Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, January 18, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    8tTtltlAY, JANUARY 1H, 1010.
riiMJiiiiitujMitiMi aiiiitit"
. , ..
The HiiffnufMH for iN-v.-riil weeks have been trying to koep alight bonfire
In fmnt of (lie While Ilnuw, some of them being composed of the publishes
work of th president. Jinny of tho women have been arrested.
We now have (he agrnry fur the
Lime and Sulphur "
Arsenate of Lead
lliijlnit In KMon lot cmililes im to undrr hcII.
Grants Pass
Help do your ownCar Repairing
, Now Is the time to have your car looked over and put In
shape for the summer. 1 have had 14 years garage experience
which enables mo to locate yon rar troubles and fix it as it should
be In the shortest possible time. A trial will convince you. It you
should want to help mo work on your car I shall .be glad to have
you and It will give you a better Idea of how to take care of It In
the future. Drop In and see me.
608 South Sixth Street.
Backbrcakmg, unsanitary, in
effectual cleaning methods have
become but unpleasant
homes where a G-E electric
vacuum cleaner has come
Power Company
M V 1 ' . r
'i',t'' -w.v ...-J
Hardware Co.
Opposite Oxford Hotel
memories in
to stay..
Iflt the glwrchesl
( of ChrlHt
A 10 o'clock surpriso, be prompt.
A class for each axe in our complete
ly organized Bible school, Mrs. Ellon
Thrasher, Supt. Communion at 11.
Bormon subject, "Creating a New
Citizenship In the Kingdom of Clod."
Kvenlng service at 7:30. Harold F.
Humbert, secretary of Oregon gun
day School association, will speak.
Mr. Humbert, who has a reputation
over the whole west as a baritone
singer, will sing at this service. A
rordlal welcome.
Chas. H. Drake, minister.
Flint IlnpUnt Clinrch
bible school at 9:45, classes for
all ages. Morning service at 11,
sermon on "The Living Sacrifice."
n. Y. P. U. meeting at 6:30. Evening
service at 7:30, sermon on "The Sec
ond Coming of Christ." A cordial
welcome always awaits you at all of
these services.
C. M. Cllne, preacher.
Newman M. K, (liurch
At-the -11 o'clock service H. A.
Humbert, of the State Sunday School
association, will apeak. Solo by Mrs.
C. A. 1lnch, anthem by the choir.
At the 7:30 o'clock evening ser
vice there will be a sermon by the
pastor and solo by Vivian Iaham,
anthem by the choir.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Ep
worth League at 6:30 p. m. A wel
come for you at all these services.
Melville T. Wire, pastor
Imiliytoiian Church
Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Rev.
Chas. V. Hoyt, Presbyterian Sunday
S'hool missionary, will be present
during the session, and Harold F.
Humbert, secretary of the Oregon
State Sunday School Association will
be present and apeak to the school
for a few minutes. Vlsttors are
Catholic Church
Masses on Sunday at 7:30 and
9:30 a. m.
Rev. Father J. Q. Vlen.
First Church of Christ Scientist
Christian Science services are held
every Sunday, la the W. O. W. hall,
at lis. m. Wednesday evening meet
ings at 8 o'clock. The subject for
today Is, "Life."
Reading room Is" open from 2 to
4 p. m. dally except Sundays and
holidays. The public Is cordially In
vited to attend the services and to
visit the reading room.
Awful Price That Is Paid In Broken
Lives as Well as In Dollar
and Cents.
In an nerodrom. In Krunce Is ao at
tendant.' He wiikes the boys, looks af
ter their clothes. That Is all he Is fit
for now. Hut he Is treated with the
greatest respect, for he was once an
aviator himself. Sometimes he mur
murs to a newcomer, as if In apology
for his present occupation: "1 spent
MX) hours In the air." Five hundred
hours, snd he Is now a nervous wreck !
The. other day a Canadian Invalid
aviator passed through Chicago. We
rodo with him for a few hours on the
trnln. He will never fly nimln. He
has no lesions, no broken bones. His
nerves ore gone. In his last flight his
muscle, through sheer nervous strain,
refused to function, and he dropped
like a plummet for 5.000 feet a mile
snd redressed his machine Just In
tlmo to save himself from annihila
tion. Each time that the brake of
the train began to grind his lips would
set like the Jaws of a steel trap. The
motion of the slowing train was like
thnt of falling. . Each time It hap
pened he would apologise In a stut
tering voice. Then be would apolo
gise for stuttering. Before that awful
dive from cloudland he had never stut
tered, he said. We know something of
the cost of dren'dnanghts, torpedoes
and the shells of 14-lnch guns. We
give little thought to rifle cartridges.
