PAQB FOUR (iUANTS PASS DAILY IXH RIKH TIH ILSDAV, JAM AUV 0, 1010. SOLDIER LETTERS Don IIimhI (ion Over Seven Times October 24. 191S. Dear Mother: I received your letter yesterday. Hare been getting your letters about 15 days apart, but have been on the move so much that I have not been able to write. Have been getting the papers you sent. Will you send me some magazines? We don't get much to read over here. Don't send any packages for I will not get them as they have a strange way of dis appearing back In the 3. O. S. some where. . I have been over the top seven times and am ready to go over again. We go over the first wave and have a hot time of It. The last time was the worst of all lots of cannon and machine guns were on the line night and day. We hiked about 40 miles In the last two days and we are some tired and sore. We have been on the go ever since February zo. ere in the trenches of B interesting 'In many ways, and edu cational. I've been all through the famous Walker Museum and Art Collection. ' It is wonderful. I also made a trip to Chester ana sur rour.Jlug country. It is the oldest town in Englaud, built by the Ro mans; also to Manchester, Sdinburg. Scotland, etc. Wish I could get off and come home now. Love. HEKM." juinieis sixty days and put ten. On xne lines at Chateau-Thierry forty days. Over the top at Soissons In the trenches at Toul Sector. Over the top at St Mihlels and last and worst of all was the battle of Blanc Mon Ridge near Argonne Forest on the Champagne front We were there for eight days and nights fight ing all the time. We carry tele phones and string out lines as we advance. T. P. S. and visual sig nals is the best wav of communica tion. They raise lots of sugar beets in this country, but they haven't any factories. Dan Kelley is in the hospital over here but I will not be able to see him, as he is In the southern part of France and we are in the north ern part. "Sunshine" Benedict was in this regiment but I didn't know it nntil he was wounded and went to the hospital. He was in O Co. We have some marines in this di vision but I have not run across Clare yet I saw Dwight Jewell the other day. He is with the 37th en gineers. Had eupper with him. We can hear the big guns from here. About 30 kilometers 5-8 of a mile. I would sure love to see you and I will have lots to tell yon when I get home. Hope it will be soon. Don't forget to send magazines. Will write again soon. Tour Loving son, DOM, Corporal Don Hood, 1st Field Signal Bn. Detached 9th Infantry, A.E. F. Loren Basler Visits Old Ireland 7th Inf., Camp Lewis, Wash. January 2, 1919. Rogue River Courier,-. Grants Pass, -Ore. I am enclosing soMe extracts of letters from my. , brother, Loren, "December 15, 1918. Dearest Home Folks: 'This is another Sunday evening. We are lying in the channel Just out side New York. We ousht to have gone in this morning but It was so foirirv we couldn't make It, but we expect to get In In the morning. -We've been going around, nearly two months. It teems like a year. We were in dry dock at Liverpool Eng. They certainly have some won derful dry docks and shipping docks I have made a trip up to Chester where I saw lots of old his tnrtrai thin IS. , I also got tO make a nice trip across to uurjiin, Ireland. I didn't think so much of it. It is much the same as Liver pool, only they hold we Yanks up a much higher price for everything than thev do In England. I also made a short trip up into Scotland, more to see the country. Out through the country it is very pretty and nice and gTeen and nice trees etc. It cer tainly looked good to me after so much water. "The girls over there are very different from our girls. They an have very rosy cheeks and are not a bit witty, as are onr American gins. They all smoke cigarettes, even oi the best families and think nothing of .it. The ladies and all use the public bars and go in for their lunch and their staut, which Is a una oi beer which contains a very small amount of intoxicant. They call us all Yanks; everyone, especially the weaker sex, Bpeak to us and call out. 