SATTIIDAV. IlCimtAUV H, joitf. GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER PAGE THREE 6 LA rt Electricity is the Cheapest Power You can Buy Electricity is no longer a luxury to be enjoyed by the few. It is now within the reach of the many. Read the following figures bused on the average rates (or electric current. A nickel's worth of electricity will i Run II In. fan far It hra. Hun tawing machine motor far It bra. riar an alaalrla piano for hra. Pump 00 aallana of walar 100 fU klfh I lit I horaaa, nam I koroaa Ccind 1 ta of aar aara u.hal. of aarn Thraah T S of barley Crlnd 400 laa. af aauaaaa t'laan 1200 a. faat af aarpat Churn to Ihi. of bullar Sanaral a K0 Iba. af milk Milk tl aaw. Oaarala irlndalono far II lira and do many other useful things. Iff u $how you whtrt tttctrkity win htlp YOU. California-Oregon Power Co. FRESH HER LAGOON Eureka, Cat.. Feb. 8. An un expected "run" of salmon and steol- bnads followed the opening of a channel from Dig Lagoon to the sea here during a recent storm. Big Lagoon la a large fresh water lake cut off from the sea by a narrow barrlor of sand. During a recent freshet the rlvors raised the level of the lagoon to such an extent that farms, were threatened with Innun datlon. To prevent this a channel was cut across the sand? barrier. The first trickle of fresh water had barely touched the surf when the little stream growing every mo ment by erosion, was whipped Into foam by thousands of steelbead and salmon fighting to reach the fresh water of the lake. It Is believed that the seepage of fresh water through the sand had drawn thousands of fish to the vl clnlty of the lake, there to await an overflow which would carry them over the barrier. ! Iflt the glMclm Presbyterian Cliurrli Sunday school at 10 a m. Mid- weok prayer meeting Thursday at :45 p. m. ' UitiHt Church Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Morning worship at 11 a. m., ser mon by Rev. J. M. Powers. B. T. P. at 8:20 p. m. No preaching ser vice In evening. fcj Newman M. E. Clinrch Morning services at 11 a. m. Ser mon topic, "Ezekel's Vision of the Living Waters." Anthem by choir In charge of Mrs. A. O. Knapp. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. Ser mon by the pastor. Anthem by the cbolr and men's quartette. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Ep- wortb League at 6:30 p. m. A cor dial welcome for 'all. Melville T. Wire, pastor. W. T. Ilrifii. Ini-t Grants Pass & Crescent City Stage Co. j 2 Big. Easy Riding Pierce Arrow Cars Office IJ ObM-rt'er Mlk. Corner HrNrnili anl U MrtH i rhun" 1 Tt-trliant!w ''H-i and 10:! AMERICANS MAKING GOOD AT SIXTY-FIVE Don't worry about old age- A sound man Is rood at auy age. Keep your kiAiiv in buofl candiuun and you can be an hi' a "d brarty and able to "do your bit" as when you were a young Xellow. Auerliuiu. of tlie kidneys and bladder are among tbe leading causes of early r tidtili'.a are. KeeD them dean and the other nrtnns in working condition, and jou will nave nothing to fear. Drive the nolsonou wastes from the rystem end .avoid uric acid aceumula uoiu. Take1 GOLD MEDAL iiaariem flil CniMulee neriodicallv and you will find that you are aa good aa the next follow, iour spirits will be rejuve nated, your muscles strong and jour mind keen enough for any task. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules wiU do the work. But be sure to get the ordinal imported GOLD MEDAL llnarlem Oil Capsules. Tbey are re liable and ahould help you, or your mnna will ha refunded. For sale by most druggists. . la sealed packages tbres sites. r- Cjassffied Advertising FOB BALK FOR BALE Ford car (first class shape), cultivator, double shovel cultivator, good range, bedstead and springs, feather tick and pil lows (newly cleaned), heater, tables, phone 502-F-12. 87 MISCELLANEOUS JITNEY SERVICE Any where, any time. Phone Mocha Cafe 181-R. Otto J. Knips, Residence 149-T. 23S PINE wood, half dry. $3.50 per tier; dry pine, $2.75, delivered. ' R. Tlmmons, phone 633-J. 77tf E. L. GALBRAITH, Insurance, rent als a specialty. Acreage, Building and Loan. 609 O street, Launer'e old location. 94 FOR SALE One extra good Jersey cow, 6 years old, fresh in few days, 175. Levi Spalding, Rt. 2. 86 ELECTRIC WIRING and general electrical work, repairing, hoes wiring. C. C. Harper, 607 E St. phone 47. ' 95 FOR SALE OR RENT Three acres In fruit and berries, 1 mile west on Foundry street. Water for Ir rigation, t-room house, barn and chicken house. Inquire Mrs. John Retschl, 723 C street. - 86 Catholic Clinrch Masses on Sunday at 7:30 and :80 a. ra. Rev. Father J. G. Vlea. First Church of Christ Scientist Christian Science services are held every Sunday, In the W. O. W. hall, at 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meet ings at 8 o'clock. The subject for today is "Spirit." ' : Reading room is open from 2 te p. m. dally except Sundays and holidays) The public la cordially In vited to sttend the services' and to visit the reading room. 8 ROOM HOUSE, 2 lots for sale at a bargain or will rent unfurnish ed or partly furnished. Good lo cation, fine shade. Apply Geo. H. Smith, 621 South Fifth. 