Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, January 22, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    WKDXErlllAY, JA.Vt'AltY 28, 1010.
.t L
Curtiss' Colossus Capablo ol
Carrying Fifty.
Coast and Wsst Indies Trsde- to Qt
First Call In Aviation Curtis' Ma.
ehln Waa Built for Navy a Subma
rine Chaaar, but Soma Modincatloni
Couid Vary Easily Adapt It for Pat.
aangar Use.
A flight across the Atlantic la as
sured lu tbo Immediate future. This
statement la mailt) ou the authority of
Glenn II. Curtiss, Inventor of llio fly
ing boot and pioneer engineer In thtt
nlrplnue luduiitry. The prediction of
transoceanic fliultt Ima been inado bo
fore by Diva prominent In avlutlon, but
Mr. Curtis' statement differs from
other nun's because be adds be bna
built the machine which can bridge
the oceun.
It may be that tho honor of flrit fly
Ing from America to Europe will go to
tho United Htutcs navy, for Mr. Cur
tlH' nlrbont, tho largest and moat pow
erful In existence, la a navy alrboat,
or rather air vessel. Tho machine la
of huge dimensions, but the beat poe.
Hlhle way of describing Ita power In
few worda la to aay It baa carried SO
men In sustained flight. Ita lifting ca
paelty la five tons. ,
ltiTiiuHo the Colossus la entirely the
property of the navy the Inventor
would not any any more than that be
la willing tho attempt bo made by the
glnnt nlrcruft aa noon aa certain modlfl
rntlona can he made. Aa constructed
tho Colossus la a lighting machine not
Intended primarily for auch lengthy
fllghls im the crossing of tho Atlantic.
, Naval air olllcera ut rtnltlmore aotne
dnya ago spoke guardedly of the possl
blllty of a tranaotlantlc flight by the
' Diuchlno at Itockuway. They suited at
that time thut the Rockaway plane
wae the flrit of a aerlea to be con
ttructed for tramatlantlc flight
Dwarfe All Aircraft
The America, wonder of 1Q14, hnllt
by Mr. Curtiss for Hodman Wunutnuk
er, who waa backing Llout John Cyril
Porto. Irish aviator, In hla attempt to
win the ,riO,00O prize offered by .he
London Dully Mull, la dwarfed to 1
Ignlftoauce by tho great apread of the
Colossus. The huge 8lkorky, 118
feet of wing apread, which carried 17
mea In Russia In 1014, la also amullor
thun the now flying boat The Co
pronl trlpluno, with acuta for 20, like
wise la dethroned aa monarch of the
Recently rumors hnve been heard
about the gigantic craft, but only now
la It possible, owing to the abandon
ment of secrecy by. the navy, to de
icrlhe the principal features of the
The flying boat la a biplane fitted
with three motors, details and power
or which are withheld. From tip to
tip Ha huge upper, wlnga stretch 120
feet only 10 feet lea, by way of com
parison, than the height of tha Brook
lyn bridge. From prow to tall ahe la
JO feet long, and from the gunner's
cockpit on the top wing to the keel la
I distance of 20 feet The dlatance
between upper and tower planea la 12
The vessel waa conatrncted by Mr.
Curtiss for the navy aa submarine
Chaser, and armament detail with
held waa carried not only In the cock
pit on the top wing, but alao In an
other cockpit In the prow. In the navy
be la known aa the Curtiss N. O. L
Makea Speed, Cllmba Well.
Speed and ability to climb rapidly
ire of conrae essentials In aubmarine
chasing, and the Coloaau hna both.
Bbe con make 80 mllee an hour and
can Hue to a height of 2,000 feet In
ten minute. Ordinarily her crew la
Ore men. the reat of her weight carry
ing capacity being nacd for bomba, am
munition, fuel, water and oil. . Two
pllote alt aide by. aide. They can. re
lieve each other nt will, and a chance
hot killing one pilot would not there
fore, mean the destruction of . the fly
ing boat during an aerlnl engagement.
Tho Inrge boat hull, hung unrlirnenth
tho lower wing, Is notlronhly whalellko
In appearance, for It haa been found
thnt thin shape offers leant resistance
to air and water nnd la oltto the safest
In rough water.
