GRANTS FARM DAILY COCMEK PA3E THREE Classified Advertising ENTERTAINMENT FOR SATI UD.W. MARCH 15. 1010. KOI tAIJbi FOR 8 ALIO CHEAP 40 acre, . miles from town on the Crescent City road. Mrs. W. II. H. Tylor, 411 West L street. " 25 HATCHfNQ EOaa 8. C. White Leg horns. Beit of winter layer, f 1.80 per Mltlng of 15. fT In 100 lots. X. Hammerbacher, phone 000-F-88, R. F. D. No. 2. tt MlMCKIXAMCOl'H JITNEY SERVICE Any where, any time. Phone Mocha Cafe 11-R Otto J, Knlpi, Residence 149-Y 231 FOR BALK Two horses: One weighs about S00, otbar 1000 lba. Jack Caaady, Rd. 1, Bos 7. One - mile north of city limits on the Paclflo highway. ' 16 FOR BALE Hoary . wood , wagon, six-horsepower gasoline wood aaw, aat double harness, 100 tlora wood at 12.60 In yard or 13 delivered, kitchen cabinet, steel range, Chase organ, nearly new, center table, stands, sawing machine, beds, bodsteads, and other household . goods, L, A. Eldrldge, 70T South Fifth street, phone 18 5-L. 17 FOR BALE Two horses, 6 and 1 9 year old, weight about 1,000 lbs. each, buggy and harness, price reasonable. Inquire L. A. Eld , ridge, 707 South Fifth street, ' phone 185-L, 17 FOR BALE Piano, fine tone and mahogany case. 8lngle buggy and harness. Household good of all Kinds. Solid oak furniture. 725 South Seventh street, south of Riverside school. 17 ANGEL CAKES 7(0. Phone 190-J Tl RES Used tire bought and sold; Auto Service Co. Phone I24-J, op posite Oxford hotel. - : 19 E. L. GALBRA1TII, Insurance, rent al a specialty. Acreage, Building and Loan. 009 O street, Leuner's old location. r ., tf ELECTRIC W1K1NO and general electrical work, repairing, house wiring. C. C. Harper, 118 North 8Mb. street, phone 47. tf HEMSTITCHING and plcotlng at 10 cent a yard All work , guaran teed. The Vanity Shop, Medford, Ore. .in PHYSICIANS L. Q. CLEMENT. M. D.. Praetle. limited to disease of the eye, eat nose and throat Glasses titled Office boors 9-12, 9-5, or 00 p polntment Office phone 62, res' dene phone 159-J. FOR SALE Good milk cow; 120 egg Incubator. Call 928 D street. 16 FIVE JtOOM brick cottago, close In for, sale cheap If taken soon, or trade for acreage. ' Addresa No. 451, care of Courier. ' 19 to KBirr FOR RENT OR SALE Modern six room- bungalow, ' sleeping room, garage, fruit trees, 8 lots, paved street. A big bargain to quick, buyer. See N. E. Townsend, 621 A street. 19 VP ANTED CATTLE WANTED O. W. King, Montague, Cal. ' ' 23 WANTED Second hand cash regie- ter. Phone 817. Collins Auto Co. 09 & LOUQHKIDOE, at. U.. PhyaktUi and (urgson. City or country call attsnded day or nlgbt. Resldene phone . 869; office phone 181 8lith and II. Tuffs Bldg. A. A. WITHAM. M. D. Interna medicine and nervous diseases 908 Corbelt Bldg., Portland. Or Hour 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 p. m DENTISTS" E. C. MACT, D. M. D, c 4 Flrat-la ; dentistry. loH ' South Slit treet, Oranta Pass. Oregon. DR. C. E. JACKSON, D. M. ac cessor to Dr. Bert Elliott. , Ovei Ooldon Rule 8tore. Phone' 6. VKTKIII.NAltY BVROEOS T DR. R. J. BESTUL. Veterinarian ' Omno, residence. '. Phone 106-R AYAUE AND COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. A xinaa oi araysge. and transit werk earefully and promptly iont Phone 181-J. 8tand at fre'.gt depot. A. Shade. Prop. CAMP COOK WANTED Address No. 483 care Courier. 16 WANTED Experienced man or woman dishwasher at the Oxford cafe. 14tt LOST LOST Ladles gold watch, ElKln make, with' fob and charm. Ini tials L. F. Reward. Llda Fyf(old. phone 40-L. ,18 PHOTO HTL'IUO THE PICTURE MILL for fine pboio graph. Open dally except Sua day from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Sue .day sittings by appointment only Pnone Mill, 383-R, or residence 140-J. . 67U Printing that sleaaes We do It! Courier Job Department. ' ' THE WORLD MOVES; so do . w. Bunch Pros a Trsnsfer Co. Pboo 897-R.v ' ' - " V ,' F. O.-I8HAM, drayage and transfer -Safes, tlanos and . furnltur moved, packed,' shipped and sun ed. Office ; phone 124-Y. , st dence phone, 114-R. "'.