0 RANTS PASS DAILY, COURIER PAGE THREES WFIM:HIAY, FKIIKVAUY B. HMD- TO SIBERIA DANGEROUS Lock of railroad car It the moil trlklDg featue ol Ufa In Siberia to day, Thore it deplorable disorgani sation. Thore It uir.ont need of cen tral management and people who have the welfare ot Siberia at heart earnestly hope that John F. Stevens! the American railroad export, who It now here, will be given a chance Ku Route to Omsk, Sllwrla, Doc, , 7. . . , i .Ti, to bring order from chaot. elated Pr,.)-loplo have alked J p,ttur01,nUe .pectacle a. lightly of tending an army of half on lh, a million men or more to western Vladlvoiitok to Harbin. Tall Siberia, to battle with Bolshevism or and KoMan, ln tor any other reaton connected wun . ..... .1.1. a n.. ..,. .,.ni.im ouiny, lull PIUJWIIUU" vunniM,fl j. w.i. The Japanese learned by hitter ex perience In the war with Uttered, filthy- garmunls twarmed around the train offering ...... lAi.l.lnri anlBlllMI IftP Mttlll. Russia or ,ifii, in iiw. i.i - . mi. I .. ... " ' . pr. about u. . w . ' ?.;: ;:: enapplng and growling, a.spaicnmg a m.gniy arm, ,nythng that wilt ttay death. Kra mountain. The cormp.nd.nt JB ln ,onely area they w01lld or me a.sochu., rw... ormldRb t0 , ,. The fr, l nlu th. .11 of "' " " and 'old. the wind train bound for Omsk, the .eat of oceUrred at al- A:R nn .0Vernrnt' '!A"mo.t eve ttatlon" Many freight ing a olote opportunity 10 s.uay .no, move. dlfflcultle. of tr.ntport.ng a great ; J,,,. relgIiea m. We have on, hoard a company of I II J Tt l i i..m. Anna HAitAnltw m J ...... uuiu ..v,B,. . ,. -. the ereat mou. H.mpthlre rcglment-th. ter. J".: Ti. -J h.H. m etmuiuR ...... and the Imperative need of central Siberian rail " roadt. The comfort and perhapa the orstand that there seems to much better living condition there than had toon expected, especially the matter of meat and vegeta ble!. The German town, are laid to be cleaner than the French townt time Jocky on the big race circuit, and the fields better cultivated. Of and he gave a couple of monologue! court that Jt due to the war never of bow a fellow had caused him to really reaching Germany, and to be thrown from hit horse an,d how their natural thrift. It makes me he got It back on him. After the feol like we really bad been foiled show was over he stayed and told In our attempt to punish Germany us of some of his other experiences ter. I The two lessons taught early' In i fa ritorials or mllltla of England who regulars a.d who served th,re for management of the .......... ik ....a . est a. at ., V .u ,,, " uvea of the people of Russia depend , find them riding arrow tbo barren " " ' ' . . . lands of Manchuria on their way to the heart of the Siberian steppes where the temperature Is 40 dogreea below tero. Anxious as thejr are to, return to their homes In England upon a prompt central coniroi or me railroads. they fulfill this new task gladly and light-heartedly. They are travelling In plain, rude box cars, grouped ' about atovns with all the discomforts that a Journey of two or three weeks and perhaps, more Involves. For the officers commanding the contingent, there Is a third class Runalan sleeping car with bare wood en ahelvet to hold their tleeplng bags and blankets. In another British military train which precedes us there Is no sleeping car and the of ficers are camping with their mon In the box cars. We are fortunate In one respect. Lack of Russian equip ment and facilities for cooking oblige the officers to eat the same rations a. the men which, If plain, Is whole, some and nourishing. . . The Supreme Test To retain our faith In our Ideals when broken and trodden beneath men's feet In the dust, to know bow to lay aside our Inward aadness, to dismiss our enervating doubts and struggle on, to continue our march, sustained only by the thought of duty and an unyielding will, to make the most of life as It Is given us that Is the supreme test of all great souls. That Is the real victory of faltb thst overcotnoth the Klwood Wor tester. Windmill Electricity. Windmills are used to generate elec tricity In the Netherlands, where wa terpower 4a scanty. The wind acting through the windmill drives the gen. era tor, producing the electricity, which la then atored In storage battery and used for various purposes. SOLDIER LETTERS (Coutlnuud from page 2.) ' trie. It's a happy Utile quartette Iwllh an occasional set-to now and then to add spice to the situation. Last Saturday we wont up . to where the company is bllllted and be bad dinner,' then hiked back 9 kllo- meters. In the evening the coons brought the piano up to the officers quarters and put on a rnlnlstrel show which was fine. There was one little shine who. had been at one Classified' Advertising ' i ', ... - . FOR SALIC FOR SALE Ford car (first class shape), cultivator, double shovel cultivator, good range, bedstead and springs, feather tick and pil lows (newly cleaned), heater, tables. Phone 502-F-12. 