Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, January 11, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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8ATI RDAY, JAM AIU 11, 1010.
GRANTS PiSS'ili;tOUpiEll;
Published Dally, Except Sunday S(
A. B. V0ORHIE3. Pub. and Propr.
Enteral at postofflce. Grants Pus,
..Or., m second class mall matter.
Display apace, per Inch 15c
Local-personal column, per Mne..lOe
Readers, per line : 5c
By mail or carrier, per year..$6.00
By mall or carrier, per month .60
By mall, per. year ... 13.00
The Associated Press Is exclusively
entitled to the .use (or republication
of all news dispatches .credited to It
or all- otherwise credited in -this
paper and also the local news pub
lished herein.
All rights ot republication of spe
cial dispatches herein are also
Rain; fresh easterly winds. 4
Pure Extracted Honey
lint llnptbtt t'liunh
Hlblo school at 9:45 a. m. Classes
for all axes. Morning service at
11. B. Y. P. U. at :30. Evening
sorvlce at 7:30, sermon on "And I
Was I)ft." A cordial welcome al
ways awaits you here.
C, M. Cllne, preacher.
speots to Mr, Hyde, and show him
their credentials, it would certainly
cause a ripple ot approval among all
loyal Americans. 1
If Lenlne Is shot by order of
Trotsky, we would strongly recom
mend Hyde to fill the vacancy.
The only difference between- a
Jay walker and a jay driver is that
the driver has the less to fear.
Not a bit too early to begin plan
ning that industrial garden."
A quarantine that doesn't quaran
tine Isn't a quarantine.
It was but a short time ago that
all the soldiers who are now return
ing, and who will later return, were
with us and there was no great
worry about finding employment for
them. Everyone who would work
had a job.'
is u possiDie un inuusines novel The following clipping was re
shut down to such an extent that we ceived by Mrs. John Sauer from her
can find no lobs for them? If that son, Louis, who Is at Camp Grant.
is a fact there is a screw loose some-
Samson slew his thousands with
the jawbone of an ass. In his hand
It was an efficient weapon and creat
ed consternation among the enemy,
While its use as an implement of war
bo far as history records ended
then and there, the same old jawbone
is causing some consternation today.
It was used at Portland yesterday
when Floyd Hyde, the shipwrights'
delegate to the labor convention,
stated with much gusto that "Russia
is more democratic than the United
States." and that "the United States'
troops now in Russia are interna
tional scabs."
It was the same old jawbone that
is so commonly found controlling
labor conventions; the jawbone of a
radical, disloyal agitator. As a rule
these hot-headed members are in
the minority at such meetings, but
through persistence and hard fight
ing, coupled with a super-abundance
ot the above-mentioned jawbone
they generally secure control and
take the bit in their teeth.
Hyde is furious because the Unit
ed States is interfering in Russia. He
states that "Russia today with her
soviet, representing 80 per cent of
her people, has a better representa
tlon than we are getting."
As proof that Hyde's rail tings
are merely jawbone brayings, we
will state that neither he, nor any-
other man in America at the present
time, knows-of the true conditions In
Russia. That country Is torn asun
der with anarchy and revolution and
divided into many factions. Every
thing is chaos and there Is no way,
until an election is held in which all
of Russia's people have a right to
vote, to determine what proportion
of the people belong to any certain
faction or party. Hyde is making a
wild guess stabbing at what his
Bolshevik! mind Imagines and his
utterances prove him an undesirable
He should be listed with others to
be deported.
. It is just such radicals as Hyde
that harts the cause of organized
labor and gives It a black eye.
There are many of us who do not
understand just why our soldiers are
In (Russia, but no true American
would ever dream of calling our boys
Jn khaki fscabs," which would also
Infer that President Wilson, who
sent the boys across, is a "scab."
The man who applies such a repul
slve name to our president and the
boys who went forth "to fight for Old
Glory deserves to be manhandled In
'the roughest possible manner.' A
.barbed-wire . cc-rraj is too . good for
him. riTbe law-abiding citizen abhors
. motM-uie, but if our returning sol
diers should decide to pay their re-
where. . Not only were all our pres
ent soldiers with us, but there were
thousands of foreigners here hold
ing down jobs who have "gone
across", to help their mother coun
try, and many of whom will not re
turn. Why the present condition?
' . .. s
Of all the delinquencies whereof
the war department has been guilty,
the most inexcusable and most cruel
consists in the delays and the many
errors which it has committed In
conveying information about casual
ties to the families of soldiers. put him on his feet and he Insisted
Rockford, 111:
..Private Lester D. Calhoun, 6th
company. Infantry Replacement and
Training Troops,, returned last night
on the C. M. ft St. P. from his New
Year's leave In Chicago. At the sta
tion he met two ladles who wished to
find the War Camp Community Ser
vice headquarters. Calhoun escortod
them to headquarters club, carrying
their luggage for them. Hardly bad
he entered the club when he fainted.
