Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, January 10, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    I'ltlDAY, JAMAIIV 10, 1U1U.
Published Daily Except Sunday
A. B. VOORHIES, ' Pub. and Propr.
Catered at postoffloe, Grants Pass,
Ore., m second doss mall matter.
Ttfanla ner inch 15c
Local-personal column, per llne10e
Reader, per Una
By mall or carrier, per year.....00
By mall or carrier, per month .50
By mall, per year -00
The Associated Prees Is exclusively
entitled to the use lor repuDiicauou
a, .it rtianalchaa credited to It
er all otherwise credited In this
paper and also the local news pub
lished herein.
All rights of republication of spe
cial cuspatcnea nerem an
res erred.
Rain west portion.
If You Have Trouble
Rain or
enow east portion. Fresh south-
f easterly winds.
During the former riots In Berlin
the kaiser's palace suffered not only
from the bombardment, but also
from looting. Larceny held sway.
Like a gang of thieves in discord
the Germans turned upon each oth
er, each endeavoring to steal '.lie
most and the kaiser proved him
self pastmaster in the art. As the
soldiers and sailors returned, fur
ious at defeat and the lies of the
kaiser during the last year of the
war In hiding the true conditions of
the great struggle from them, they
fell upon the royal possessions and
helped themselves, stealing every
thing of value they could lay their
hands on.
But were those Germans to blame?
They merely practiced, when they
got back to Berlin, what kultur had
taught them to do in every foreign
land where they set their invading
feet. The only difference was they
spared their own women and girls.
In their act of thieving we have an
other example of retribution the
Huns merely went home to roost.
Their burglary was not, of course,
the super-vandalism taught by their
former masters who were not en
gineering the destruction.
Such conduct should enable the
Germans to see themselves as oth
ers see them and prove to them the
old truth that chickens will come
home to roost.
The Hun leaders sent Lenlne and
Trotsky into Russia to disrupt that
country. The plot succeeded so well
that the bloody doctrine of Bolshe
vlklsm sown by those two hirllngs
has receded to Germany and now
the Boche empire Is reeking with
revolution. The rumblings of dis
content and anarchy have steadily
grown ever since the flight of the
ex-kalser and with yesterday's threat
of the haughty Bavarians to march
in force upon Berlin, promises well
to flame Into a civil war of no small
i The Germans are acting natural.
publio approval when congress takes
up this matter, tor the investigations
of the department of justice have
been thorough, and to them Is added
the proof presented by the alien pro
perty custodian as to the extent to
which our business lite has been
Among the number of aliens now
Interned are some who are consider
ed as uot dangerous. The deporta
tion of these will not be urged, pend
ing good behavior. There are oth
ers, and this number includes some
well known German women, whose
speedy departure Is considered de-sirable.
That the list of those whose re
moval is demanded includes many
prominent and wealthy people
should In no way hinder the pro
posed plana. These people have
used their money, their social ac
quaintances, their business holdings,
their unsuspecting American friends,
for just one end the furthering of
German schemes and German pro
paganda in this country.
There is no room for them here.
They are manifestly not good Amer
icans, but may prove to be what Ger
many calls a good German.
Mrs. McCarthy, of Grants Pass,
and Mrs. Lohr, of Albany, were all
day visitors of Mrs. F. G. Roper
Thursday. .
The nurse writes that Gall Hamil
ton is slowly Improving and will be
able to come home soon.
We bear that Dwight Jewell is
safe and well with his company In
Germany. ,
Mrs. J. Hagen was la Glendale on
business last week.
Mrs. A. S. Farquharson and two
boys left Sunday morning tor her
new home in Portland.
The William Williams family
have just recovered from a siege of
tonsllitts, now five of them are down
with the Influenza.
Ernest and Anna Neilson and
Margaret Rathbone spent Saturday
evening with Carlotta Wiseman in
Grants Pass.
On Sunday N. F. Woodstock en
tertained J. H. Harris, P. Slattery
and A. Bauer at dinner and treated
them to cream and butter from his
herd of 14 dairy' cows which he pur
chased lately. ;
Mrs. Waggoner and Mrs. Shepherd
of Grants Pass called on Mrs. Roper
Wednesday afternoon.
Alonzo Jones received a letter
Wednesday from Florena Brletmayer
of Jackson, Mich., saying that win
ter had come In earnest and he did
not Intend to pass another one there
as they would be at home In Fruit-
dale next winter.
