TIUHHDAV, FKIIKl'AItY 0, 1010. , GRANTS PASS DAILY COCKIER PAGE THREE -4 t ,11 I, 'iBimiif Ticc:rcfvf tf it i t j & , a n 11 ilk in n - t Hit .V IP . . 1 .ism 4' .TALK iabout smokes, Prince Albert 1 is geared to a joyhandout standard that just lavishes smokehappiness on every man game enough to make a bee line for a tidy red tin and a jimmy pipe old or new 1 Get it straight that what you've hankered for in Eipe or cigarette makin's smokes youll find aplenty I P. A. That's because P. A. has tho quality I You .can't any more- make Prince Albert bite your tongue or parch your throat than you can make a horse drink when he's off the water 1 Bite and parch are cut out by our exclusive patented process I You just lay back like a regular fellow and puff to beat the cards and wonder why in samhfll you didn't nail a section in the P. A. smokepasture longer than you care to remember back! Boy Prhc Albert murywhmra tobacco It told. Toppy rod bat. titty m tow, nanatom pound and hatr pound tin hxmidon - and that tint, practical pound cryttml g7ui hamidor with tpongo moimtontr top that hornp the tobacco in much perfect condition. 0. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem, N. C WM Mi HI There arc Stores in This City so good that they could use twice as much Advertising Space as they and make it pay! now use- i , The better the store the better the advertising pays. Your own observations in the store-world will confirm, this truth. '. " ' Publicity is bad only for a bad proposition. It is just as surely good for a good one, "What 'Is a "good store!" One that really serves the public, protecting its patrons as to values, not merely as to prices. . Tli ere are many stores in this city answering to that definition completely. In every city there are always some stores that do hot. ' An important phase of a good store's service to its patrons is its newspaper advertising. This should be com plete, frank, informing. It should tell the store news as fully as a good newspaper tells the news of the day. Perhaps the best possible new 'policy for the good stores' of this city to adopt would be that of doubling the adVestising space that they use thus giving them "elbow . room;" giving' them bigger opportunities foretelling their patrons, in de.tail, about every selling event, about every bargain offering, about every, dollar's worth of now Ftoflv-s. Of courseeven half enough advertising pay the reallv good store; but adequate advertising would pay much better. SET RECORD FOR BUILDING Nw York University Put Up Eight Largs Bulldogs for Soldier In Thirteen Day. New fork university set s record In finishing an srmy barrack building for tlie new students' army training corp In six rtny, uy the New York Tribune. This building wa tlie firm of a group of eight needed for the newly Inducted oldler at Hie nnWer- lty. Tli entire group wa completed 13 day from the time the work wn tarte!. I'rof. Collin V. Bliss, head of tbe department of mechanical engineering at tho university, super vised tlil rush Job of construction, tbe university authorities having contract ed for the erection of the barracks a soon as It was learned that New York university would become an 8. A. T. The building are completely sealed so they can be kept comfortably heat ed by the big cantonment stove. There are double floors throughout. there Is double shealblng on the out side, and the walls are sealed Inside. Each barracks conform to the army plan of 43 by 12Q feet dimensions. In the mens hull 1,0)0 men are fed In two shifts. Ulgh pressure steam cook er are-used. There are gus and coal ranges, steam tables on which to keep the food hot, and some kettles three feet In diameter. A dishwasher oper- ittjsi by steam cleans 3,000 dishes an 'tour. One of the university's graduate en gineers John Lowry. Jr. was respon sible for the rapid erection of the bar- tucks. Being engaged extensively In government work, he "was able to throw In a Inrge force of men, trans ferred from other government work that was finished. The site of the first barracks was surveyed and staked and posts were set In concrete In one day. Classified Advertising FOR SALJK FOR SALE Ford car (first class shape), cultivator, double shovel cultivator, good range, bedstead and springs, feather tick and pll: lows (newly cleaned), - beater, Ubles. Phone 602-F-12. 87 MISCELLANEOUS! JITNEY SERVICE Any where, any ' tlm. Phone Mocha Cafe 181-R. Otto J. Knlps, Residence 14 9-Y. . 