Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, March 12, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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:iKHIAV, M.1IU1I 111, 1010,
The one-piece Bifocal fitted
property and scientifically
Letcher & Son
niK.n l
BINGHAM John . David BinKham j
died Sunday, March 9, at the home
of his son, J. W. Bingham, of
Thompson creek, aged 81 year
10 months and 4 days.
Deceased was born at Marshall,
Tenn., April 4, 1SS7, and came to
California In 1S5S. He has been
with his son slnoe 1907. He ts sur
riTed by two sons and one daughter.
The funeral was held at the Missou
ri Flat cemetery Tuesday, March 11.
STRONG Edward Robert Strong, ,
I of Taktlma, died at the Good Sa-'
j marltan hospital In this city Tues-,
day, March 11, aged 4S years 11 '
I months and 11 days.
I Deceased was born at Phoenix, I
!Ore., March 2S, 1875! He had been
! sick for several weeks and was ',
j brought to this city about two weeks
a?o for treatment. He leaves his '
iwife and one brother. Douglas
Strong, of Kerby. The funeral will ,
be held at Kerby under the aus
pices of the Kerbv I. O. O. F. lodge.
Another Car of Autos
Churchill & Maxwell are today un
loading a, car of Nash automobiles,
comprising three touring cars and
one track. Tula la the first ship
ment of Nash cars to reach Grants
Mothers Should see that the
whole family take at least S or 4
dose of a thoro, purifying, system
cleaning medicine this spring. Now
is the time. The family will be
healthier, happier, and get along
better If the blood is given a thoro
purifying, the stomach and bowels
cleaned out, and the germs of Winter
accumulated In the system, driven
away. HoUister's Rock Mountain
Tea Is one of the very best and surest
Spring medicines to take. Get it and
see the difference In the whole fam
ily. Their color will be better, they'll
feel fine and be well and happy.
Sabln's Drug Store. Adv.
Dance Postponed
On account of the dance announc
ed by the Rogue River grange the ,
Frultdale dance advertised by the
Nellson orchestra has been post-,
poned indefinitely. '
Testimony Taken
The testimony In the case of Kelly
vs. Rowen has all been taken, and
the lawyers will submit briefs In the
case. Attorney Norton represented
Kelly, while O. a Blanchard looked
after Mr. Rowen's Interests. Attor
ney C. M. Oddie, of San Francisco,
was present during the proceedings
but returned home today.
-VE)V TOi.Al'
IF YOU want to increase your alfal
fa, clover, wheat and corn crops
nse super-phosphate or land plas
ter. For sale by Oregon Cedent
Sewer Pipe Tile Co. 15
Presbyterians to Medford
A number of Presbyterians went
to Medford this afternoon to attend
meetings addressed by eastern min
isters in the Interest of the New Era
movement , Those who went were:
Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Cramer, Mrs. R.
J. Bestul. Mrs. T. M. Stott and baby,
Mrs. J. Pardee, Mrs. W. O. White,
Mrs. E. O. Harris, Mrs. Martha Jess,
Miss Lulu Benedict.
J. V. Seavey, of Portland, Is In
the city today.
Blue Triangle tug day, March 15.
T. 1(. Simpson and Hal McXalr,
of Ashland, are business visitors
here today.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dtshrow have re
turned from Hilt, Cal., where they
spent the past year.
Mrs. H. L. Wilson returned this
afternoon from a visit at Olendnle.
Gus LInd returned lust nUht from
a trip to Hilt, Cat.
lr8e Alasbastlne for walls. Rogue
River Hardware Co. 15
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Sherman left
this morning for Gerber, Cal.
John Dubuls went to Portland Inst
night on a business trip.
Mrs. H. W. Wroe returned this
morning from a stay of five weeks at
San Diego and Los Angeles.
Mrs. J. R. Entrlken, Mr. and Mrs.
R. E. Allen and J. P. DeWItt, or Ai
med. Ore., have been stopping at
the Oxford for a few'days.
Watch for the Blue Triangle girls
March 15.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Parrln, of Ce
dar Raptds, la., who visited Miss C.
A. Bartholomue for several days,
left this morning for Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Nash, of As
toria, arrived Tuesday to visit the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
Nipper, for a few weeks.
New cane poles at Rogue River
Hardware Co. 15
Arthur Brown, of Medford, south
ern Oregon agent for the Oregonlan,
Is in the city today In the interesti
of that great newspaper and will
spend the balance of the week here.
Lime, bluestone and sulphur for
spraying. Rogue RIvsr Hardware
Co. 15
' I know a man -who saw a man who
had a cousin who had seen Bryant
Washburn In "The Way of a Man
With a Maid," and he said it was
great and very instructive, cause he
learned how to make him twenty-one
per cover the cost of a hall bed
room, eats and other things. 13
Special 3 -Days Sale
Thursday - Friday - Saturday
Standard Pack, 3 cans 40c, doz. $1.55
A & L Solid Pack, No. 2V cans, 3 for
50c; doz. $1.90.
referred Stock, No. 2i cans, 3 cans
60c; doz. $2.35.
Standard Iowa Sugar Corn, 3 cans
55c; doz. $2.15. '
Preferred Stock Select Pack, 3 cans
65c; doz. $2.50.
Standard Brands, 3 cans 50c; doz. $1.90.
Preferred Stock, Tender Melting. . 3
cans 65e; doz. $2.50.
Preferred Stock, White Ting, 3 cans
80c; doz. $3.10.
Preferred Stock, Solid Points, 3 cans
60c; doz. $2.30.
Preferred Stock, No. 2i cans, 3 cans
70c; doz. $2.75.
