Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, January 23, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    Till IIHI.V, JANUARY 88, 101 P.
. -; . v .
Exploits of Fleet of British Decoy
' Craft.
"Panto Parties" Fled Over Side at Sub.
market Approached, but Left Marke
men Behind etoHee of Cnoountera
a ' With German Submarine Are Filled
UIIAlk ft - .J - t 1 1 i .
""n ku i niroum many
Rueee Are Employed.
i Ono of tho nifiHt exulting chnplnra of
the war alu'. U-boat la a acrlua of
. accounts if notable miiaui'menta be-
tworn llrlttnh docoy ship, and tho
aubiiiurlnoM, made public by tho Hilt
iNh ailmlrulty. While the whole atory
Of tlm part pluyed by theno decoy ve.
at-la, "royah-ry IUp." or "Q" craft Una
Dot boon revealed, It la evident that
several of them were uwd to lure tho
CndiTHfa craft to di-Htructlon.
Soma lucldi-nt In Ihla campaign al
ready have been Hindu known, dealing
chiefly with a few of the exploit of
Cowmuuder Gordon .Campbell a mas
ter of the decoy wsmcI; but other
In which he and other enptuin par
ticipated, now ore available. That at
leant a amnll fleet waa ued In thla
work la evident from the fact that
Campbell at different timet appear
aa tho master of tho KarnboroiiKh, the
1'arKunt, the Dunraven. and tho Q-S.
' The prise, another di'coy ablp, wai
commanded by Lieut William K. Sand
era, and the Stock Force by Lieut
Harold Anten.
Full of Heroic Deed.
Storle of tho encounter between
then ship and tho U-boat are filled
with deed of herolnm and Instances In
which tho rilxclpllne of the llrltlxh navy
waa dlHptuyed nnder trying circum
stance. For ninny month tbe decoy
ahlpa, henvlly armed, but with their
sun hidden behind false bulwark,
ateatned tljcaig path In the tea which
were the bunting ground of the sub
marine. In their character of buy collier or
alow cargo craft they presented to the
aubmarlno commander an Inviting ob
. joct of attack, but once he wna well
within range of tb Brltlah guna the
false superstructure hiding the gun
fell away and tho hclpte collier be
came auddenly transformed lnto a
flchtltiK craft, bent on dentrmtlon. It
wn OariKernua work, requiring a IiIk'i
order of courage, for the aiilitnurlne
must be ltyed near before the gun
could nfely begin their work. Mean
time the Hun frequently had aent hi
torpedo home, and the decoy ahlp wn
dlmibled, aometlme on flr and part
of her crew wounded. In that condi
tion tho battle wa fought and often
tho milimnrlne destroyed.
"Panic parties" w ono of the rnc
prnctlced by the decoy ahlp't com
mander to coar the auhmorlne nlong
aldo. When the myatery ahlp waa tor
pedoed theao panic partle took to tho
boat, mipareotly abandoning their
veaicd, but nlway leaving on board
atjnther vrew to man tho gun and fin
ish tho submarine If It came near
Tho first encounter mentioned by
the admiralty occurred In March, 1010,
when the FamhorouKh, dlxgulxed a a
collier, waa attacked by a aubraarlne.
The "panic party" took to the boat,
and when the aubmurlne cloned In to
abont 800 yard the PamlxirouKh
opened Ore on her. The U-boat sub-'
merged and the FarnhoroiiKh punned
over her, dropping depth bomb. The
aubmarlno reappeared, atandlng al
most on end. Five round were Bred
Into bur at nearly point-blank range,
and ahe went to the bottom of the
Sunk by Gunfire.
Prior to that action the Farnborough
had crulacd throughout the entire win
ter without being attacked. Within
month tbe Fnrnborough coaxed an
other auhmarlne near enough to alnk
ber by gunfire.
Commander Campbell later waa
transferred to the command of the
Q fi, and In the following February,
101T, hi venae! waa torpedoed by a
aubmnrlne, which eventually ap
proached o near that a ahot from the
KarnhnroiiRh beheaded the C bont cap
tain aa he climbed out of the tower,
the aubmnrlne wn mink, with her con
ning tower open and her crew pour
ing out. Pentroyera towed the Q-S
In and beached her. For thl exploit
the .Victoria CrM wna awarded to
The di-coy ahlp Parpunt, with Crimp
bell In command, was torpedoed on
June 7. 1017. when. dlKirulned aa a
Hrltlsh merchant veaael. The milium
rWie enme within W ynrii of the Par
gust, which then opined fire on her
with all cuiis. The aubmarlno crev
;ninnw! out of the eoi,-i'nir tow-r w!
