. In nil fourt. First Nation
Rank ltdK.
O. S. ULANCHARD, Attorney a
Law. Gulden Rule IliilUtiin
Photiu 270. Grunts I'hhh, Orci.i
torney, Albert Itldu. I'M.
:Jtl-.T. Practice in all cnurm: U.
board attorneys.
'. A. riliJLtK, Allnrneytt-i.uw. r
eree In bankruptcy. Mason'
temple. Oranti Paas. Ore.
GEO. JI. DURHAM. attoTnoyat Tinw
roforee In bankruptcy. Masonic
Temple, Grants Paaa, Oro. Phone
Flrat National Bank building
Grants Pass, OroRon.
Mar. 28, Krldny U. of O, Mon's
Gloe Club concert, opera Ijouso.
Mothers Should soe that the
A'hnlo fiimllv tnkn at Inaat -I m. i
doscf of a tboro, purifying, system
(cleaning medicine this spring. Now
! Is the time. Tho family will be
j healthier, hnppler, and get along
bettor If the blood Is given a thoro
purifying, the stomach and bowols
'clonncd out, and the germs of Winter
! accumulated in tho system, driven
away. Holllster'g Rock Mountain
Toa Is one of tho very best nnd snroat
.Spring modlclnoH to take. Got It and
see tho dlfforenco In the whole fam
ily. Tbolr color will be belter, they'll
feol fine nnd ho woll and happy,
?-"'! Drugstore. Ad'v
The California and Oregon
Coast Railroad Company
Effective Nov. 19, 1918.
Trains will run Tuesday, Thursda'
and Saturday
Leave Qrnnta Pas : 1 P., M
Arrive Water CivhK .'....2 P. M
liPHVi- Wai'om Creek ... 3 P. M
Arrive fintnts aBa J...t.'.:4 P: '.M
For In formation rogaidlng froluh'
and pUHKoimHr rates-will at the oft'lr
of the compnny. Lundburj hulldlua
or telephone 131
3Bw : Hr-f 1 i.
1 lbrr::-:-y- lo
' ' '' - I - .1. 1- - ... - I
Men of the Cloth Hav Their Troll
bias, Juit a Have Their Lower
Placed Brethren.'
I hnvo met u nuiuliiT of types In my
mlnlhtt-rliil rneiiuderliiKs. Let tun
ijiime yuu a few:
Tlnidc liiird-headi-d gi-ntleuieti who
call upon me to "dlNpluy uiy backbone"
by giving tbem my active support In
their pel guurrelM.
The hackHlldluu member who fours
lent I he not relli.-hiiit-iiilndi'd i-uoukIi
fur bis people.
The lotnl unci IuhIsioiK propnpindlNt
who thinks 1 urn Insincere Ijecmmu I
do not tdunit our eouiiunn beliefs from
every'sirect corner.
The mull who never attends a serv
ice, who wnnilorn If my seruiotm nre
up to the mini;.
The pi-rnon who sees nie only during
uiciiltf.iiind who therefore assume that
i him- imihlii to do hut eat.
The fiiHl,lh,us critic hut sluvenly
liriN.ier who object lo the Khiipe of
my shoe mid the length of my gout.
Tlnc who lielli-ve llicy hiive the
rlthl to give iih- orders, on the ground
Hint they supply some of the money
that pays my salary.
The mother who think It undigni
fied of hie lo seat myself near girls
oilier than lln-lr own dmi;;hierH,
The neiirllatterer who thiol; my
sermons k,mm1 and wonders where I
got them, IniHiuuipollh Slur.
Our classified ads bring results.
A Masterpiece
J ''--si ' -
h y '
The flapper must have ouglit Uie
ear of some nmstcr-dcslgner of flap
per 'clothes this senson nnd coaxed her
way Into nppnrct tlmt much resemble
Hint of her grown-up sisters. This Is
a cherished ambit Ion of the fhipper
to hnvo blouses nnd separate skirts,
enpe-conts nnd stilts tlmt might renlly
huve been designed for h. debutante.
The fascinating tunic Is not denied
her nnd the, pretty nnd slmp'.e frock
pictured nbove benrg testimony to this.
Any of the soft, thin fabrics In cotton
or silk are suited to n frock of this
kind white or colored voiles, linen
finished luwn, bntlste, crepe-de-chlne,
foulard and tho newer crepe fnlvrlcs
nil nmterlnls that Insure flowing lines
und tend to soften youthful angles.
Over'a plnln skirt, with tho hem cord
ed lit tho top to finish mid weight
It, these bungs n tunic, which Is cord
ed ot the bottom nnd about the thighs,
luo simple blouse claims the flowing
Present Site of Great Bank In New
- York City So-Described In
King's Grant
In the office of Oeorge F. Baker, Id I
the First, National Lank of New York
city, there bang on the wall the origi
nal patent from Jiiuic II, king of Eng
land, dated February 4, lrS0, for the
hind on which the First National hank
now stand, therein designated as
"wuslc- land" outside the city gate of
New York. It wns Issued to one Thom
as Dougnn, "lute governor and now
ndmlrall of New York."
I There I attiielnd small sketch of
j.the property. Knowing Wall street with
i It fenee, nml the rlty cute, through
I wlileh had "linnid way."
i When one cmisid, rs that this "waste
I land" now represents one of the mont
valuable spot In the world ona reiil-I;-.oh
what chnngea a II 1 1 lo mine than
two centuries have wrought In New
York city.