But they cost Ave cents apiece In Amer
ica and IS cents apiece. It Is estimated,
by the time they are delivered to the
Bring trench. These rifle cartridges
are used In the machine guns, and an
ambitious, gunner can use up $07.50
worth of them every 00 seconds al
most the receipts from two small Lib
erty bonds. Chicago Evening Post
' 8top and Reflect
When we begin to make excuses to
ourselves, we may be tolerably sure
that the act which requires such treat
ment had something wrong about It
somewhere. . That which Is sound
needs no ointment
. tlbsl on Quartermasters,
An army padre tells this story:
There was once a quartermaster who
went to heaven. 'And he got a big Job
at once because there were no other
Quartermasters there. - - :
Bo&UIh, Wash.,' Jan. 18. -Seattle
shlpworkers to the number of 25,-
500, according to estimates of labor
leaders, will go on strike next Tues
day morning to enforce waKe de
mands, as the result of a derision
last night by the Metal Trades coun
cil. Similar action. It was said, was
expected of the metal trades workers
in Grays Harbor, Tacoma and other
The strike action. It was explained.
was the result of dissatisfaction
Ith the Macy wage award, the men
demanding a basic dally wage of $8
for mechanics, 17 for special trades1
nd $ 6 for helpers.
,sia,ooo fixr orxrKs
Washington, Jan. 18. Gold pro
nctlon In the United States In 1918
fell to 3,313,000 tine ounces, worth
368,493,000, the lowest In 20 Tears.
and the silver production dropped to
67.879.000 fine ounces, worth $67.
879,000, at the standard government
price of $1 an ounce.
The smallest record since 1913.
according to the Joint preliminary
estimate of Director of the Mint Ba
ker and the geological survey Issued
California led as a gold-producing
state, the estimate showing 832.389
ounces, valued at $17,207,000,
while Colorado ranked second with
621.791 ounces, valued at $12,853,
000. Montana, with 15.341.000
ounces was the principal silver-pro
ducing state, while Ctah gave 13.-
439,000 ounces, Idaho 10,188.000
and Nevada 10,115,000.
Herr Karl Kautx. leader In German
socialistic circles, leaving the chancnt-
lor's palace In Berlin after a confer
ence wttn Premier Ebert
Valuable Reproof.
The reproof of a good man resem
bles fuller's earth; It not only removes
the spots .from our character, but It
rubs off when It Is dry. Williamson.
Th tortures and discomforts of
weak, lame and aching back, swollen
feet and limbs, weakness, dizziness,
nsusea. as a rule have their origin in
kidney trouble, not "female complaints."
These general symptoms of kidney and
bladder disease are well known so Is
the remedy. .
Next time yon feci a twta-e of pain
fit the back or are troubled with head
ache, luuijrcsUou, insomnia, irritation
in the bladder or pain in the loins and
lower abdomen, you will find quick and
sure relief in GOLD MEDAI Haarlem
Oil Capsule This old and tried rem
edy for kidney troublo and allied da
rangementa ha stood the test for hun
dreds of years. It does the work.
I'sina and troubles vanish and new life
and health will come as you, continue
their use. . When completely restored
to your usual vigor, continue taking a
capsule or two each day, i
GOLD MEDAL Haarlem 00 Cap.'
sides are imported from the laborato
ries at Haarlem, Holland. Do not ac
cept a, substitute, In. sealed boxes,
three sums, '
V i
msasBBSSi I f lwnszsi
WOOO Laurel, oak, fir and pine
and dc? pine at $2.75 per tier de
livered. R. Timmons, phone
S33-J. 51tf
FOR SALE Ford car (first class
shape),' cultivator, double shovel
cultivator, good range, bedstead
and springs,, feather tick and pil
lows (newly cleaned), heater,
tables. Phone 602-F-12.. 87
FOR SALE Canned fruit and vege
tables. Phone 269-R or Inquire
at 501 North Second St. 68
FOR SALE One sorrel mare,
weight about 1,000 pounds, buggy,
harness, light farm wagon, ten
inch plow and cultivator for $75..
A. W. HcConnell, R. F. D. No. 1,
Box 8A, Merlin Road. ' 68
FOR SALE Mare, weight about
1,400, sound, gentle, true, work
double or single. Inquire at Red
Front Barn. 69
FOR QUICK SALE and to make
room for my new large Petaluma
electric incubator will sell one
216-egg Petaluma and one 125
egg Mandly Lee (both lamp ma
chines) at $10 each. Both in
good order. K. Hammerbacher,
Rd. 2, Phone 606-F-23. . 70
FOR SALE 3-epeed Indian motor
cycle and side car. Call at 212
Foundry. 70
beet sheep ranches In southern
Oregon with leases, summer range
and 800 head fine bred . ewes.
Sheep will pay for themselves in
one year. Farm composed of 190
seres of which 125 acres are fin
est river bottom land, 55 acres in
irrigated alfalfa. WUI give easy
terms on ranch and sheep to re
sponsible party. Room 123, Med
ford Hotel, Medford, Ore. 68
FOR SALE Good milk cow. See
Baber Bros., 225 West G street.
Phone 509-J. 68
FOR RENT Partly furnished cot
tage at 321 Rogue River Avenue,
three rooms and sleeping porch,
good well and one-half acre of
land, barn; $5.00 per month.
Key at 402 Rogue River Ave. 07tf
dences at 801 and 811. North 6th
St, eight and ten dollars a month.
