FAG FOUR GRANTS PASS 1AILY (tU UIKH Tl KHIAY. JAM'AUY 7, IOIU. -f ! 4 AT THH MOTIKS 4 "Tito Doctor and the Woman" Reviewed by Joseph L. Kelley Jewel Productions gathered In the strands of a worth-while screen drama when ' It secured the rights to Mary Roberts Rinehart's Btory. K," presented on the screen under the title. "The Doctor and the Wom an." The author laid a fine, sus taining foundation and under the direction of Lois Weber, It has blos somed forth into one of the most entertaining screen dramas seen for some time at the Broadway theatre, where it ran tor a limited engage ment last week to crowds fully ap preciating its every quality of enter tainment In pantomlne. The little human touches which have been evi denced here and there during Its expositions and out with all promi nence, and the , subtle, convtrlng manner In which the chief characters have been vitalized by Mildred Har ris, True Boardman, Albert Roseoe, Zella Canll and Carl Millet. Is Im pregnated with an interest compel ling force attaining a resistance hard to overcome. "The Doctor and the Woman" was booked to the Joy Theater October IS and 17, but was postponed due to the closing of the theater. The picture is In such demand that the management has not been able to secure a second booking until this week. Tt will be shown at the Joy Theater Wednesday and Thursday. (XITXO E VESTS Jan. 11, Saturday Civil service examination for postmaster, vacancy at Leland. JfEW TOlAY FOR SALE Modern six-room bun galow. Only $1,400. Terms. Heath and Herman. 59 AUTO REPAIRING All kinds of automobile repairing, prompt ser vice, all work guaranteed. 506 South Sixth street. 63 FOR SALE ,A few weaned pigs. Price $6. H. E. Gordon, R. F. D. No. 2. Phone 610-F-34. 63 The More Spots the More Meal. The number of spots burned on a Chinese monk's bead shews bow tooth bs has elected to endure, says a rnsnt writer on the subject of China. They reeerre as severe an Initiation a they desire, and get therefrom certain priv tkges. If a monk baa three spots be can get three meals free at any bmo sUry in China; ttx spots entitles hint to six meals; nine spots to three days board, and the maximum of twelve, a month's care. Puddfnf la History. Podding la Ha early font was ma C minced meat of some sort, well sea soned and staffed Into aa Intesths and then cooked by boiling. There as words In many early languages mean ing pudding, bat It seems originally to have come from some word meaning a short body or inflated skin. AS YOUNG AS YOUR KIDNEYS The secret of youth is ELIMINA TION OP POISONS from your body. This done, you can live to be a hundred and enjoy the good things of lifo with as much "pep" as yea did when in the springtime of youth. Keep your body . in good condition, that's the secret Watch the kidneys. They filter and punfy the blood, all of which Mood passes through theia once every thre minutes. Keep tbem clean enrf la proper working condition and yon licvo nothing to fear. Drive the poisonous wastes and deadly uric acid acctirr'ula tions from your svstem. Tike ;OLD MEDAL Ilaarkm Oil Cupsuifg and you will always be in good condition, you will feel strong e.id vigorous, v.ito steady reires and elastic tnuscW. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem 03 Cstsl'es are imported direct from the labora tories at Haarlem, Holland, Tbey are a reliable renWv has been used by the sturdy iM'ah for over 200 years, and has helped them to develop into one of the strongest and healthiest races of the world. Get them from your druggist Do not take a substitute. la sealed packages ' three sizes. Shortenings at Money Saving Prices Miizola Oil 40c, 75c, $1.45 Wetwon Oil 45c, 5c, $1.85 disco ....1 35c, 50c, $1, $2 , Yegltolo $1.40, $2.75 Cottolene $1.20, $2-00 ' Pearl Shortening $1.35, $2.00 BASKET GROCERY CO. "ROOM ONLY FOR ONE ' FLAG" ROOSEVELT New York, Jan. 7. What was the last public statement by . Colonel Roosevelt was read Sunday night at an "all-American concert" here un der the auspices of the American Defense society, of which he was honorary president. "I cannot be with you and so all I can do Is to wish yon Godspeed," tt read. "There must be no sagging back in the tight for Americanism merely because the war Is over. "There are plenty of persons who have already made the assertion that they believe the American people have a short memory and that they intend to revive all the foreign asso ciations which most directly Inter fere with the complete Americaniza tion of our people. Our principle tn this matter should be absolutely simple. "In the first place we should in sist that if the immigrant who comes here does in good faith become an American' and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for It Is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed or birthplace or origin. But this Is predicted upon the man's becoming in very fact an American and noth ing but an American. "If he tries to keep segregated from men of his own origin and sep arated from the rest of America, then he Isn't doing his part as an American. There can be no divided alliance at all. "We have room tor but one flag. the American flag, and this excludes the red flag which symbolizes all war against liberty and civilization Just as much as it excludes any for eign flag of a nation to which we are hostile. We have room for but one language here and that Is the Eng lish language, for we Intend to see that the crucible turns our people out as Americans and American nat ionality, and not as dwellers tn a polyglot boarding house; and we have room for but one soul loyalty, and. that Is loyalty to the American people." , EATERS SAYS 0. A. C. Oregon Agricultural College, Cor vallls, Jan. 7. Feed cost of poor producing cows In Oregon Is but lit tle lower than that of high produc ing cows. It cost but f 11.86 less to feed the cows on test which produced 300 pounds of fat than those which produced 150 pounds. The cost for cows yielding 200 pounds of fat was only $6.78 less than for those yield ing 300 pounds. Hence the differ ence in the total feed cost between cows producing 200 pounds and 400 pounds of fat was $18.64. Yet the value of their product, which cost but little less than the product' of the good producers, was worth only about half as much. The entire dif ference in cost of feed for cows pro ducing 100 pounds and 400 pounds of fat was $30.09. COUNTY TKKASlRKIt'S CALL FOR ROAD WARRANTS All Josephine County fpink) Road Warrants Issued up to October 1st, 1918, and protested prior to that date, are hereby called In and are payable at the County Treasurer's office on or after January 8th, 1918, on which date Interest will cease. GEO. S. CALHOUN, County Treasurer for Josephine County, Oregon. 