. PAGE FOUR G HANTS PASS DAILY rOl'ltlKlt Till IWDAV, JANUAIlt 28, 1010. Bl ot P U 4 I FERRYDALE Mrs. A. C. Ford has been at CranU Pass with her daughter. Myr tle, tor the last tea da)- nursing the flu. So tar Myrtle is the only one ot the five persons In the bouse contracting the disease. Marion Griffin's children commenc ed school agalnVhis week, after be ing out three weeks on account of Influent. Ben Jones is convaleslng from the flu. A. I. Hussey had to give up and go.to bed last Saturday with the flu. At last reports his little daughter, Dania, is down with the same plague. 8ome ot the potato growers in this section lost heavily during the last freezing weather. The Flanagan mine is working full head since the rains and the giant is moving Iota ot earth and gravel under the supervision of Les ter Briggs. Charles Dora is digging up the last of the peach trees from the noted Every orchard. He is of the opinion that the ground Is worth more tor farming, although Mr. Dora Intends setting out more peach trees on ground .less productive to peach wood growth. - A. I. Hussey received a telegram from Portland that his brother, Mar- Ion, was very sick with acute pneu monia and his wife and two children were down with the flu at Washou . gal. Wash. He received a wire the next day that his brother was better. "We are having mail now only every other day, the high water pre vents crossing the ferry. EDITH CAM RELATIV Mrs. Edith Cavell AmenW 658 North Eighth street, send the Courier a clipping from a Chli-ago paper telling of the return of her nephew, Lawrence Roosevelt Cavell as follows: "Corporal Lawrence Theodore Roosevelt Cavell, a third cousin of Edith Cavell, the British Red Cross nurse who was executed as n spy by the Germans in Belgium, has return ed from France, where he did his share in taking venpance. "Corporal Cavell has been a mem ber of the Twenty-third Signal bat tallon and saw service in the Argon ne forest. For 11 days and nights he and several comrades slept In mud and water and nnder a murder ous shell fire. Here Cavell, who Is barely 19 years, was wounded. "Cavell, after repeated attempts to enlist and each time rejected on account of weight and youth, was finally accepted In October. 1917. COMIXG EVPNTS Feb.- 3, Monday Annual meeting stockholders of the Grants Pass Fruit association at 2 p. m. Legal Blanks at the Courier. Money Saved Is Money Made Get onr cash prices on your flour and mill feeds, Vheat, Oats, Rolled Barley and Cream Oats best on the market, and our G. P. Egg Food the Ewe Maker, $3.30 per 100 lbs. All other feeds at like bottom prices. You will find the . XEV MILL AVAREHQVSE Third and G streets t. J. MORTON WTTiFORO ALLEX HEADS ACCIDENT COMMISSION Salem, Jan. 23. Wilford Allen was elected chairman of the Indus trial Accident Commission associa tion today for the next biennium and the commission submitted an annual report on accidents and its work during 1918. The following statement rn this regard was issued by the commis sion: During the year 1918 a total of 25.2S8 accidents were reported to the Industrial Accident Commission. In the adjustment of these claims of employes Injured In the course of their service In Oregon Industry, the commission disbursed In medical and surgical aid and In compensa tion for time loss, or set aside for pensions for maimed workmen and the widows and orphans of work men, $1,635,144.99. The number of widows now re ceiving a monthly pension from the funds Is 180, while 305 orphaned children are also on the roll. Of the accidents occurring during the year and coming within the Jur isdiction of the commission, 182 were fatal. The' lumbering Industry led for toll of llfe. with 85 fatalities. Printing that pleases We do it! Courier Job Department. OLD AGE STARTS WITH YOUR KIDNEYS Science says that old age begins with weakened, kidneys and digestive organs, This being true, it is easy to believe that by keeping the kidneys and diges tive organs cleansed and in proper work ing order old age can be deferred and life prolonged far beyond that enjoyed by the average person. For over 200 years GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil has been relieving the weaknesses and disability due to advanc ing years. It is a standard oid-tiiue home remedy and needs no introduction. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil is inclosed in odorless, tasteless capsules contain ing about drops each. Take tbem as you would a pill, with a swallow of water, lit oil bOmulatts the kidney action and enables the organs to throw off the poisons which cause premature old age. ew life and strength increase AS Vnti MnHnn. l. . t. II I completely restored continue taking a v-uj'ouic or iwv cnu uay. UUL.JL ai&ls AL Haarlem Oil Capsules will keep you in health and vigor and prevent return of the disease. Do not wait until old age or disease have settled down for good. At the first sign that your kidneys are not working properly go to your druggist and get a bpx of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules, Money refunded if they do not help you. Three sizes. But re- GOLD MEDAL brand, hx sealed packages. 1 PER5gN1L $B LOCAL 1 nil i a . 