Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, January 25, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    We have
A Tonic
Letcher & Son
! r
Fred A. Williams, new member
of the state jjubllc service commis
sion, came home from Salem today
for a short visit. He left on a short
business trip to Medford this after
Mr. Williams gives some Interest
ing figures In regard to the applica
tion of the Oregon Gas & Electric
Co. to raise their rates for gas In
this city. For Instance, In 1912 fuel
oil was selling for about 40 cents a
barrel, while now It commands
$2.50 a barrel. Kitchen wood used
to sell for about $2 a tier, while at
present it sells for about $3.50.
Lately fuel oil went from $1.38 a
barrel to $2.60. A barrel of fuel
oil will produce, approximately,
something over 2,000 cubic feet, of
gas . The gas company asks for a
raise of 40 cents per thousand, mak
ing a rate of $2.50 a thousand, in
stead of $2.10, as it Is at present
The hearing before the public
service commission will take place
at the Josephine county courthouse
on February 7, at 10 a. m., and Mr.
Williams urges that all those who
wish to make a protest against the
proposed raise in rates be present
at that time.
Quarantined January 25
Released Junuary 23
E. J. Wertz.
P. Robinson.
C. R. Flfleld.
Mrs. Amy Holmes.
J. P. Truax.
E. Topping.
The rigid quarantine of the past
two weeks has reduced the influenza
to a few cases. However there is
considerable influenza in the sur
rounding country and we can loo!?
for further infection if we are not
all vigilant and careful.
Restrictions on small private so
cial gatherings Ere hereby removed.
This does not a;ily to private o;
public dances or public social gath
erings, these are still forbidden.
I wish to thank the public for
their cooperation during tho last
two weeks and trust they will con
tinue to give what service they can
to the local officers.
Lists will be published for a fev,
days yet or as long as seems desir
able. C. H. DEM A It AY, Mayor.
Printing that pleases We do itl
Courier Job Department.
Legal Blanks at tho Courier.
Money Saved
Is Money Made
Get our cash prices on your
flour und mill feeds, Wheat,
Oats, Hulled Hurley and Cream
Oats best on the market, and
onr G. P. Egg Food the Ek
Maker, $3.50 per 100 lbs. All
other feeds at like bottom
You will find the
Third and O streets
3. 3. MORTON'
A. M. Lawson, of Independence.
Ore., is in the city.
"Aimee" perfume. Sabln has it.
J. F. Lloyd made a business trip
to Rogue River this afternoon.
Poultry supplies at Cramer Bros.
1. A. JRoble went to -Medford this
Veltl Prultt, of Merllu, was iu the
city last evening.
Simmon's steel beds at llolmor's.
G. T. MeCormick, who conducts
the hotel at Hugo, Is transacting
business in the city.
See the bargains In our window
Holmnn's Furniture Store, 605 C.
Laying tonic at Cramer Bros. "4
County Clerk E. L. Coburn has
returned from a business trip to
It costs you less than $1 a year
to sleep on Holman's guaranteed
springs. , "4
F. C. Bramwell returned this
morning from a trip to Portland and
eastern Oregon.
Hemstitching and plcotlng at 10
cents a yard All work guaranteed
The Vanity Shop, Medford. Ore. 27tf
Miss Vivian Isham went to Salem
today to resume her studies at Wil
lamette university.
Seller's kitchen cabinets at Hel
per's. 4
Miss Helen Chandler, teacher at
the East school, went to her home at
Rogue River this afternoon.
Poultry remedies at Cramer Bros.
J. E. Turnbull, who Bpent the. past
week In Grants Pass and vicinity
went to Roseburg today.
Make your floors sanitary with
Gold Seal Art Rugs. Holman has
them at the right price. 74
. R. Boswell came In from Med
ford this morning to spend the day.
He will go to Portland tomorrow.
Let Cramer Bros, show you those
bargains In second hand Petaluma
Incubators. 74
Mrs. Jos. MartelettI returned this
moraine from Oakland, Cal., where
she visited relatives for several
TT W. Christie arrived home this
afternoon from Camp Lewis, having
been discharged from the 38th Field
Artillery, 13th division.
Heywood guaranteed baby buggies
at Helmer's. 74
Mrs. Matilda Harvey and daugh
ter. Miss Blanche Harvey, returned
this afternoon from Portland, where
they visited for the past two months.
Raise all your little chicks at one
time and hatch them early. Get the
Incubator at Cramer Bros. 74
Ralph W. Eddy, recently dis
charged from the spruce division,
who spent the past month here with
his mother, went to Eugene today.
He will later go to Cathlamet, Wash.
Before the war prices on Hoosler
cabinets at Holman's Furniture
Store. 74
A. E. Williams returned home
this afternoon from Seattle, having
been discharged from the naval unit
at the TTnlverslty of Washington. He
has been placed on the Inactive list.
Oliver Goodnow arrived this after
noon from Camp Lewis, having been
discharged from Headquarters Co.,
38th Field Artillery. After spending
a few days with his parentB he will
go to Sacramento.
Hatch chicks early for winter lay
ers. One or those lnctiDators at ura-
mer Ilros. is just what you need. 74
Miss Frieda McColm went to
Wolf Crook this morning to be ready
for school Monday. The school has
been closed for several weeks on ac
count of influenza, and during that
time Miss McColm, the teacher, was
at her home at Wlldervllle.
9x12 ft grass rugs $11 and up at
Helmer's. , 74
Mrs. J. O. Holt and baby, of Eu
pene, who spent the past two, weeks
with Mrs. Holt's mother, Mrs. A. IT.
