Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, March 22, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    pact rovn
Would you take
a million dollars
for your eyes?
Then Don't
Neglect Them.
We are at your
Service with
Many )car
Kxporience. In
Kye examination.
Letcher& Sod
Beginning Monday, March 24, and
continuing all week a drive will be
on for old clothing ot all kinds, to
be used by the American Red Cross
for the distressed and suffering peo
ple of Europe.
The store building, one door north
of the Panama restaurant will be
used as a collecting station, and ar
ticles can be left there any day next
week. Mrs. Alice Mallory is chair
man of the committee and she will
be assisted by several prominent la
dies of our city.
Josephine county's quota is 4,000
pounds, and it is expected to run
way. beyond this amount. '
House-cleaning time is here and
now that you have bought your
spring coat, hy not donate your
old one to the Red Cross and help
the suffering ot Europe.
Old shoes of all sizes are needed,
both children and grown ups, but
don't send any discarded party slip
pers for there will be no European
trip for those kind.
The members of the Red Cross In
this chapter have accomplished every
task that has been assigned to them
since its organization, and each per
son in Josephine county can assist
this committee now to maintain
their excellent record, by donating
some article of clothing.
Peptonu, the best tonic we
sell, gives you Extract of Cod
Liver Oil, the blood enriching
tonic effect of Iron and Man
ganese, and the nourishment of
Peptona is a scientific pre
paration, of time proven value;
is pleasant to take and does
not nauseate or disturb sensi
tive stomachs.
Recommended as an aid In
convalescing from colds, and in
the rebuilding of run down
For Sale Only by
Tk $eaBJL Sitae
Geo. A. Hlckol, of Glendule
iu the city last evening.
'Tanlac." Subin lias it.
J. HiUlreth is iu from the Copper
King mine.
Uock-a-llye swings for babies at
Mrs. T. E. Gilmore, ot Murphy,
was in the city today.
Oregon Made (and Oregon grown)
' willow chairs,, old ivory finish, at
i.. .
1 Lee Wilson went to Glendule this
morning to spend Sunday.
i Earlv Sunrise seed potatoes. Par
! dee's Grocery. 26
Rav Briggs. of Kerhy. is in town
i for a few days.
I Deltox Grass Rugs at Helmer's. 2 J
V. M. Dockery, timber cruiser o
I Portland, is at the Oxford.
Everything in Furniture t
Roscoe Bratton returned
Portland this morning.
Early Sunrise seed potatoes
dee's Grocery.
Miss Florence Riddle arrived last
night from the University of Oregon
to spend the spring vacation at home.
"Trv Oregon-Made Products
First." by buying Oregon-Made fur
nltnre at Helmer's. 27
E. E. Bagley, of Mill Banks, South
Dakota, was in the city last night, on
his way to Ashland for a visit with
his family.
Royal Cord tires Battery Shop
Mrs. A. C. Holcomb, whose hus
band died at Portland March- 18. Is
expected to return to this city with
in a week or ten days.
Grants Pass cafe now open
short orders at all hours up to 9:30
d. m. 22
Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Pippin arrived
this morning from Norfolk, Neb., to
visit Mrs. Pippin's brother, J. E. In-
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Booth arrived
this morning from Colorado to make
their home with their daughter,
Mrs. C. W. Long.
Early Sunrise seed potatoes. Par
dee's Grocery. 26
Sergeant Clyde I. Thomas has
reached New York and is now at
CamD Mills. He was for two and
one half months at the front under
shell tire.
Trouble lights and vulcanizing
patches 'Battery Shop. 23
Miss Clara Calhoun received a
message today from Dwlght Jewell
announcing his arrival at Newport
News, Va., from overseas. He ex
pects to be sent to Damp Kearney for
Does your battery need looking
after? Dr. Spark is is specialist. 23
The best steel bed spring ever
sold in Southern Oregon, guaranteed
for'25 years at Hehners. "
Royal Cord tires are guaranteed
8,000 miles Battery Shop. 23
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Sturgess, who
visited relatives In Southern Oregon
for several weeks, left this morning
for their home at Brownsville. They
will stop off or a few days at
We have a few tires without the
I war tax Battery Shop. 23
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Barrlck and
three children, who left nearly a
year ago for South Bend, Wash., ex-pe-rtlng
to Temaln, returned this
morning to Grants Pass and will
make their home here.
We pay 26 cents for good chickens
Temple Market. 27
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Hedland and
baby left this morning for Klamath
Falls. Mr. Hedland was severely
wounded at the front and a month
ago was discharged at Camp Lewis.
He is now recovered. During her
husband's service in the army Mrs.
Midland was with her mother, Mrs.
Japnlac at Cramer Hrott. 22
Miss Katharine Brldnoa went to
Olendulo this morning uoompnnylng
her mother, who was returning from
Los Angeles to her homo near Port
land. Poultry wire at Cramer Uros. 22
Henry Williams returned last
night from El Paso, Tex., but will
go to Portland In a few days, llo
reports that Texas Is no comparison
to Oregon. m
tawn- mowers sharpened and put
In good condition at Cramer Bros. 2 2
Patton's Sun Proof imlnt In all
colors at Cramer Bros. ' 22
Turner Anderson, of Placer, ro-
cently discharged from the imyy. Is
spending a few days In town, llo
reports that his brother, Dewey An
dorson, who was recently Injured by
accident and iu a hospital in France
will soon be on duty auuln.
