Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, March 11, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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ti'khiiav, m Mini it, iuit.
Continued Use
. of Cheap Lenses
Will Ruin
the Eyes
That Is
.Why We Use
Only Lenses
Made From
First Quality
Optical Glass.
Letcher & Son
(Continued from page 1)
The monthly meeting of the
Grants rasa Chamber of Commerce
Monday evening was an event the
culmination of a whirlwind member
ship campaign lasting about two
days, but resulting In the addition
of SO new members to the chamber.
Dinner was served by the Red
Cross ladles and at the close of the
; sumptuous meal President F. S.
1 Bramwell called on Archie Met,.
; Hawks, recent purchaser of exten
sive Wolf Creek property, and Mr.
, Hawks save a most Interesting talk
He spoke of the fruit prospects for
the coming season and Rave It as his
'opinion, based on conditions In Km
I rope, that the fruit Interests of
southern Oregon and the whole
j northwest would have a better sea
son than for many years. The con
ditions In northern France ensures
the calling upon the west coast for
all available frnlt at a high price.
He advocated home production to
fill the demand of home consump
tion and more. He recommended
the writing of letters to all eastern
friends, telling of the advantages of
this section. Mr. Hawks is a recent
arrival In Josephine county but he
thoroughly investigated the prospects
of the Wolf Creek section and made
several trips here before finally In
vesting. He stated that he had been
a resident of Tacoma for many years
and he told why Seattle outstripped
Tacoma In the race for supremacy,
exceptionally large is based on the
fact that the 17-year brood coming
out this year is brood 10, perhaps
the largest of the 17-year brood,
and that brood IS of the 13-year
family comes out at the same time.
The year 1868 was the greatest lo
cust year In history, when brood 19!
i.uo largest ui lae 1 4-year lamuy, - -- j
ADDeared In conjunction with hrnnH
and he hoped Grant Pass would fol
10 of the 17-year family. ,ow th.e ,ead of Seattle rather than
There -will be three regions 0f!Tacoma- At tne beginning of the
greatest occurrence of brood 10, one j Klondike excitement Tacoma was
covering New Jersey. Maryland and tne Ending port for all Alaska
eastern Pennsylvania; another- cov-, 8teamer8 now none land there. The
An r.jt... i. . . reason is slmnlA TnAma a,.i-
of Ohio and southern Michigan; and , ants Preferred to wait for the de
ft inira covering western North car-i"'-"u : repienismng tneir
olina, eastern Tennessee and north
ern Georgia. While brood 10 will
affect 20 states, brood 18 will ap
pear In only five states Alabama.
Georgia, North Carolina, South Car
olina and Tennessee, and only limit
ed areas In those states.
! stocks. Seattle merchants
to have the goods on hand awaiting
the demand, and in that way secured
the trade. Grants Pass merchants
were advised to prepare for the rush
which is sure to Come soon.
Fred Collins was called uDon to
C. L. Marlatt. chairman of the 8,76 n'8 experiences in conquering
federal horticultural board, who has tne Huns. He gave an Interesting
perfected the Information on the cc"t of his experiences from the
cicada, calls the insect the7 most in- tlme ot enlisting until he finally
lerestmg in the world, because of "cnea nome, and while he didn't
the spectacular swarms in which It
appears, its queer recurrence at
long intervals and the portentous
significance frequently attached to
It. Every locust year has been a
year of fear and dread, even in clvl
. .. - . v. . u''iivaLiuiin
Hzed times. Some people have fancied j toT membership received during the
that they could detect in the cry of aaT and on Saturday, the total being
the insect a resemblance to the. name
of the Egyptian monarch, Pharoah,
who persecuted the Israelites. Su- Commerce a working force which
perstition attached also to the shape'
of the filmy bars on the cicada's
wiuK9, wmca seemea to lonn the
letter "W," interpreted as a forecast
of war.
"Since this outbreak will come
Just the the conclusion of the great
est war," Mr. Marlett said, "and
when even the imagination of the
rural prophet could hardly conjure
up the likelihood of another one,
some new explanation will apparent
ly have to be found."
What Doctors Use
for Eczema
A soothing combination of oO ef Winter-
called D.D.D. Preemption Is now a fiTorit
remedy of akin specialists (or all akin diaeaae.
It penetmtea the pom, glTea initant nluti
Xrom the moat autrauafakia disease.
lixe L-iauid. Wczsli
M. Clemens, Druggist
y Fresh Fruit
Desserts 2c
Jiffy-Jell desserts, rich
knd fruity, cost but 2
cents per serving.
Each package contains
a vial of fruit essence,
made from condensed
fruit juice.
' Add boiling water, then.
,this flavor, and you have a
fresh-fruit dainty.
. Compare Jiffy-Tell with
the old-style quick gela
tine desserts. You will
find it five times -better,
yet it costs no more.
Millions now enjoy it
10 Flavon, at Your Croctr't
2 Pachas for 25 Cut
fight the Huns he had a Dart In the
struggle. He paid hlr respects to
the now famous mud of Brest,
Announcement was made by Mr.
