Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, February 07, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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11 "
Mr. lIlKgiirstaff received a vary In
teresting lciltor from Frank York,
who on woundnd In France In No
vember. Me Is Imiirovlng rapidly
ml expects to mil for home noon,
Mr. And Mr. Holtnnroth made
buslnes trip to Grant Pas Tue
day. ,
Ml moi Kite Herman nod Kdna
Qoode called on Mr. Tucker Mnn-
. Mr. and Mr. Frank Warner and
babe passed through our vicinity
Tuasduy. Mr. Warner Jtmt arrived
from Camp Lewi.
Loulu Kraus wai In Kcrby Bun
day afternoon. j
Ruben Tucker made a business
trip to Grant Tata.
Mr. and Mr. C. I). Welter called
on Mr. Hlnkle Sunday.
IawIn Ilmnmer and Walter Craig
who have been (pending the winter
at Water Creek, have arrived home.
Mr. and Mr. Elbert Tucker (pent
Sunday and Monday with Ruben
Tuckor and family.
John Rraxlllo and Ilnnry , Rowlan
were up from down the river.
Joe and Jou'Sclimltt were In our
vicinity on Monday, Joe having Junt
arrived from Ban Kranclsco, -
Mr, tlakor wa In Grant Pa last
Henry , Herman and Katherlue
Dearborn were In Grant 1'ai Mon
day. Mr. and Mr. II. E. Christy and
family were In Solma Tuoday.
John Dalrd wa in Sol ma a few
day ago.
, Alvln Tucker 1 visiting hi broth
er, Elbert and Ruben.
A very pleasant evening wa hold
,t Van Brluson's home Saturday. The
j evening wa pent In playing card
and dulnty refreshment were aerved.
j Mr. and Mr. Tom HlKKerstafT
have moved to Henry Hudson's
Mr. A. V. Bihmltt ha been lck,
but I now Improving.
Ilort llogue wa In Kerby thl
week after load of grain.
Pash Hlahop ha arrived home
from Camp Lewi.
Haloid Hanaeth waa In Bel ma on
.Tuesday. '
Henry Herman and Katharine
'Dearborn were hone back riding
Sunday afternoon. Ml Dearborn'
home allied at the truck driven by
tfl Caatorff and Henry wa badly
Wayne Winter 1 back on the road
hauling lumber after having hi
truck repaired.
Mr. and Mr. Ike Iowden called
on Mr. Hogne tbl week.
Jack Caiey and Mr. Dally were In
Grant Pad a few day last week.
Mr. Hlldebrandt I working the
road again which ha greatly Im
proved them.'
Mr. and Mr. Chastaln, of Selma,
jcalled on Ed Chastaln, of Slate creek,
Mr. Hammer killed hi Bazooka
Monday and Mr. Blggerstaff killed
the young gazooka.
George Barlow made a business
trip to Selma.
Elmer Spauldlng took hi baby to
Granta Paaa Tueiday to received
medical care. ' .
Mr. Antone Spina visited school a
few day ago.
Our vicinity wa greatly favored
j February 2nd, the ground bog hav
ing atayed In hi den. We all nope
the old theory 1 right and we -will
have an early spring.
Lester Ford returned borne Friday
from Corvalll where he had been at
tending the O. A. C, taking a short
winter course.
Mra. Kd. Olson and two little
daughters of Grant Pass, have been
vlaltlng ha. Dora the past week.
Mr. and Mr. M. L. Griffin were
at Granta Pas Tuesday to attend
the funeral of Mra. Coat, who wa
a cousin of the Griffins.
The last new from Marlon Hus-
isey tated that he wa so much Im
proved that he wa able to leave the
hospital at Portland and return to
hi home at Washongal, Wash.
J. L. Green and aon, Percy, were
visitors at G. II. Griffins Tuesday.
F. N. Robertson spent Wednesday
at Granta Pass.
Jack Milter, who haa been at Thos.
Ogden' for some time loft Monday
to take a position as cook In a mine
about 15 miles from Placer.
The- Misses Velma Everton, Myrtle
and Mallnda Ford spent the week
end at the Ford b.ome, returning to
Granta Pas Sunday evening.
Al Every, Hanle Neely and A. J.
Iluisey, all of Ferrydale, were visit
ors at Grants Pas Monday.
Several farmer from our dale
were delivering hogs at the stock
yard Friday to be shipped to the
Portland market through the county
O. H. Griffin Mrs. Tbos, Ogden,
and daughter, Mrs. Tuttle, were at
Grant Pass Friday.