87 MISCELLANEOUS JITNEY SERVICE Any where, any time.. Phone Mocha Cafe 181-R. Otto J. Knips, Residence 149-T. m when I think of these things, and I on the track. Sure was interesting Incerely hope President Wilson can New Year's Day A Company bad see the French battle tone and then a reunion dinner with a menu like Germany before he does anything at this: Turkey with dressing, mashed the peace conference. If he does. I potatoes with gravy, prune pudding. don't think there will be any ot the salad, peach, pie, oranges, grapet feared, tympatby that tome people and nuts. In the evening In our think he will show. .camp the coons of anotber company My last letter from home - was; put on snother minstrel show and father's, November 9th, In which the their talent was better than that of false news of the armistice was cele- the outfit we are with. So you tee brated. However, you didn't have are enjoying France as much as long to wait for the real thing did possible. you? I'll bet the old U. B. A. cele-j it rains' every day, and night at brated. Well, love to all, from, . some time, hardly 12 hours passing DANA, without some rainfall. And at times PVT. 1st CI. C. D. Amcnt, Jt r'ns bard too. It makes It hard Acs. Eng. Sect., A. P. O. 714, .to do the roads any good and most A. B. F, France ot the time by working on them we In a card written on the Slat of are Just wasting time. December, Ament aays: Have your letters of November 23. Am on my way to rejoin the Co. I have written several times since At present am In Tout, but will get November 11th and you should have out this morning some time. We received them long ago.- Gil says he sre having lots of fun on the way. will come with me and help on that After being ln the school for three Thanksgiving dinner. months this little liberty It ture ap-i BUDose Dad is not lookrnz for predated. May get off home next the 23d Engineers to come home month, but nothing sure. Love to ioon Nelther am x but rumor8 are H DANA. running wild about tbis section. The " 'latest one Is that we will be on the Wallace CouUnt Has New Year's bo(lt January 29th. I can't believe reasi tnat we wm be starting home for Bolnvllle, France, 'levi,ral monlhB( u W4 IlnBn np the January o. work whlch ,g ,ad ont for us Dear Folks: cause It Is Impossible to do the work Have received several papers ana he the weather ,0 coM and wet h ii.ii. m f ....... T)lAnanr mrm I a BUIlfHin irom aiuuiiv .cn.... Ra acrogg a fenow mjj0 had a a memorial lor miss oiod. Coutant In his company, so I have Am atlll with the 'shines ana in,wrUUn hlm.t0 flnd out wh0 ne ,g our little aetaenmeni are iour PINE wood, half dry, $2.60 per tier; dry pine, $2.75, delivered. R. Tlmmons, phone 533-J. 77tf E. L. GALBRAITH, Insurance, rent- alt specialty. Acreage, Building and Loans. (09 G street, Launer'g old location. 94 FOR SALE Four Angora goats at $5 per head. Call or see O. I. Wardrip, Frultdale, or O. W. PotU, New Hope. 84 FOR SALE OR TRADE One Fault less ttumpuller,, with, about 200 feet of wire cable, nearly new. Cost $185. In many cases will clear an acre a day. Two to three months yet to work. Will ex change for good work horse, or span of horses and pay difference: Address Box 690, , Grants Past, Oregon. 85 FOR SALE OR TRADE! Five room house and two lots In Grants Pass, Ore. Centrally located. Price $1,200. Indebtedness $360. WU1 trade for good automobile of same value. S. C. Carroll, Sllverton, Ore., care Union Meat Co. 85 FOR SALE One extra good Jersey cow, 6 years old, fresh ln few days, 75. Levi Spalding, Rt. 2. 86 FOR SALE OR RENT Three acres In fruit and berries, 1 mile west on Foundry street. Water for ir rigation, 6-room house, barn and chicken house. Inquire Mrs. John Relscbl, 723 C street. 86 Clnvn him vmir nririrARH no vntl mav . t i. rnDll1i nor. lionaiiura: urwou.au, yus,,.-, n(jar from h,m t(0 man and French, tne two former. De- born in tholr respective conn ing Stores in This City so they could use twice sis much Advertising Space as they now use and make it pay! There are good that The better the store the better the advertising pays. Your own observations in the store-world will confirm this truth. ' 1 Publicity is bad only for a bad proposition. It is just ns surely good for a good one. , What is a "good store?" One that really serves the ' public, protecting its patrons as to values, not merely as to prices. There are many stores in this city answering to that definition completely. In every city there are always some stores that do not. , ' . An important phase of a good store's service to its patrons is its newspaper advertising. This should be com plete, frank, informing. It should tell the store news as fully as a good newspaper tells the news of the day. Perhaps the best possible new policy for, the good stores of this city to adopt would be that of doubling the ' advestising space that they use thus igiving them "elbow room;" giving' them bigger opportunities for telling their ; patrons, in detail, about every selling event, about every bargain offering, about every dollar's worth of new stocks. Of course, even half enough advertising pay the. really good store; but, adequate advertising would pay . . much better, , ' '. ' ' . ; Your loving son, WALLACE. Bejl V. Coutant, Co. A 23d Engineers. American Expeditionary Forces. ELECTRIC 'WIRING and general electrical work, repa-ring, bouse wiring. C. C. Harper, 607 B St., phone 47. 95 WET WASH. 20 lba, $1; rough dry wash, 80c per dot; washing and Ironing, 60c per dozen. Call 281-J, or 625 North Sixth street 85 GEO. H. PARKER, dealer ln alt kind of nursery stock; 18 years ln the business. 403 West D St., phone 285-Y, Grants Past. 81tt PHOTO STUDIO THE PICTURE MILL tor fine photo graphs. , Open dally except San day from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. Sun day sittings by appointment only. Phone Mill, 283-R, or residence 140-J. 67tf MUSICAIi INSTRUCTIOH J. S. MaoMURRAY Teacher of ting ing. Write or apply 'at 711 Lea Street , " C6tf PHYSICIANS ROOM HOUSE, 2 lots tor sale at a bargain or will rent unfurnlsh-lg. ed or partly furnished. Good lo cation, fine ajiade. Apply . Geo. H. Smith, 621 South Fifth. 86 L. O. CLEMENT, M. D.. Practice limited to diseases of the y, ear, nose and throat Glasses fitted. Office hours 9-42, 2-5, or on ap pointment Office phone 62,resl- - dence phone (59-J. FOR SALE White Leghorn and barred rock cockerels from hens with laying records, eastern stock, price $2.50 each. Eggs for hatch ing, $1 for 15. Lather Robinson, Rt. 4, phone Wtldervlll line. 87 TO RENT ' Hoy Mawn Hack lit Xew-Yark New York, Jan. 28, 1919 Dear Mother: Well -we are back at last, and be lieve me, we had some trip; lots of bad weather; but we had a good ship so came out on top. . We went to Archangel, Russia and was there twenty-eight days, un loading. - From there we went to GlaBgow, Scotland, and then back here. It took fifty-four days from ArchangeL I did not like Russia at all,' but Scotland sure Is some place. There are ' more pretty girla there than any other place I was ever ln All of them sure love the U. S. boys; not only the girls, but all the people there. I think I will go there to live when I get-out of, the service. J sure have seen a lot of .this old world, but I doubt If I am as happy as some that have not seen so much. You know the more you see the more you want to see, and after you get to going once, there is no place you like to stay. You Just want to keep moving, never contented any where-. So I don't think it Is a happy life, and sure am getting tired ot lv. I don't know It I will have to make another trip or not, but I hope not. The, war is over and I -.don't want to stay any longer than I have to In the service. i The ship I was on has been turned FOR RENT Partly furnished cot tage at 821 Rogue River Avenue; three rooma and sleeping porch, 'good well and one-half acre of land, . barn;' $5.00 !er month. Key at 402 Rogue River Ave. 07tf LOUGHRIDGE, U. D., Physician and surgeon. City or country calls attended day. or night Resldenw phone 169; . office phoqe 181 Sixth and H. .Tuffs Bldg. A. A. WITHAM, M. D. Internal medicine and nervous diseases: 901 Cor bett Bldg., Portland. Or Honrs 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 p. m. VETERINARY SURGEOJi DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian. Office, residence. Phone 105-R. DENTISTS FOR RENT OR SALE-Our resi dences at 801 and 811, North 6th St, eight and ten dollars a month. Will sell either or both. Make me an offer. John Summers, Leba non, Oregon. . ' 40tf FOR RENT Partly furnished mo dern cottage at 724 North Sixth Street. Price $8 per month.- 81tf WANTED E. C. MACY, D. M. D. First-taae dentistry. 109 8outh 81xtk street Grants Pass. Oregon. DR. C. B. JACKSON, D. M. D., ac cessor to Dr. Bert Elliott . Over Golden Rale Store. Phone (. DRAYAGK AND TRANSfhJK COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CCL Al kinds of drayage and transfes werk carefully and promptly dona Phone 181-J-, Stand at freight depot A. Shade, Prop. WANTED By good all aronnd cook. restaurant, hotel or camp work. First class pie maker. Jack Mil ler, Route 2, Box. 71. 87 WANT THE USE ot care. Call S79-L. piano (or its 74tf WANTED A position as cook ln a lumber camp, by experienced wom an cook. Inquire 1005 East J Street, or write No. 168 care of Courier. 84 FORD WANTED Will pay spot cash, $350, for 1918 model, or $360 for 1917 model. Must be ln good condition mechanically and with serviceable tires. - W. P. Morrison, Merlin, Ore. S3 THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bnnch Bros. Transfer Co. , Phone 197-R. F. Q. ISHAM, drayage and transfer, Safes, planoa and , furnltnra moved, packed, snipped and stor ed. Office phone 124-Y. Resi dence phone, 124-R. ATTORNEYS WAITRESS wanted Josephine tel. . Ho-82tf H. D. NORTON, , Attorney-at-law. Practice ln all State and Federal Courts. First National Bank Bldg. COLVIG ft WILLIAMS, Attorneys-at-Law, Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg., Grants Past, Oregon. B. S. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Prac tice ln all court First National Bank Bldg. TO EXCHANGE EXCHANGE Eight acres In grain, halt mile from city, six room house, barn, garage, tele phone, mail delivery,, school bus service; for town property. Phone 502-F-12. 87 back and I am now doing shore duty. , May get sent out any time. I askj-' Ing tor a while yet. We are having tine ,weatber here, no snow at all. New York Is sure some town. I have not seen quite all Of it yet, but If they keep me here long' enough I will. I have a room in 'Brooklyn. " I have to report at nine In the morn ing and stay until five, so I guess I can stand it a while yet. Lots of love to you from your boy, : , L. L. MASON, I Naval Auxiliary Reserve, New r,,... a j ii'v,tl.nll eta mitt vny ow nuu hiiji o, M j 1 Mr. Mason is he son ot Mrs h. m. ' Coast Railroad Company Parham. " TIME CARD . O. S. BLANCHARD, Attorney at Law. . Golden Rule Building Phone 270. Granta pass, Oregon. BLANCHARD ft BLANCHARD. At tornays, Albert. Bldg. Phom 2 16-J. Practice In all courts; Ian. board attorneys. . , LOST LOST Pendent with small diamond from neck chain. . Finder please leave at this office and receive re ward. 84 C. A. SIDLE R. Attorney-at-Law. ref eree, v In r.bankruptcy. Masoole temple, Granta Pass, Ore. - The California and Oregon . Our Americans can now certainly ; be called seasoned troops. . ' Their fighting showed ho lak of pepper. : Effective Nov. 19, 1918, - : ; ' -'Al Thursda; CHICHESTER S PILLS VrZeZj- TUB PIAMUND BRANIK A (B& l'h.cliM-t-rali-ai-if Brsn4A 5IyB! rill, la ttt uiJ Uolil mcMlioM MAilONI JlUANU PILL, lor 9m known ai Bst1rt. Al way Rcliablt Trains will run Tuesday. . and Saturday Leave Grants Pass.'. ............1 P. M Arrive Waters Creek .-2 P. M Leave WaUra Creek 3 P. M Arrive Grunts Pass .4 P, For Information regarding freight and pasenger rates call at the-office of the company, Lundburg building GEO. H. DURHAM, attorney at law. referee In bankruptcy, Masonio Temple, Granta Pass, Ore. Phone 135-J. JAMES T. CHINNOCK, Lawyer, First National iBank hullding,. 1 Do Your Own Thinking. t man of real achievement, so long a von ro hnt mi who of other Deonle. You enn't possibly progress as you should ln your chosen life work. For the highest success demands vigorous, Slert, Independent thinking. And your thinking Is the opposite ot this, as re vealed by your blind, uncritical assim ilation ot other people's Ideas. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE or telephone 131.