PAGE TWO GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER MONDAY. JANl'AHY 1ST, lOtli. UTS PASS DAILY COURIER Published Dally Except Sunday A, S. VOORHIES, Pub. and Propr. Entered at poatofftoe, Grants Pass, Ore., as second class mall matter. ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per Inch ...15c local-personal column, per Une..lOo Headers, per line 6c DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier, per year 16.00 By mall or carrier, per month .60 WEEKLY COURIER By mall, per year ... $3.00 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use tor republication ot all news dispatches credited to It or all otherwise credited In this paper and also the local news pub lished herein. All rights ot republication ot spe cial dispatches herein are also reserved. MONDAY, JAXUART 27, 1919. OREGON WEATHER - Fair tonight, rain Tuesday in f west portion. Fair east por- tlon. Increasing southeasterly winds. ONLY FOUR MONTHS MORE The country is now definitely voted dry. More than the requisite three-fourths of the states have rat ified the federal prohibition amend ment Others will ratify it during the next few days for good measure. It Is not likely that more than halt a, dozen will withhold their approval. The amendment does not become immediately operative. It is to go into effect one year after ratifica tion. That means a little more than one year from the present time, because the ratification is officially dated at the time the secretary of state receives formal notice from the state governments. This consti tutional amendment, therefore, must wait until February or March, 1920, for fulfillment. Actually, though, the whole coun try will be dry long before that, as a result of the congressional act which becomes effective July 1, this year. This act provides only for prohibition until the army is de mobilized, but it is hardly possible that the demobilization will be com pleted before the amendment Is-effective. Actually, then, the liquor traffic has only a little more than tour months' lease of life. Wet states and wet communities will probably make the most of it. The more they make of It, the glad der most people will be when it is all over and the nation can settle down to a period ot permanent so briety. DISCRIMINATION Indications are that the $10,000, 000 road bond issue will be passed by the legislature, but whether the object to be obtained justified the proposed manner of raising the money is questionable. Many auto mobile owners feel that an unjust burden is to be fastened upon them. While most owners of cars both business and pleasure vehicles are of a progressive turn of mind and willing to pay a heavier road tax, they feel that the proposed law would be unjust and that they as a class are discriminated against. The argument Is ventured that all who use the roads should help pay for their construction, and It seems that would be the fairest and squarest method of taxation. The proposed high tax on cars especially on heavy trucks might land many a truck owner on the breakers. You Don't Know Oil Until You Have Used OUR KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY QUALITY FIRST having been charged with careless ness, incompetence and general de linquency of duty. Congress should open up the investigation and prose cute it with relentless severity, giv ing the geaeral public the whole un varnished story ot our preparedness program and the part played In the war, or else withhold their accusa tions. But 'the matter has probably gone too tar to be recalled. Start the fireworks and let the "common peepul" know the worst. At the recent banquet given by the Medford Commercial club In that city, which was attended by a few Grants Pass people, a committee was appointed to cooperate with the Chamber of Commerce of this city on matters pertaining to highways in Southern Oregon. A capital Idea, rvimhlnod effort might accomplish considerable. There should be no! hatchet. SOLDIER LETTERS Another industry is springing up In the west. A firm at Oakland, Cal., Is manufacturing harmonicas. While harmonicas are said to have been manufactured to a limited extent in the eastern part of the United States, the war with Germany no doubt had something to do with the Industry getting a foothold on our western coast. The Crescent City Courier carries this sound piece