tlGB TWO GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER TIKHDAY, MAIM 11 II. 1010.- GRAHTS PASS Published Daily Except Sunday A. VOORHIES, Pub. and Propr. Xtntrd at Dostoffloe. Grants Pass, - Or., aa second daaa mall matter. ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per - -Jc Local-personal column, per Une..l0e fteaders. per una 5c DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier, per yer$.00 m(l or carrier, ner month .60 WEEKLY COURIER Sy mall, per year .IS.00 MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS Thm JiHoeiated Preea la exclusively entitled to the oae (or republication of all news dispatches credited to It or all otherwise credited In thla paper and also the local news pub Uahed herein. AH rights ot republication of spe cial dispatches herein are alee reserved. Complete OVlt STOCK OP PKKSKRVF.9 JEIXIES JAMS MARMALADES KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY QUALITY FIRST TVESDAY, MARCH 11, 1919. " OREGON WEATHKR e Rain; fresh southerly winds. GREATER ACTIMTY ANTICI PATED Relative to the situation of west ern metal mines a prominent pro ducer says: "It would seem as though the turn has come. There has been some little business doing, chiefly for March delievery, and sale February 27th for instance amount ed to probably 5,000,000 pounds. Small, it is true, but encouraging. "Manufacturers must realize that at prevailing prices they are getting copper below the cost of production." The price of lead also seems to have touched bottom and started up. No one believes that an era of industrial depression which would be Indicated by wholesale closing down of factories is about to set In. Much of the present buying apathy is due to lack of confidence in. the present price level to a desire on the part of merchants and distributors to postpone purchases until- values be come cheaper, but so far as western metals are concerned the bottom seem to have been reached. Meantime the manufacturing cur tailment that is now proceeding is the best assurance that the markets will not become glutted with goods. The readjustment to a peace basis seems to be working out slowly and surely and satisfactorily and to be reaching the point where greater ac tivity might soon he reasonably expected. might prove a blessing to mankind in practice and we hope such a league la formed and averts future wars but whether or not such a league la formed, American genius will triumph and master the prob lems ot the present aa It haa those of the past, the threat of bolshevism and future conflicts notwithstanding. Mob disturbances will not daunt us, nor will extraordinary burdens abroad, although American brains will be taxed during the great re adjustment period. The dangers of nutting our house in order are but temporary the days of peace, pros perity and progress are on the near horizon. Americanism should stand tor optimism. MM BRITISH ARE CHOOSING ARMY LIFE OFFICIALLY SUBSIDIZED In Xorth Dakota the non-partisan league proposed in each county an official state-owned newspaper. As an example of crooked thinking consider this extracC from a com munication to the Spokane Spokes man-Review: "North Dakota is going to own and operate the press. Each county will vote its own managers and have full control of the county paper. That means the people can do their own thinking without depending on the political kept press." What else would that be but "po litical kept press," run by politicians, its news selfishly colored by politi cians wanting to continue themselves in office and power? Probably the advocates of that drfrk practice of the middle ages think it would be progressive. In truth and history it would be the most reactionary step taken by the American people since the founda tion of this government. It would be a reversion to political practices adopted after the Invention of mov able types and the printing preaa, - when the English government "own ed and operated the press." London, Mar. 11. Thousands of the British army who recently De came so war weary that they openly threatened mutiny unless they were soon discharged, have turned about face and are volunteering for the new army, according to the military authorities, who assert that they are satisfied that there will be little dif ficulty in securing the 900,000 men who will do Great Britain's share in safeguarding the peace ther allies have won. The causes said to have sent the men flocking back to the colors are the unexpectedly large war bonus of fered to men who "take on" and! the' acute industrial situation. The first factor has been of prime importance In the case of boys from 18 to 21 who have been two or more years already In the army and who have no trade to fall back npon in civilian life. In the new army they will be fed, clothed and sheltered and draw a minimum ot about $5 a week ai pocket money. They have quickly awakened to the realization that there Is no such prospect awaiting them on a return to "clvies." The industrial upheaval plays the main part in the decision of the old er men. in tne lirst rusn ior de mobilization no man was permitted to go who had not a definite offer of employment. The government did all" In its power to make certain that such offers were bona-flde but In spite of every precaution thou sands of men got their release on bogus papers. These men soon found themselves in an unenviable position. They could not get work and they faced some very uncomfortable in quiries if they applied for the out-of-work pay provided for those who are idle through no fault of their own. The recruiting sergeant was an easy road out of their troubles, and that . astute individual, who draws a bonus for each recruit, was not blind to his opportunities. NO TIME FOR PESSIMISM i Despite the demand from organlz ' ed labor -for higher wages and the reluctance of commodities to drop; despite the threat of bolshevism, this la no time for pessimism. The needs of the hour are vision and courage, faith in the United States de Triemphe, Le Louvre, Place dela Republlque, and Place de Concord, etc., etc. Also visited the church that was hit by the German "Big Bertha." Thla church, the St. Ger main, Is a cathedral, nearly as 1m posing as the Notre Dame, was struck near the roof and a hole some 20 feet in diameter was caved in on the worshiping congregation Fifty or more were killed outright and some 200 badly Injured. - Most of the casualties were from the tall lng masonry. We were