Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, January 09, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Published Daily Except Sunday
TlllltmW. JANUARY 0. IIMU.
K. VOORHIES, Pub. and Propr.
Entered at poetoffice. Grants Pass,
Ore., as second class mall matter.
sstmyimj bivv!
WUWW - - -
Bailara iwr Una . SC
By mall or carrier, per year..$6.00
By maH or tmrrier. per month .60
By mall, per year '.
The Associated Press Is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to It
or all otherwise credited In this
paper and also the local news pub
lished herein.
All rights of republication of spe
cial dispatches herein are also
res erred.
Marischino Cherries
4 4
4 Rain tonight, warmer west
portion. Fair and warmer east
portion. Friday rain.
easterly winds.
Henry Ford has been lauded by
some as a great benefactor to the
laboring men because . he recently
raised their wages, all of which Is
an Illusion. If Mr. Ford can con
tinue to make millions, and he un
doubtedly can, he deserves no great
credit for paying a decent living
wage to those who daily bend their
backs in his sweat-shops to. grind
out more millions for him. If "to
the victor belongs the spoils," then
to labor belongs a part of the pro
fits at least to the extept of a wagel
that will provide him with more
than a bare living.
Secretary of Commerce Redfield
said in a speech at Atlantic City:
"Beware of the temptation to lay
rash hands upon wages. Concentrate
thought, purpose and effort on out
put. Find and seize hold of all that
science has said or can say concern
ing industry. It was largely because
Germany made her industries the
operating end of her science that her
commerce grew so fast and powerful
In the years before the great war.
It was more German science than
German wages that made her compe
tition dangerous. The responsive
power of well paid and contented
labor to far-sighted leadership in in
dustry is the greatest force In pro
duction, and happy are they who
have it behind them."
Reference is meant only to those
great mining and manufacturing In
dustries in the United States, where
it has heretofore been the custom
and rule to pay the men who daily
stripped themselves to the waist and
toiled like mules to pile up fortunes
for their employers, Including such
men as were John D. Rockefeller
and Andrew Carnegie. It was not
Carnegie's money, but the money
produced by his thousands of em
ployes that made it possible to es
tablish so many "Carnegie Hbaries"J
tablish so many "Carnegie libraries"
deserves credit for such work, but
had It not been for that army of toil
ers, many of whom lived In mere
hovels, " he never would have been
albl'e to make his spread-eagle dis
play Df philanthropy.
But again coming back to Henry
Ford: There is no humane reason
why wages ehduld. be rigidly held to
a level that .will make one man
Worth 'a Vundred millions dollars
within a 'few short years while the
multitude toil 'for an etistence. i La
bor 1s entitled to some of the credit.
nese government and the essential
morality of the Chinese people, Chi-!
na, so long the slave of opium, Is
now free. The crowning act of the
government was the purchase and
destruction, in Shanghai, of 1,200
chests of opium, worth $14,000,000
in- the open market. The poppy
fields are now given over to the pro
duction of food. The thorough-going
way in which the elimination of
tha destructive ODlum traific was
accomplished may be inferred from
the following measures, enforced in
several Chinese provinces:
1. It the opium dealer be a snop
keeper, all the banks and money
shops shall refuse to have anything
to do with him in money matters, so
that he will have to close his shop
for lack of funds and banking facili
ties. (The Chinese have long known
the efficacy of the boycott. Both
the United States and Japan have
felt Its force.)
2. If an employe of a shop deals
in opium the shopkeeper shall dis
miss the man, whose name will be
published In the newspapers, so that
he will not be able to find employ
ment elsewhere.
3. If a wealthy man be discover
ed dealing in opium, his name shall
be given to the elder of his family,
with the request that the guilty per
son be cast out from the family (one
of the greatest of disgraces), and he
shall be opposed by all as an alien
without mercy.
4. Landlords and landladies shall
not rent their houses to opium deal
ers. If they do, they will be dealt
with as If they were the opium deal
ers themselves.