ot advice to the cit izens of that prosperous little coast city: "Let's speak to each other when Mr. A. C. Ross and his asso ciates are here. Pull together for one week and watch the railroad grow." Hostilities ceased almost three months ago, but the casualty lists are still coming in. Someone is to blame tor this slowness. Possibly there are so many clerks that they are getting In etch other's way. Henry Ford is like the Irishman's flea. Once Henry was our leading peace advocate, now he says the United States should have the larg est navy in the world. The preni dent has let him get out of line. Many an automobile driver wishes he had a caterpillar tractor for about three minutes when he meets the road-hog. LET THE PEOPLE KNOW It Is reported that General Per shing Is to return soon with Presi dent Wilson, for the purpose of ap pearing before a congressional com mittee appointed to investigate the conduct of the war. Senator Cham berlain wlll very likely take the leading part in the investigation.' The war department has been the recipient of much bitter . criticism, FORECAST FOR PERIOD JANUARY 27 TO FEHRUARY 1 Washington, Jan. 25. Pacific Coast States Normal temperatures and frequent rains. SergC Catwide WrlUn of FaUiWs Day" November 26, 1918 My Dear Father: The Stars and Stripes, the A. E. F. official newspaper, has inaugurated a "Father's letter writing day," for the purpose ot encouraging the oversea soldier to write to their fathers and tell them all about It. The censorship Is lifted for this special occasion, consequently we are allowed to tell the "old gent," as. the paper puts it, everything, so here goes. . We boarded the English steamship Karoa on July 5th and sailed with 13 other troop ships from New York on July 6th at 10 a. m. and zlg-zag-ged our way across the Atlantic for 12 days arriving at Glasgow, Scot land, on the evening of July 17 and unloaded the following morning. We paraded from the dock to the depot, a distance ot three miles and right through the heart ot the city We boarded the trala at 11 o'clock and rode all day till midnight pass Ins through Manchester, HlrmlnK- ham, England, arrived at Southamp ton, and then hiked to a rest camp about three miles from the train. We went to bed about 3:30 a. m only to awake about 7 o'clock and roll our packs and hike to the dock There we boarded a large side wheel er and set sail on Friday, July 19th, at 9 p. m. for France. Had no sooner awaken at 7 a. in. when we were or dered ashore, having landed in La Havre, France, on the 20th day of July. Well, we paraded through 'La Havre to another rest camp. It was here I saw my first German prison er and experienced the hardest rain in my life. The next day we hiked to a rail road and boarded a train for a little quaint old village .called Chouffort, arriving there three days later. We stayed there, until Tuesday, Septem ber 3, when we packed up and start ed on our little Jaunt that has taken me through practically everything Away we hiked, 16 kilos, and pitch' ed tents for the night, and the next day we hiked 12 kilos, arriving at a railroad town called Chalandrey. We boarded a train here two days later and after one night's riding we arrived at Demonge, . staying there for several days when we started on our real expedition. Sep tember 10 we left Demouge and from Demouge until now we did nothing but bike except our trip Into Bel glum. From September 10 to 13 we were close behind the lines on the St. MI hlel drive In reserve, but we were not needed, so we hiked to auto trucks and Jumrad over to the Meuse-Verdun, sector, arriving at a town called Mart Le Grande.- Here we stayed a couple of days and start- Hi -A Bad Snarl ed on our hike for the front, marc lug from Soptomucr ltlth until Sep tember 20, and arriving at a sect .r of woods about one kilo from th front line, railed the Forest (In Hons. It was hero we stayed In propared- iH'sn for the big offensive, and movm! Into the treni'hos ut 12 midnight and went over the top nt 5:30 a. m. Sup- temper 26 under a terrific barrage. I never will forget it as long as I live. The burraw started at 11 p. m. the night before, and one shot every 10 seconds and gradually In creased until It was one will deaf onlng roar. The earth trembled' and the sky was as bright as daylight from the exploding cannon. Our regiment was pass the German front