-.' The 'California' and Oregon Coast Railroad Company i- i ons vaicd Effective Not.' 19, 1918. Trains will run Tuesday, Thursdaj and Saturday Leave Oram Pass............ l p. M Arrive Water Creek 2 P. M Leave Water Creek .2 p. M Arrive Oranta Pas 4 p, M For Information regarding freight and paasenger rates call t the office of the company, Lundbtfrg building, or telephone 181. .... . ..... Ford vorifa Gear Truck Commercial body, good as new,, run 430 miles, worth -$800, - real bargain $675 TJaed ord touring oar, ready to go $250.00 C. L. HGBART CO. Your Horses are a Luxury i ' n Farm the modern way use a FORDSON TRACTOR If in doubt ask iis for demonstration C A. WINETROUT The Implement Man; L , Portland, Ore.,:,Mar. IS. Ten congressmen of the house naval af fairs committee', who are expected In Portland March 25, and to be In Oregon for three days, will be ex tensively entertained, according- to Plans of the-Portland and Astoria Chambers of Commerce.. Six women are accompanying the delegation. which will tour the Pacific coast. The party now is In southern Cali fornia. . ' EDIATE PAY FOR The War The Corvallls, Ore.,. Mar. 15. Lumber companies In Oregon and Washing ton, which met a war emergency y supplying the Oregon Agricultural college here with 867,000 feet of lumber for constructing barracks, will be reimbursed Immediately, It has been announced. President Kerr has sent out letters thanking the firms and stating that It 1 doubtful' if the college could have met the re quirements of the government, had the companle failed to deliver the lumber with the understanding that they would be reimbursed on condi tion the legislature supplied the funds. Klks io to Yrcka In the neighborhood of 20 local Elks went to Yreka today to attend a big banquet and amoker given by the Medford lodge on Invitation of the ,. Siskiyou .. county members, Among those who went from here. were Geo. C. Sabln, Dr. F. D. Striek er, C. H. Corson,F. B. Oldlng, J. H. Denlson, F. E. Woods, Douglas Wood and Wm Haramett JCKW TOlAY IF YOU want to Increase your alfal- fa, elover, wheat, and corn crjps , use auper-phospbate or land plan ter. For sale by Oregon Cei-.ent Sewer Pipe ft Tile Co. IS JOS. MOSS AGENCY Ki re insur ance, plate glaea "liability 1 Insur- an eel 204 Vi Sixth sjtreet. tf WANTED-Man. and wife at small mining camp.-' Man .for work ' about mine' and wife to do cook ing. ; Address 464 Courier.'. 27 FOR RENT Modern house semi , furnished or unfurnished, 1324 . East A street.' Mrs. A. J. Klocker. !' , ; ' 8022 1918 MAXWELL oar In running or .ler'for sale, $450 cash.' Phone 244-R, or address Box 36, R. F. . D. No. 2, 21 IF; YOU. HAVE-a., flat roof, either gravel or patent roofing, that ' leaks, see me. . I have the dope ' that will fix It W..R. Barnett, corner Fourth e,nd F street 25 Is ' Over 3oys are Home Spring Is Here Its time for you to decide what make of au tomobile you are going to drive this Summer. We know. Its either a Hudson Super Six, a Chalmers, Essex or a Maxwell. There are scores of reasons WHY ybu should decide on either one of the'above. - The'inost impdrtanV ones are, personal appearance, d urability,-ser-vice, last but not least, the wonderful organ ization behind each. A complete line of accessories. . ' v - I Our shop is thoroughly equipped; we guar antee each job our mechanics put out. Elec trical troubles? They are an "open book" to Mr. Bush, our foreman. We are here to give you "service" arid will appreciate your business. Respectfully, ' Auto Co. "If 'it for the Auto, we have it" Collins Same Old Stand 85 ACRES irrigated Mand, mile front city on lower river road, for lease on shares. Phone 224-R or write Box 88, Rd. No. 2. 