The Charlie Peterson family have
all recovered from their attack of
Influenza except Mrs. Peterson, who
still ts troubled with a cough.
On Sunday Dr. and Mrs. Bestul
and Mrs. Truax, of Grants Pass, were
callers at the O. A. Hamilton home
and on Wednesday Rev. and Mrs.
Drake called.
We are pleased to .hear that
Lawrence Underwood has been mus
tered out of the service and will en
ter the drafting office in Washington
for the shipyards.
The Orogonlan thinks It la high
time to organize and wage a more
effectuul campaign against the Influ
enza, says' tho Oregonlnn. It should
be carried Into every household and
It should be supported by every rlt
Izen, It Is futile to shut up the
town, or does down business, or
stop public congregations, tor It has
been tried, and has not stopped the
But It is not futile and It will be
helpful and probably effective, It a
quarantine that quarantines Is eatab
llshed. The present quarantine Is
not adequate, perhaps because the
health department has not the
force to make It so.
The mayor Is urged to consider
the plan of calling to his aid the
most competent and forceful phy
slclan In the city with the purpose
and courage to do his duty, and to
put In his hands the quarantine
Let blm have an adequate force.
Let the city be dlvldod Into districts.
as In other campaigns and let all
houses where there Is Influenza, be
Isolated and the Inmates with It.
tot there be a systematic patrol and
vt all egress and Ingress to such
places be stopped, except upon writ
ten authority of the city, acting
through Its official agency. Let there
be a system of dally, reports from
all physicians. . '
There Is no occasion tor panic, tor
it ts evident that the percentage of
mortality Is lower than formerly. In
other words the present form of the
disease Is milder. But there are,
nevertheless, too many deaths and
In a matter of life and death ell
other problems are unimportant.
William Farntim, the grout Amor-
Icau actor, will be soen at the Joy
Theatre in a stupendous screen pro
duction ot Viator Hugo's Immortal
story, Los Mlserablea.
This picture Is well termed "stu
pendous." It Is tho only real scroun-
Ing of tho remarkable story ot the
conflict ot man with humanity and
humanity's half barbarous laws.
In the character ot Jean Valjenn,
Mr. Farnum gives a portrayal that
leaves one believing that ho walked
out ot the book. The hard side of
the man la shown In all his revenue
ful feeling against the world that
caused lilm to serve 19 years at hard
labor for stealing a lost ot bread for
his starving rolntlves. And the
after side, when lie, having chang
ed his name end becomes wealthy, Is
lending a helping hand to every one
around him. Then, too, the wonder
ful spirit that makes him renounce
the few joys he has had In life Is
shown In remarkable bits of acting
by this master artist, William. Far
num. Those who have read the book,
or who know anything of Jean Val
Joan, are In for a rare treat whan
this picture Is shown at the, Joy
Theatre on Bunday and Monday.
All kinds ot Oomraerolal Printing
at the Courier Office.
W. T. Ilreen, fropr.
II. Mlddlim. Agral
Grants Pass & Crescent City Stage Co.
Big, Easy Riding Pierce Arrow Cart
Office Old Observer WW. Comer Seventh and U llrwln I'hniie 8A
Telephone 82H-J and I Oil ...
"Western Reserve."
When Connecticut. In 1788, ceded
her western lands to the United States,
she reserved a large tract adjoining
Pennsylvania, now forming several
counties In the northeastern ' part ot
Ohio. From this the region came to
be called "the Western Reserve." The
reservation by Connecticut only lasted
a few years, as In 1800 she completed
the transfer ot all the lands to the
United States. The Western Reserve
soon been i no famous for Its good cltl
enshlp. One farms and determined op
position to slavery.
The Ksngsroo'lndustry.
In Austruliu kangaroo fanning ts an
Important Industry. The bides are val
uable and the tendons extremely One;
Indeed, they are the best known to sur
geons for sewing up wounds,' and es
pecially for holding broken bones to
gether, being much finer and tougher
than catgut, which Is used extensively.
Our cIsKHltlefl an brum results
set A. m :. ft,m.$0f
Crescent Balling Powder
Wi4smCms Steak
Oraosst Kit Oe, lesttla, Wash.
Rt Rev. Eugene Louis Jullsn,
prince of the Catholic church and bish
op of Arras, who came to America for
the golden Jubilee of Cardinal Gib
The department of justice will
shortly recommend to congress the
deportation of 3,000 or 4,000 aliens
now Interned in the United States.