23 FOR SALE Four Angora goats at $5 per head. Call or aea Q. I. Wardrlp, Frultdale, or G. ,W. Pott, New Hope. 84 PINE wood, half dry, $2.50 per tier; dry pine, $2.75, delivered. R. Timmons, phone 533-J. 77tf B. L. GALBRAITH, Insurance, rent ala a specialty. Acreage, Building and Loans. 609 0 street, Laaner'a old location. -94 ELECTRIC WIRING and general electrical work, repa-rlng, houso wiring. C. C, Harper, 607 E St., phone 47. 95 FOR SALE OR TRADE One Fault less stumpuller, with about 200 feet' of wire cable, nearly new. Cost 1185. In many cases will clear an acre a day. Two to three montaa yet to work. Will ex change for good work horse, or span of horses and pay difference, Address Bos 690, Grant Pass, Oregon. 85 WET-WASH, 20 lbs, 81; rough dry wash, 30c per doc; washing and Ironing, 60c per dozen. Call J 91-J, or 625 North Sixth street .85 GEO. H. PARKER, dealer In all kinds -of nurneTy stock; 13 years In the business. 403 West D St, phone 285-Y, Grants Pass.' 81tf FOR SALE OR TRADE Five room house and two lota In Grants Pass, Ore. Centrally located. . Price 81,200. Indebtedness (360. Will trade for good automobile of same value. S. C. Carroll, Silverton, Ore., care Union Meat Co. 85 SECOND HAND goods of every des cription bought and sold. A. J. Powers, 408 South 81xth street, tf FOR SALE One extra good Jersey cow, 6 years old, fresh In few days, 875. Levi Spalding, .Rt. 2 86 WHY IT IS 'CZECH0-SL0VAK' FOR SALE OR RKNT Three acres In fruit and berries, 1 mile west on Foundry street. Water for Ir rigation, 6-room house, barn and chicken house. Inquire Mrs. John Reischl, 723 C street. " 86 Sounds Awkward, but Really Is the Only Wsy to Correctly Express What la Meant Speaking of tlie awkward cognomen of "Crecho-Slovuk," the Independent says It Is partly due to linguistic acci dent and partly to political exigence. The old familiar name "Bohemia" has, like the name "Serbia." a territorial rather than a radical significance and Is too small to cover the ethnical en tity on which-the modern concept .of nationality Is founded. ' The Slovak language Is only dlalettcally different from the Czech or Bohemian, but the differences were purposely Intensified during the nineteenth century to keep the Hungarian branch of the" race apart from - the Austrian. Even In America Slovak and Czech newspapers are distinct, although either periple can rend the other language. Profeu sor MuMiryk. head of the new Czecho slovak republic, is a Slovak. The Slovaks, being Inferior to the Czechs In numbers, wealth and education, are naturally1 Insistent upon equal rights and recognition. The spelling "Czech" Is neither native nor English. It is Polish form of the word, foisted upon the world by persistence of Viennese Journalists. The True Bohemian spell ing "Cecil" Is Impossible to our news papers for lack of type with Inverted caret over the C to represent Ch. The final ch Is sounded like the German guttural or the Scottish ch as in "loch," but to the ordinary ear Is hard ly distinguishable from plain k. 8 ROOM HOUSE, 2 lots for sale at a bargain or will rent nnfurnlsb ed or partly furnished. Good- lo cation, fine shade. Apply ' Geo, H. Smith, 621 South Fifth. . 86 FOR SALE White Leghorn and barred rock cockerels from hens with laying records, eastern stock. price 82.50 each. Eggs for hatch lng, 81 tor 15. Luther Robinson, Rt 4, phone Wllderville line. 87 TO RENT PHOTO STUDIO THE PICTURE MILL for fine photo grapba. Open dally except 8un day from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Sun day sitting by appointment only. . Phone Mill, 28S-R. or residence t 140-J. ' 57 MUSICAL INSTRUCTION J. S. MacMURR AY Teacher ot sing ing. Write "or apply at 716 Lee Street. 66tr PHYSICIANS U O. CLEMENT, M. D Practice limited' to diseases of the'vya, ear, nose and throat Glasses fitted. Office hours 9-12, 2-5, or on ap pointment Office phone 42, real dence phone IS 9-J. I LOUGHEIDGK, M. D., Physician and surgeon. City or country' calls attended day or night " Reaideno phone 869; 'office "phone 189 Blxth and H. Tuffs Bldg. .A. WITH AM, M. D. Internal medicine and nervous diseases: 901 Corbett Bldg.. Portland. Ore. Hours 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 p. m. Turned Laugh on Jokers. We do not think of M. Clemencean as the sort of niun on whom practical jokea would be played, yet he was the victim of an elaborate Jest some while ago In pre-war times, needless to say and be accepted the position with commendable grace. A number ot Parisians