'Cherrio, Yank" or "Hou'r You Yank." They use such peculiar phrases to express themselves. At Liverpool, we loaded on 5,000 wounded, some of -them In bad con dition, and about 5,000 sailors com ing home. From England, we went to Brest, France, and coaled Bhlp and took on about 5.000 more troops. We were there for nearly four days. Then we started for home and the good old V. S. A. From seeing other countries we learn to appreciate our own. We had a very rongh.trlp back. I was seasick for several days. One day I was obliged to turn in bed, I was so bad. I was in England at the time the German navy was surrendered but you know we wern't up at the scene of action in the North sea, but they brought some of them to Liverpool and I saw them bring them in. ' As you know, I'd seen some of their subs in deadly action and they sure did look like a more peaceable bunch being brought into Liverpool harbor than they did in the war zone Bneaking up trying to get in range 1 KLKorNflL iiMQCdL j which might .prove of interest to Courier readers. Lore'h is on the't0 deliver us a broadsider." transport Leviathan, formerly the I " The Leviathan was to leave for T. l Cramer is contlued to hi home with a bad cold. Hemstitching and picotlng at 10 cents a yard All work guaranteed The Vanity Shop, Medford. Ore. 7tf O. P. Harvey is in Gleml.ilo man aging the hardware store conducted at that plui'o by his son, C. L, llur voy, who Is Hi with Influenza. Tnnlac. Sabln has it. 61 A. E. Voorhles, who has been con fined to his home for several days. Is reported to bo much Improved today. Electric work Paul's Electric store, pnoue 90 Medford. 62 J. T. Ixive, of Molla. Ore., arrived last night, enronte to Crescent Cl'y on a business trip. Mr. l.ove !s well known in this vicinity. . Mr. and Mrs, ,.lvln Wheeler, o! Wapota, Wash., who have been vis iting with the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Ora Smith, of Kerby, went to Phoenix today to spend a few days before returning home. C. C. Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Thompson, was In the city today. Mr. Thompson Is on his way from Seattle to San Francisco, and will again stop off at Grants Pass on Ids return. Helen Booth Dies T. C. Booth of this city re cited a message today statin that his sister. Miss Helen Booth, of Port land, died In that city at 6:43 this morning of pneumonia. The mess age also stated that his mother. Mrs. Chas. Booth, and his sister. Mrs. J. M. Booth, were very 111 with the disease. Miss Booth was well known in this city, having lived here for a number of years. OP I Marriage Utensc County Clork Coburn today Issued a marriage license to Alfred A. Wlnkleman, of Ulondalo, and Miss Juunlta Lindsay, of Murphy, To Appear Tomorrow Donald Oirins, a young boy of this city, has boon summoned to appear before the. Juvenile court tomorrow. Young Oft I ns is chargod with being a delinquent. In Now Ouarte Tho local Western Tnlou office lias been moved to Its new quarters near the First National bank. It will be several weeks yet before the repenting station Is removed to this city from Ashland. Kanily PnMca lnsMrtlon The state Inspector of hotels and restaurants has Just examined the Panama Cafe and pronounces every thing there In a sanitary and excel lent condition. Most centally lo cated eating place In town. Meals 3ic and up. t!0 Cocoa and Chocolate Hci-mIicy Otcoa, Hi. llim iir llerln)N Cm, I lb. Una . Qultanb Cocoa, ft l. tins UHc .ultiriN Cixtm, I Hi. tins nr Ha . i Wo, 4 lb. this '. iiile (ultnnbi (irrtiutlHttMl ( liiKolt, I lit, (Inn .... (JmiiiKl 1iH4lnt In Hulk, xr Hi ...Hoc Cocoa In Hulk, per lb II.V WHY PAY MORE BASKET GROCERY CO. IFI.- Itcturulng With IttHfy L. D. Hull today received a tele gram from Moore, Nov., from Mr. and Mrs. W. K. McIIrldo, stating that they would arrive here tonight or tomorrow with the body of their son, Marvin, who died at Moore on Tuesday. Installation of Pout and Corps (leneral Ixigan W. R. C. will hold their regular meeting Saturday af ternoon. There will be Initiation and Installation of post and corps offi cers. At the close a 5 o clock sup per will be served. All visiting members of both orders who may be In the city, and the returning sail ors, soldiers and marines are cor dially Invited. BORN YORK At , Provolt, Wednesday, January 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Q. York, a son. ' German liner Vaterland, and the ' France again New Years day. I am largest ship afloat. He returned . sure Loren would be very glad to from his eighth trip across on De-'hear from any of his friends In cember 17.' They were in Liver-southern Oregon. His address is V. pool in dry dock for several weeks S. S. Leviathan, Care Postmaster, and during that time he had a good New York City. deal of liberty. The following ex- Father and Ulda are still, busily tract Is from a letter dated Liver- engaged at their work In the Brem pool, England, Dec. 4, 1918: Urton navy yard and all enjoy the "Well, tomorrow we leave for J life tWe very much.. Brest, France, where we will stay for nwhlle. Then we will likely hit for tha states and expect to arrive there on or about the 20th of this month. I'm working in the M. O. D. office now, doing clerical work; have been here for some time and like the work O. K. We are loaded to the gun- Wishing you a Happy New Year, VERNON I. BASLER, 75th U. S. Infantry, Camp Lewis, Washington. Juvenile. Cases Trie parents