J. H. Harria, while repairing the
eaves-trough on bia barn on Thurs
day, fell and broke two tone in his
right wrist and bruised hi knee.
, Gall Hamilton returned rom Port
land Sunday morning. He endured
the trip quite well and we think the
southern Oregon air will soon raakJ
blm strong and well again.
J. H. Harria and A. Bauer enter
tained at dinner Sunday W. F. Wood
stock and P. Slaltery.
I. J. Hagen had to have a - visit
from the doctor tbl week to attend
a very sore throat.
J. It. Daw, an Iowa fanner, who
came west recently looking for a
good climate has found it at Grants
Paas and Is now living on the W. G.
White ranch.
Clara William spent the week
end with Gladys Long In Grant
Pae. .
Mr. McCarthy and two boy and
Mrs. Nazor and aon, of Grants Pas,
called on Mrs. Roper Friday and
Herman Schmidt and wife were Ban
day callers. . ,
David Snyder and wife motored
down from Ashland and spent the
week end with the Jones family.
Rev. Comer, lately of -India, spent
the week end with Mr. and Mrs. F.
F. Bylngton.
Mrs. G. W. Potts and children, of
New Hope, visited Mrs. William Wil
liam Wednesday.
As they have no further nse for it
the Nellson family are prepared to
rent their pest house, filled with, all
the modern Inconveniences, rent reasonable.
Yladivoatok, Feb. 7. It Is stated
here that Nikolai Lenine, premier of
the Bolshevik government, has mob
ilized the whole male population of
Moscow, Including men of 60 and
"Speed up the Growth and prosperity of Oregon"
It Pays to Buy the Best
Ask for
Olympic Flour
f .UUiVaW
'Made from carefully selected ' Northwestern Wheat,
thoroughly cleaned and scoured by the most modern meth
ods known. All the nutritious qualities of the Wheat are
retained and it reaches you clean, pure and wholesome.
The Portland Flouring Mills Go.
Call your nearest dealer for information
AT ONCE. Then take the earliest opportunity of conveying
to Baid dealer the idea that you wish to acquire one of . these
This Man Talk Ilk It Wa
' a Ford.
Hood River, Or., Routs, Mar. 4.
Vaughuu My tor Works, ' "
Portland, Oregon. ' '
' Dear Sirs: Am having fine suc
cess with the little old bug. Aver
age ten ricks to gallon of gas; ul
so cut 800 ricks at 4 l-8c cost
per rick. Going some for an old
rig. . Respectfully yours, J. J,
A Gasoline Motor Driven
Drag Saw Machine that saws
up to 25 cords of wood
per day.
NOTE : We also suggest that
for good results you should
specify a,VAUGHAN
Drag Saw.. .,
For further detalU addr
475 East Main Street.; '. ... Portland, Oregon.
$" The King of Cracker &
I II Tru Blu Qraluuaa have the rare ossa-
ill r'-y blnation of rich fod valoe and eriaa 'WL
ll) ' : ' dslidoosness that Basis thus, ever wel- .
) (( IVsU omc At meala or between meal they O;
fit arc always popular. Had for job hi .V "!'
the dajligbt food factory. Bold every 'tf-K
m&A . w
0rcgon Made r OregonTrade
Makes economy a 'double pleasure; a
table treat; delicious on toast and
bread and on steaks and vegetables.
You'll like it right from the start.
Composed of pure, carefully select
ed ingredients and churned fresh
daily with pasteurized milk..
The most noticeable Uffer-
ence between Columbia
Brand Oleomargarine and
fancy creamery butter is the
pries and it's in favor of
users of Oleomargarine!
Packed in waxed, odor
proof cartons. U. S. Gov
ernment inspected. .
North Portland, Oregon
The Sign of Good Quality
l I rsiwffl
Golden Rod Cereal
They are the perfection of ex
perienced milling excellent in '
quality and the produce of a
Home Industry.
Golden Rod Milling Co.
Cereal Miller and Poultry
Food Manufacturers
I 4, , Portias Oregon .- .
Before the War
Crown Flour
Was established aa a product of
the highest quality aod recognised
by every housewife aa the beat
flour obtainable. .
buring the War
Crown Flour
Helped the' Housewife to Make
.' better Victory bread. .
Now After the War
When wheat reatrictius are re
moved and you can again enjoy .
fresh, nourishing, ' hiiine made
. bread you dunt' need to' be told
that you get better results from
V .Crown Flour
You've learned from 'experience
how much its ue . improves the
, quality of your bread, giving in
creased volume, and preserving
that Ideal textur and imparting
that delicious flavor and odor. '
J flaiqacKp