Will sell either or both. Make me
an offer. John Summers, Leba
non, Oregon.. 4 Otf
FOR RENT Partly furnished mo
dern cottage at 724 North Sixth
street. Key 718 North Sixth.
Price, $8 per month. 57tf
WANTED By good all around cook,
restaurant, hotel or camp work.
First class pie maker. Jack Mil
ler, Route 2, Box 71. 87
WANTED To let a work team out
for its feed. Call, see or write
G. I. Wardrlp, Rd. 4, Box 27. 68
TO EXCHANGE Eight acres In
grain, half mile from city, six
room house, barn, garage, tele
phone, mail delivery, school bus
service; for town property. Phone
602-F-12. . .87
FOUND Small gold bar pin. Owner
may have same by proving pro
perty and paying for this ad. ' 67
JITNEY SERVICE Any where, any
time. Phone Mocha Cafe 181-R
Otto J. Knlps, Residence 149-Y
WE REPAIR cars, mag's, coils.
generators, starters, batteries. Ig
nition systems. Satisfaction guar
anteed. Stelger Garage, 211 North
Sixth street. 36tf
E. L. OALBRAITH, insurance, rent
als, acreage, .building and loans;
snaps in city property. 609 G St
Launer's old location. . - 68
FURS. FURS, ,FUR3 We buy furs,
hides, wool, old auto tor wreck
ing, and all kinds of Junk, Grants
Pass Junk Co.,. 403 South Sixth
street, phone' 21, , -'. . ' . :?
Get the) Genuine "YI
and AwlcTCS7frW
?lw Cvery Cask)
WILL TRADE Five or 10 acres it
pears, 9 yeara old, adjoining city
of Grant Pass, for property in
or near Portland, Ore. Inquire of
F. H. Gelger, 912 North Tenth
street, Boise, Idaho. 74
THE PICTURE MILL for fine photo
graphs. Open dally except Sun
day from 10 a. m. to S p. m. Son
day sittings by appointment only.
Phone Mill, 28S-R, 'or residence
HW. 57tf
J. 8. MacMURRAY Teacher of sing
ing.. Write or apply at 716 Lee
Street. 66tf
L. O. CLEMENT. M. D.. Practice
limited to disease of the eye, ear.
nose and throat Glasses sued.
Office hours 9-11, 3-6, or on ap
pointment Office phone 62, resi
dence phone 359-J.
a LOUGHRIDQE. M. D.. Physician
and surgeon. City or country call
attended day or night Resident
phone 169; office phone 111
Sixth and H, Toffs BIdg.
DR. J. O. NIBLEY, Physician and
surgeon. Lundburg BIdg. Health
officer. Office hours, to. 12 a.
m. and 1 to 5 p. m. Phone 319-J.
A. A. WITHAM, M. D. Internal
medicine and nervous diseases;
903 Corbett BIdg.. Portland. Ore.
Honrs I a. m. to 1 p. m.
DR. ' R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian.
Office, residence. Phone 305-R.
E. C. MACY, D. M. D. F!rst-las
dentistry. 109 V South - Sixth
street Grants Pas. Oregon.
kinds of drayage and transfr.
werk carefully and promptly done
Phone 181-J. Stand at freight
depot A. Shade. Prop.
THE WORLD MOVES; so do we.
Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone
F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer.
Safes, pianos and furniture
moved, packed, shipped and stor
ed. Office phone 124-Y. Resi
dence phone, 124-R.
H. 'D. NORTON, Attorney-at-iaw.
Practices in all State and Federal
, Court. First National Bank BIdg.
OOLVIQ ft WILLIAMS, Attorneys-at-Law,
Grant Pas Banking Co.
BIdg., Grants Pass, Oregon.
B. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Prac
tice in all court First National
Bank BIdg.
O. S. BLANCHARD, Attorney at
Law. Golden Rule Building
Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oregon.
torneys, Albert Bldg. Phoni
336-J. Practice in all courts; lam
board attorneys.
C. A. BIDLER. Attorney-t-Law, ref
eree In bankruptcy. Masonls
temple. Grants Past, Ore. '
The California and Oregon
Coast Railroad Company
Effective Nov. 19, 1918.
Trains will run Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday
Leave Grants Pass. . 1 P. M.
Arrive Waters Creek .......J P. M.
Leave Waters Creek , , , P. M.
Arrive Grants Pass 4 P. M.
For Information regarding freight
and passenger rates call at the office
of the company, Lundburg building.
or telephone 131.
Illel likiwDnuUit l
P1IU l Be tad tUM uHltl?
box. Mted Hk BlM Rlbbo.
ffiaailil AiktoCIf
, ... ataer. jnmjr '
Efat. Ait kw 11 1-4 I
yam kaova M Bert. Safaat. Atwaya RaatebM
A Chronle Disease. '
: It Is like getting a letter from hnme;
to pick up an old-town newspnner and
find the men who were chasing polit
ical office ten years sgo still engaged
In the sport. Toledo Blade.
W S3