Sabln of the number of applications
80. This addition to the club mem
bership will give the Chamber of
will add much to the effectiveness of
the organization.
President Bramwell, In his annual
address, gave many Interesting facts
as to the work or the chamber for
the past year. The organization is
now out of debt, with a small sur
plus In the treasury. The diverting
of the chrome haul to the Waters
Creek terminal of the C. & O. C.
railroad brought to this city $150,
000, which amount was checked
through the Grants Pass banks. The
officers of the chamber had a big
part In the action of congress In re
imbursing chrome producers for In
vestments. Mr. Brtmwell stated
that several hundred telegrams had
been sent out over the signature of
the Grants Pass Chamber of Com
merce. He recommended and later
appointed a committee to wait on
the chrome men with the suggestion
that they present the cha'mber with
a percentage of the amount they re
ceive. Mr. Bramwell stated that he had
assurances that work would be com
menced on the Crescent City railroad
in a few months and that it would
be completed within three years.
The election of officers resulted In
the re-election of President P. 8.
Bramwell, Vice-president T. M.
Stott, Treasurer F. C. Bramwell, and
directors E. C, Macy and A. S. Cou-tant.
F. S. Bramwell spent the day at
Wolf Creek.
A. B. Cornell went to Medford this
"Use .Alasbaatlne tor walls. Rogue
River Hardware Co. .15
Father Vten returned this morn
ing from a trip to Medford.
R. S. Robinson, discharged from
the navy, arrived here this morning
and left tor his home at Brookings.
Mr. and Mrs. Ferdlne, former resi
dents ot Grants Pass-, were south
bound passengers on the Southern
Pacific this morning. They are en
route to southern California.
Private C. W. Campbell, Bat. A.
ith Trench Mortar Corps, arrived
this morning from Camp. Lewis,
where he received, his discharge. He
was in France nearly four months.
New cane poles at Rogue River
Hardware Co. 15
N. F. Macduff left this afternoon
tor Sacramento to meet a delegation
of Del Norte people In conference at
the California capltol.
Edwin Jack, Just discharged from
the 102nd Signal Corps, arrived here
thla afternoon and will leave In the
morning for his home at Crescent
First Lieutenant Frits Dean re
turned home today to spend a few
days with his mother. Lieutenant
Dean has Just been discharged from I
the 29th Motor Transport Corp.
L, U Reed, ot Murphy, returned
thfs morning from a trip to Medford.
Mr. Reed arrived home last Monday,
having been discharged from the
65th Coast Artillery. He sailed for
France last March. Returning he ar
rived In Philadelphia January 30. ,
Mrs. Mike Calvin left last night
for Anderson, Ind., to visit four sis
ters and two brothers at her old
home. She will spend a few day In
Portland with her sons and daugh
ters and will stop oft at St. Paul to
visit her daughter, Sister Beau, a
teacher In St. Catherine's college.
Lime, Aluestone and sulphur for
spraying. Rogue River Hardware
Co. 15
S. S. Schell ' returned last night
from Portland, where he spent the
week on business. Mr. Schell states
that he expects his paving plant to
arrive here the latter part ot the
week. The plant has a capacity ot
1,000 square feet per day.
Attention Hoy Kcouta ot AuiiM'Ica
Annual meeting tonight, election
of officers;' 7:80 p. m., Chamber of
Commerce rooms, llo prompt..
Sltl Car of Cuttle
The Josephine County Farm Bu
reau Bhlpped a car load ot. cattle and
hogs this morning to the Portland
lnNHH4 Our Shop
Visitors always welcome.
Bakery, .
VMl)ctl at HlKh Ncmmi
Miss Florence Julin O'Brien be
came the bride of Thomas William
Neal on Saturday nt high noon at
the home of Mrs. Flora O'Brien. A
few friends and relatives were pres
ent. .
lUxtae In KforaiK
Another trunk full ot boose is now
awaiting Its owner at the 8. P. depot.
It came In last Saturday night. One
bottle was broken and the fume
soon attracted the curious. There
are now two trunks full ot the fiery
stuff at the depot, but no one will
claim It.
tlrota 83 cents a Pound
We will pay 25 cents a pound all
this week for hens. City Market. 16
Adjusters Arrive
Messrs. Rankin, Whittlesey and
Krager are stopping at the Jose
phlne. They are here for the pur
pose ot making a re-survey ot the
city for the purpose ot readjusting
fire Insurance rates. It will prob
ably" require several weeks to com
plete the survey.
Royal Arch Stated Convocation
. Will he held Wednesday March
12th at 7:30 p. m. Work In the
Most Excellent degree. A cordial
welcome to all visiting companion.
F. M. Huyler, H. P. 12
PETERSON To Mr. and Mrs. Peter
son, Frultdale, Tuesday, March
11, a 8ft pound daughter.