'ww i "We have with us to-night- As welcome at the midnight spread" as at the break fast table the . ELECTRIC TOASTER meets the approval of the discriminating. It is not only attrac-' tive in appearance and easy to use, but it produces toast the superior of that prepared by any other method. For toast for Welsh rarebits, creamed chicken or similar light dishes at any time, the G-E toaster means instant, easily controlled heat. No need of "bringing up" the fire. Calif ornia - Oregon Power Co. Jo Selmiltt left this uttemoon tor Sua Franciseo ou a business trip. C. R. Flfleld.mnde a trip to Ash land this morning. "Hugela Nurslua Bottle." Sab In has it. 73 S. S. Schell came In from Oakland lust night for a short stay. J. ". Sherwood, state commander of the Maccabees of Oregon, is In the city today and will 'meet with the local organisation tonight. Hemstitching and plcotlng at 10 cents a ynrd All work guaranteed! The Vanity Shop, Medford. Ore. 37tf j Mrs. I. J. Dowdy and two children arrived this morning to visit ' th' former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. j Hathaway. They we're accompanied! by M. T. Dowdy. i Mrs. C. E. Smith arrived this' morning from Portland to Join her husband who has been here somo months on account of Ms health, and to visit her mother, Mrs. Theresa tayton. For one week, not over 12 yards to customer. Sprlnk Water Bleached Long Cloth. 36-lnch, 25 cents yard. Kinney & Truax. 72 Heavy Wliul ami I lit In I The It kiio Mvur valley was vls-j Ited Inst night by a heavy wind, no-! compnnled by some rain, According I to reports received no. serious ilum-j age wus done, although the electric ' light wires suffered slight damage. I Ituy Home linking- j Always fresh; Moore Halting Co. ! To SH-nk nt Mettfonl . 1 F. 9. nrnmwell of this city will; speak at a commercial club banquet ': to be hold in tho Holland hotel nt 1 Medford Frldny night. Mr. Ilrnm well will take for his subject the new "Oregon State Chamber of Com- merce." TUB I'KKl'IXT IKIN1 ItHVDKU 35c PKIl ItH'NI BASKET GROCERY CO. Klectrlc Work Phone 90 Medford. Pauls Electric Store. C3tf Douglas Itwul lloiul A complete statement ot the pres ent status ot the Douglas county road bonding fund has been pre sented by County Clerk Ienox. This shows that just one-half ot the $555,000 worth of road bonds have been sold, and that from these sales there still remains $65,593.39 un expended. Roseburg Review. TEDDY WANIED SIZE DEMONSTRATION To Make Million lto The Ongnon Timber and Box Man ufacturing company, it was announc ed today by Joe Oagnon, Is greatly Increasing Its capacity for box man ufacturing and expects to produce an output of 1,000.000 boxes this year. Medford Tribune. j HnrrV Wi-rtrlc Sho For all kinds of electric repairing and wiring phone 47, B07 E street. Chicago, Jan. 23. The late Col. Roosevelt's love for athletics is clearly set forth by Robert J. Moo ney, formerly associate publisher ot a Chicago newspaper. "I was' In. Washington on August IS, 1904, working on the editorial staff ,of the New York Tribune dur ing the presidential campaign," said Mr. Mooney. -A boyhood chum of mine who was in government ser vice asked if I knew President Roosevelt and If I could obtain an Interview tor him. "I replied that I knew William Loeb, the president's secretary and would do my best. I called Mr. Loeb on the telephone and be told mo to bring my friend to the White House. On arriving there 100 peo ple were waiting In line. I sent my card to Mr. Loeb who appeared shortly and beckoned us to come In. "In his private office the president greeted us, saying to my friend, who was an aWtuer boxing and wrest ling champion of the District of Co lumbia. ' "You are the finest looking man in boxing togs I ever saw. Now tell me how did you knock out Dlank that nlsht I saw you at the club?" "Why, Mr. President, it was a punch like this," he replied, illus trating the punch In the air. "Show it to me! Hit me on the chin as you hit him. "My friend did It, but gently. "No, no, that won't do; hit me hard; hit me the way you hit liim! "My friend did. He gave the president a sharp punch in the Jaw. j "That's It, that's It, I got it now, exclaimed the colonel delightedly. 'No-.v let me try It on you.' "With this, the president hit my Mend and sent him reellnir. ' 'I've sure got It,' the colonel said, 'I'm soln? to try It tomorrow on Lodge and OarfleM, won't they squirm?' and the president laugh ed." Mr. Mooney added that President Roosevelt, was so enthusiastic over the lesson that he Immediately pro moted the hoy. Director Hold Meeting The board of directors of tho local Chamber of Commerce hold a meet ing at the chamber Wednesday night, for the purpose of appointing a committee to look after tho high way Interests of this part of th Rogue River valley, and to discuss other matters of Importance. Those appointed on the highway commit tee are O. S. Blanchnrd, E. A. Mur phy, Judge C. O. Gillette. F, S. Pramwell, Clyde E. Nlles and A. Wylburg. Committees on advertis ing and membership were also appointed. Cattle Wanted ANY KIND OK NTH KKHH Will bo at lintel JnMpliln five tlu) from lut (Jun. i!l) i G. W. RING MON'TACil'H, VMh Five Dollars Reward Five dollars reward will be paid for the arrest and conviction of any one stealing the Dally Couriers from residences or mall boxes. FORDS 1918 Ford, motor perfect, new tires 1918 Ford in fine shape ... Nearly new Ford with new Amesbilt body Ford Bug $450 $425 $650 $300 C. L. HOB ART CO. J08 PRINTING HEATH DONE AT THE COURIER OFFICE f HOMES Q1ARAXTINKD 4- Quarantined Jnnimry 2.1 Jos Wolke. Relented .Jannnry 2.1 E. H. Balslger. J. V. Schmidt. Ivegal Blanks at the Courier. NEW TODAY FOR SALE Ford worm drive truck, bran new. Cost complete, $775, will take $650 cash. Roy Talt, 403 O street. 77 FOR 8 ALB CHEAP 100-egg Mandy Lee Incubator. Call 811 D street, phone 884-Y. . 73 Joy Therter Matinee Sunday at 2:30, Admission 25c ard 15c plus the War Tax SUNDAY MONDAY i Chas. Chaplin In liis second million dollar comedy 'Shoulder r ... 7 Jt m Arms' m Your Money Back and Your Picture Taken if you don't laugh