Special legislation will be necessary
to accomplish this, as there is, of
course, no law at present covering
the situation.
" The further suggestion is made
that the subsequent return of any of
these undesirables to this country,
whose hospitality they have abused
shall be made Impossible. '
There should ba great wars of
Court Does Not Consider Call of
Romance Strong Enough.
Dan Cuold lost his case before
Judge Andy Calhoun In the city court
at Atlanta. Ga.
Just as the Judge was about to pro
nounce sentence on a young woman
who had been arraigned on a charge
of vagrancy, a soldier stepped forth
from the audience and announced
that he wished to marry the accused
Tonna woman. Mrs. Maybelle Laver,
the defendant, smiled her assent, and
the court halted bis sentence.
But Assistant Solicitor Ed Hill ob
jected. He remarked to the court
that nothing was known of the young
woman, and that she might be per
mitted to commit bigamy; that she
mleht already have a husband.
Mrs. Laver admitted that she bad
been twice married, but insisted that j
she Is free now. She said she had
been married In Florida, but would
not give the name of the . town In
which she had lived, nor any further
Judge Calhoun did not consider the
call of romance strong enough, and
declined the request of the soldier.
He proceeded to sentence Mrs. Laver
to spend six months In the county
home for girls.
. -
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Hottenroth re
turned Sunday morning . after a
week's visit In Portland.
Mrs. May Brown Is seen In Selma
again after a short stay In Grants
Roy Hudson' and John Breazeale'
left ror Gazelle wtiero tney win m
employed for the winter.
W. C. Hlldcrbrandt spent a few
days in Ashland this week.
Elbert Tucker and family spent
Sunday "it ' bmthar R. Tnrker.
and family.
Miss Ruth Tuttle arrived from
Portland last Saturday and Is visit
ing parents and relatives.
Mr. Huffard spent a few days in
Selma looking after mining proper
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Welter and
Miss Kate Herman wore dinner
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
HInkle New Tears day. , f
Fred Herman who Is employed by
the S. P. company arrived Tuesday
to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Herman.
Small Producers ef Coal.
Portugal digs less coal than any
other European country. Her total
product of coal Is only 22,000 tons a
year. New South Walis digs yearly
Just twice as much coal as all Spain
produces. .
Avoid Brooding.
It Is a salutary thing to regret past
errors and sincerely resolve not to fall
Into them again, but It Is a foolish and
most dangerous thing to brood over
mlhtakea we have made, sins we have
committed. Brooding cannot possibly
lead to healthy-minded action. Its
tendency, rather Is to' develop a state
of mind that may pass over Into In
sanity. Yet many people indulge in
this dangerous luxury ot brooding. Par
ticularly is this likely to be the case
with people to whom life has not been
as kind as It might have been.
Oar etasstfled ads brlag recalls.
Birth of "Peace" Baby.
Worcester, Mass. A .baby girl,
bora to Mr. and Mrs. A. Calloro of this
dty, daring the armistice negotiations,
has been christened , "Peace Europe
MULWlM ill
Ik l I I sxfl J - ' ;!
SAYyoull have a streak of smokeluck thatTI
put pep-inour-smokemotor, all right, if you'll
ring-in with a jimmy pipe or cigarette papers and
nail some Prince Albert for packing! ,
Just between ourselves, you
never will wise-up to high-spot-smoke-Joy
until you can call a pipe
, by its first name, then, to hit the
peak-of-pleasure you land square
on that two-fisted-man-tobacco,
Prince Albert 1 . , , .
Well, sir, youll be so all-fired
happy youll want to get a phpto
graph of yourself breezing up the
pike with your smokethrottle wide
open I Talk about tmoke-aport I
Quality makes Prince Albert so
, appealing all along the smoke line.
Men who never before could
smoke a pipe and men who've
smoked pipes for years all testify
to the delight it hands out I P. A.
can't bite or parch! Both are
cut out by our exclusive patented
process! .
Right now while the going's
good you get out your old jimmy
pipe or the papers and land on
some P. A. for what aila your
particular amokeappetito I
OmrrifMitM -
TltHK C.
Yam kmy frtme Alkmri mrokm lobmecm It mU, Toppv rW ,
tUyni Un; hmdtom mound mnd half mtmnJ llm humldort-ani
ihmt tlmfy. practical moani errtlal rnlamt AmnWor mtilh
- malifnar Imp thai kaapm tht latmm in mh parfact tanJitlh
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, Ni C