The following letter, written to
Rev. Melville T. Wire, of this city,
by an army chaplain, explains the
manner in which Cuthbert W. Court
ney, of this city was wounded. The
chaplain Is answering a letter tor
Mr. Courtney written him by Mr.
Dijon, France,
A. P. O. 721.
Dec. 15, 1918.
Rev. Melville T. Wire,
Grants Pass. Oregon.
My Dear Brother Wire:
I had the pleasure, this morning.
of meeting ope of your loyal friends
and parlshoners, Cuthbert W. Court
ney, who is fighting his way back to
health and strength, though It has
been a fierce conflict. He was sev
erely wounded as you know. In one
of the engagements. His was a
thrilling and heroic experience for
which he has recently been cited
and his name placed on the honor
roll. It seems that he was in the
signal service and was In company
with the cataln and five otbers
when the shell struck the place
where they were temporarily locat
ed, with headquarters. Cuthbert
was at the time at the telephone,
and while the captain and all In
this place were wounded, he was the
most severely hurt, but refusing to
leave his post, he managed to call
up the telephone for the captain, al
though he was wounded In both legs
badly, and in his left shoulder.
When the ambulance came he want
ed the 'captain to be taken first but
the captain insisted that as Cuth
ht si ' wounded more than the
,t ia ihnuid -be fnoved first. He
II II VI IB U 1 I irim i-r I I .
I IK It I J M II J II I : ii.ll ! II i: V .AJtt' -XSX
I J! I II k1 1 TO JnW'4r
Jul mmmmmmmw
.iifii'ttsiiii iiiytit)ttii4ii!iii - y i
V Tim i i mm ii
SAY, youll have a streak of smokeluck that'll
put pep-in-your-smokemotor, all right, if you'll
ring-in with a jimmy pipe or cigarette papers and
nail some Prince Albert for packing!
OprrliKi iro
ki H J. kria
Just between ourselves, you
never will wise-up to high-spot-s
moke-joy until you can call a pipe
by its first name, then, to hit the
pealc-of-pleaaure you land square
on that two-fisted-man -tobacco,
Prince Albert I
Well, sir, youll be to all-fired
happy youll want to get a photo
graph of yourself breezing up the
pike with your smokethrottle wide
open I Ttlk about smoke-a port!
Quality makes Prince Albert so
appealing all along the smoke line.
Men who never before could
smoke a pipe and men who've
smoked pipes for yeiirs all testify
to the delight it hands outt P. A.
can't bite or parch) Both are
cut out by our exclusive patented
process I
Right now while the going's
good you get out your old jimmy
pipe or the papers and land on
some P. A. for what aila your
particular amokeappetito I
Yaw Prim Alhtrt lwiiw rolmecm It wM. Tnmmv ttJmat;
Hdv rf Iim. AJirfm pttmmd mmd hmlt Mund f im fcumiorArf
tkmt mimmvt mrnciHmi pmmmj cmfW humidor with rjPMMT
MliNMr lm Ikml kmt A ltcc o racA ewiWiliM.
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C
Ui-eut Old Xovtl Maken MitKiiiflwnt
You who have been looking for
bigger and better stories In pictures,
cotton to this quick. It's an S. K.
O. feature almost anywhere, and
good for an extended engagement.
"Les Mlserables," the story by
Victor Hugo, long has been consider
ed one of the greatest if
MIsh lluzel King returned Kumluy
evening to commence school at tha
Mapleton school, all danKcr of the
flu being over.
Lester Ford left Saturday evening
for Corvallls. He expocls to entor
the O. A. C. to take a short coiiiKe In
furm tractor engineering. Percy
Green and Kl'lon Everton, of Grants
not the Puss, also went the same evening
We are glad to nolo that M. 1,.
Griffin and family are all about
well after having the flu. Also Den
The two German factions in Ber
lin are "fighting tooth and .toenail."