Floor paint that dries hard over
night at Cramer Bros. 2
Tyrell Carnor, for tho past 10
months at Washington. D. C, In the
motor transortatlon service, arrived
home Friday, having been discharged
at Camp l-ewls last week. Ho was
accompanied by Mrs. Carner, who
was in Washington with htm.
Lice powder for setting hens at
Cramer Bros. 22
Soluable sulj hur spray und'Try
sulphur at Cramer Bros. 22
The Juveniles of the K. & L. of S.
met at ths W. O. W. hull last even
ing and spent a very enjoyable even
ing. There was a program of mu
sic and recitations, followed bv
games. Refreshments were served.
Garden tools of all kinds at Cra
mer Bros. 22
Mr. and Mrs. West Duley, of Cres
cent City, arrived here this morning
from San Francisco, where Mr. Duley
attended a state meeting of the
county supervisors. They were ac
companied by Mr. Duley's sister
whom he had not seen for 43 years.
They return to Crescent City tomorrow.
Garden seeds In bulk and packets
at Cramer Bros. 22
Scratch feed $4.75 sack at Cra-"
mer Bros. 22
Murphy Wins
Tho Murphy basket ball team won
the game last night over the Grants
Puss High school boys, with a score 1
of 24 to 22.
Foot Itch lOpldcnilc
You've got it, everybody has It.
Come to Murphy March 29 and sco
Dr. Whoopemup. He charges $1.50,
but the cure Is guaranteed. 22
Now Oakland Owners
Williams and Fry received a car
of Oakland during the week and
they have disposed of three of them,
Dr. E, P. Mucy. F. E. Wood and Mrs.
Rogers were tho purchasers.
In Silk Dresses
Will I'm a Kordtmn
Tho Rogue River Orchards com
pany is among tho firms adding gas
tractors to tholr equipment, having
purchased a Fordson from C. A,
Wlnetrout. The tractor will bo used
for orchard cultivation on a 600-acre
tnrnt, along with horse-drawn Implements.
Murphy March 20
You know and I know, aks 'em
and guess. St
More Autoniotill
Thero were shipped Into Grants
Pass this week six car loads of au
tomobiles, a car each of Fords, Oak
hinds, Nash, Overlands. Studehnkers
and Maxwells. A week or two pre
vious to this a car of Bulcks, an
other of Dodges and two of Fords
were received.
Wliat did you ny?
do I need to toll you
, 003 a Street
Kxrlualve local dealer
Dread Moulder Installed
The Moore Baking company hits
Just Installed a bread moulder which
is operated by electricity and fash
ions the bread dough Into loaves as
fast as tho dough can be fed Into
the machine. The company has at
different times baked as many as
1.K00 loaves per day, but the capac
ity now Is greatly Increased.
ItaMkethall at Itoncbnrjr
The brants Pass hlgli sohool bas
ketball girls went to Rosehurg 'today
tor a game with the Roseburg team
tonight. They wore accompanied by
Mrs. I a lira Thomas Gunnel!. hap-
erone: Miss Rachael Lowrey, coach,
and 0. I. Ward rip, referee. The
team is composed of Mildred Taylor,
Muriel Myers, Catherine Baker, Ly-
netta and Vcrnetta Quintan.
Invites you to look his stock over before buying your
Furniture, Rugs, Linoleums, Wall Paper, Baby
Buggies, Sewing Machines, Hoosiers, and in fact
anything in our line.
lie is always glad to show you what ho lias whether
vou are readv to buv or not
Homo Front O. A. ('.
Ted and Arthur Cromer, Lynn Sa
bln, Bmmett Hoffman, and Itelnhold
Schmidt, arrived home this morning
from the Oregon Agrleultural col
lege for the spring vacation. Wll
lott Murray expects to arrive In the
morning. Jo Pardee had Intennwd to
apend the vacation at homo but was
taken down with the mumps and
will spend tho week In bod.
, Hny a "flevcland''
i F. L. Orr. of tho pursuant Vail.!
! farm, near llogun River, has pw
'chased a Cleveland tractor of C, ,'
i Wlnclrout, the Implement man.
WUI Ittwldo Hi'
i Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Baker, of Ituti
burg, are stopping at ths Oxfon
J Their household goods havo arrive
and llicy will make Grants Pass the
by Theater s
Enid Bennett
"When Do We Eat"
This picture Is full of Good Advice to Crooks and Cashiers so if
you happen to le a little girl who Is engaged to a nice bank
cashier, come on down and see it and then you will both know how
to do a crook Some Good if he stars any tricks in your town in
fact, everybody who ever lias anything to do with a cashier onght
see this picture.
And a Mack Sennett Comedy
Joy THe&ter-
$500,000.00 WONDER COMEDY
Matinees at 2:30
Tuesday Evening 7:30 and 9:15
Wednnesday Evenirg 6:00 one show only
LI 2fet&
wilh fr
t Bit f-'Vi,
She will be the sole topic of
conversation when she
arrives here next
If- J
DM- :i r v'
I , . it-:': ' - : It
, v t
, f
' 7
if $
"MICKEY" The Little Girl You will Never Forget
Come and Laugh for an Hour and a Half
Popular Prices
NIGHTS - Adults 50c, Children 25c MATINEES - Adults 35c, Children 15c