U HANTS PAM D AIL If COLIUKU PA3K TUUXH Car of New Fords just arrived C. L. HOBART CO. jm Churches Nmvniun M. K. thurcli At 11 o'clock the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered. lirlof address by the pastor, duet by Mvssrs. Can and Llum. At 7:30 o'clock the sermon topic will be a study of the character of Wellington. Solo by Mr. Arthur Wlble. Epwortb league at 6:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. A cordial welcome for all. Melville T. Wire, pastor.' BERKELEY TRAINED Auto Accessories U. S. Tires and Tubes Weed Chains Headlight Bulbs Oils and Greases W. P. FULLER'S AUTO ENAMELS AND VARNISHES JEWELL HARDWARE CO. We do fine shoe repairing I'rrflliyfrUn Omrch Sunday school at 10 o'clock Sun day morning. Midweek prayer meot- lnj( at 7:45 Thursday evening. Catholic Church Masse on Sunday at 7:30 and 1:3 a. m. Rev. Father J, O. Vlen. rlnt Churrh of Christ Helen ltt Christian Science lervlcea are held every Sunday. In the W. O. W. hall, at 11 a. m, Wednesday evening meet In as at 8 o'clock. The subject for today Is "Mind." Reading room Is open from 2 to 4 p. m. dally except Sundays aad holidays. The public Is cordially In vited to attend the services and to visit the reading room. Fashioa Garage and Machine Shops Automobiles and Supplies. Watrh for the new Overland which will be here very shor.tly. This year, we will hove five models to choose from. They will ranta in prlco from $695 to $1,600. Every car equipped with Splrrel gears and Tlmken bearings, also full floating, long cantilever springs, wblch means no Jolts and easy riding. Friends, have you stopped to think, the Overland Is the. biggest sel ler In the United States, and has taken the premium at the New York shows for six successive years This la why all owners of Overlands love their cars. The Different Model: , Unlit car, five pnsmnuor, wvlicht, 1,730 ponnds. Model 00, five pnisenRor, weight, 2.100 pounds Clover 1-eaf, four uiwingrr, wlitht, 2,100 pounds Mllht KnlKlit, five imam-nii, weJiht, 2.SOO pounda SasflReft Electricity is the Cheapest Power You can Buy Electricity Is no ionger a luxttry to bo enjoyed by the few. It is now within the reach of the many. Read the following figures based on the average rates for electric currcnj;. A nicktl worth of electricity willt Run a 11 In. fan for 10 hra. Run Marine: machlna motor for 10 hn, Pier an aleatrla plana for S hre. ' Pump SDO f allona of water 100 ft. high Clip I horaaa, noom S horeee Grind I 4 buahala of oar aorn Crack lObuahalaof aorn . Thraah ltt biiahala of barley Grind 400 lfef. of aauaaia Claan 1100 aqi faat of carpal Churn 50 Iba. jf buttor Saparata 1500 lbs. of milk Milk IS eon Operate frlndatone for II hra. ' and do many other useful things. u$$howyou whr eltctrlcity wttl htlt YOU. California-Ofcgwv Powei Go. Berkeley, Cal., FeJ?, 22. The gov ernment spent $417 to train each flying cadet In his ground work at the school of military aeronautics on the University of Calirornta campus hire, according to figures given out with the formal closing of the school. Approximately one and a quarter million dollars were spent on the malntensnce of the school. Over 3,000 students graduated) from the school prepared to begin actual flying. This number repre sents about 85 per cent of the en trants, which authorities declare. Is a record that Is highest In the country. Classified Advertising FOB SALK STRAYED FOR SALE Good steam, power plant for saw mill or any pur pose.' See J. J. Morton. 90tf FOR SALE Household goods. Phone . 607-R, or call 670 North Third street. 81 FOR SALE Eight aboata and one sow on thoroughbred Berkshire and the rest O. I. C. E. L. Pruitt, Merlin, Ore. 98 Churrh of Chriat Still our Bible school grows Come at 10. and study Ood's word with us. Communion at 11. Ser mon subject, "The Sabbath as It Re lates to Christians." An answer will bo made to an anonymous letter re calved during the past waek. Even ing worship at 7:30. Subject, "The Burnt Offering." This will be a continuation of a series under the general head of "The Gospel In Pic ture." Chas R. Drake, minister.' SENATOR REED TAKES RAP AT PEACE LEAGUE Washington, Feb. 22. Senator Reed, of Missouri, democrat, ' de livered a denunciation of the league of nations plan. He said tlva tree American government would be largely displaced by a government controlled by "European monarchy and Asiatic despots, and that Eng land would dominate the league and that America would be overwhelm' Ingly outvoted." Hatliit Church Rev. Powers will preach In the morning. Sunday school and B. Y. P U. at the regular hour. THREEOLD BATTLERS. Tl FOR SALE Household goods, farm . Implements: Six' oak chairs, $ rockers, oak bookcase, writing desk, Iron led springs, cook stove, heater, 12-inch plow, 7-foot lever harrow, G-shovel cultivator, 14 tooth Giant barrow, Planet junior No. 9 wheel seeder and hoe, some ..carpenter tools, white beans and many other articles. 