Mothers Should see that the
vhole family take at least 3 or 4
doses of a thoro, purifying, system
cleaning medicine this spring. Now
la the time. The family wlH be
healthier, happier, and get along
better If the blood Is given a thoro
purifying, the stomach and bowels
cleaned out, and the germs of Winter
accumulated In the system, driven
away. Holllster'a Rock Mountain
Tea Is one of the very best and surest
Spring medicines to take. Get it and
see the difference In the whole fam
ily. Their color will be better, they'll
reel fine and be well and nanny.
Sabin's Drug Store. Adv..
IF YOU want to Increase your alfal
fa, clover, wheat and corn crops
use super-phosphate or land plas
ter. For sale by Oregon Cev.ent
Sewer Pipe ft Tile C6. 15
FOR SALE Heavy wood wagon,
six-horsepower gasoline wood saw,
set double harness, 100 tiers wood
at $2.50 in yard or $3 delivered,
kitchen cabinet, steel range, Cbnse
organ, nearly new, center table,
stands, ' sewing machine, beds,
bedsteads, and other household
goods. L. A. Eldrldge, 707 South
Fifth street, phone 185-L. 17
Club Ltader Here
Miss Helen Cowgill, assistant state
club leader, is spending several days
in. che county organizing boys and
girls clubs. She addressed the East
school yesterday, the Junior High
and Riverside schools today and will
speak to several of the rural schools.
Washington, Mar. 10. The su
preme court here has sustained the
conviction of Eugene V. Debs, social
ist leader found guilty of violating
the espionage act, through his state
ment in a speech at Canton, Ohio.
last January. He was sentenced to
10 years. , , ,
FOR SALE Two horses, 6 and -9
yeaVs old, weight about 1,000 lbs.
each, buggy and harness, price
reasonable. Inquire L. A. Eld
ridge,. 707 South Fifth street,
phone 185-L. 17
LOST Monday on South side of
track, small heartshaped breast
pin, set with small pearls. Re
ward. Mrs. Amos Smith, 612
South Seventh, phone 312-J. 13
FOR SALE New Way gas engine,
3 horsepower. Address Box
741, Grants Pass, Ore. 14
Dies From Injur!
Mrs. Ernest Prultt died at the
Medford Sanitarium at 12:35 p. m.
Sunday from the effects ot the In
juries she suffered Saturday after
noon by being ran over by an auto
mobile driven by W. A. Crane at the
corner ot Riverside and East Main
streets. Although 'terribly Injured
she retained consciousness until a
half hour before her death. Internal
Injuries was the direct cause of
death. Medford Tribune.
Expert Magneto Repairing
If yon have trouble with your
Magneto; or It does not give the
motor the pep It should, send It to
us and we will make It as good as
new. Starting and lighting Motors
and Generators repaired or rewound.
Ford magnets recharged and made
good as new at a fraction ot their
original cost. Prices reasonable. F.
E. Smith ft Co., Sutherlln, Ore. 13
Hammett Complimented
Wm. Hammett a few days ago re
ceived a letter from the Western
Union district manager compliment
ing Mr. Hammett on the work he did
In Installing a hot water, heating
plant for the repeater station here.
He stated that among all the plants
of this type which have been Instal
led for the company Jhe Grants -Pass
plant is the most satisfactory. The
operation Is beyond criticism.
LOST Ladies gold watch, Elgin
makewith foh and charm. Ini
tials L. F. Reward. Llda Fyfleld.
Phone 40-L. 13
FOR SALE Piano, fine tone and
mahogany case. Single buggy and
harness. Household goods of all
kinds. Solid oak furniture. 725
South Seventh street, south of
Riverside school. 17
WANTED Married man forgeneral
farm work. !,H.'E, Gordon, R. F.
D. No. 2, phone 610-F-34, 13
David Belasco
'The Girl of
The Golden
"A story of the famous Califor
nia gold rush of ii).m
'.. COM I NO
Fatty Arbuckle
Washington, Mar. It. Indian
Commissioner Sells haa denied an
application of the Central Orogon
WoolKrowers' association for a trail
across the Warm Springs reservation
due to the fact that the trail crossed
taxed lands piloted to Indian Indi
vidually, and it Is Impossible to' get
the consent ot all the Indian affect
ed. The train would save 60 111 1 Ins for
20,000 hoad ot sheep, that will now
have to go by way of Duud.
Til 10 MOON IS II 1(111
And the ronds are dry. The time
I ripe for dancing. With Notlson'
orchestra on the Job you'll find life
most entrancing at Frultdale Orange
hall Snturday, March 15th, from
to 1. Tickets 75 cent. Everybody
welcome. tl
New Spring Hats
Arriving Every Day
503 G St.
Holman's Furniture Store
Offers you a selection of furniture
bought with the one Idea of giving
you quality at the right price and
we ask you to come In and get our
prices before buying.
The returned cancelled check is the
most positive proof that the hill is paid. Pay
hy cheek and be protected.
We solicit your account, subject to
Josephine County Bank
30 x 3' tires, guaranteed $17.85
Champion Spark Plugs - .75
Champion Cores - - - .40
Blow-out Boots, all sizes .50
TheGourfHouse Lawn
Schroder did the work '
Wizard Fertilizer
Made it grow
' Sells it
V Now Is the Time