I'M tm -ti.-lr t.nnil in token o'
render, but tho U-boat atenmed away,
trying to encapo In the mint. The
Pnrgtiat again opened fire on her, and
aitnk her with one man clinging to ber
bow aa ahe went down. The decoy
vessel wa towed back to port by
American dentroyera. Two Victoria
cronnea were awarded for thl succesa
ful action.
r iv t t
4 l'h- --
Wearing decoration from Framu-.
HiiKsla. Ilelgium and Monteni'gro. Hit.
( Nina I.arrcy lmryen, prenldent of tbe
: Puryea War Uellef In Fnirtce, hnn
: miik- home. Mr. lltiryea wa the flrxt
'.merlcan woman to crona the lialtle-
'i'IiIm of the Koinme, Arcoiine und Ar
i " linen. Slit' relumed to thin country
. k'IiiiiiIiiIc the lulerent of the orpin-
I illona 71! branrben throughout the
ilted Staten In "the greatly Increiined
I d of the lmxverlKln'd French peo-
Atl klnda
of lesal I '.aii It ii at tin
Incurable, Too.
Little Ellth wan very fond of bear
ing her father piny the guitar, but
one evening be placed a table knife
neronn the atrliiifn and It Bounded
oinowhat like a ukulele. Edith lis
tened for a moment and then wild:
Tape, what make the moele aonnd
f. alckT"
Had Had an "Explain."
Kenneth and hi cousin were espe
cially fond of playing In the barn, and
when told by hi alntcr to be careful
and to play only where there wa no
danger of being hurt Kenneth nald,
with a grownup air, "Oh, ye, we'll be
careful, 'cause daddy Junt gave ua an
explain all about that"
"Daily Health Tail.
Urio acid ia now generally recognizee
aa tbe eanae of more diteaeet than wa
heretofore believed. When the kidneyt
are out of order uric acid aecnmnlatea
within the body in taper abundance,
Tbe disordered kidneyt do not filter
we poison out ot the blood, a they
ought to do, and o the poison remain
in the biood and float around until
they find place to lodge, in form of
arute alU. The thing to remember ia
that you may have rheutnatiim in any
part of the body you may have paina
anywhere your back may ache and
your bead may be dizzy- but tbe
trouble ia not where the pain appear.
Tbe trouble is in the kidney, and
what ia the first thing to do T You must
get that exceaa uric acid out of your
system, which can be done by taking
Anurio Tablets, the aplendid remedy
which Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y.,
baa put on sale in tbe drug store at
a low price. Anurio Tablet (made
double strength), when taken into the
system aa medicine, have tbe peculiar
power of dissolving tbe- urio acid de
posited there. Drop a bit of sugar or
alt into hot water, and it will dis
appear. In precisely tbe tame way do
these Anttrio Tablet dissolve uric acid.
Of course, after ridding tbe system of
orfo acid, it may return again nnleea
you eat the right foods and live tha
right kind of life, but Dr. Pierce will
advise you fully on proper food and
correct living if you write and ask
him. He makea no charge for such
advice. Take Annrin Tnhlnt
by al means, and get that uric acid
ou oi your system. Don t, don't,
don't, put tbe matter off. .
m: mu
Spruce IProdugtbon Corporation
. Sealed Bids Will Be Received on the Following: Equipment
. from January 15, 1919, up to 11 A. M. February 15, 1919
Logging, Hoisting and Loading
Willamette, Taooma,
Smjth & Watson,
Washington and '
other makea.
Sizes ranging; from
A. C Electric Motors
440-volt, 8-phase, 60-cycla,.
8 to 75 H. P., with or
t without starters
f Rails , j. , ;
SO-lb. Rclayer 684 Tonaj
20-lb. New 40 Tons
86-lb. Relayer 26 Ton
40-lb. Relayer .'. ,147 Tons
46-lb. New 1727 Tons
45-lb. Relayer 499 Tons
64-lb. Relayer 66 Tons
60-lb. New ' 2581 Tons
7-lb. New 6030 Tons
8Mb. New.. 210 Tons
Locomotives :
Geared and Rod, 86 to 70-Ton.
Shay, New York, Baldwins,
Heialerg, Climax, etc
Logging Trucks
Connected, and disconnected,
60,000 to 80,000 capacity.