'Levi Spald ing, Rt. 2, Bos 21, Grants Pass, Ore. 98 ESTRAYED There came to my en closure four head of cattle be tween 2 and 4 year old, on wearing bell. Owner can secure animals by paying charge. A. Bartlett. Phone 167-L. 01 MISCELLANEOUS JITNEY SERVICE Any where, any time. Phone Mocha Cafe 181-R. Otto J. Knips, Residence 149-T. 2IS OEO. H. PARKER, dealer la all klnds of nursery stock; II years In the business, 408 West D St., phone 285-Y, Grants. Pass, $ltt SECOND HAND, goods of every des cription bought and sold. A. J. Powers, 408 South 8izth street tt FOR RENT OR SALE Five room bungalow. No. 734 North Second street; size of lot, 75x240 feet Also two. story house of eight rooms, No. 732 North Second street, lot 80x240 feet Both houses hare modern improver menu. Inquire at No. 734 North Second street 98 FOR SALE Tent 14x23, 3 H -foot wall, 10 oz. duck, complete, with poles and stakes. Used one week. Price, $36. Chas. W. Lambrecht, R. F. D. No. 1, Box 11. 98 ANGEL CAKES 75c Phone 190-J. 94tf TIRES Used tires bought and sold. Auto Service Co. Phone 824-J, op posite Oxford hotel. If E. L. OALBRAITH. insurance,- rent als a specialty. Acreage, Building; and Loans. 609 G street Launers old location. tt PHOTO STUDIO FOR QUARTER CENTURY Walla Walla, Wash., Feb. 22, The 25th anniversary of the presi dency, of Stephen B. L. Penrose, of Whiteman college Is to be celebrat ed at the college here on June 7 to 10. One of the features of the pro gram will be a session in charge of the "Yale band" l the 1S99. com posed of six members of the gradu ating, class of that year In Yale di vinity school. FOR SALE Nice home, corner lot, cheap for cash or pay part down, east terms. Garage, wood house, chicken house, well, city water. Bargain If taken at once. Apply 902 K street. 02 THE PICTURE MILL for One photo graphs. Open dally, except Sun day from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. Srua day, sittings, by appointment only. Phone Mill, 28S-R, or . residence 140-J. 67tf MUSICAL INSTRUCTION J. S, MaoMURRAY Teacher of sing ing. Write, or apply, at, 716 Lee Street . U ON ACCOUNT of leaving town wiU sell 12 White Leghorn laying pul lets at $2 each. Phone 607-R, or call 670 North Third street. 98 TO RMVT. Philadelphia, Feb. 22. Three of the oldHlme leaders of the Ameri can navy have been condemned to the scrap heap. The Indiana, Mas sachusetts and Iowa, battleships, now In the basin pt the Philadel phia navy yard will shortly be de stroyed as they have outlived their usefulness. Yet, 25 years ago, they were the equals of anything afloat. The Indiana class of battleship was regarded as a daring experiment. When the Indiana first went to sea all on board were impressed with the feeling that she might turn over in a heavy sea and go to the bottom. Although the old battleships are still serviceable, and they were used In the world war they are ob solete and are therefore destined for fhe naval morgue. 20 U-BOAT COMMANDERS ARE GllLTT OF MURDER . London, Feb. 22. Renter's, Llm Ited, says It learns that the commls slon Inquiring Into .German submnr ine activities has sufficient evidence to convict some 20 German sub marine commanders, nearly all of whom are In Germany, of murder. Seven commanders In particular have bad records, according to,. Rou ter's advices, and the opinion Is ex pressed that, their surrender and trial possibly, by an allied naval tri bunal should,; form, a clause In . the armistice terms. This Corn Will Pod Right Off! "Gets-It" Makes Corns Come OS The "Banana-Feel'' Way! Whv have to floo on that floor. quecie yourself up like tha letter. VZ", and with bulging ayes draw your fact up Into a wrinkly knot while you gouge and pull at the "quivk.. of a tender corn? That's FOR RENT Partly furnished cot tage at '321 Rogue River Avenue; three rooms and sleeping porch. good well and one-half acre, of land, barn; $5.00 -per month. Key at 402 Rogue River Ave. 07tf PHYSICIANS L. O. CLEMENT. . M. D.. Practice limited to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat Glasses fitted. Office hours 9-12, 2-5, or on ap pointment Office phone 62, resi dence phone 3 5 9-J. FOR RENT. OR SALE Our resi dences at 801 and 811, North 6th ' St, eight and ten dollars a month. Will sell either or both. Make me an offer. Johni Summers, Leba non, Oregon. . 