lino in loss than 15 minutes after they had gone over tn spite of heavy barbed wire entanglements which, by the way, was all the resistance old Frits offered until along about 7 o'clock, three kilos from the front line. It would take a year and a couple of tons of paper from me to relate all the dope from here on. Anyway we kept after the Huns until October 4. when we were relieved for two days and again went in October 6th and stayed until Friday, October It, when we were relieved once more and hiked 40 kilos to a town called Mussy. Here we boarded a train and rode two half days arriving at Ypres. Belgium. Saturday, October 19. We hiked Into Riiltor, throe kilos from Routers, and received our replacements and started for the front on October 2. We stayed In a town called Islghem while the regi ment went on up to the front, stay ing in for Just a short while as It was Just a case of hike and no Ger mans In sight save an occasional ar tillery shot. The regiment went In on Novem ber 10, aud thou came the good news that set the world rejoicing. Now this Is ouly a synopsis ot affairs, papa, but 1 have a touipie.t dlury aud will be able to relate all the happenings, experiences, etc., In lo tull as soon as 1 can gut home. We are now hiking out of liulfclum and are suposed to bo on our way to I'uris, Krauce, to parude there In honor of President Wilson. Wild rumors have us on our wny home now, others have us In the states by Christmas, but It all seems too good. Personally I think wo will stay hert till peace has actually been signed, then we will do well to get away within 30 days after that, however. you can never toll, so here Is hoping for the best. It's a cinch I'll be home by spring, and I,Just happened to think that all I have Is a light summer suit, and shoes and pros pects good ot being discharged, so I guess I'll have to save my francs, which is almost Imposlble over here as a little piece of chocolate costs 8 francs or $1. The first drive I was In was known as the Argonne'olTensive and the last one the Flanders drive or as the soldiers called the "turnip drive," owing to the endless fields of turnips. There Is one thing certain to hap pen when I get back home and that Is a rest. This has been some grind papa and believe me I'm going to take a little rest of a few weeks or a month upon my arrival home. This old war has taught me a whole lot and I Intend to take advantage of every opportunity from now on. Well, I think I've done a pretty good Job this time so have patience and I'll be ba"k as soon as I can. Hoping to hear from you soon. Your loving son, SERGT. LAFE CASSIDY, 31! 1 Infantry Band, A. P. O. 77, ' American Ex. Forces. Threshing Machine Record. Hardin county, Iowa, claims the state record for the continuous service of a threshing muchlne. Ed Johns, nenr Iown Falls, has a machine which tie Ik still iiHing which was built In 1871). The machine was oricinniiv bought for $1,200. I i. . . youccsjiflescvor most daintily with LESLIE S A. LT itisiullflocvored free flowing sirorigmihoiit biitc moss f "II II I IT) mi three brands seed In alr-tteht pacliacec. E::: to find- it rn rrxrisaEEzcrai everywhere. Look (or. ask (or. be sure to set WRSGLEYS The Greatest Name In Goody Land ll. WRJGLEYS. 2& r LVUJ " 1MI PfUfff I f.IlM SEALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT ?be Flavor Lasts Electricity is the Cheapest Power You can Buy Electricity is no longer a luxury to be enjoyed by the few. It is now within the reacli of the many. Read the following figures based on the averago rates for electric current. A nickel's worth of electricity will t Run 12 In. fan for 10 hra. Run aawlna; mac h ln motor for 10 hra. Play an olactrlc piano for S hra. Pump SOO fallona of watar 100 ft. hlfh Clip horaaa, groom S horaaa Grind 2 '4 buahala of aar corn Crack 10 buahalaof corn Thraah 7', buahalaof barlay , Grind 400 Iba. of aauaaga Claan 2200 aq. f aat of sarpat Churn 60 Iba. of buttar Saparata 3 SOO Iba. of milk Milk2Ssowa . Oparata (rindatona for IS hra. ' and do many other useful things. Lit u$ ihow you where electricity will help YOU. California-Oregon Power Co. W. T. Ilrrun, 'riir. Grants Pass & Crescent City Stage Co. Big, Easy Riding Pierce Arrow Cars Office Old Observer Blk. Corner Seventh and O street-Phone 20 Telephone 228 -Jf and 101) JOB PRINTING ,IHT!! DONE UT THE COURIER OFFICE