fortunate enough to be able to go to the root of the place and aaw all that was to be seen. It waa here that the Swiss minister was killed. Had a very interesting experience while in Paris that shows how small the world is after all. One night my roommate suggested that we try a small eating place in the rear ot a wine room that had been sug gested to us as a very good place to get a meal. We found a room filled with tobacco amoke where were seated a number ot French soldiers and others drinking -wine and con versing in a language little under stood. (Our two or three months ot French has not made us proflclen In the language.) A woman with a babe in arms was serving the pa trons. I hardly knew what kind of a den I was getting Into but decided to see it through. . As I was taking a seat my roommate . spoke my name when some one from another table echoed "Gllkey," . you don'i happen to be the Gllkey from Mon tesano. Wash., who was in the bank I found it to be a man by the name of Taylor, formerly county treasurer, whom I had known more than 20 years ago. On New Years day .a party of "Y" men decided to visit Chateau Thierry, the first real battle where the Amer ican boys turned the Hun from fac ing Paris to facing the German bor der and then kept them going till the armistice was signed. On our way out there a Frenchman who was thoroughly familiar with the country advised my friends and I to go on to Rhelms and see that great city that was under bombardment for four years. Permits, w6re not being granted to visit this place but we took a chance and the two of us went on and met with no obstacle. We were certainly repaid for our ef fort for we saw the effects of the war in all its horror and destruction. This city was in the hands of the Hun for 11 days, then they were driven out, but from their vantage points continued to bomb the place till peace came. Not a bouse in tne whole city but Is in ruins. The great cathedral still shows the beauty of its architecture and grandeure, but Is beyond repair. It stands as a monu ment of Hun "Cussedness." We visited the battlefields and trenches both of the French and the Hun and saw the home Of the "coo tie and the rats." How men lived In the mud and filth for weeks at a My business at the present Is act ing as cashier tor the 37th division of the Y. M. C. A, Our area covers 55 towns and some 80,000 soldiers. My office hours are from the first call in the morning till the last strag gler leavea at night, usually from 8:S0 until about 10 at ntght. Then I have my reports to make up and count the French money. Often I have more than an apple box full of local currency, In denominations ot 50 centloins to one and two francs each. The stuff Is' printed on the poorest kjnd ot paper and Is always In a filthy and mutilated condition. It la a work that has to he done so am content. In addition to those duties I have a class of young man to whom I speak on commercial law and business accounting. In the class are some lawyers, bankers, bookkeepers and engineers, so you sea I have to "watch my step." If there is anything lu this com munication that you think worth giving the publto will try again at some future date. H. L. OILKEY, 12 Rue 'Aguesseau, Paris, France, Care ot Y. M. C. A. Five Dollars Reward- Five dollars reward will be paid for the arrest and conviction, ot any one stealing the Dally Couriers from residences or mall boxes. The Wardrobe Gleaners aid NORTH SIXTH STREET HIONH 147 M.KAN1NO PRESSING ItEl'AIKING We Call For and Deliver H.I.GMEY TELLS OF EXPERIENCE Continued from Page One. and faith Jn ourselves. The league of nation look-fine in theory and Effel tower. Napoleon's tomb, Vkro he returns home. He had been in the hospital and become . separated from bis organization. He Is now lo cated at St. Nazalre on the coast. While In Paris I visited many places of Interest and improved my ten days to the best possible advant age. Herbert and I visited Versall Us among the other places of inter est. Wish I might have the time and space to tell you of the many In teresting things seen, ' Interesting from an historical as well as from architectural point. Among the places visited were the Notre Dame, time Is beyond understanding. There J seems to be harbed wire enough In i the entanglements to fence the state j of Oregon, and then have enough to patch up all the broken "Fords" of the country. I wanted to pick np some of the hand grenades for sou venirs but was forbidden to do so on account of the danger of handling them. As far as the eye could see 'the landscape was marred with trench and shell pits. We saw no less than 15 or 20 small villages as we road np the valley that -had been des troyed by the Germans. The little crosses everywhere told the story ot the real sacrifice .made for France and the freedom of the world. Sometimes I am inclined to express my views of the effect of the war on his country and more especially on our own boys, but on second t'iou?bt I think there has been too much of half baked Judgment passed already so will withhold my opinion till I have been here longer and bad more opportunity to make impartial observations. uaranTEEQ TO SATiar Oh YOUR MONCY DAC" Yo'tar Nose Iows All smoking tobaccos use some flavoring. The Encyclopaedia Britan nica says about the man ufacture of smoking to- thing as a flavoring al ways makes that thing still more enjoyable. That is why a dash of chocolate, added to the bacco, "...on the Continent 'most carefully selected and in America certain . and properly aged bur- ley tobacco, makes Tuxedo more enjoyable " Your Nose Knows.9 'sauces' are employed ...the use of the 'sauces' is to improve the flavour and burning qualities of the leaves." Tuxedo uses chocolate- the purest, most wholesome and de licious of all flavorings! Everybody likes choc olatewe all know that chocolate added to any Try ThU Te.t: Rub a little Tuxedo briskly in the palm of your hand to bring out its full aroma. Then smell it deep its delicious, pure fragtance will convince you. Try thia test , with any other tobacco and we will let Tuxedo stand or fall on your judgment "Your Nose Know" Have you tried Tuxedo in the New Tea Foil Package? It haa many ad vantages Hand ier fit the pocket No digging the tobacco out with the fingers. Keeps the pure fra grance of Tuxedo to the last pipeful. Not quite as much tobacco as in the tin, but 1 Oc. The PerfectTobacco for Pipe and Cigarette ) . Guaranteed by J . . ' . tMSSRVSMMS