40tf a LOUGHRIDGE. M, D Phyakdas and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or night Resldepc phone 369; office, phone 19V Sixth and H, Tufts Bldg. FOR RENT The two corner office "rooms just vacated by Dr. Nibley. Steam heat water. Janitor service. : Geo. B. Lundburg. 98 S or S Drat Appllod la a Few "Gaby" Always Worfcal the old. savage way.' "deta-It" Is the modern, palnleas, simple way. ian ?Y.er Bnd Put two drops of "Mots-It" on the corn, put yoar Blocking and ahoe right on again, an.i.,orKet. th" corn- Pain Is eased. "Oets-If has revolutionized tha treatment of corns. It never lrrt. totes the true flesh. You'll stow limping on the aide of your shoe, and do away with greasy aalvea. Bundling- bandages, ' thick laetera and painful methods. Use "OeU-It", Its common sense. "Oets-It,". the guaranteed, moaey-Dackcorn-remover. theonly aura way, ' JSBSJ"" a trln" ' "" drug store. .MrdbyaiAWnceACo.,Cblcago,UL Said in Oranta 'TaBS, and recom mended as the. werld's best ' cera remedy by Qecrge C. Sibin. FOR RENT House and three or srx acres, eastern part of town. House semi-furnished, it desired. Mrs. A, J. Klocker, Medford, Ore. SO 22 WANTKlr WANTED to buy a good gentle horse, sound and true, weight about 1,300, chunky built. Peter Olsen, phone 500-R-2. 01 A,. A,. WITH AM,, M.. D. Internal. medicine and nervous diseases; . , 90S Corbett Bldg., Portland. Ore. Hors 10 to 12 a m.; 2 to 4 p. ml VETERINARY SURGEON DR. R.,' Jj BESTUL, Veterinarian ' Ofdce, residence. Phone 206-R. DENTISTS B. (h MACY, D, M, D: First-'laaw dentistry. 109 H South 8lxts street Grants Pass, Oregon. ' WANTED TO HE NT until October 1, a furnished house. Address No. 316 care Courier. 02 TO EXCHANGE. WILL TRADE 7-paasenger Stude baker automobile, good tires, good condition, for work horses and harness. L. Engle, 801 North Sixth street. - 100 of This Bank's Success has always prevailed hard and con scientious work on the part of Ita Officers end Directors a willingness to aid and advise with lta depositors, also i the necessary ' principle ' of , SAFETY, la each transaction; If without a -banking home, we'll welcome your account, - THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON wMBMBmTSaw JSYBTEri, WILL TRADE Land, sltgMly im proved in Lincoln county for house and lot In Grants Pass. Phone 375-R, Write SJ7.E street. Grants Pass, Ore. , 98 PR, C. E. JACKSON, D. M. D suc cessor to Dr. Bert Elliott Over Golden Role. Store. Phone 6. DRAY AGE AND TRANS EH COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. Al binds of drayaga and tranafe werk carefully and promptly done Phone 181-J. Stand at .freight depot A. Shade. Prop. THE WORLD MOVES', ao do we. Bunch Bros. Trawler Co. Phoas 897-R. F. G, 13HAM, draysB and. transfer,. Safes. pianos and furniture moved, packed, shipped and stor ed. Office phone 124-Y. Real- ' denoe phone, 124-R. ATTORNEYS DOST LOST English Pit bulldog, license No. 54. Return to Temple Mar ' ket and receive reward. 98 H, Ijj NQRTpN,; Attorney-at-law. Prsctloea In all State and Federal Coorta. First National Bank Bids.. COLVIO & WILLIAMS. Attorneye- at-Law, Qranta Pass Banking Co. Bldg.. Grants Pass, Oregon. The California and Oregon Coast Kailroapi Cojnpany TIME CARD Effective Nor. 19, 1918. . Trains will run Tuesday, Thursdaj and Saturday Leave Grants Pass 1 P; M Arrive Waters Creek ....2 P. M Leave WaUra Creak .... ....3 R. H Arrive Greats Pass .4, M For information regarding trsJglM and passenger rates call at the ottlcr of the company, Lundburg building, or telephone 131.. HICHESTERlSlPI 1" HAJKanaaaaa CM ukm rar a Hmmii) puiau ax aaa tuta bmxM. mmt I ak Baa KLaMoaav.luLaMU'r'UJA a as- jmn kaoni u SaHat IMa aaOaM SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERTWHUtt r. a- Mr B. 8. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Prae Uoa,ln. all court First National Bank Bldg. O. S. BLANOHARD, Attorney at Law. Golden Rule Building Phone 370. Grants Pass, Oregon. BLANCHjARD ft BLANCHARD. At torneys, Albert Bldg. Phoa 286-J. Practice In all courts; Ian. board i attorneys. BJpER Aitorney-at-Law, ref eree In bankruptcy. Masonis temple, Qranta Pass. Ore. GEO. H. DURHAM, attorney at law. referee In bankruptcy, Masonle Temple, Grants Pass, Ore. Phone 186 J. JAMBS T? , CHIlSNOCk, Lawyer, First NaUonal Bank building. Grants Pass, Oregon. Don't argue with the when he calls Monday. solicitor