Although nothing hna been an
nounced concerning the power of the
three engine, a comparison with the
power plant of other huge plane In
dlcnte that each engine inut furnish
inure thnn 100 horse power. The SI
koinky. for example, with a wing
spread of IIS foot, hnd four Argu
motor of 100 horse power ench. The
flrt of" Slgnor Cnproni's model, a bl-1
plane wlih wing pread of 73 feet, had
three englnea of 100 horae power. The
Intent Capronl, when tested at Mlneola
on Heptetnlier 22 lat, waa furnished
with three Liberty motor of unknown
power. Thl pluno made a speed of
105 mill' nn hour carrying five men
and 1,000 pound of lead.
Ocean No Barrier.
The transatlantic flight I. of course,
matter for the navy department to
decide, but although he would not dls
cuss possible plana for Ita execution
on thla account Mr. Curtis aald with
out reservation that the flight waa
within the power of the Colossus.
. Although reluctant to talk on this
subject Mr. Curtis spoke at length
on further avlutlon and predicted the
commercial use of seaplane for pas
senger and freight service between
porta along the Atlantic coast and the
West Indies.
"Of course one of the flrat develop
menta In commercial aviation will be
the use of flying boat and aeaplunea
for pussenger and puckage carrying
along the Atlantic coast and the West
Indies," he said. "I believe we shall
soon huve transatlantic flight. The
reason I believe thla and that I believe
marine flying generally will be devel
oped quicker than land flying la be
cause no new landing fields are need
ed. In other words, terminal facili
ties are already provided, for quiet
harbors, rivers and small lakes are
Ideal landing place."
Praise the Navy.
Mr. Curtiss praises the navy depart
ment for Its financial assistance In the
experimental work necessary for the
development of auch a machine as the
Colossus. The America, built for Rod
man Wanamaker before the war. Is the
progenitor of the Colossus and other
huge scaplnnea, but there la a long gap
between them.
"It probably will be two or three
years before the commercial aide of
aviation is developed sufficiently for
the Industry to stand on Its own feet"
I be sold. "The advent of the war made
necessary tho construction of a num
ber of airplane factories, some of which
should and will be developed Into good
production plants. . I suppose the gov
; ermncnt's plan for national defease
I will Include a liberal allowance for tbo
continued development of naval and
military aircraft for reasons that seem
', patent
"A military plane, of course, is not
tutted to commercial purposes any
more thun a torpedo destroyer would
.be suited for the carriage of passen
' gera or freight The aim In the devel
opment of military craft was to pro
duce a fighting machine, one In which
a maximum amount of armament and
ammunition could be carried without
sacrificing speed, maneuvering abil
ity and the protection of the pilot and
observer arising therefrom. To con
vert these military airplanes Into com
mercial types of machines It will be
necessary to change the fuselage (the
framework connecting the planea with
the tall) somewhat so that there will
be more room for passengers and
freight, and probably. Increase the
wing surface to give the planes a low
er landing speed and a greater cruising
flexibility, so that It will not be neces
sary for so much fuel to be carried.
'Fighting ability was the paramount
Issue In the building of military craft
Safety la the keynote of commercial
airplane building."
Europe Turn to Giants..
Gigantic planea are being developed
for after the war purposes In many
European countries, according to Mr.
C'lrtlss. England and Italy are par
ticularly active In thla respect The
experience In building bombing ma
chine?, which from the very nature of
their work must have very reliable
power plants and a large weight car
rying cupaclty, Is now proving val
uable for peace purposes, . ,
"Severn! very long flights have been
made during the war," Mr. Curtiss
said. "I look to see European devel
opment proceed rnpldly. Norway,
Sweden and Denmark are all making
(Inn for commercial aviation, and I
understand tbat.they are on the verge
of starting several mull routes as soon
ss peace Is assured."
Both land and water flying machines
will bo within, the province of the
Curtiss company, the Inventor said, al
though lie himself Is a stronger be
liever In the rapid commercial success
of seaplanes rather than lund flying
Commodore Lionel de L.. Wells of
the. British navy, who orgunized the
system by which United States troops
ond supplies were convoyed to Europe,
Is now preparing to return to England
as his work In this country Is finished.
Commodore Wells, -as head of the con
voy and route giving branch of the
British admiralty , here, .frustrated the
U-boar$ by enabling the troop ships
to elude-them. Commodore Wells has
received .several honors bestowed by
the king of England and was recently
named a Companion of the Order of
the Bath.
And 10 Cents Apiece, Tool
A perfect egg within an , egg was
found by Mrs. Amanda Varney of .Vien
na, Me.- The outer egg measured 14
Inches in circumference.