The entente allies are shirking their
duty if they do not immediately fur
nish the Boche factions with an un
limited amount of ammunition so
they can fight It out as that Is the
Hun way "of arguing. .This is the
first German offensive that has look
ed funny to the Americans.
One cannot help but pity the
Poles. Poor Poland was completely
wrecked by the Huns, who boasted
that they would kill oft the male
population and bring that country in
as a German province.
greatest riovel ever written. Parts
of It have been used In past to make
movie thrillers: but never before
h.. h m.,i, nnvai linn tmns. Jones, who was 1n the home at the
does "not know what became of the Ierred t(j Kteca nit realIy u time they were sick Is Bbout re-
the whole novel brought to life, covered from the same.
with full aDDreclatlon of Its spirit Mr. and Mrs. Noble, of Wlldervllle
and slEnlflcance. It was worth do-1 was vlBltlng Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hus-
ooniuin I think it has been u
weeks now since the engagement,
and It may be months before he will
be recovered. His spirit Is fine, and ng u hag -0M we
brave. He speaas so cneenuw, u wou,d hgV9 eftgy t0 have
the future and of the home-coming. ,,,, . 1fn droollnK Ule
Your letter was a comfort to him. of human mlteryi wlth nothng to
I read It and enjoyed with him your Ug ordldnegB. Dut one nere
experience with the trout fishing. leavet th(j theatre wUh a good clean
HU face lighted as he told me Just tagte )n h(g m(juth ftn(, the feeHn(t
where you were on tne river, i am
. . . LI A , n V n
sure sucn leiiers cneer mm uu '"-, remembere(1
his thought from his present sur
He is an earnest Christian and en
The inhuman part of sthe Bolshe
vik! is their theory that the only
good enemy is a dead enemy. And
they practice that theory to the letter.
that be has seen something to be
It Is a tribute no less
to William Farnum, who portrayi
the difficult role of . Jean Valjeap
with fine Intelligence, than It is to
sey Sunday.
G. H. Griffin and daughter. An
dry, also Mrs. Ogden, was in Orants
Pbbs Friday on business.
A. J. Hussey was delivering some
hogs to Orants Pass Saturday to be
shipped t6 Portland. We as farmers
appreciate what our county agent Is
doing tor us in helping the farmers
ship tnelr stock to the Portland
Market. '
Joyed talking with me of his church j-ank Lloyd, who adapted and di
rections and his love for Christ.
I am myself a Methodist preacher
and know something of how . you
must feel to have such a fine loyal
lad as this away from the church
home. . I,
Very sincerely and fraternally, .
(When at home pastor of First
Methodist Episcopal church Pitch
burg, Mass.)
There is some hope for Russia
since Lenine and Trotzky have fallen
out. "It takes a thief to catch a
thief." Let's see If the old saw
reded the production. Wld's Films
and Film Folks.
The management of the Joy Thea
ter takes pleasure In announcing the
presentation of "Les Mlserables,"
on Sunday and Monday with a spe
cial matinee each, day at reduced
Thanks to the courage of the Chl-
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor
vallls, Jan. ?.--6ix hundred 'ninety
five eggs a! flay from 1,100 pullets,
and a daily profit' of nearly $28 is
the record of J. H., Hanson of the
College View Poultry farm In Ben
ton county. ' Mr. ' Hanson obtains
his breeding males' front the college
each' year. His success is attributed
by James Dryden, professor Of pout
try husbandry, to a Combination of
good breeding stock and good management.
Chicago, Jan. 9. Counsel for the
distilling Interests of the United
States began preparations today for
carrying on a legal fight against the
prohibition forces to the highest
court of the land. Not only will
tha fieht aitainst prohibition be
waged In e Very 'state " I h the union
thev said, but a concerted attack on
the 'cbhstlt'utibnality of the 'na'tlbba'l
prohibition amendment will ibe start
ed as soon as the 'preliminaries -can
'.be 'drafted. ' ' ' ! "
Reason for Mirth.