Members of the Red Circle staff
administered first aid. The sol
dier's condition was serious tor a
time, his bands and face being
Medical care and hot coffee soon
Berger and LaPollette both in
congress maybe, won't that be a
sweet mess? Both were accused of
disloyalty. Berger has been indicted
and LaFolIette escaped the same
fate by the skin .of his teeth.
The Idaho legislature haB up for
consideration a "red flag" measure
making it possible to send those who
display it to the penitentiary. That's
a good law for every state. There
is no room for the red flag in America,
Portland democrats are boosting
Mr. McAdoo for their standard bear
er In 1920. It would be a cinch for
the O. O. P. If the democrats would
select Burleson Instead.
Arthur Davis will : be sentenced
Monday for robbing a Portland bank,
Proof that it pays to play the game
straight, even If yon can't sport
Plerce-Arrow. '
"Forty dogs at the penitentiary"
all eating state-bought steaks.
Another big scandal a regular dog
"Roosevelt Canal" Instead ot Pan
ama Canal. Sounds all, right, and It
Church of 1irlt
Bible school at 10 a. m. with Mrs,
Ellen Thrasher superlntendont. Our
attendance Is growing. . Communion
at 11. After a short sermon the
time will be given to reports and
plans tor the coming year's work
Every member la urged to be pres
ent. Evening service at 7:30. Sub
ject, "A Superior Covonant." A
continuation of the aeries on He,
brews. Come, and feel the welcome.
, Chaa. R. Drake, minister.
NVwmnn M. E. Cliurrh
At the 11 o'clock morning ser
vice Rev. H. C. Rurkholder. D. D-,
will apeak on the "Centenary." Dr.
Burkholder Is an area Centernry of
ficer and everyone should make a
special effort to hear htm. Solo at
thla service by Mrs. Guy Knapp.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Ep
worth League at 6:30 p. m. Preach
ing by the pastor at 7:30 p. m. Solo
by II. L. Stonakcr and anthem by
the choir. A cordial welcome to all.
Melllle T. Wire., pastor. ,
Catholic Chnrch
Masses on Sunday at 7:30
:30 a. m.
Rev. Father J. O. Vlen
First Church of Christ SrlentUI
Christian Science services are held
every Sunday, la the W O. W. ball,
at 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meet
ing at 8 o'clock. The subject for
today Is, "Sacrament." '
Reading room Is open from 2 to
4 p. m. daily except Sundays and
holidays. The public Is cordially In
vlted to attend the services and to
visit the reading room.
0 WASTE $50,000
on continuing bis journey to camp,
where he was determined to report
on time this morning. (
Calhoun's case Is typical of the
experience of W. C. C. S. workers In
their service to soldiers and. their
friends. This young man, whose
parents and wife are at his home in
Granta Pass, Ore'., Is loud In . his
praise of Rockford hospitality, as he
has known It for several months at
the clubs and homes ot the Red
Circle organization. Rockford
(III.) Dally.
Treasurer Calhoun received a let
ter this morning dated January 6,
from his son. In which he said noth
ing about his experience, but did
mention that the thermometer regis
tered 17 below zero.
Oh, for a 8amsenl
This country Is plentifully supplied
with the Jawbones of asses, bat the
trouble seems to be that we don't seem
to have a .Samson who can , wield
them. Philadelphia Inquirer. , .
Boy Catches Infant
Lyle Smith, the ten-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank F.. Smith, perform
ed one of the most unique rescues ever
reported at Alma, Mich., when be
caught a baby which fell from the ob
servation car on a moving passenger
train there. - The mother was .over
joyed when the train was stopped and
It was .found that the baby was unin
jured. Her, name was not. learned.,.
German Helmets for Flowers,
Helmets that had. been worn by Ger
man soldiers, which American soldiers
are sending borne, are to be used for
flower baskets to . be swung , from
would be a fitting tribute to Teddy. porches next spring at Bellefontalne,
' No whM-e In Grants Taxi i-nn you
gl anything in tlio linrUware line
'lnlw or lHtr limit vn can suit
ply you. All our gixxln ri (' work
of Uui Inwliiiic itttuiufarturri-H, niil
tlio prims have hex'n subject! to a
twit of comimriMm wlilrh slums that
our rial ma are fully warrant.
Jewell Hdw. Go.
ii rife?
