Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, February 19, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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whd.m:hi.v, r'lOlllU'.UlY 1U, 1010
Nerve Strain
Even though you no
tice no defect in
sight, you mar be
suffering from eye
Letcher & Son
IUrrymore at the Joy Treater
The story of "On the Quiet" Is In
tha niiim of a rollicking farce. It
deals with a Yale student who wins
an heiress despite the opposition of
her guardian brother, who has the
right under the terms of the will ot
her father, to cut her off with only
a paltry four millions it she marries
against his wishes, while it she
chooses a husband agreeable to him,
she la to receive twenty millions.
Barrymore is "in bad" wltn the
brother from the start, and, the lov
ers, fearing a separation marry sec
retly though they seemingly acqu
iesce In the demand of the brother
that Barrymore go back to Tale for
three years to complete his college
course. Complications arise through
the loss by the bride of the marriage
certificate which reaches the hand
of a blackmailing private detective,
but before the brother learns the
troth he is tricked by Barrymore in
to giving his consent to the marriage.
'. Butte, Mont., Feb. 19. Twenty
five men and women, almost all of
them natives of other lands, are be
ginning at the bottom 6t the educa
tional ladder In Butte's "Americani
zation school." They are studying
their alphabet in the afternoon and
evening classes for foreigners being
conducted under the direction of the
local board of education.
Natives of 28 countries are en
rolled in the classes, which, since
their establishment late in January,
have attained a membership ot 340,
of whom 80 are women. The more
advanced of the students were put at
the study of history, civics and the
literature of America, but the illit
erate were organized Into primary
Finland leads in point of nativity,
with 113 students, Sweden is second
with 43 and Austria is third with
38. There are eight of German
birth and five born in the United
States. Despite Butte's preponder
ant population, only three of the
students gave Ireland as their place
of birth.
Notice is hereby given that from
this date I will not be responsible
for any debts contracted by any per
son without a written order from
mo. H. B. CALHOUN.
February 12, 1919. 94
Lame every morning, achy and
stiff all day, worse when It's damp or
chilly? Suspect your kidneys and
try the remedy your neighbors use.
Mrs. Wm. Harvey, 621 N. Eighth
St., Grants Pass, says: "I suffered
from kidney trouble. My back near
ly killed me,- it ached so badly. I
was as helpless as a child, being con
fined to my toed most of the time. My
kidneys were terribly congested and
I was a nervous wreck. It lust seem
ed as though every inch of my body
was affected, as I ached all over.
Doan's Kidney ' Pills pulled me
through this. I stuck to them for
several months and was finally able
to' get around as well as ever. I
consider myself cured.
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy
get Doan's Kidney Pills the same
that Mrs. Harvey had.. Foster-MU-burn
Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. ,
John Dubuls'went to Gold Hill this
morning on business.'
.Mrs. Geo. C. Sabln is visiting her
mother at Long Beach, Cal.
H. L. Parker went to Portland
last night to visit for a time.
Lowney's chocolates. Sabln hat
them. 95
Alois Pimprel arrived this morn
ing from Camp Lewis, having been
discharged from the 87th Infty.
Roy York, Just discharged from
the "2nd Infty., arrived this morning
from Camp Lewis.
Mrs. Fred Collins returned last
night from Medford. where she vis
Ited a short while.
BenJ. F. Collins 'and family re
turned Inst night from Medford and
will make Grants Pass their home.
Dewey Havlland left this after
noon for San Francisco, returning
to duty aboard the V. S. S. Vigilant.
T. C. Booth returned this after
noon from Portland 'where he spent
a couple of weeks with his mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Pfefferly, of
Thief River' Falls, Minn., spent a
day here with the John Saner fam
ily, leaving south this afternoon.
Mrs. E. 8. Veatch and baby arriv
ed last night from Klamath Falls to
visit Mrs. Veatch's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. H. Parker.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Curtin .left
this afternoon for Los Angeles and
other California points to visit rela
tives for a couple of weeks.
Mrs. Panl Myers, of San Francis
co, arrived this week to visit her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wil
liams. Mrs. U. A. Griffin left last night
for Cleveland, Ohio, to visit rela
tives. She will also visit In Portland,
Seattle and other cities, and will be
absent about two months.
Chas. F. Elgin, auditor for the
state Industrial accident commission,
who has been in the county for sev
eral weeks, went to Medford this
morning to audit Jackson county
Ralph Davis went to Yoncolla this
morning, having received a message
from his wife, stating that .her
rather Is seriously ill. Mrs. Davis
went to Yoncolla some time ago on
account of the Illness ot her mother.