Wadco No. 2 cans, 3 cans 70c; doz. $2.75.
Hills-Dale, No. y, cans. 3 c'ans 85c; doz.
Rose Dale, No. 2l cans, 3 cans 90c;
doz. $3.-50.
Preferred Stock, No. 2. cans, 3 cans
65c; doz. $2.50.
Preferred Stock, No. 2. cans, 3 cans
60c; doz. $2.35.
Libby's or Red Ribbon Brand, 3 cans
80c; doz. $3.
Diamond V, No. 2i caas, 3 cans 85c;
doz. $3.25.
Xo. 1 cans, 3 for 40c; doz. $1.55.
No. 2 cans, 3 for 70c; doz. $2.70.
No. 3 cans, 3 for $1.10; doz. $4.25. '
Preferred Stock, large oval cans, 3 cans
68c; doz. $2.65.
Preferred Stock or Campbells, 3 cans
38c; doz. $1.50.
Dine Ribbon, choice red, 3 cans 85c;
doz. $3.30.
Dozens or Cases Assorted to Suit
The Basket Grocery
Thos. Brink, who enlisted In the
merchant marine some months ago,
la homo on furlough to visit his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Drink, of
Jones creek.
"Aladdin Dye Soap." Saliin has It.
Wm. F. Walker, of Springfield,
Ore., grand master of the grand
lodge of Odd Fellows of Oregon, Is
here to visit members of the local
lodse, who will give an entertain
ment tonight.
Mr. and Mrs. F. t,. Warren huve
received word that their son, Dean
Warren, who served with the Cana
dian troops In France for the post
two years, had reached Dldslmry,
Cunndn. and will soon be discharged.
He will thin return to Grants Pass.
Bryant Washburn arrived In town
today on his tour of the Vnlted
States and Is registered at the Joy
Theater. Mr. Washburn Is a clerk
setting $21 per week. We under
stand, however, that his traveling
expenses are paid for by the com
pany. J3
Hons 2.1 rents Pound
We will pay 25 cents a pound all
this week for hens. City Market. 16
Store at love's Station
C. E. Harmon tins put In a slock
of goods at his lace at the foot of
Hays hill and will supply the needs
of men at the Welter mill, whlrh
is now being erected. The mill will
probably operate for several years
as Mr. Wetter has a large body of
timber in that district.
Buy Home linking
Always fresh; Moore Baking Co.
Shetland Pond
H. E. Gordon was, In from the
Dixie ranch yesterday. In 1909 Mr.
Gordon imported somo tine Shetland
ponies from Scotland and has been
breeding these horses on his ranch
since that date. He says ho Is about
to discontinue the Shetland pony
business, but still has a few of the
animals on the ranch here and a
number of others on a farm near Eugene.
Expert Magneto IU-pulrlntr
If you have trouble with your
Magneto; or It does not give the
motor the pep It should, send It to
us and we will make it as good as
new. Starting and lighting Motors
and Generators repaired or rewound.
Ford magnets recharged and made
good as new at a fraction of their
original cost. Prices reasonable. F.
E. Smith & Co., Sutherlln, Ore. 13
Pave iKMigliM IUxmIh
County Judge R. W. Masters re
turned last night from Salem' where
he met with the state highway com
mission, bearing the welcome news
that approximately 25 miles of the
Pacific highway in Douglas county
will be paved by the state during
the coming spring and summer
months. Roseburg News.
Big Social und Feed
A big social time Is planned for
the adult membership of the Knights
.and Ladies of Security Friday night,
I March 14. at 7:30. Each member
jhas the privilege of Inviting one
friend, who must present Invitation
'at the door. Invitations may be se
! cured at the gas company office. A
social for the juveniles March 21.
Only the Smell Itemalned
One of the trunks at the Southern
Pacific depot, which was supposed
to nave Deen cnecxea here by a
bootlegger, was taken to the sheriff's
office today. When opened, only an
empty live gallon demijohn was
j found. The glass had been broken
' and the precious fluid had all leaked
: out but a strong smell remained.
Special Train to Yreka
The Medford Elks have churtered
a special train for their gathering at
Treka Saturday. The train leaves
Medford at 1 p. m. Saturday, and
the fare for the ronnd trip to Treka
Is $5.50. It Is expected that 20 to
30 Grants. Pass Elks will Join the
crowd at Medford. It will' be neces
sary to take the morning train, No.
13, buying extra ticket to Medford
and return.
A "Mve" Window Display
Cramer Bros, have a novel win
dow display In their hardware store,
one that Instaiitly attracts the atten
tion of those who love outdoor life,
are Inspired by the "back to the farm
movement," and who have been
dreaming of possessing a lltlte farm
of their own some day. The display
Is made up of a Tied of sand and a
brooder, liberally besprinkled with
newly-hatched Brown Leghorn
chicks. '
New Spring Hats
Arriving Every Day
503 G St.
Holman's Furniture Store
Offers you a selection of furniture
bought with the one Idea of giving
you quality at the right price and
we ask you to come In and get our
prices before buying.
The returned cancelled check is the
most positive proof that the hill is paid. Pay
by check and be protected.
We solicit your account, subject to
check. ' s
Josephine County Bank
Joy Theater
Tonight and Thursday
Bryant Washburn
"The Way of a Man With a Maid"
Just suppose and a lot of us don't have to suppose that you
drew down Just 121 per week! And every night you took your
sweetheart out, you had to blow the whole 21! What would you
do about It?
Friday and Saturday Sunday and Monday
The Court House La wn
Schroder did the work
Wizard Fertilizer
Made it grow ?
Sells it
Now Is the Time