. "Did you notice how your wife laugh
ed 'St all toy Jokes. She's got a keen
'sense of humor." "No, 'she's got a hlnv
We."-Jndge " fy,
And His Needs Are Numerous, i
A politlcisn thinks he Is enUtled to
as many kinds of opinions ss he may
need In his business.
Results Will Star
tic Grants Pass
I'ooiile report quick results from
pure I.avoptlk eys wash. A girl with
weak, strained eyes was helped by
OSK application. Her mother could
not bfw or read bocntmu of eye pains.
In one week her trouble) was gone. A
small bottle of Lavoptlk Is guaran
teed to hclii K.VEHY CASK weak,
strained or Inflamed eyes. OMB
WASH startles with Its quick rtsulls.
Aluminum eye cup Free. National
Drug Store.
A Fighting Kansan.
An Atchison mun has figured In so
many church rows his wife has put
a service flag In the window. Ithuca
Charm of a Rabbit Foot
An expluuatlon of the marvelous
snd mysterious properties of the rab
bit foot as a good luck piece Is to be
found In the fact thnt witchcraft re
garded the rabbit as a particularly
mystical animal. The favorite His
guise of the witches of old was to take
the form of a rabbit a close second
was the catand records again and
again show convictions and executions
of women for the fearful crime Ox
changing thpmselves Into rabbits. A
rabbit foot was a potent charm against .
the evil spells of the witch-rabbit
Sftk-reduclng Insects.
The number of species of sllk-pre-dudng
Insects Is very large, probably
more than 200, very few of which are
of say practical valae to mankind.
All Josephine County (pink) Road
Warrants Issued iip to October 1st,
1918. and protested prior to that
date, are hereby 'called' In and are
payable at the County Treasurer's
office on or after January 8th, 1918,
on which date interest will Cease.
County Treasurer for Josephine
County, Oregon. 60
Kidney disease Is fio respecter of per
sona, X majority .of the ills afflicting
rtxwple today: can pe traced back to the
kidney trouble.
The kidneys are the most Important
organs of the body. They are the fll
tcrers of your blood, IX the poisons
which are swept from the tissues by the
blood are not eliminated through the
kidneys, disease of one form or another
will claim you as a victim..
Kidney disease is usually Indicated by
weariness, - sleeplessness, nervousness,
despondency, backache, stomach trou
ble, pain in loin and lower 'abddmen,
gall stones, -gravel, rheumatism, sciatica
and lumbago,
AD these derangements art nature's
signals that the . kldneysnsed Jslffs
You should tfse OOU) MEDAL fbir
lem Oil Capsules Immediately. The
aootbing, healing eU stimulates the
kidneys, relieves inflammation and de
stroys the germs which have caused it
Go to your druggist today. snd 1st
box ef GOLD MEDAL EUsrlei Oil
Capsules. In twenty-four hours yoa
should feel health and vigor returning
After you feel somewhat, improved
cotitlnns to fake One or two capsules)
each day, so ss to keep the flrst-dasa
condition snd -ward off the danger ef
other attacks.
Ask for the original Imported GOLD
MEDAL brand. Three siaes. Money re
funded if they do not help yon. -
wn itivnnll. WARRANTS
All Josephine Cdunty General
Warrants, issued prior to October
7th,' IM!, 'kiid protested prtor' to
that date, are hereby called in, and
are payable at the County Treasur
er's office on or after the 8th day-of
January, 1919, on which date inter
est will cease.
County Treasurer for Josephine
County, Oregon.
fisr alasslflsd n.'s b In. reii!t
W. T. Brca,
R. Olddlnas. Agent
Grants Pass, & Crescent City Stage Co.
Big, Easy Riding Pierce Arrow Cars
1 1 !
' (
... i.
Otfloe 04 Observer feUt. Comer Sovonlli and O streets . rhonw ltd
' Tolojiiioss 22(-J hmI !.