TTItmBOAY, FICIIHUARV 9, 1019V 'AGS TWO GRANTS FA8S DAILY COURIER. MTS PASS DAILY COURIER Published Dally Except Sunday ' U. E. VOORHIES. Pub. and Propr. Entered at pos toff Ice, Grunts Pus, i Ore., as second class mall matter. ! ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per Inch .15c liOeal-personal column, per llne..lOc .Kemders, per line 5c DAILY COURIER By mall or. carrier, per year 18.00 By mall or carrier, per monio. .av ; WEEKLY COURIER i By mall, per year . IJ.O0 i MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication ;;, of all news dispatches credited to it or all otherwise credited la - this 2 paper and also the local news pub i Ushed herein.- l Albrights of republication of ape- V .d.r; ViVRSUAV, FEBKVAltY , 101. ,, OREGON WEATHER Rain in west, rain or snow IT8 THE FLAVOR ; of our ) Port Limon Bananas That makes them most doalinlile Suiikist ORANGES and LEMONS KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY '" " QVAUTY FIRST LINE YET GOT MEDAL Vienna, Keb. 6. Of how llttlo Im- portance and algnlflotince were some of the orders and decorations be stowed upon 'princes and nobles dur ing the war is Indicated by a llttlo story now going the rounds In Vien na. It concerns Albrecht, the son of Archduke Frederlch. I He was assigned to the front with in Tyrol . Kaiser regiment, but with Instructions to the colonel and com mander that he mutt never LT PARTOF R.O.T.G. Oregon Axrkultiiral College, Cor vnXUs. Feb. . Athletics III iiulver. sltles and rulluxoa of llio count rj have a bright futuro. bolleves Dr. A. D. llrowno, member of tho executive coinmltlee or the national Ititercol leglate conference and director of physical ediiratlon ul tho rollege. With the passage of the Hoke Smith bill In rongren, which t Ul ulates than one-fifth of sn appro prlatlon of $100, 000. 000 for the ''"'ihiiM,!! nf m1iif.nllnn ItA Hf.t MHtilM fur 1 dangered.- In 1917 the regiment had 'phyitcrti eduoutlnn. and with the sug- and liberties of the . .United States." Foolish doubters, all! Foolish not because past plans for the league have necessarily been wise, not be cause present plans for it are per fect, no( because it Immediately or etntuUjr fulfill all that over, hopeful folk expect of It; but foolish simply because they doubt, and so r in nut: , . X weather east. -y - - . - - , 4 Moderate southerly winds, - -f f3 up their own power.ol vision anu iconstructive effort, and Mip, mem- selves, to defeat the thing aimed at. 'As a man thlnketb. In his heart. so Is he," said one who was wise. This la more than "gospel truth." J a strenuous battle with the Italians 1st 8chluderbaeh and suffered heavy losses. SOLDIER LETTERS I When the authorities looked over the list of recommendations decorations after the battle It gen! Ion Just made by the govern ment committee on education anil special training that physical work shall bo made an Important restore '".In the R. 0. T. C. work, college w 'sports are expected by Dr. llrowne McOuug )m w York noticed that Archduke Albrechfs'to hold a more Important place than name was not present. It was learn-'ever before. jed that he had been three kllome-l ten behind the line daring the fight- 400 ARTICLES 400 PICTURE EACH MONTH POPULAR MICIUNICg MAOAXINK M SOS) BLB nmnmmmm liou b l iiu V' 'M A" . 'UM,a rtfwu MteiuNtes tesi e N SMMMl um. . A fl "ITT i ,lT i I All kinds of si the Courier mmarcla! I'rlntlot Our olasn d rds Irlng resiMa. Printing that pleases We do It! r , . i hi . I :.. .Uf.r, jschiudk wccivea wcra lng The coIont1 dedared he could irom npr un, suss, gq comply a. not clte hIm ona of hlt bravMtl VIGOR OF BODV AND MIXD rn Theodore Roosevelt's autobiog raphy he tells of the means by which he developed a naturally weak and clumsy body to a degree of strength and skill fitting him for playing a man's part in the world. It was an up-hill struggle. His eyes were bad. and remained bad. His muscles were! weak and flabby. He had no na tural grace or agility. He was sim ply an awkward, near-sighted, sal low, spindling youth, ' whom almost any other youth of his own age ! . could knock around aa he pleased. ! Roosevelt is modest about his i physical attainments. He says that he never became more than a medi ocre boxer and wrestler. Despite all his efforts, he could not make him self a good horseman. He was only I a fair shot with tho rifle and revoi- -fer- "" ' - r - Yet, as the reader inevitably re members, wi(h those bad eyes he did kill big game and defend him self unerringly in situations of ex- - treme danger. Wifh