86 WET WASH, 20 lbs, SI; rough dry wash, 30c per dos; waahlng and Ironing, 60c per dozen. Call 891-J, or 625 North Sixth street. 85 GEO. H. PARKER, dealer In all kinds of nursery stock; 13 years in the business. 403 West D St, phone 285-7, Grants Pass. 81tt SECOND HAND goods of every des cription bought and sold. A. J. Powers, 408 South 81xtb street tf FOR SALE White Leghorn and barred rock cockerels, from hens with laying records, eastern stock, price $2.60 each, , Eggs for hatch ing, $1 for 15. Luther Robinson, Rt 4, phone Wlldervllle line. 87 to rent Church of Christ Bible school at 10 a. m. under the superintendence of Mrs. Ellen Thrasher. We are getting well past the 100 mark In attendance and growing each week. Communion at 11. Sermon subject, "The Church." Evening service Bt 7:30. Subject, "The Restoration Movement." There will be special music at both morn ing and evening services. A cordial welcome to all to attend these ser vices. Chas. R. Drake, minister. FOR RENT Partly furnished cot tage at 321 Rogue River Avenue; three rooms and sleeping porch good wvll and one-half acre of land, , barn; $5.00 'per month. Key at 402 Rogue River Ave. 07tt FOR RENT OR . SALE Our resi dences at 801 and 811, North 6th St., eight and ten dollars a month. Will sell either or both. Make me an offer. John Summers, Leba non, Oregon. . 40tf fur rest Partly furnished mo dern cottage at 724 North Sixth Street. Price $8 per month. 81tf There are Stores in This City so good that they could use; twice as much Advertising Space as they and make it pay! now use- , 1 The better the store the better the advertising pays. Your own observations in the store-world will confirm this truth. . . Publicity is bad only for a bad proposition. It is just as surely good for a good one. What is a "good store!" One that really serves the public, protecting its patrons as to values, not merely as to prices. . There are many stores in this city answering to that definition completely. In every city there are always some stores that do npt. An important phase of a good store's service to, its patrons is its newspaper advertising. This should be com plete, frank, informing. It should tell the store news as fully as a good newspaper tells the news of the day. . Perhaps the best possible new policy for the good stores of this city to adopt would be that of doubling the advestising space that they use thus giving them "elbow room;" giving them bigger opportunities for telling their, patrons, in detail, about every , selling event, about every bargain offering, about every dollar's worth of new stocks. Of course,' even half enough advertising pay the really good store; but adequate advertising would pay much, better. ' ' ' ' Church of Christ News The local Church of Christ has called Mr. and Mrs. Drake to re main tor the coming year at a sub stantial Increase in salary. Thov have announced that they will con tlnue. The church recently appro priated $15 from their missionary treasury for the work of religious education; $25 was also appropriat ed for the work ot Oregon missions. The Bible school voted a gift of $15 for the Armenian relief work. . Fif teen members ot this congregation are tithers. All the , work of the church is reported to be in a splen did condition. The teachers conference of the Bible school held Its regular month ly session Thursday evening. It is the aim to secure talent for the pro gram that is worthy of Interest to all who wish to attend. Mrs. A. K. Cass, who has interested so many children with her story telling, was the entertainer at the meeting. Tou are Invited. WANTED By good all around cook, restaurant, hotel : or camp work, First class pis maker. 1 Jack Mil ler, Route 2, Box 71. 87'DR. WANT THE USE ot a piano tor its care. Call 379-L. 74tf WAITRESS wanted; Josephine tel. WANTED Modern furnished house with piano and garage. Address Box 164, Grants Pass, Ore. ( 86 TO EXCHANGE Eight acres In grain, half mile from city, six room house, , barn, ' garage, tele phone, mail delivery, school bus service; for town property. Phone 502-F-12. 