FRIDAY, J-LIlltl AUY I I. 1010. CHANTS PASS DAILY COURIER PAGE THREE Machine Work I will iMKiii 1)0 uIinhI Willi" liUlie to do all kind of InrgOMt murhlnr work Also do-all kind of oxyOHWotolmie wdiling (guaranteed), lint torli recharged, rriMtlred, bought and sold. All kind of machine work. Carl Gehtner Phone 10 AT THE Ford Gar&g e ItAC'IMH PENNSYLVANIA WIKF.GKIP FIRESTONE AM) COIIIW . IXITED STATES FEDERAL FISK I.EH itovAfi conns Gates Half-Soles ALL GUARANTEED Yd yras 4V eiuirve wnose shop was next door to the pout ofllce. Ella was faded blond, with light blue eyes and a face that once had been vivaciously pretty, bnt now wee aad and wistful. People had de cided that Ella Flagg had begun to droop from the moment that Will Chandler loft Llttleford and went to California. Borne wondered whether Ella ever heard from Will, bnt Myra could have told them that she did ummlMre MYttA WATTS' Muck eyes darted bunlly to and fro ai ulio sorted the mall on St Valentine'! day. Myra bad been postmistress at Llttleford for 12 yearn, and It. was laid that the knew the handwriting of every man, woman and child In the village. And goMripa whispered that Myra always read memagea on picture postal be fore bonding them Uirougb the window to their Indignant recipients. Oulslde the closed window was an expects nt crowd pressing close to the pigeon-holes, watching Myra and ber assistant -as they poked letters Into the boxes and twisted their necks In a vain endeavor to read addresses, for Myra yl a most aggravating way of putting letters In with the addresses UPhIiIh down. All the-tlnie Myra was sorting the mall her eyes were wistfully searching for a letter addresod to herself for Myra Watts hsd never received a val entine during all ber 40 years. "Humph I" she sniffed impatiently, s she thrust a large embossed en velope Into a box, "that Tiropklns boy bas sent a valentine to Llssy Edwards I wonder whut her ma'd say If she knew It T And here's one he's sent to May Weeks the Impudent young puppy and here's one for Ella I womlerf Mura deftly tucked the fancy envelope Into ber own private box, and, having finished distributing the morning's mall, pushed open the window and proceeded to band It to the eager girls and boys who pressed Into the tiny post office. The lost one to appear at the win dow was Ella Flagg, the little milliner so as There are Stores in This. City good that they-could use twice much Advertising Space as they now use" and make it pay! The better the store the better the advertising pays. Your own observations in the store-world will confirm this truth. , . Publicity is bad only for a bad proposition. It is just as surely good for a good one. v What is a "good store 1" One that really serves the, public, protecting its patrons as to values, not merely as to prices. There are many stores in this city answering to that definition completely. In every city there are always some stored that do not. . An important phase of a good, store's service to its patrons is its newspaper advertising. This should be com plete, frank, informing. It should tell the store news as fully as a good newspaper tells the news of the day. Perhaps the best possible new policy for the , good stores of this city to adopt would be that of doubling the advestising space that they use thus giving them "elbow room;" giving them bigger opportunities foretelling their patrons, in detail, about every selling event, about every bargain offering, about every s,dollar's worth,, of new . Etooks. Of course, even, half enough advertising pav the really good store; but adequate advertising would "pav much better. . , ,A : Ilili . CLASSIFIED FOB BALK MISCELLANEOUS PINE wood, half dry. $2.60 per ' tier; dry pine, $2.75, delivered. JIT?,ET SERVICE Any where, any R. Tlmmons, phone 6ZZ-J. 77tf tlme' Pn0M M(n Caf , Otto J. Knlps, Residence 149-Y. FOR SALE Loose alfalfa hay. H. E. Gordon, phone 610-F-34, R. F. D. No. J. 92 FOR SALE Three thoroughbred Ancona cockerels from good laying strain, $1.50 each. Four pullets from same strain layed ' Decem ber 1918, 82 eggs, January, 1919, 96 eggs. Can you beat It. James Eads, 108 West I street. 92 FOR SALE Have a Reo car, will , sell cheap. Must be sold within 10 days. Car can be seen at Fash Ion garage. 