that unprom ising body he did learn to play a pretty good game of tennis, to use the foil and singlestick skilfully, to box and wrestle In a way that com manded respest from professionals, to walk 20 or 30 miles at a stretch without exhaustion, to ride horse back 100 miles In a day. And over and above all these special athletic accomplishments was the attainment of the purpose for which they 'were Intended the ability to perform a - "vast amount of mental labor, and the building of a sturdy soul along with . a sturdy body. This was in line with his favorite philosophy, "of bodily vigor as method of getting that vigor of soul the body A. R. D. that he has ar1?d since It would make ill feeling New York. The letter follows 1 -among the soldiers and was not Jus- part: v ' : 'I taye just arrived from France and think I will be home in iwo weeks.. We certainly had an awful trip and I'm sure glad It ll over. It la some mud hole over there. I am In New York now,, but think I will It is political truth. In politics, na-ioe sent to uamp mwis soon, i nau Uonal or international. It is pre- the flu and then the pneumonia but am getting along ail rignt now. j have had all of France I want, but tilled. An order then was Usued com manding the colonel tn Verommend Albrecht for the golden medal for bravery, and when the officer re fused he was relieved from his command. eminently thought that rules. Any government has power only so long as the people governed think' lUhas power. The Russians and Germans have shown that. Any system will work as long as the people agree on It In no other sphere of life and ac tion can thought more clearly .and demonstrably seeks. Let the big majority of mankind be lieve that a strong, just league or nations is possible and practicable, and at once It becomes possible and practicable. Faith is the ' highest wisdom. Doubters are enemies of mankind. h V a' . wlthoutwAlch vigor of counts ior notntng." He argues, reasonably enough, that if he, with his poor equipment, could do what , he did, others may do likewise. Any city dweller, he maintains, can easi ly get and keep himself in good phy ical condition if he will make an honest effort and the effort will pay big dividends. THE DOUBTERS "Fine in theory but it wouldn't work!", So many critics used to dls- ' miss the idea of a league of nations for world peace. "The European powers would nev er agree to it!'' the critics protested, when this distinctively American proposal . was submitted as a basic : part of the peace program. "rue other powers don't mean what they say!" maintained the same pessimistic folk, when our ' allies subscribed to the plan. "The league will be a mere shad ow," some doubters Insisted, now that its organization Is actually un der way. "It will be weak and In effective, and therefore worthless." "The league will arrogate to itself too much power!" others object. "It will deprive members of their lnde pendence. It will imperil the rights certainly had lots of experience and something I'll never forget. Will tell you all about my trip when I get home." i ' . To Collect Old Scotch Maps. The Royal Scottish Geographical so rietv has undertaken the formation of a national collection of old maps of Scotland and has Issued an appeal for contributions of both maps and money. It Is hoped to secure as nearly as pos sible a complete collection of atlases, charts, county maps, district maps, rond books, town plans, manuscript run ps. etc.. Issued prior to the time of lie ordnnnce ciirvey, about I860. The :. rlU-.-'t Knfisfnrtory mnos of Scotland fmn, iv.i-Sclpntiilc American, When "Jack" Is Abroad. The name Jncb or John Is very common one und seems to be found In general use In ninny countries. True It Is not spelled and pronounced as we use It In America, however, It inenns the same thing and the "Jack" of our United States will be "Johonn," In Bohemia or Sweden, "Jaos" In Por tugal. "Jean" In France. "Hans, or "Johannes" In Holland and Germany. "Juan" In Cuba. "Giovanni" In Italy. Tvsn" In Russia. "Jan" In Poland, and "Janos" In Hungary. Optlmlstle Thought. The kin cnnut always rule ns he wishes. Dally Thought. He Is foolish to Illume the Ren who In BlUpw recked iu liu.--Syrii. 