Unklndness Often Bad Habit t
TJnklndness is more a loose, Indiffer
ent haMt thnn Intentional neglect dis
respect,: or downright , meanness.
Words, and deeds are parented : by
thoughts'; and It la so easy to fall Into
slothful, Indifferent thinking that .of
tentimes,, unthinkingly,' we neglect,
speak carelessly to, on treat uncon
cernedly those toward whom we ought
to:act with: -most consideration, and
deference. O. E. W In Great
, Color Blind.'
One man In England in every sixty
Is partially or wholly color blind, so
at least the tests for the English mer
cantile marine seem to show. A not
ed professor maintains thnt the pro
portion Is even larger.' Candidates,
after passing all the usual tests relied
upon by the navy and the railway com
panies, have been found to be defec
tive by his lantern.
. 1 "What Matters the Roadr ,. ;
Now and then In Brittany one sees
an East Indian, lithe as a panther,
peering In at the open door of a
cathedral with wistful Interest As
Krishna said many hundreds of years
ago: "What matters the road If It
leads to Godr Nina Larrey Duryea
In Harper's lagaslne.
1 Ne News. :
"I tell you. young Jones Is a mark
"Oh. I knew that the moment 1 saw
the big eagle he has tattooed on his
arm." Baltimore American.
e 's I I j
" ' 'i i -" i ra mil tiiii,iajl
FOR SALE- Ford car (first class
shape), cultivator, double shovel
cultivator, good ranfce, bedstead
and springs, feather tick and pll
16 w (newly cleaned), heater,
tables. Phone G02-F-12. ' 87
chair with propeller, ball bearing,
30-incb, suitable for house or
atreet, cheap, new. Call and ex
amine at 412 Booth street. 74
YOUNO PI08 for sale, also fine
dairy cow, fresh soon. Aldnzo
Jones, Rd. No. 4, phone 60S-F-21
The story of the downfall and
death of a young girl. 85c. Pic
ture free. M. Parker, lock box
190, Central Point, Ore. 75
FOR RENT Partly furnished cot
tage at 321 Rogue River Avenue;
three rooms and sleeping porch,
good well and , one-halt acre of
land, barn; $5.00 per month,
Key at 402 Rogue River Ave. 07tf
dences at 801 and 811, North 6th
St., eight and ten dollars a month.
Will sell either or both. Make me
an offer. John Summers, Leba
non, Oregon. 40tf
FOR RENT 9 acres half mile
from city limits for $25 to Decem
ber 1, 1919. Address No. 2310
care Courier. 79
FOR RENT 6-roo"ra modern bung
alow, in flee shape, garage, large
wood house with sleeping room
above, laige lot with apple trees,
etc., on paved street 710 North
Sixth street. Inquire of N. E.
Townsend, 621 A. 74
FOR RENT Two corner office
rooms Just vacated by Dr. Nibley.
Steam heat, water, Janitor. "Geo.
E. Lundburg. 75
WANTED By good all around cook,
restaurant hotel or camp work.
First class pie maker. Jack Mil
ler, Route 2, Box 71. 87
WANTED 5 or 6 room furnished
. house, small family, no children.
permanent renters. Address P. O.
Box 132. 73
WILL TRADE Five or 10 acrea u
pears, 9 years old, adjoining city
of Srants Pass, for property In
or near Portland, Ore. Inquire of
F. H. Geiger. 912 North Tenth
street, Boise, Idaho. 74
TO EXCHANGE Eight acres in
grain, halt mile from city, six
room house, 'barn, garage, tele
phone, mall delivery, school bus
service; for town property; Phone
6&2-F-12. 87
Origin of "Yankee."
It la singular there should be any
question concerning the origin of the
well-known sobriquet of "Yankee."
Nearly all the old writers who spoke
of the Indians first known to the col
onists make them pronounce the word
"English" as "Tengeese." Even at this
day it Is a provincialism of New Eng
land to say "English" instead of "Ing
UBh," and there Is a close conformity
of sound between the "English" and
"Tengeese," more especially If the lat
ter word, aa was probably the case, be
pronounced short
The transition from "Tengeese."'
thus pronounced, to "Yankees," la quite,
easy. , If the former Is pronounced
"Yangls," is Is almost Identical, with
"Yankees," and Indian words have sel
dom been spelt as they are pronounced.
The liquids of the Indian would easily
convert ' "En" Into "Yen." From a
Footnote In Cooper's "The Deer
slayer." Precarious Situation. .