WWiiW "The Milk
4 IwE2f Untouched
By; Hands"
.What .-i r
No permanent work is to be done
on the Siskiyou highway this year,
but the $50,000 on hand, provided
by the Vawter bill, Is to be expended
In graveling the present macadam
according to a statement received
from State Illnhway Engineer Her
bert Nunn by Senator Thomas, $92,-)
iOO Is to be expended In paving the
Pacific highway from Central Point
towards Gold Hill, and $25,000 In
Jackson county on the Green Spring
Mountain road, forest funds for the
Crater Lake road, from the national
forest line towards Prospect, $72,
372 are also available, making the
total expenditure ot government and
state In Jackson county for highway
work In 1919, $239,872. ' Nothing
was spent -hi 1918. Medford- Trlb
une. 1
ii.inmtcc of cleanliness am! nuritvl Whether or
not you mil yir milk its purity khuulJ lu insured by sanitary
dairy iuachiiiu v.
will furnish dean, JcpcnJalilu ami economical power. G-E
motors soon pay for themselves, also, in labor saved and increased
Use a C-E motor to drive your
Milker Sterilizer Washer
Separator Cooler Pump
'Churn Bottler Etc., Etc.
Let us show you the many advantages of the electric dairy.
Calif ornia - Oregon Power Co-
. Bully for Bill.
There was a city lady, visiting some
relatives in the country and as she
was walking down the lane .she saw
some .calves. Thinking to display her
knowledge, she remarked : , "Oh what
pretty little cowlets." Bill, the farm
boy, came up about that time, beard
ber remark, and said: "Excuse me,
miss, but. them's bullets." Boys', Life,
- Appropriately Directed.
"I met a sullor on the road," writes
F. O. B., "and asked blm If he could
direct me to the Woodlawn cemetery.
Turning, he pointed back and said with
nautical brevity, "Dead ahead.' "Boa
ton Transcript. '
When your back is broken andv your eyes are blurred.
And your shin bones knock" and your tongne Is furred
And your tonsils squeak and your hair gets dry.
And you're doggone sure you're going to die;
'But you're "skeered" you won't and afraid you will .
Just drag to bed and have your chill, . t
And pray the Lord to see you through,
For you've got the Flu, boy; you've got the Flu.
When your toes curl up and your belt goes flat,
And you're twice as mean as a Thomas Cat,
And life Is a long and dismal course,
And your food all tastes like a hard-boiled hearse;
Then your lattace aches and your head's a-buzz, -,
And nothing is as It used to wuz,
You've got the Flu, boy; you've got the Flu.
' What is it like,, this Spanish Fu?
. Ask me, brother, I've been through,
It Is by misery out of despair, ....
It pulls your teeth and curls your hair;
And thins your blood and brays your bones,
And fills your craw with moans and groans; -
And sometimes, maybe,' you get well.
Some call it the Flu J call It Hell,
' Doughboy In Tbe Emerald.
'A sound, healthy man Is never a back
Dumber. A man can be as vigorous and
abl at seventy as at twenty. Condition,
not years, puts yon in the discard. A
system weakened by overwork and care4
less living brings old age prematurely.!
The bodily functions are impaired and
unpleasant symptoms appear. The weak
spot Is generally the kidneys. Keep
tnem clean and In proper working con
dition and you will generally find your
self in Class A. Take GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil Capsules periodically and
your system will always be la working
order. Your spirits will be enlivened.
your mnscles supple, your mind active,
and your body capable ot bard work.
. , Don't wait until you have been reject
ed. Commence to bo a first-class man
now, - do- to1 your , druggist at- once;
Oet a trial box of GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil Capsules. -'They are made
of- the purs, original, Imported Haar
lent Oil tUe kind your great-grandfather
used, -, Two capsules each day will
keep you toned op and feeling line.
Money refunded if they do not help you.
Remember to ask for the Imported
GOLD MEDAL Brand, la tltrct sisss,
sealed packages.
OVIl GAKAGK Is equipped for every kin J of-repair work, and
our workmen are experts bi their line. NoUting Is ever ball
(lone, no dotal Is ever overlooked. It Is properly flnlalied o the
spot. Onr prices are reasonable.
Huy your supplies from, us. We rbarKo no more than the forolj( '
dealer for the. same article, and WK PAY THH FKK1GHT and YOU
Ituy your gasoline from as. It Is the beat and oar prices are al- '
nays at the bottom. . It pays to boy your gasoline here,'
Fashion Garage
and Machine Shop
Burke & Son, Proprietors
W. T. Hreen, I'ropr.
B. CHddiags, Agent
Grants Pass & Crescent City Stage Co..
Big, Easy Riding Pierce Arrow Cars
Office Old Observer Blk. Corner Seventh and 0 streets . Phone 26
" " ""'Telephone -228-J and l(i:l ' "W