25 PLYMOUTH ROCK eggs for hatch- ' t ,r . . . . tug, 10 eggs lor ft, jnra. a, j. Green, phone 814-F-S. ; 17 Boo Jov'Velhsr, lDrope,88e)nil-CornIj Doomed! When yem almost die with yonr 'noes en and corns make you almost walk sideways to get away from the pain, taJcs a vacation for a min ute or two .and apply I or 8 drops "My Coras feel Clew OH. With. "Ctetf "I , of the world's majtlo and only ran- , ulne eorn-peeler. "Oets-It.n Then, ana men oniy, win you ne sure mat . your corn will loosen from your toe so that you ean peel tt right oft fionoueiy eaey 1 ake no chances with- your Angers. at continued neln and sortness why uaa greasy, Irrl- 1 ; tatlnr - salvee, plasters that shift i and press Into the "quick," raiors . and ' digger" that make eorna bleed ' .and also grovr faster? Use painless, 'asy, alwy sflrt "Gtf.It.,r There's ' only one like It In the world that's ' "Oets-It," . MUllona,Jhaye , tried and O. K.'d torearsTlt never Tails. ' "Gets-It." the Buaranteed. money- back corn-yemoyerA', the .only ;ure at a mrieaTanyarageiore. 1 ' Salvation Army . , ... - Meetings held at 413 O .street, Ensign J. E. Strantin In ' charge. Street meetings at 10:30 a. m. and ,7:80 p. m. Hall services at 11 a. m. public. . salvation , soldiers . meet ing. At 2 p. m.' Sunday school. At 3 p. in. signs of Christlikeness. . At 8 p. m. Salvation Army rally.. Muslo, song and testimonies. The public is welcome.' Newmnn M. E. Church ' The third. Sunday of the Centen ary campaign. '--Sermon topic at 11 a. m.,' "The Fundamental Law of Christian-, Stewardship." Duet -. by Mrs. Knapp nd Mrs. Llnch. .. .At'TrSO the eermOn tople will be the "Religious Needs of Latin-America.'', Anthem by, the choir. ' 1 ( 'Sunday echool atA10 a. m. Ep worfh League t:30 p.m. A cor dial welcome for all. " ' ' Melville T. Wire, pastor. ? ' Catholic Chnrch jMassea on Sunday at 7:30 and! 0:80 m.c- u .. .; Rev. Father J. Q. Vlen. Automobiles 1 Supplies - OF ALL KINDS V " Overhauling , Lathe and Plainer Work Acetylene Welding ' : Batteries Overhauled and Recharged - Tire and Tube Repairing r 'v; ," j -: ' . , " Dealers for Studebaker & Overland Cars We will haver a display of both lines on the floor in r ma few days Yasfciba Garage aid Miclpe Sicps J. F. BURKE & SON .First , Church of Christ Scientist I Christian Science services are .held every Sunday, In the W. O. W. hall, at 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meet ings at 8 o'clock. The subject for today la "Substance." f ' .Reading room ia openirom 2 to 4 ;p. m. dally except' Sundays and holidays. The public la cordially In vited to attend the services and te visit the reading room. - ' witv. eoata tmt i Mlxl or a. uwreno(uowuiuoao iu. tfetd la Oraata Puea, aad- recom- cora mended as . the,, werld'a.. "remedy by Oewge C. Preebyteriait Church Rev. J. R. Linlnger will preach Annilev mnrnfnv et 11 nfeOnnlr 4&1rl. Ing for hie subject,. "A Man aa Big aHls Job Spells Success." At 7:30 '(.''Meet My Friend, Mr. -Ben Butler" will be the topic. Sunday school at ;10 o'clock. Prayer meeting Thurs day evening at 7:45. A cordial-in -yitatlon is extended to these meet ings. -':' - ' Chnrch of Christ Our protracted meeting is ' but three weeks , away .'; Make plans now. to , attend every service. Our Bible, school is ready to serve you. Comeat 10 a. m. and become a pupil, Morning worship, at 11, sub ject for discourse,; "Looking Ahead." Evening worship at 7; 30, subject, "The Meal 'Offering.'' v Mrs. Drake will elng, "The 'Singing- 4n w God's Acre." ...The ylo.Un bllgato ... will be played, by. Tedv Powell. K You are welcome at these services. Chas. R. Drake, minister rHsj-otv w t - , i COM3XQ EVSNl-S - March 17, Monday St. Patrick's - day social "at Guild hall. - 17 CARD OF THANKS To the many friends who so kind ly. -showed, their sympathy and espe cially for, the beautiful floral offer ings we wish to express our sincerest thanks. a I. TETHEROW and FAMILY. . Mothers Should see . that the 'whole 'family-take' at least 8 or 4 doses of a thoro, purifying system cleaning medicine this spring. Now is 'thb.' time.-The family will be healthier,! happier, and get along better it the blood Is given a thoro purifying,' the stomach and bowels cleaned out, and the germs of Winter accumulated ' In the system, driven away. Holllster's Rock Mountain Tea la one of the very best and surest Spring medicines to take. Get it and see the difference In the whole fam ily. Their color will be better, they'll Ifeeb fine-'nnd-' bo' well and - happy. 8ab!n's Drug Store. . ; . Adv. "