What would Thomas Dtuigan have
said If he had been tyld that on this
"waste land" would onu day stand a
banking Institution returning It stock
holders over Ml por Ccnt a year?
Wull Street Journal.
The old French word "trompe"
meant a pipe or tulin. nnd the term
irompe was applied to the aj.piiruius
by which the blast Is prodi d in the
Cutnlnn forge. It is a simple, effec
tive and Ingenious contrivance for
of Giriishr.ess
ri it VaJ
i t.iV. -'A"
4 Ki t " i
aleeve, so much featured In the new
stylos, to lend It character, and this
sleeve takes ndvnntnge of cording ns
a finish. It is attached to a long
closo-flttlng cuff which may he omitted
nnd the sleeve left open. This sleeve
has a very grown-up look. But the
designer hus no Intent to deceive, nnd
has added a bib to the front of the
blouse, the most youthful nnd ingeni
ous touch Inmglmiblo. The flnppci
will bo reconciled to li digression
becnuse It Is a touch not Sy any mean
absent from the frocks of youns
.The pretty girdle that finishes off
this Uttlo masterpiece of g!rllshnes
la of 'ribbon. It Is In n color, blue
pink, light green, and might be flow
ered with guy blossoms..
r. i h
It' rttate A
1;' -"S1 S' J
sealed In Its wax
wrapped package, air
tight. Impurity proof
is hygienic and
some1. The
that's good for
and old.
The Flavor
producing a continuous, and equable
blast, but its use Is restricted' to lo
calities where a fall of water from a
height of several yards can be ob
tained. The principle is that water
can be made. to fall through a pipe
In such a way that It will draw in
through side opeuings a considerable
amount of air, which by a simple and
Ingenious arrangement can be utilized
as a constant current or blast, and
which has the merit of costing almost
nothing. It bus been utilized to a lim
ited extent elsewhere thun in the de
partment of Ariege, In the South of
France, where It was formerly very
generally employed. Iron has been
made In Hint district for more than
COO years, but the use of the trompe
blast was not Introduced uijtll the end
of the sV'Venteenth century. .
Chinese, Lanterns.
Particularly gay and attractive are
the shops of the luntoro venders In the
Chinese cities. All varieties of lan
terns are to be seen the Inrge silken
ones three qnd four feet high, gor
geously painted with variegated colors,
embroidered In gold and silver or dec
orated with deep fringe of the same
material, costing from $100 to $200 and
used by the wealthy mandarins and
others; and common small horn and
paper lanterns, used by the coolies,
which cost one-s'lSteenth of a dollar.
Tho mode of ynnking horn lanterns Is
very ingenious ; the horns are cut Into
remarkably thin slices which, by means
of hent and pressure, are joined to
gether and formed Into various shapes;
found, square, hexagon, octagon, and
some shaped to resemble an hour glass.
The Piston.
"Tho piston Is in the form of a
solid Iron roil that enters the cylinder
through n hole pierced In the middle
of one of the- ends." writes Henri
Fnbre. "nnd Just Inrge enough to give
free passage to the rod. without let
tlngx the stenifl escape. This rod Is
bound to another iron piece,' culled a
crunk, and finally the crank Is attached
to the neighboring wheel. . . . The
piston, advancing and retreating In
turn in the cylinder, pushes the crank
forward nnd hack, and the crank thus
makes the great wheel turn. On the
other side of the Vicotnot I ve. (he same
thing nre taking place by means of n
second cylinder.' Then tjie two great
wheels turn n; the same lime nud the
locomotive moves forward."
Really Sisterly.
llortenst I can only be' a sister to
you. Alpbonse.
Alphonse Then give me back mf
Hortense Why. Alphonse 1 Who
ever heard of a sister being -so sIHr!
All kinds of Commercial Printing
at the Courier Office.
Be sort to M
Look for tb
Movie Statistics.
In one evening we now s ? 10 an
nouncements of forthcoming attrac
tions. 48 close-ups of the leading lady,
22 close-ups of the leadins man, 12
close-ups ofta wonder ehild.'irjO people
?et Info automobiles. (520 people get out
of automobiles, six eternal triangles,
11 mistreated wives, nine unappreci
ated husbands, elgl.t poor girls mar-.
Hod to lords, three imirders. one hang
ing, G2 pies. Film Fun.
In Piccadilly.
Piccadilly Is believed to hnre got Its
name from plckndellesor plccadlllies, a
variety of turnover collar. A tailor
nnmed Hipgins, who had made a
fortune selling these articles of ap
parel, built a homo In that particular
part of London In 16.T0 and called It
Piccadilly tmll, hence the name Picca
dilly. Envelopes at the Co .rier Ottlee.
m 1 1 fr.'i ; rr . . . .
bTC7 sealed
1 other. Huy r tot
Orantlrt. Ak for-III.'irfcTER S
yews k nown bs Best, Saint. Al mm Sellable
- Webster's
New International
DICTIONARIES are in use by busi
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KL R!,, B1IjlV
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W1 !t Pij -V.V:.V' ;3;,. ffot of 1'ocket :
KSJ -.s 'feS I YClM' Map II you
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KJI!: Ii - paper,
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