of Conner Eenner and Boyd McClunz. of Wlldervllle. have whales with wounded, most of them:heen served with a citation to bring are fresh and several thousand of the boys before the Juvenile court them certainly does weigh heavlly'0f nelt Saturday. The on the M. depot. We are dressing a youngsters are alleged to be delin contlnual line of wounds in two op-'qUents eratlng rooms night and day. .They I , certainly do have one bunch of var- lous and awful wounds. I had myl fibyje of that kind of work a couple I Jan. 11, Saturday Civil service of trips ago. Now it is the clerical examination for postmaster, vacancy work that I am up against and there at Leland. is certainly a lot of it too. , "I've had quite a stay of it here . All klndB of Commercial Printing in England. And It has been quite at the Courier Office. COMIXG EVENTS Richard James, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Cramer, was born in Grants Pass. Ore., on the first . day of June, 1901, and passed from this life on the eighth day of January, 1919, at the family home where he had spent his entire life. He was the youngest of four chil dren, all of whom have been reared 'n this city. As a boy and a young man he has srrown ud to be loved by all that knew him. He was a young man of sterling character, with a Bmilc and a kind word for all he met. At the time of his death, he was a senior in the Grants Pass High school, being .president of his class, and cadet commander of the military unit In the school. He was Master Scout of the local troop of the Boy Scouts, and during the last . war work camplgn, headed the county camDalun of the Victory Boys and Girls. During the past summer he was employed by P. T. Birchard, and drove one of the Ice wagons. All who met him knew him as a perfect gentleman at all times and sincerely mourn his loss. He is survived by his parents, and two older brothers, Ted and Arthur, the former on the faculty and the latter a student at the Oregon Agrl- cultural college, and an older sister, Jeanrrette, teacher In the local Jun ior High school. ' The funeral will be held from the Presbyterian church, of which Dick was one of the most faithful younii j men, and a memner since cnuuiiuim, at 2:30 Friday afternoon. Inter-1 mert will be In the family burial ! plot In the I. O. O. F. cemetery. The funeral service will be con-' ducted by Rev. L. Myron Boozer,' and members of the Boy Scouts wlll( be ushers and pall bearers. i Crescent Baking Powder WltttorCaafcBMk Omoat Mfg. Oa, IWUIa Wish. JOY THEATER. LAST TIME TODAY 'The Doctor and The Woman" with Mildred Harris An absorbing story Unit keeps you gu owing Spring Will Soon Be Here We have a carload of FORDS coming Get your order in Ford Worm-Gear Trucks C. L. HOBART CO. COMING SUNDAY and MONDAY William Farnum in VICTOR HUGO'S XI'.AV TOiAY LOST Between Medford and Grants Pass, roll of scrim house curtains with brown border; also goat skin rug, unmounted; also an umbrella without handle. Re ward. Write Mrs. A. Bursell, 1211 E. Main street, Medford, Ore., or call 666 M. 61 WANTED Light 2-borse wagon; also light double harness. Chas. Hively, ill. F. D. No. -4, Box 2, across bridge South Sixth St. 61 WANTED Want to buy at once: Gentle team plow horses; good milch cow; three or four brood sows, Poland Chinas preferred; also about two dozen chickens of a good breed. J. L. Daws, 713' North Fifth street, Grants'. Pass, Ore. . , 61 One of the biggest pictures ever shown in Grants Pass. Has received the highest praise from rich and poor, old and young, highbrow and the regular movie fan A picture of universal appeal "LKS MISKKABLMS," the greatest epic and dramatic work of fiction ever created or conceived; the epic of a soul transfigured mid redeemed, purified by heroism and glorified through suffering; the tragedy nod comedy of life at its darkest mid Its brightest, of human ity at Its best and at Its worst Kiicyclopueditt llritanuica. hVH MISEUAI1LK8 as produced by Mr. Vox whm so perfect that tho National Hoard of lie. view made a special report upon It, endorsing it In no uncertain terms... This is an extract from tho special report; "Entertainment value excellent; " cducu- tiimiil value excellent; colieroiun of narrative strong; uetliig ndmlrulde; pliotogrupliy good; U:hnlcal handling expert; costuming excellent; , atmospheric quality of wenlc selling couvlno lng; lilHturlcnl value a real controliutlon; .moral cd'ect excellent." t nder tho heading "(Jeneral Comment," the National Hoard of Itevleiv wild: "In tlie opinion of those present this pic ture Is an adequate representation of the great book and a fine example of the Justice the mo. tlon picture can render the classics. The Jean Valjoan of William Farmim is a wonderful crew tlve effort."