1918 Ford, motor perfect, new tire 1918 Ford in fire Hape -Nearly new Ford with new Ame.biit t. - -1. w ooay Ford Bug 1914 Ford : $450 $425 $650 $300 $325 C. L. HOBART CO. W . T. Itrwn, Prop'- Gratis Pass & Crescent City Stage Co. Big, Easy Riding Pierce Arrow Cars orrii'e olit OliM-rvrr Itlk. Corner Hereuth and (1 irm Hume ttA . Telephune UliM-J and In:: GERMS ARE'ISOLATED London, Feb. 6. The virus of trench fever and that of Influenza and of some forms of nephritis have been Isolated and Identified, accord ing to a report submitted to the di rector-general of the army medical service In France by a number of army medical officers. The virus In each case has been proved to be a minute globular cell varying In size and behavior in three types of disease. Isolation of the germs of mumps, measles and typhus the cause of which have hitherto been obscure, also Is believed to have been accomplished by Investi gations. DAILY HEALTH TALKS Better be Careful About Your Kidney BYN. B. 00OK.M. D. Foods taken into the stomach go through various chemical changes, and some of these changes are poisons that must be silted out and disposed of. It is the duty of the kidneys to do this When the kid neys do not fully perform their vital work, death may bo only a few hours away. nappiiy, naturo haa provided warning alarms wiling people wben their Kidneys are not well. These warnings come in the form of dragging pains in the small of the back, weak stomach, low spirits, chills, qucnt desire to pass it, short breath, numb ness, cramps, coated tongue, bad breath, puffs under the eyes, thin blood, dry skin, ringing in the ears, spots before the eyes and many other symptoms. - All come from the one cause of kidneys that are not altering the poisons out of the system. To overcome these troubles. Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., compounded what be calls Amino Tablets. No other kidney medi cine fa its equal in giving relief and re- enmuusning ncaiuuui work in toe kidneys. The treatment is very simple, as you need ! nothing except water when taking Anurio j Tablets a glass of water with each tablet. This washes and flushes the kidneys while ' the medicine itself is dissolving the urio acid poisons and. driving them out. Anurio Tablets are made double strength, so that they dissolve uric acid the same as hot water dissolves salt or sugar. Most people need Anurio Tablets because most people have urio acid. Better get that joison out of your body for safety's sake, ind better begin today. . . To gently and agreeably coax the bowels Hack into normal activity, take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.1 They are Just is good for costiveness as his Anurio Tab ets are good for kidney disorders, and that ' s saying a great deai yVAn DEPARTMENT Mr tprodugteon Corporation LAJLi T OGGING and Lumber Concerns, Con--Li tra&ors, Communities and Municipalities proposing or projectipg fogging, Land Clearing, Rec lamation, irrigation, Road and Highway Building will find in this Government Sale an unequaled oppor tunity to procure Machinery and ' Equipment.' SEALED BIDS SEALED BIDS will be received on these Hated materials, until 11 A. M. Saturday, February 15th, and thereafter opened at the Headquarter! of the United States Spruce Production Corporation, Yebn Building, Port land, Oregon. . Personal inspection of materials is Invited to be made at Assembling ' Depot, Vancouver Barracks, Vancouver, Washiilgton, by securing Creden tials from Sales Board at Headquarters, Yeon Building, Portland. For Terms, Descriptive Catalogue of Material and Placing of Bid, address SALES United States Spruce Production Corporation Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon DONKEY ENGINES logging, Hoisting md Lodding Willamette, Tacoma, Bmlth A Watson, -Washington and other makes. Cites ranging from 814-ln. xl5-ln. to 18-ln. x 14-la. RAILROAD EQUIPMENT Rails 2Mb. Rslayer .... 084 Tona 20-lb. New ....... 40 Tona 85-lb. Relayer .... 28 Tons 40-lb. Kelayer .... 147 Tona 46-lb. New .'. 1727 Tona 4Mb. Relayer .... 499 Tona ' 64-lb. Relayer .... 68 Tons 60-lb. New 2581 Tona 67Vi-lb. New 6030 Tona 80-lb. New 2910 Tona Locomotivts t Geared and Rod, 88 to 70-Ton. Bhaya, New Yorks, Baldwins, Helslera, Qlroax, ate. Loggtflg Trucks Connected and disconnected, 60,000 to 80,000 capacity. TRUCKS and AUTOMOBILES Trucks Packards, 1)4 to 6-Ton Standards, 1 to 6-Ton Darts, m-Ton, Denbys, 2-Ton Seldena, t-Ton ' Velies, ltt-Ton. Unlteda. ltt-Ton Gramra-Bernsteins. 2tt-Ton Federals, 8-Ton Garforda, 8H-Ton tiAutomobiUs Cadillacs, Seven-Passenger Dodges, Five-Passenger Fords, Five-Passenger A. C. ELtCTRIC MOTORS 440-Tolt, 8-plinr.o,"60-cycle, 8 to 76 H. r. with or without starters Other Machinery and Equipment fbr Sale The Sales Board Resema "the right to accept or reject all Bids. 3 I -r r" 1