"How .about a jury for this automo
bile -colliding easel". ...
, "We're up, a. tree,", said the lawyer
on the, other, side.
"How sol",,
. "Well, a Jury of motor owners will
be as Vise as all get out about an af
fair of this kind." '
"While a Jury of rtionraotorists may
soak the pair of us."
I A'.nean upumist. ., ,,. .,. ;
; . ."The boldheaUud monpwho just went
out Is the greatest, optimist. I ever
met", said .the druggist, .
. "That so" asked the customer. :
"Tes," replied the druggist1 ,"When
I guaranteed my brand of hair restor
er hn bought a bottle and bought a
comb and brush' because' he' figured
he'd need them Tn a few dnya." Cin
cinnati Enqulret. '
All kinds of lejal blanks at the
JITNEY SERVICE Any where, any
time. Phone Mocha Cafe 131-R.
Otto J. Knlps, Residence 149-Y.
' 338
WE REPAIR cars, mag's, colls.
generators, starters, batteries, Ig
nition systems. Satisfaction guar
anteed. Stelger Garage, 211 North
Sixth atreet S6tl
FUR8, FURS, . FURS We buy furs.
hides, wool, old autoe for wreck
ing, and all kinds of Junk. GraaU
Pass Junk Co., 403 South Sixth,
atreet, phone 21. . , .
B. L. GALBRAITH, Insurance, rent
als a specialty.. Acreage, Building;
and Loans. 609 O street Launer"sj
old location. 94
electrical work, repa-rlng, hous
wiring. C. C. Harper, 507 E St,
phone 47. 9 5
THE PICTURE MILL lor fine photo
graphs. . Open dally except . Son
day from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Bun
day sittings by appointment only.
Phone Mill. 28 J-R. or residence
140-J.. 6711
J. S. MacMURKAT Teacher of sing
ing. Write or apply at 716 Lee
Street f
L. O. CLEMENT. ' M.' D., Practice
limited to diseases of the eye,' oar.
nose and throat Glasses fitted.
Office hours 9-12, 3-5, or on ap
pointment Office phone 63. resi
dence phone 359-J.
S. LOUQHRIDGE. 31. D Physician
and surgeon. City or country calls
attended day or night Realdene
phone 869; office phone 183
8Ixth and H.' Tufla Bldg.
A, A. WITHAM. Mi D. Internal
medicine and nervous diseases;
903 Corbett Bldg., Portland, Ore.
Hours 9 a.'m. to 1 p. m.
DR. R. J. BESTUL. Veterinarian.
Office, residence. Phone 306-R.
E. C. MACY, D. M. D. Flrst-Wase
dentistry. .109. SouUi Sixth
, street. Grants Pass, Oregon.
kinds of drayage and transfer,
werk carefully and promptly don
Phone 181-J. Stand at freight
depot A. Shade,- Prop.
THE. WORLD MOVES; ao do we.
Bunch. Bros. Transfer Co. Phone
397-R. ... ........ ' . '
F. G. IS HAM, drayage and transfer,
Safes, pianos and furniture
moved, packed,- shipped and stor
ed. Office phone 134-T. Real
' denoe phone, 134-R.
H." D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law.
, Practloea U all State and Federal
Courts. Flrat National Bank Bldg.
COLVIG , ft WILLIAMS, . Attorneys-at-Law,
Grants Pass Banking Co.
' Bldg., Grants Pass, Oregon.
B. , 8.-VAN , DYKE. . Attorney. Prae
Uoe In . all court. First National
Bank Bldg."
0. S." BLANCHARD, Attorney at
I Law. , Golden Rule- Building
... Phone 370. Grants-Pass, Oregon.
torneysr Albert - Bldg. Phoni
2 3 6-j; Practice In all courts : lsni
board 'attorneys.
CV A: SlDLER,. Attorney-at-Law, ref
eree' In - bankruptcy.. , Masonl
temple,- Grants Pass, Ore.
The. California and;. Oregon
Coast Railroad. Company
Effective Nor. 19, 1918.
Trains will run Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday
Leave Grants Paae.............l P, M.
Arrive Waters C'esk ....3 P. M.
Leate Waters Creek ...,...8 p. M.
Arrive Grants Pass ..4 P. M.
For Information 'regarding; freight
and passenger rates call at the office
of the company, Lundburg building,
or telephone 131.
Letter heads that will please yon,
at the Courier,