93 "That Tlmpklns Boy Has Sent a Val entin to LI My Edwards." not only Myra didn't have much to say ubout Klla Flagg. Once they bad been close friends, hut for many ears they had been estranged. Klla'i mutcv questioning face ap pen red at the post ofllce wlcdow. Myra nodded curtly, handed Ella a i.?wpeper and a letter containing, a clrculnr. Then she turned her back and bepnn to cloe up the ofllce tor the noon bonr. IVhen sin- whs all alone Myra locked the do-ir and took Ella's vulentine out f hrr cwy hex. It was postmarked from p t( n In California and the handwriting was unmistakably that of Will Cliundler. Myra knew It at once. She bad bud several note; from Will before he Ml In love with Ella Flags. The envelope was addressed to Ella Flngg. Myra's blnck eyes biased jealously as she held the missive up to the light and discerned through the thin paper the dainty decoration of a lovely val entine. A little printed verse could be plain ly read : Amid three wilds I wander In despair, I atgh for her, io faithless, yet so fair. Te streams, ye woods, ye breetes tell -The Monies of soul for her I feet A bit of .doggerel verse yet It set Myra's heart to beating rapidly. Will Chandler bad sunt this- valen tine to Ella Flu eh what wonder-working thing' was this Love which, could bridge the long years of estrange ment! Year after year Will Chandler had sent a similar message to Klla Flngg and El la hod never received it! Still, Will had doggedly sent tte valentines. Nothing in between, but on the days devoted to the kindly saint. Will sent some message to. b'" old sweetheart and Elln never got it 1. ., . Myra Watts might have explained, but she didn't , ;. : ' ... V Todny her eyes glowed fiercely, as she hid the letters away In her tmreau at home. '"They ought to be my -valentines," she defended herself. "So I'll keep em here!" v ' That night Myra closed the post of fice at eight o'clock and started for home. Her way led . past the little house where Ella Flngg lived with an invalid mother. When Myra passed Mrs. Jacob Hill's house that good lady ran out with, a paper bat bag In ber hand. ....,. "Oh, , Myra," she panted, "do yon mind leaving this, at Ella Flagg's house? She's promised to .fix my liournlng bonnet tonight so'a I can go to Uncle, Benny's funeral tomorrow. I'm much obliged," she called over her shoulder as she hurried Into the house. Myra turned Into the Flngg gate and went around the path to the side door. There was a light In the sitting room and . Myra peeped through the glass panels of the door before she knocked. What she saw there stayed her hand. Ella Flagg was all alone in the room. Myra knew -that Mrs. Flagg was asleep In the adjoining bedroom. Ella's fair head was pressed disconso lately Into the cushions of the soft and her thin shoulders were heaving convulsively. Clenched In one thin band was a crumpled envelope and Myra shrewdly guessed it might be some old love let ter from Will Chandler. Myra's tough little heart suddenly melted was tbla evening a repetition ! of many other endings of St Valen I tine's day 7 , Had Ella Flagg hoped : each year that she would receive some message, from her absent lover? And then the full realization of the misery she had caused brought a ! dreadful feeling of wretchedness to her heart' . .'. . I "I must tell ber," decided Myra sud- . denly: "I must tell her about the let ; ters I have kept backr-andwhen he I comes after her, I must tell him, too, and I must help her get ready for I... n, , nnnletimonf lH 1 goftly she opened the door and went Inside. When Will Chandler ame home to claim Ella Flagg for bis bride, people ! marveled that Myra Wotta appeared as 1 Ella's maid of honor, and they could FOR SALE; Tested, recleaned, home grown, 8llver Skin and Yellow Danver onion seed, $2.25 per pound or 20c per ounce.' Phone 316-L. 94 IIS E. L. OALBRAITH, insurance, rent-. als specialty. Acreage, Building; and Loans. 809 O street, Leaner' old location. 94" ELECTRIC WIRING and general electrical work, repa-rlng, hocie wiring. C. C. Harper, (07 B St.; phone 47. 9S GEO. H. PARKER, dealer In all kinds of nursery stock; 18 years' in the business. 408 West D St.; phone 285-T, Grants Pas. 81t SECOND HAND goodr of every des cription bought and sold. A. J, Powers, 408 South Sixth street t( ROSE COMBED WHITE Wyandotte eggs for batching, $1 per setting of 15. Mrs. C. G. Gillette, phone 281-J. 94 SEED WHEAT, oats, barley and G. P. Egg Food. Don't forget our prices are lowest. At New MID Warehouse, corner Third and G streets. 88tf run baliE uood steam power plant for saw mill or any pur pose. See J. J. Morton. 90tf PHOTO STUDIO THE PICTURE MILL for fine photo graphs. Open dally except Bun day from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. San day sittings by appointment only. Phono Mill, 288-R, or residence 140-J. 57U MUSICAL INSTRUCTION J..S. MacMURRAY Teacher of sing ing. Writs or apply at 718 Lea Street , $6tt TO RKT FOR RENT Partly furnished cot tage at 821 Rogue River Avenue; three rooms and sleeping porch. good well and one-half acre of land, " barn; $5.00 per. month. Key at 402 Rogue River Ave. 07tf FOR RENT OR SALE Our resi dences at 801 and 811, North 6th St., eight and ten dollars a month. Will sell either or both. Make me an offer. John Summers, Leba- - non, Oregon. 