Rannard, went to Medford this af
ternoon to visit Mr. Holt's mother. .
Mr. Hiit is at present on an eastern i
Some odds and ends In our win-'
dow at give away prices. Holman's
Furniture Store. 74
Alvln Morey, of Crescent City,
who came ov'er here on account of
the sickness and death of his broth
er and sister, and who himself was
111 hero with influenza, , left this
morning for Holland. He will later
return to Crescent City.
An excellent assortment of lino
leums and Congoleums at Helmer's.
Moore's HriMwl
Is the best bread.
Regular Meeting Monday
Installation of oBlcers of Etna Ro
beknh lodge. 74
Klectrlc Work
Phono 90 Medford. Pauls Electrk
Store. 6Stf
Off leers liistnlUnl
Melita Commiindery Knights
Tomplar held a special meet hit; last
night for the Installation of officers
for the ensuing year.
Your Sunday Dinner
Turkey dinner at the Palace rrtfe
Sunday Q. I Wooldrldge. 74
Former ShorllT Ihtm-hinic
Deputy Sheriff Ernest Lister has
received a lotter from Ralph G. Jen
nings, who says he Is again located
on his Applegate ranch. Mr. Jon
nlngs resigned as sheriff of Jackson
county to go to war. Ho states that
he had a tine time and got lots of
Hcldlng at Camp Ia'wW
Don Holding, who served In Frauce
as radio operator In the Const Ar
tlllory, Is on his way homo and Is
now nt Camp Lewis. Ho landed In
tho I'tiitod States January 1.
"Tlmfs Me All Over, Mnble" '
By the author of Dere Mable
funnier than ever, at Clemens, the
Roxall Store. 74
Former Josephine Woman IH
Word was received hero today
from Claud Wright of Seattle, that
his mother. Mrs. Ruth Wright, died
thero January 19, and was burled
January 22, nftor n lingering Illness.
Mrs. Wright resided on Jump-off-Joo
for a number of years, leaving for
Washington a year ago.
Metlunir In Franci"
Mrs. Mary McClung today received
a card from her son, Silas Medium,
3d Co. A., R. O., stating that he I
In Franco and Is well. Ho sailed
from Now York October 2S, and
this Is the first word bis mother has
had from htm.
Monday Morning'
Best Creamery Butter
(50c pund
"Pwe MnMe"
Love letters of a rookie, at Clem
ens the Druggist. ' . 74
n i. Y" . .... i
. Mjt iu-irv!ii-niniivc Merc
N. Paulsen, traveling Inspector
for the Canadian Pacific railway;
was in the city Friday and will bp
here again on Sunday and Monday.
Mr. Paulsen Is connected with the
department of colonization and devel
opment and Is endeavoring to secure
settlers for the C. P. lands.
"When Yon Come Home"
By Brainless Bates, at Clemens,
The Rexall Store. 74
Traveling Men Flu Victim
Word was received here today of
the death of W. C. Kullsh, well
known traveling man for the Helnze
company. Mr. Kullsh resided at
Eugene while he made this territory,
but since taking a northern route
his home has been at Tacoma. It
Is reported that of the traveling men
for Portland and San Francisco
houses making the southern Oregon
territory '20 have died of tnflnehza.
Bun Partly Ufted
During tho past two days no
homes In the city have been quar
antined because of Influenza. This
shows a great Improvement and as
a result Mayor Domaray has slight
ly, relaxed the quarantine restric
tions. Small social parties are now
permitted to congregate, but not to
dance. The mayor advises the peo
ple to still be watchful to avoid a
fresh outbreak of the dlsoase.
ance, plate glass liability Insur
ance. 204 H Sixth street. tf
WANT TIIK I'SK of a piano for Its
care. Call 379-L. 74
FOR SALE Matched team and
nearly new harness; also Durham
bull, 2H years old. Phone
500-J-l. 79
FOR SALE 75 good Angora goats.
Inquire Harry Orr, Kcrby, or J.
L. Calvert, Grants Pass. ,79
WANTED TO RENT A typewriter.
Mrs. Jessie Coates, Rd. 3, Box 70.
m),(mm ;kiimaxs iik as
Berlin, Wednesdany, Jan. 22. It
The I'. 8. government U' milking every effort to
lucrciute the Kiullry supply In Inrgo q-iniiUlleit
this )tw. Tluit ufenn N-glu to liuU h early and
(let ready now. Wo luve on Imml all ! of
anil ran ntronuly reeonuneml the IXIXTHIC mn
rhluea wherever xmer in available.
Wo have fen- second luuid Inrubnlom on hnnd
nt special bargnlnn. We will gladly ulvo you the
reKiilt of our eterletiee.
Is announced officially by the Ger
man government that statistics of
mortality "due to the blockade"
from Autumn of 1916 until the end
or 1918 shows more than 500,000
deaths were caused by malnutrition
or undor-nutrltlon.
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Grants Pass Fruit As
sociation will be held at tho associa
tion warehouso Monday, February 3,
at 2 p. m. O. 8. EATON,
79 Secretary.
Joy Theater -
Sunday Matinee
Monday Sunday 2:30
Washington, Jan. 25. To solve
the problem of unemployed discharg
ed soldiers the war department has
ordered that no man be discharged
from the army against his desire un
til such time as he can obtain em
ployment An civil life.
Chas. Chaplin
Your money back and your picture taken
if you don'j faugh '
A reissue of a popular picture