. W. W. Banghn and wife arrived
last night for a visit with Mr.
Baaghn's mother, Mrs. L. E. Ker
ley. They have been at El Paso,
Tex., for several years but Mr.
Banghn has now been transferred to
the S. P. Shasta division. v
William Bayless, a young Oak
Creek farmer, is lying at' the point
of death at his home as a result nf
a bullet wound through the beau,
says the Roseburg News. It I" not
known whether the Injury wa-j self
Inflicted, with a motive of suicide,
or whether it was accidental.
So far as Is known there was no
motive for suicide. His wife declares
that there has been no domestic or
financial worries and that be has
been very happy and in the best of
health except for the last two or
three nights when he has appeared
to be restless. Last night he was
awake until about 3 o'clock when he
fell asleep and at dawn his wife of
fered to do the light morning chores
and allow him to continue his rest.
She left the house and as she reach
ed the barn she heard a noise which
she believed to be a door slamming.
She finished her labors in a few mo
ments and returned to the house to
find her himband on the floor, from
all appearances, dead.
From the Ancient Greeks.
"To throw dust In one's eyes" is a
Buying derived from the ancient
Greeks. Epamlnondus, wishing to sur
prise the Lacedemonians, is sold to
have caused 1,000 cavalrymen to ad
vance in front, kicking up a great dust
which the wind blew Into the faces of
the enemy, thus blinding them to a
flank movement he was executing with
a view to taking the coveted heights
in the rear.
Choose Your Work Carefully. ,
If possible, choose your work be
cause you believe you are fitted for It,
not simply because It gives you the
wherewithal to live. Be glad because
you can do It well, not because It pays
better than something else, or brings
yon Into association with people yon
Many Varieties of Timber.
Burma grows over a hundred va
rieties of every sort of timber. Yet
JP to last.year she exported her rob
ber in packing casea made of wood
Imported from Japan. It has now
been found that they can be made lo
cally at abont half the cost
Legal Blanks at the Courier.
Marriage Liecuae
Last evening County Clerk Co
burn issued a marriage license to
Paul C. Dressel and Grace C. Smith.
Moore's llrrud
Made In Grants Pass.
Williams Soldinr Wounded
The official casualty list ot Feb
ruary 17th contains the name ot
Roy W. Bozarth. of Williams. Ore..
who Is listed among the severer-wounded.
Phono Si
Calls Howell's cleaning shop.
609 H O street. 95
First Contribution
E. L. Coburn, county chairman of
the committee to raise funds tor the
relief ot the starving in the Near
East, states that Frank Carver, ot
Gallce, has the honor ot sending In
the first contribution for this fund.
Mr. Carver donated $25.
Electric Work-
Phone SO Medford. Pauls Electric
Store. 63tf
Likes the Rogue Valley
W. A. Casler, of New Mexico, who
was at the Oxford. yesterday, stated
that of all the cities- In this state
which he had - visited, Grants Pass
looked better to him than any of
them, and added that from what he
learn this city has been doing less
advertising than any ot the other
cities. Mr. Casler was greatly pleased
with the Rogue river Talley.
amUflBBtHO 8.0.B 8.QJ.DJ Jt.BAftA.OjLS.
va a a a 5 aimnrsvinraTi a a n a b e
i fit '
fear s
. , AMI
Under the direction of the American
Red Cross Yankee wounded heroes
were taken on a tour of London. The
photograph shows one of them maklug
friends with a little English girl.
Children oh Farms. ,
Twenty-one thousand children In the
state of Washington, are enrolled In
agricultural nnd stock clubs through
the efforts of Mrs. Elizabeth Jones, In
charge, of boys' and girls' agricultural
clubs In that state under the direction
of the United States department of
agriculture. Mrs. Jones Is now going
to British Columbia to organize clubs
among the children there.
Where Men Wear Combs.
In CV.!on, the Singhalese men wear
lony hulr, twisted Into a coll ot the
buck irf the head, nnd a lirePhoe
slmpeil tortoise-shell comb ot the top.
while the women weur no such orna
ment. The men vie with one another
In the quality and IIiiIhIi of the comb.
This custom supports a large num
ber of comb-miikers. who get the rnw
material from the hnwk's-blll turtle.
The Cuik,
The cusk Is a fih of the cod family
and has much the same habits and
characteristics. It frequents rocky
ledges In the north Atlantic, especially
off the shore of Newfoundland nnd
Scandinavia. It Is more extensively
need in northern Europe than in Amer
ica, but it Is sold in considerable quan
tities at the fish markets In New Eng.
land. -
'Something of the Sort
"Are there any historic min nhnnr
beret" asked the visitor.