40tf FOR RENT Partly furnished mo dern cottage at 724 North Sixth Street. Price $8 per month. 81tf PHYSICIANS L. O. CLEMENT, M. D., Practice Ifmlted to diseases of the eye, ear. nose snd throat .Glasses fitted. Office boars 9-12, 2-5, or on ap pointment! Office phone 88, resi dence phone , 869-J. . 3. LOUGHRIDGE. M. D.. Physician and surgeon. City or country, calls ..attended -day -or night - Residaner phone 889; office phone 181 Sixth and H. Tuffs Bldg. WANTED To rent or ouy, furnish- hotel or rooming bouse. ' Address No. 257 care Courier. ' 91 WANTED A second-hand incubator about 60 or 70 eggs capacity. In good condition. State price and make. Address E. Challson 400 West G street. Phone iSl-J. 91 The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company . TIME, CARD Trains will run Tuesday, Tliursda; and Saturday Leave Grants Pass 1 P. M Arrive Waters Creek ....'2 P. M Leave Waters Creek 3 P. M. Arrive Grants Pass .': 4 P. M For Information regarding freight and passenger rates call at the office of the company, Lundburg building, or telephone 131. All kinds of Oommerolal Printing at the Courier Office. WANTED . A. W1THAM. M. D. Internal medicine and nervous diseases? 903 Corbett Bldg.. Portland, Or Hours 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 p. m. VETEK1NARY SURGEON DR. R. Office. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian, residence. Phone 305-R. ; DENTISTS Effective Nov. 19, 1918. Printing that pleases We do It! Courier.. Job. Department. CHICHESTER S PILLS !?lt 1 hoi... MM ttk BltM Klbboa. .MT.kNalk.n "Mar E. C. MACY, D. M. D. Flral-laas dentistry. 109H South . Slxta street. Grant Pass, Oregon. ., DR. C. E. JACKSON, D. M. D., suc cessor to Dr. Bert Elliott Over Golden Rule Store. Phone 6. DRAYAGE AND .TRANS KM COMMERCIAL, TRANSFER CO. As kinds of drayage and transfer wjerk carefully and promptly ioam. Phone 181-J. - Stand at .freight depot A. Shade Prop. . :i i ii i THE t WORLD ' MOVES; so,-, Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. 897-R. .v.. ' o we. Fhons F. Q. ISBAM, drayage and irenaf ex. Safss, " pianos (and , farnltor moved, packed,, shipped , and stor ed. Office phone 124-Y. ; Resi dence phone. 124-R. ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-la,. Practices In all Stats and . Federal Courts. First National Bank Blfs. COLVIG ft WILLIAMS, Attorneys-at-Law, .Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg., Grants Pass, Oregon. ar r DlATllINn IIRAND P1I.L", lo. S B. ,8. VAN - DYKE, .Attorney. . Prjo-. Uos in all court First National Bank Bldg.. . Mfl.no1BI.SlItIAlw!rbiMt Sl'di BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE not understand what had healed the breach between the old friends. ' Myra might have told you that It was -a bundle of suppressed letters and valentines which Ella Flagg bad burned that memorable night when Myra made confession of her wrongdo ing; but she kept ber secret, and so did Ella, and Will Chandler refused to listen to' her story because be was so glad and eager to bold Ella In bis arms again. . And when another valentine day came around Myra sorted the mail, quickly, deftly, and In another spirit When at last she came to large em bossed )- envelops postmarked. Cali fornia, where Will snd Ells were liv ing with old Mrs. Flagg, a beautiful color suffused ber dark face. "Come ont hers and live with us,' wrote Ella on the back of the valen tine they sent TW111 knows at a splendid position for you. and U Is summer all the time In California." Myra. went, and she says It Is sum mer all the time In ber heart, too, ever since that night when she unburdened It to her friend snd brought happiness to three sorrowing souls. , ; , v (Copyrlght, lilt, by McClure Newspaper oynaicate. O. S. BLANCHARQ. . Attorney at Law. Golden Rule Bulldins Phono 270. Grants Pass. Oregon, BLANCHARD ft BLANCHARD, At torneys, Albert Bldg. Pbon. ISS-J. Practice In all courts; latu board attorneys. C. A. SIDLE R, Attorney-at-Law. ref eree In bankruptcy. Masonts temple, Grants Pass, Ore. GEO.- H. DURHAM, attorney at law. referee In bankruptcy, . Masonic Temple, Grants Pass, Ore. Phons JAMES T. CHINNOCK, Lawyer, First ' National- Bank building, Grants Pass, Oregon. Work With a Will. Whatever your work, do not wait to fee Just, like It" before you begin p do your test. , It you wait fdr.lnsplra tfon you (re .Roomed. ..Disregard your ipoods. ' Pay no attention ' to your feel ings. If It is time io work, set about It not half-heartedly, but - with the whole-souled energy which Is an ad mirable substitute for enthusiasm. To m ,nnl lltrn i hafAra'-ron nun ill, jvu icti " v. 4o y,C,ur est, Is to waste. Jlfe snd 'pow er. . . ..