87 The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company ' ' 1 TIME CARD Printing that pleases We do It'. Coi'rler Job Department. . Only Or.3 Corn Peeler'Qeh-lt" Stop Coin Pains; Bee Corn Peel 0 It is Just when a, corn hurts that you want to feel surest about getting rid of It Why taks chances ot keeping- the corn and bavins the pain grow worse? You'll use "Oats- r-r -ja-l Too Onlr PaaWt-0 Way Is "CMS." It" anyhow, sooner of later; might aa well ua It sooner. Then you are absolutely aure that the corn will loosen from your toe ao that you ran naal tha whole thlna? off pain lessly with your Angers, in one com plete piece just like peeling a ba nana. It takes a second or two to apply "Oeta-IU" There's no fussing or puttering. Corn-pains win van Ish that'll Keep you i ti the "Oeta-ItV doea aweet while he rest. Nothim V!: new for corns has been discover sines "Gets-lt" was born. Follow the Judgment of the millions; use tna-Tta .nil h aura to be corn r.U evaal Von Ml aT U1 mte "Qeta-lt," the guaranteed, money back corn-remover, the only aure , way. costs but a trine at any 'drug store. M i d by S. Lewreuoe Co.. Chicago. 111. Sold in Grants Pass, and recom saeaded aa the werld's best earn remedy by Gecrye C. Sakln. PARTMENTS, rooms and garden ground for rent, Dean apartment house, 515 North Sixth street. 88 WANTED PHOTO 8TCDIO THE PICTURE MILL for fine photo-, grapns. open dally except flan day from 10 a. m. to I p. m. San day sittings by appointment only. Phone Mill, 28J-R, or residence) . 14W. ' I7tf MUSICAL INSTRUCTION S. MaoMURRAT Teacher of sing ing. Writs or apply at 71S Lea Street. . , . 6tf sHx-SICIAJIS L. O. CLEMENT. M. D., Practice limited to diseases ot the eye, ear. nose and throat' Glasses fitted. Office hours 9-12, 2-6, or on ap pointment Office phone S2, resi dence phone 259-J. & LOUGELRIDQE. M. D.. Physician and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or night Resldenc phone S6; office phone 181 , Sixth and H.' Tuffs Bldg. A. WITHAM. M. D. Internal medicine and nervous diseases: SOS Corbett Bldg., Portland. Ore. Hours 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 p. m. VETERINARY BURGEON Ho-82tf TO EXCHANGE Effective Nov. 19, 1918. Trains will .run Tuesday, Thursday . and Saturday Leave Grants Pass . 1 P. M. Arrive Waters Creek . P. M. Leave Waters Creek S P. M. Arrive Grants Pass ... ......4 P. M. For information regarding freight and passenger rates call at the office ot the company, Lundburg building. or telephone 131. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian Office, residence. Phona S05-R. DENTISTS E. C. MACT. D. M. D. Flrst-laae dentistry. 109 South 3Ixth - street. Grants Pass, Oregon. DR. C. E. JACKSON, D. M. D.. suc cessor to Dr. Bert Elliott Over .Golden Rule Store. Phone 6. DRAYAGE AND TRANS)1 bM COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. Al kinds of drayage ' and transfer werk carefully and promptly dona Phone 181-J. 8tand at freight depot A. Shade. Prop. THE WORLD MOVES; so do wa. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phona S97-R. , ' F. Q. ISHAM, drayage and transfer. Safes, . pianos ' and furniture moved, packed, shipped and stor-. ed. Office phone 12 4-T. Rest dene phone, 124hR. ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-Uw. Practices la all Stat and Federal Courta. First National Bank Bldg. OOLVIO ft WILLIAMS, Attorneys-at-Law, Grants Pass Banking Co, Bldg., Grants Pass, Oregon. All kinds of Commercial Printing at the Courier Office. E. 8. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Prae- tloe In all court First National Bank Bldg. QBT SOUWffll ' (Continued from page 1.) disgrace and privation Is. to be pre ferred to dishonor." The Germans, he said, laid down their arms with' c'onf jdence in Presi dent Wilson, and the present tree government of Germany believes it Is only its right to enter the league of nations. : -': BLANCHARD & BLANCHARD, At torneys, Albert Bldg. ' Phoat 2I8-J. Practice In all courts; lam board attorneys. Mexican Sacrificial Stone. The sacrificial stone was tbe stone on which human victims were sacrificed before the war god Hultallopochtll, In the principal Astee temple In Mexico It was dug up near the site of the tem ple In 1701, and Is now in the Mexican national museum. The stone Is disk shaped. 8 8-5 feet In diameter and 2 feet thick. The sides are covered with elaborate sculptured i All kinds ot legal Wanks at tb . a BLANCHARD, Attorney at Law. Golden Rule Building Phone 170.' Grants Pass, Oregon. , A. bidl,kk. Attorney-at-uaw, ref eree ' in . bankruptcy. ' Masonla temnlA. flranta Paaa Hra. GEO. H. DURHAM, attorney at law. referee in bankruptcy, Masonlo Temple, Grants Pass, Ore. Phona 135 J. JAMES T. CHINNOCK, Lawyer, First National (Bank . building. Grants Pass, Oregon. . CHICHESTER.SPIL Chi- Pill la Keel sMbsm. SjsaUcd Tmkm sjtiW. Pnsn-istw Ak for C UJLfcrM ystn known as Bast. Safest. AIwst Rcllabls) OND IIHANB PILLS.I I Conner. SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWEKE