Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, February 01, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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HATHll.Y, l-iami'AHY 1, 1010.
Havo moved my vulcanizing
Jlnt from the Maxwoll garage
to 0(1.1 Houth Mailt atnwt.
W make your tlra tronlili
Auto Service t'o.
Phono 8iM-J
. Battery Shop Bargains
nruunH-irk Tlrce, none bettor Hold Uml-r B,ooo mile guar,
ante Try one, your neat will Iki a llrunawlrk.
Auk ua about the "Mill Bettor Willurd Battery" with threaded
rublmr insulation moat for your money.
Double arm ahorka for your Uxxle, $7.
Weed chains, 10 per cent off.
Light biiltM to fit any car. '
tilumlU dry wll.
Top drrilng'gunuiUel to water proof and not to fndo.
Rumpm-a, blow out patches, 5-mlnute vuleanlser, fan belts for
any make' of ear. Also stock of Ifcxtge part. We parry a full line
of Ignition part to fit any car.
DR. SPARK, The Battery Man
"Through Service We Grow"
Help do your ownCarRepairing
i Now la tbe time to have your car looked over and put In
shape for tbe summer. I bare had 14 year garage experience
which enablea me to locate you car troubles and fix as It should
be In the shortest possible time. A trial will convince you. If you
should want to help me work on your car I shall be glad to have
Xou and It will give you a better Idea of bow to take care or It In
the future. Drop . In and see me.
608 Bouth Sixth 8treot. . Opposite Oxford Hotel
1918 Ford, motor perfect, new tires $450
1918 Ford in fine shape - - $425
Nearly new Ford with new Amesbilt
body - - -- . - - $650
Ford Bug - - ' . . " : $300
1914 Ford - ... . $325
Ol lt GARAGE la equipped for every klnj of repair work, and
our workmen are experta In their line. Nothing la ever half
doiie, no detail la ever overlooked. It to properly finished on the
-pot. Onr prlcea are reasonable.
"lluy jour kuppUoa from u. Wo charge no more than the forei
deulor for the name article, and WE PAY THE FREIGHT and YOU
HAVE IT. . . .
Iluy your gunollne from na. ft la the beat and onr prlcea are al.
ways at the bottom. It paye to buy your gaaollne here. .
Fashion Garage
and Machine Shop
Burke & Son, Proprietors
W. T. Ilreeii, fropr.
Grants Pass & Crescent City Stage Co.
' Big, Easy Riding Pierce Arrow Cars
if fire Old OIimtvit BIk. Corner Seventh and G street I'hone 86
Telephone 82H.J and Hi::
With the American Army of Oc
cupation, Fb. 1. -The Rhine Noel
of American patrol boat has donned
the' color of battle gray. Tbe first
of the floet to appear on the river In
1U new color waa the flagship, Tbe
Prussian, known, aa "Tbe General's
Ship" and osod by General Dtckman,
commanding the Third army, when
he wlahed to cruise up or down the
nblne. ,
U. S. 8. Jason
January 8, 1919
Dar Mother:
All the fluK are at half mast to
day, and all the ships and forts fired
21 one minute guna at noon for
"Teddy." I saw a piece In the pa
por about the transport service so I
am a"ure It will tie alright for me to
tell you something about our trips,
ft's aure some Job. We come Into
the dock, tie up, and then clean ship.
.Next 8,440 soldier come aboard. All
their outfit! are atored In the hold
of the ahlp. It
was work from tbe
tlme they came till we sail. Some
dark night or just before dawn we
Mat Blip quietly out and down tbe
bay we go.
When we get to the light ship
fun crews sro on wafMi Than h I
fun start. Four on and four off.
Every little smoke, light or oil
k a ...... it.. . ,
the water that wa aeen, out cornea
the gun crew. Oh, we were dressed
alright, for no duda were taken off
from New Tork to Brest. . One time
I did, though, when we were coming
bark. I waa going to take a bath.
Just ready, general quarters sound
ed. I put on a pair of trousers and
that Was all. Out I went onto, the
bow of the ship with the ship mak
ing 22 knots through an April wind.
Nice and warm well I ahouro aay
not. We bad some nurses on board
nd after about 20 minute, on. of.p b. T? P U. a t o p m
WhTt IT T ,ed ' Mildred TayloV No even!
!i? ,w" 'moke. Ing preaching aervlce.
boat turned out to be a tramp ship.
While we are at the guna the rest
of the crew are buay getting the
soldiers up to the life boats and
rafta and getting the boats ready to
awing off. All tbla. if it la at nrght.
la done In tha dark tin nki. mn.i
burn. The only light, are on the V?! ' Chri"t 8c,entlrt
gun alghta and can only be seen' Chrl,laa ervlcea are held
'about 20 feet ' i7 SunJy. ' the W. O. W. hall.
For eight day. that wa. what we'" "f ' Tn
hih n v. w . . 'nKI 4t 8 o'clock. The .nblect for
did no matter bow much fog. rain tod ,1Love ,.
or rounh weather. I tall vnn nMi .. '
. . ' " ,
x. . . ... .
-- a a auLr. luiiann aiciiira unii rvaaiar
York looked better, for at Brest we
unloaded troops, baggage and mall I
n on 1 -., .
uuur., .u wuu uara-
neaa came out we would go. The
nice part of it In New York waa that
we stayed five or alx daya.
.l was figuring up bow many dayat
1 was In port from March 7th, until !
July 4th. We were 25 daya in New
York and 11 In Breat, the rest of the
lime we were at aea.
Some think tbe navy bad it easy
in tbe war. Well. It was not so bard
ou our ship for ahe la a fast one.
but what of the one oa tha shins
that took 12 or 16 daya. One col-
dler made the remark, "I would rath
er be a soldier for be can aee wbat
ne ia up'agalnst, A eub la not much
of a thing to see and one don't
know where he will go It a torpedo
should hit the ahlp," then there Is
the fog to cauBe the ahlp to go
aground, the heavy sea to make us
Wall we ant thorn 'nvnr tliaru
weii, we goi mem oer mere
and now we are or; ).:: them Jai;k. .
We did not get to fight manvHuns,
but that waa not our fault for they
had a big yellow btreak, or mvue
they had too much sense to glv us
very many chances at them. I told
you before about the sub firing n
us and the fight we had with the
one I sent the picture of.
Must c'.jsj aa the lights uo at
9. Love. RALPH.
U, S. S. Jaaon, New York. ,
Dr. R.msan, Discoverer of Saccharin,
Waa Satisfied That IU Uae Waa .
Injurloua to HeattH.
A romantic history ta attached to
the discovery of saccharin. The dl
coverer of the chemical derivative of
coal tnr, to which the name saccharin
la popularly given. Ia Dr. Ira Reraseri.
chief consulting chemist of the Dnlt-
ed States department of agriculture.
ne waa at first very enthusiastic aa
to the possibilities of tbla artificial
aweetstuff, which has a sweetening
power about 600 times that of sugnr.
Its manufacture was orgonlaed on
large scale, and aoon enormous quan
tities were being used In making Ice
cream and 'the soda water alrup. to
which Americana are addicted.
Doctor Remsen waa making an In
come of something like 8100,000 a year
from his shnrea In the company when
about live years ago hla friend. Doctor
Wylle, head of the United States pure
food bureau, suggested a doubt of the
wholesomeneaa of saccharin.
Doctor Remsen thereupon submitted
himself to rigorous testa of the action
of saccharin on the' digestive organe
and on the heart As result he asked
tbe department to Issue an order pro
hibiting Its use aa a food-sweetener.
' All kinds of legal Wanks at tbe
Courier. .
m (be ehurchd
Newnum M. K. Church
Morning service at 11 a. m. Ser
mon topic, "The Conquering Church
pf Tomorrow." Anthem by the
choir. Evening aervlce at 7:30 p.
m. Sermon topic, "The Reflected
Vlalon." Male chorus, aolo by Mrs.
Sunday achool at 10 a. m. Ep
worth league at 6:30 p. m. A wel
come for all.
Melville T. Wire, pastor.
Church of Christ
RlhlA arhnnl t 1 rt m M Bit,...
Thrasher, superintendent, Attend-
ance ana Interest growing. Com
munion at 11. The dedication aer
vlce for workers In the every mem
ber can vans will take place at this
hour. The canvass will be made, In
the afternoon. Evening aervlce at
7:30. Subjelct. "The Famllv of
..... v tuniQ auu wui an 1 1
wtn , ,t thc,e (erT,ce,
Will J
Chas. R. Drake. minister.
Presbyterian Chnreh
8unday school at 10 o'clock. Mid
week prayer meeting Thursday at
7:45. A cordial Invitation la extend
ed to all.
KapUt Church
Sunday school- meets at 9:45 a.'
m., and morning preaching aervlce
a 11 a.. n ' -
Catholic Chnreh
Masses on Sunday at 7:30
9:80 a. m. '
Rev. Father J. O. Vlen.
iteaaing room la open from 2 to
p. m. daily exc.Dt Sundava and
holidays. The public Is cordially In-
VlffAlt ffA Itanri . V. . . J .
v,g)t th, re.dln r0
j . Paris, Feb. 1. Preliminary peace
terms will probably be presented to
Germany, along with condition for
the further renewal of armistice
.terms, this month. The nations re-
i1'1 the need for a return to normal
'Pea(,B conditions.
Printing tbat pleases We do It!
Coi-rier Job DeDartment. "
Itch Away
j. There Is ihtofnttly no sufferer fhxa eeatma
' wh Tr "l.tba simple wmih D. IX D. and
d -, ri iminedmtcir tiiat woodrrfdiir
?an.cooi nnsue uwtcancswhea the itch
It Ukto away. This aoothinv wash penetrate
th borea. ATiTaa anit&nt relief from that mask
illilrf Minf akin ilirtamg,
iIDo Bo Do
M. Clemen., Druggirt
Do a Joy-Walker, 1
"Qefs-Irfpr Corns
I Dropt, 3 Seconds -Corn Ii Doomed!
Whan yen almost die with your
ahoes on and corns make you almost
walk sideways to get away from
the pain, taka a vacation for a min
ute or two and apply 1 or 3 drops
Mt Coras ral Ckaa Off, With 'Ctt-It' "I
of the world's magic and onlyjren.
ulna corn-peeler. "Oets-It." Then,
and than only, will you be aure that
your corn will loosen from your toa
ao that you can peel It right oft
gloriously easy with your Angara
Take no chances of continued pain
and soreness why use greasy, irri
tating aalvee, plasters that shift
and press Into the "quick," raiors
and 'digger" that make corns bleed
. and also grow faaterT Use painless,
easy, always sura "Oet.-It." . There .
only one like It In the world that's
"Uets-lt." Millions nave inn m
a K.'d It for years. It never falls. ,
"Oets-It." the guaranteed, money
back oorn-ramover, the only sure
way, eoitnbuta trifle at any drua store.
MTd by H. Lawrence Co. Chicago. 111.
Sold' In Granta Pass, and recom
mended aa the world's . best , car
resaady by Qeerge C. Kuala. .
FOR SALE Ford car (first claas
ahape), cultivator, double shovel
cultivator, good range, bedstead
and springs, feather tick and pil
lows (newly cleaned); beater,
tables. Fhone 60 2-7-1 Z. 87
FOR SALE First claaa timothy hay,
baled, 125 per ton. Blueatem
wheat, beat for spring seeding, $2
per bushel. Barley atraw; $S per
ton. B. S. Watts, . Murphy, Ore
gon. 80
PINB wood, half dry. 13.60 per
tier; dry pine, 12.76. delivered.
R. TImmons, phone 633-J. 77tf
FOR SALE Four Angora goat at
16 per head. Call or see O. I.
Wardrlp, Frultdale, or O. W.
Potta, New Hope. 84
FOR RENT Partly furnlahed cot
tage at 321 Rogue River Avenue;
three rooms and sleeping porch,
good well and one-half acre of
land, barn; $5.00 per month.
Key at 402 Rogue River Ave. 07tf
dencea at 801 and 811, North 6th
St., eight and ten dollars a month.
Will aell either or both. Make me
an offer. John Summers, Leba
non, Oregon. 4otf
WANTED By good all around cook.
restaurant, hotel or camp work.
First class pie maker. Jack Mil
ler, Route 2, Box 71. 87
WANT THE USE of a piano for Ita
care. Call I79-L. 74tf
WANTED A position as cook In
lumber camp, by experienced wom
an cook. Inquire 1005 Eaat J
Street, or write No. 168 care of
Courier. ' 84
TO EXCHANGE Eight acre. In
grain, half mile from city, alx
room house, barn, garage, tele
phone, mail delivery, achool bus
aervlce; tor town property. Phone
502-F-12. - , 87
JITNEY SERVICE Any where, any
time. Phone Hocha Cafe 181-R
Otto J. Knlpa. Residence 14-Y
i 238
WE REPAIR cars, mag's, coila,
generators, starters, batteries, Ig
nition systems. Satisfaction guar
anteed. Stelger Garage, 211 North
Sixth street . 36tf
E. L. GALBRAITH, insurance, rent
ala a specialty. Acreage, Building
and. Loans. 609 G street, Launera
old location. $4
electrical work, repa-ring, house
wiring. C. C. Harper, S07 E St.,
s phone 47. 93
The California and Oregon
Coast Railroad Company
Effective Not. 19, 1818.
Tralna will run. Tuesday, - Thursday
and Saturday
Leave Granta Paas. 1 ......1 P. M.
Arrive Waters Creek J..- 2 P. M.
Leave Watt ra Creek 3 P. M.
Arrive Granta Paaa ..4 P. M.
For information regarding freight
sand passenger ratea call at the offlcf
of the company, Lundburg building.
or telephone 131. '
Classified Ad Rates-
Classified advertising In the Dally
Courier will be charged, for at the
rate of 6 cents par line per lasue un
less paid In advance. The rate of
23 words at 60 cents per. week does
not provide for 'bookkeeping, post
age on statements mailed, etc. Here
tofore we have permitted occasional
charges at the cheap ratea but, no
more. ' ' . . ' .
Much Good In Kind Words. '
Kind words do not cost much. They
never blister the tongue or Upa.
Though they do not coat much, yet
they accomplish much. They make
other people good natured. They also
produce their own Image on men's
souls and a beautiful image It U.
Blaise Pascal. V - :
'. Optlmletlo Thought. .
Gold, however abundant cannot ren
der n person truly rich. . .
' - v Dally Thought
To deny the freedom of tbe will la to
make morality Impossible. Fronde.
THE PICTURE HILL (or fine pboto-
grapha. Open dally except San
day from 10 a. m. to t p. m. Sun
day alttlng. by appointment only.
Phone Hill, 283-R, or realdence
140-J. S7tf
. 8. HacMURRAY Teacher of sing
ing. Write or Apply at 716 Leo
Street. setf
L. O. CLEMENT. M. D.. Practlea
limited to diseases of the eye, ear.
nose and throat Glasses Itted.
Office hours f-13, 3-6, or on ap
DOlntmant. OfflM ntiAn ( .
dence phone 35S-J.
a LOUQHRIDOE. U. D., PhyakOsa
and surgeon. City or country call
attended day or night Resident
phone 869; . office phone 181
Sixth and B, Tuff's Bldg. .
. A. WITHAM, H. . D. Internal
medicine and nervous iMaeaaea;
fOt Corbett Bldg., Portland, Ore.
Hoars I a. m. to 1 "p. m.
DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian
Office, realdence. Phone 306-R.
E. C. HACY. D. M. D. Flrst-laa.
dentistry. 108 H South Sixth
street, Granta Paaa, Oregon.
DR. C. E. JACKSON, D. H. D., auc-
ceaaor to Dr. Bert Elliott. Over
Golden Rule Store. Phone 6. '
kinds of dray age and tranafw
werk carefully and promptly dona
Phone 181-J. Stand at freight
depot. A. Shade, Prop.
THE WORLD MOVES; ao do we.
Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. . Phone
V fl TOBIU .
r . vi. lounn, un(i auu miwier,
Safea, piano. and furniture
moved, packed, shipped and ator
ed. Office phone 124-Y. Resi
dence phone, 124-R.
H. D. NORTON. Attorney-at-law
Practices In all State and Federal
Courts. First National Bank Bldg.
COLVTQ ft WILLIAMS, Attorneya-at-Law.
Grants Pass Banking Co
Bldg., Grants Paaa, Oregon.
E. .8. VAN DYKE. vAttorner. Prac
tice In all court. First National
Bank Bldg.
O. 3. BLANCHARD. Attorney at
Law. -. Golden Rule pulldlna
. Phone 270. Grants Pass. Oregon.
torneya, Albert Bldg. Pbon.
2S6-J. Practice In all courts; law
board attorneys. .
C. A. SIDLE R, Attorney-at-Law, ret
. eree In bankruptcy. , Maaonle
temple. Grants Paaa, Ore.
GEO. H. DURHAM, attorney at law,
, referee In. bankruptcy,' Masonic
Temple, Grants Paaa, Ore. Phono
MaJ. O. B. Zimmerman of La Grange,
III., le one of the Inventor, of "liberty
fuel," a new aubttltute for gasoline
which I. Mid to be one of the moat
Important discoveries of the war. The
L. . . -I, t- I
Pllla la IU4 M U
hn.M. tth Rlua
biAkoNn iiKANu piUAfcf sa
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ynn known M Set. mhk. AIMyi uwil