Trucks . .
Psckarda, ltf to 6-Ton $
Standards, ltt to 5-Ton.
Darts, lH-Ton Denbys, 2-Ton
Seldens, 2-Ton ' Velies, lU-Tod
VniUda, 1-Ton
Gramm-Bernsteins, 24 -Ton
Federals 8-Ton
Garfords, 8H-Ton
Cadillacs, Seven-Passenger
Dodges, Five-Passenger
v Fords, Five-Passenger
For Terms, Full Information and Descriptive) Catalogue) of
Equipment, Address All Inquiries to. the ,
' Utii'ied States .' ;
Spruce Production Corporation
Yeon Building:, Portland, Oregon . .....
Classified Advertising
FOR SALE Ford car (first class 1
shape), cultivator, double abovel JITNET SERYICE Any where, any
cultivator, good range, bedstead tlms- Phone Mocha Cafe lsl-R.
and aprlngs, feather tick and pil- 0tt0 3- Knlpi, Residence 148-T.
Iowa (newly, cleaned), heater, --
Ublea. Phone S02-F-12. 87 wfi iREpAIR mg.f . colu
SALE OR EXCHANGE Wheel generatora, aUrtera, batteries, if-
chalr with propeller, ball bearing, nltlon systems. Satisfaction guar-
, 30-Inch, suitable for house or anteed. Stelger Oarage, 211 North
street, (heap, new. Call and ex- Slxth atreet. itl
amine at 412 Booth atreet. 74 ' 1 . '
FURS, FURS, FURS We buy furs,
VOUXO PIG8 for tale, also fine hides, wool, old autos for wreck-
dairy cow, fresh toon. Alonzo ing, and all klnda of Junk. Grants
Jonea, Rd. No. 4, phone 40S-F-?! pass Junk Co., 403 South Sixtn
J i$ atreet, phone 21.
The atory of the downfall and i, A .pedalty. Acreage. Building
death of a young girl. 35c. Pic- Loans. 609 O street, tanner's
ture free. M. Parker, lock box 0ia location. 94
190, Central Point, Ore. 75
rr-r .. ELECTRIC WIRING and general
TO RENT , . electrical work, repa-rlng.' house
FOR RENT-Partly furnished cot- ,C- C Harper' 607 E
Uge at 821 Rogue River Avenue; J'hone 47.
three rooms and sleeping porch, PHOTO 8TTJPIO
good well and one-half acre of . 7. r
. land, barn; 5.00 ?er month. THE PICTURE MlXi for tin. photc-
, Key at 402 Rogue River Ave. 07tf f ?f " iMJ Z
J day from 10 a. m. to S p. m. 8un-
FOR RENT OR SALE Our rest- day sittings by appointment only,
donees at (01 and 811, North 6th Phone Mill, 283-R. or residence
Btj eight and ten dollars a month. 140-J. tltt
Will sell either or both. Make me :3
an offer. John Summers. Leba- MUSICAL IS8TBC OTIOS
non, Oregon.' ' 40tf J. S. MacMURllAT Teacher ot sing-
FOR RENT- acre, half mile ,Write 0r at 714
from city llmlu for $25 to Decern- "
ber 1, 1919. AddreBa So. 2310, PHYSICIANS
care Courier. ' 79
U O. CLEMENT, M. D.. PracUee
FOR RENT 6-room modern bung- limited to diseases of the eye, ear,
alow, in fine shape, garage, large noae and throat. Glasaea fitted,
wood bouse with sleeping room Once houra 9-12, 2-5, or on ap-
above, large lot with apple trees, polntment. Office phone 62, real-
etc, on paved street. 710 North dence phone 859-J.
Sixth atreet. Inquire of N. E. . :
Townaend. 621 A. 74 S. LOUGHRIDQS, M. D, Phjalclaa
RENTTwo corner . office " nd wrgtaa. City or conntry calls
rooma Just vacated by Dr. Nibley. "eo" or night. Realdeno
Steam heat, water, Janitor. Geo. pbone 869: ce pBone 1"
E. Lundburg. 75 81x1,1 nd H' Tnff Bia"
FOR RENT Room, at 301, corner A. A. W1THAM, M. D. Internal
Third and H streets. Board lf de- medicine and nervous diseases;
sired. 76 90S Corbett Bidg., Portland, Or.
"' Honrs 9 a. m. to 1 p. m.