received, bo gus Invitations to dine at the pre mier's house. Some were total strangers, and their grateful accept? ance mystified Mi Clemenceau until he realised the hoax He did not put them off. He or dered the dinner, and gave his guests a pleasant evening. Not until the evening was drawing to a close did he Inform them that their invitations had been sent out by some one. of whose Identity be bad not the remotest knowledge. A FOR RENT Partly furnished cot tage at 821 Rogue River Avenue " three rooms and sleeping porch, good well and one-half acre of land, barn; 85.00 Ter month. Key at 402 Rogue River Are. 07tf FOR RENT OR SALB Our resT- dences at 801 and 811, North 6th St, eight and ten dollars a month. Will sell either or both. Make me an offer. John Summers, Leba non, Oregon. t ' 40tf VETERINARY BURGEON FOR RENT Partly furnished mo dern cottage at .724 North Sixth Street Price 88 per month. 81tf APARTMENTS, rooms and garden ground for rent Dean apartment house, 515 North Sixth street 88 DR. R. J. BESTUL. Veterinarian Office, residence, phone 805-R. DENTISTS E. C. MACY. D. M. D. Flrst-lase dentistry. 109 8outh Slxtsi street Grants Pass. Oregon. . ' DR. C. E. JACKSON, D. M. D., suc cessor to Dr. Bert Elliott Over Goldon Rule Store."" Phone 6. WANTKD WANTED By good all around cook, restaurant, hotel or camp work First class pie maker. .Jack Mil ler, Route 2, Box 71.. 87 WANT THE USE of a piano tor its care. Call 379-L. 74tl WANTED A position as cook In e lumber camp, by experienced worn- anN cook. Inquire 1005 East . J Street, or write No. 168 care of Courier. 84 WAITRESS wanted Josephine Ho tel 82tt DRATAGB AND TRANS tilt COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. Ai kinds ot drayage and transfer werk carefully, and promptly don Phone 181-J. Stand at freight depot XI Shade, Prop. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone 897-R. F. G. ISHAM. drayage and transfer. Sates, pianos and furniture moved, packed, ahlpped and stor ed. . Office ' phone 124-Y. ResK dence phone, 124-iR. ATTORNEYS TO EXCHANGE Hughes Yuxovka. ' The first successful Iron and steel mill In' southern Russia having been established forty years ago by man named Hughes, one of the largest steel Centers In Ukratnta bears the name Yuzovka In bis honor. Gas Logic TO EXCHANGE Eight "acres fa grain halt mile trom city, ,U room house, barn, parage, tele phone, mail delivery, 'school bua service; tor town property. Phone B02-F-12.. 87 H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law. Practice In all State and Federal Court. First National Bank Bldg. COLVIG WILLIAMS. Attorneys-at-Law, Grants Paaa Banking Co. ' Bldg.. Grants Pass,' Oregon. B. S. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Prac tice In all court First National Bank Bldg. O. a BLANCHARD, Attorney LOST LOST Pendent with small diamond trom neck chain. Finder please leave at this office and receive re ward., : .,,.,, i i., . -1.84 Simple ... tiiii'ifj Wash Removes Rings Under Eyes The California, and Oregon . Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD Effective Nov. 19, 1918. Law. Jltiotden 'Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oregon. BtANCHARD & BLANCHARD, At Jtoraiys. "Albert - Bldg. " " Phoe 216-J. PracUce ln'all courts; 1am board attorneys. ' ' ,' C.' A. BlOLER,- Atlorney-at-Law, ret- Vree , 1g bankruptcy. Mason! temple, Grants Pass, Ore. , GEO.1 H.s DURHAM, -attorney at Is. .referee In bankruptcy, ' irfasonle Tem'pie, Q rants ' Pass, ' Ore. -Phone .rnf PBii neonia will be'sur- Trains will run Tuesday, Thursdaj prised how (juicily pure LavopUk . . : , and'Sattirday ' . eye wash relieves blood shot eyes Leave Grants Pass....... ;1 P. M and dark rlnits. . One young man Arrive Waters Creek -P. M who had eye trouble and very un- Leave Wattrs Creek ...-..S P. M inhtiv , itrv rtnn . was relieved by Arrive Grants Pas8'......4 P. M. ONE WASH with Lavoptlk. HI sla- : For Information regarding ireigni ter also removed a bad eye strain In and passenger rates call at the office three days, ' A small bottle Lavoptlk ot the company, Lnndburg building Is 'guaranteed to benefit . 'EVERY or telephone 131. . - , CASE weak. Btralned' or, '.Inflamed i - 'jt rr-r.S , . ; eves. Aluminum eve ouo FREE. Na- AU kinds ot Oommeroial Printing tionai Drug Store. ; at the Courier Office. ? , 135 J. JAMES T. CHINNOCK, Lawyer, Tlra Rational ' iBank' building, 'Grants Pass, 'Oregon. B!tdFsa-BSE- bIaSR?rrTiHAN riu-s. s "SOIDW WILCOlSISEVtRWtSESt v a