"Well," replied the proprietor of
Jlggsvllle's leading hotel, "It's true we
haven't cot anv historic mi no in ihs
way of tumbled down buildings, monu
ments an' things like thut, but I
might point out , to you old Judge
Hicksbee, who's been defeated four
times for the United States senates
Birmingham Age-Herald.
If you have aarthlni- to sail trw
a classified ac. . .
Samuel Provolt died at t o'clock
this morning at his home near Pro
volt, aged 86 year 3 months and 10
days. Samuel Provolt was born In
Indiana December-9, 1832, remain
ing la that state until I860, when
he removed to Iowa, where lie re
mained five years. In 1864 he stV
out for the' far west, crossing the
plains In a train ot 68 wugoni drawn
by ox teams. He remained in Mon
tana for a year and then emtio to
Oregon where he engaged In mining
and later in farming. In 1869 Mr.
Provolt was married to Harriett
Newell, a native ot Indiana, who
passed away In 1896. Mr. Provolt
owns , considerable property In
Grants Pats, Including a dosen or
more houses, and a large' farm at
Papvolt. the old homestead.
The time for the funeral has noH
been set, awaiting the arrival ot
relatives, but It will probably be
held at the Williams cemetery,
whore his wife's remains are burled.
Washington, Feb. 19. "Ca,nned
blood," one ot the remarkable de
velopments ot war surgery, was de
scribed today by the surgoon gen
eral's office for the benefit of the
families ot hundreds of soldiers
whose lives were saved by blood
transfusion. One of the heaviest
causes ot death among wounded sol
diers is hemorrhatM. Immediately
after the United States entered the
war the medical department began
organizing to reduce the number of
.fatuities from this cause.
Development of the use of "can
ned blood" was a direct restirt of
war conditions. During a heavy at
tack It was Impossible to arrange for
transfusions direct from persons, so
the fluid was drawn previously,
stored on ice In sterile flasks and
used In emergency cases. Where
the wounded men could stand It, a
blood substitute was Injected which
sustained life until he could be re
moved to a hospital where more di
rect transfusion could be employed.
IRVIN To Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ir
vln, of Grants Pass, Tuesday, Feb
ruary 18, a son.
Washington, Feb. 19. All of the
16 capital ships already authorized
for the navy will be under construe
tion within a year, Rear-Admiral
Taylor, chief of construction, today
Informed the senate naval affairs
committee during the consideration
of the naval appropriation bllh
These ships will be completed
within four years at a maximum
from the time they are started, Ad
miral Taylor estimated.
New York, Feb. 19. The trans
port Canoplc Has arrived here with
over 1,200 men of the 162nd Infan
try of the 41st Division, coinposod of
former Oregon, Washington, Idaho
and Wyoming national guardsmen.'
Portland, Ore., Fob. 19.---Determined
to stop the illegal traffic of
bringing intoxicating liquors Into
Oregon, Federal Judge Wolverton
today Imposed a fine of 1,200 and
a sentence-of 10 months in the coun
ty Jail on Ga.orge B, Lewis.
WANTED Man dishwasher, at the
" Oxford hotel. 95
WILL TRAD13 7-passenger Stude
baker automobile, good tires, good
condition, for work horses and
harness.' L. Engle, 801 North
Sixth street. 100
Feb. 26, 27, 28, Wednesday, Thurs
day, Friday State examinations
at the courthouse.
Mar. 1, Saturday Meetlag of Po
mona Grange with Rogue River
' Valley Grange. 1 "
All klads of Oommerolai Printing
at the Courier Office.
Nice . Warm Underwear
To krep out Miti-rh and April rohl winds
The Wardrobe
We have equipment to give you
first-class cleaning and pressing
v. j
This la a picture of our prmMiig machine
We Call For and Deliver
'CM '
' Ms -ES&m: W
' 1
'ADOIiPH Zl KOIt, prcweiits
. ' ' In
"On The Quiet"
, By Augustus Thomas
Scenario by' Charles Whlttaker Directed by Chet Wlthey
"Hob Hidgway" thoroughly agreed with tlio Kentucky colonel who
aid, There are two tastes that have to he' acquired sun; one Is
for olives, and the other Is for water." That In, he agreed with
him until he saw the girl and the 920,000,000 that went with lior.
ADMISSIOX I80 nml 23c