WANTED By good all around eook, ;
restaurant, hotel or camp work. DH- J- BESTUL. Veterinarian.
First class pie maker. Jack Mil- 'Office, realdence. Phone 30S-R.
ler. Route 2, Box 71. , 87 DENTISTS
WANTED 5 or 6 room furnished E. C. MACT, D. M. D. Flrst-laae
house, small family, no children, dentistry, , 109 South 8ixtk
permanent renters. Address P. O. atreet. Grants Paaa. Oregon,
Box 132. .73
' : - - DR. C. E. JACKSON, D. M. D., snc-
TO EXCHANGE ceasor. to Dr. Bert EUIott. Over
. : Golden Rule Store. Phone 6.
WILL TRADE Five or 10 acrea ii - . i
peara, 9 year, old. adjoining city DRAYAOB AND TRAWSt-KK
or P 'r' Pr?ertf '1 COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. 'Al
or near Portland, Ore. Inquire of,., . m .
T. H. Geiger, 912 North Tenth Wnd f . and trwf
street, Boise, Idaho. 74 . ?l P'0m' fV
' Pbone 181-J. Stand at freight
TO EXCHANGE: Eight acrea in depot. A. Shade; Prop.
grain, half mile from city, e!i ' ' . ' "
rom house, bam. garage, tele- 7 MOVB,3: d0Dv
Phone, mail delivery, school bus J J Bros- TrMfer Co.- PhoM
service; for town property. Phone " . ''
502-F-12. . . 87 F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer,
. Safes. pianos and ' furniture
... - . moved, packed, shipped and stor-
Liberty I. Respon.lblllty. ed 0fllce phone 1J4.T. Ree,.
Peace and order and security and ien0)) phonei 1j4aR.
liberty are safe so long as love of ' -
country burn in the heart of the pec rmnKuvs
pie. It should not be forgotten, how : ATTOKaBKB
f'l" fSSL" n0t mean Uw- H. D. NORTON. . Attorn.y-aWaw.
lessness. Liberty to make our own . . . .
laws does not give na license to break rMteH 8.UU,d F
them. Liberty to make our own laws Courts. First National Bank Bldt-
commands a duty to observe them our-, ontvin m, wiitiimq .,.
.elves and to enforce obedience among C0L M"Z
all others within their Jurisdiction. t-Lw Qrwt p Banking Co,
Liberty la responsibility, and responsl- Bldg.. Grant Pass. Oregon.
blUty la duty, and .that duty la to pre- a t,v 77. "
servo the exceptional liberty wen- K' 8' VAN DTKE' Attorae'-
Joy within the law and for the tew Uo ltt M court- Flr National
and by the law. McKlnley. . B1 .
"mmmm " " O. , g. , BLANCHARD, , Attorney at
. Contrary Mineral. Uw. ,. Golden Rule Bulldlna
Coal la a contrary critter. Instead ntn ,. p. n,.
of expanding generously, like water. PaMt - QU Pa. Oregon.
In freezing weather, It contracts rap- BLANCHARD & BLANCHARD. At
Idly. The sensitive coal pile shrinks torneys, Albert Bldg. Phon.
at the first touch of winter and. with nt-J. Practice In all courta: law
the mercury at aero, when every re- bomrd .ttrneva.
spectable commodity 1 . frown stiff. "
the costly coal pile melts away like p a Rim kb .,, , , ...
Simple Slmon'a anowbaH before the C 8lLER' Attorney-at-Law. ret-
dre. , area . In bankruptcy., , Maeonl
.. temple. Grants Pass, Ore. . .
i .
Woman's Case
Startles, Grants Pass
A business man's wife could not
read or sew without sharp pains in
her eyes. For years her eyes were
.red and weak. Finally she tried pure
Lavoptlk eye wash. The result of
ONE application astonished her. A
small bottle Lavoptlk is guaranteed
to benefit EVERY CASE weak,
strained or Inflamed eyes. ONE
WASH will startle with Its quick re
sults. Aluminum eye cup FREE.
National Drug Store. ,
..California and Oregon
Coast Railroad Company
. .
Effeotive Nov. 19, 1918.
Tralna will run Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday
Leave Grants Pats. ........... 1 P. M.
Arrive Waten Creek ..... 2 P. M.
Leave Water Creek ....-....-.8 P., M.
Arrive Grants Paaa .......;. 4 P. M.
For information regarding freight
and passenger rates call at the office
ot the company, Lundburg building,
or telephone 111. ,