60 Butter Wrappers printed to com ulv with the law at the Courier. PER52N1L Tanlac. Sablu bus It 61 Electric work raul's Electric store, phone SO Medford. 63 Dr. Arvld 13 uracil, of Grants Pass, has rented the room formerly oocu pied by Dr. Lockwood lu the Med- tord Furniture & Hardware building and expects to open up his office there soon. Medford Tribune. Hemstitching and plcotlug at 10 ceuts a yard All work guaranteed The Vanity Shop, Medford, Ore. 27tf New Repair Shop- Harry Cameron has leased the Mclntyre building at 506 South Sixth street and will use the sumo for an automobile repair shop. May Move Tomorrow The local Western Union office will be moved to now quurtors to morrow or next day, according to present plans. Stated Milting 11. A. !. Stated meeting Reams Chapter No. 28 K. A. M. Wednesday evening 7:30. Work on Mark and Past Mas ters degrees. By order of High Priest. 58 Swkltig IamhiIoii Dr. C. J. Jacksou, a dentist from Grant county, eastern Oregon, Is in the city. Mr. Jackson is seeking a location In this part of the state and may decide to" locate at Grants Pass. Will Uft Flu Ran Manager Stewart, of the local Western Union office, states that the quarantine which was recently placed on- the Western Union ' line repairing crew at Myrtle Creek will be lifted tomorrow. Several of the crew were critically 111. BOHX VAWVER In this city Friday, Jan uary 3, to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Var ner, a son. CHAMBERLAIN LAUDS COLONEL ROOSEVELT Washington, Jan. 7. Senator Chamberlain went further than oth er members of northwest delega lions in congress by supplementing his public statement on the death of Colonel Roosevelt with a personal telegram of condolence to . Mrs. Roosevelt last night. In which he said: "Please accept my deepest sym pathy In the affliction which has come to you through the loss of your distinguished husband. His life has been spent In the service of his country and he has furnished an Illustrious example, worthy of emu lation by the youth of America. He had the courage of his convictions and dared express them, and his' ut terances have breathed the spirit of loftiest patriotism at all times and under all circumstances." Senator Chamberlain recounted today that his friendship with Col onel Roosevelt began In 1903, when he, as governor of Oregon, made a trip with a party of governors down the Mississippi river to investigate proposed river and harbor Improve ments. Mr. Roosevelt, as president,1 was the guest of the parts. "We spoke from the same platform at Memphis," said the senator, "and tho friendship then formed never waned and only party lines separated us. When I was selected as the peo ple's choice for senator in 1908, Col onel Roosevelt, republican that he was, Issued a public statement say ing that the republican legislature of Oregon was obligated to obey the people's will." 300 FKKXCH AVIATORS ON WAY TO VLADIVOSTOK San Francisco, Jan. 7. Three hundred French military aviators and mechanics sailed for Vladivostok today on the transport Sherman, They carried with them airplanes, armored cars, rapid-fire guns and other equipment. A second detachment of 100 offi cers and men will leave here early In February. WILSON ARRIVES IV. PAIRS . Paris, Jan. 7. President Wilgon, accompanied by his wife and daugh ter, arrived this morning from Italy. Letter heads that will please you at the Courier. 2 LOCAL I. O. t). F. Meet Tomorrow Alt Odd Fellows are requested to be In attendance at Golden Rule lodge No. 78 I. O. O. F. hall Wed nesday evening, January 8th. Im portant business. F. W. Reynold, secretary. 58 Thankful for lhig light Madford was certainly the deadest town on the map New Years day, says the Gold Hill News. Gold Hill was a metropolis beside It. There simply was nothing doing In the Ford town, whereas' (hero Is always something doing. It nothing more than a dog fight In Gold town. The Irtire of Ink The Gold Hill News says that "Dad" I Jimp mil n has resurrected tho Central Point Herald and Is making his home In that city. There Is nothing lu the newspaper game, financially speaking, but oneo a printer, always a printer. A printer simply can't keep his nose out of tho Ink can. Ill at Klamh Fall Mrs. E. A. Simmons, of Klamath Falls, who has been spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Nutt, received a telephone message yesterday stating that her husband, the Klamath Falls butter maker, was very 111 with Influenza. Mr. Simmons, accompanied by her mother, has returned to Klamath Falls. Itcgulur Pumping I'liuit W. A. Cook was a business visitor to Gold Hill this morning. He be lieves In supporting the homo paper and paid up two. years subscription. His is one of the coldest Jobs In the country. To walk track, as It Is called, pumping a speedor 38 miles every day, between Grants Pass and Gold Hill Is certainly hard work on days like the near past. Gold Hill News. Prune Grower Happy V. T. Jackson left tor Salem Sun day afternoon to take charge of the prune packing there for the Drager Fruit Co., say the Rogeburg Review. He has finished the work here tor the Drager Co., packing and ship ping about 3,750,000 pounds from the Roseburg plant and about 1.250. 000 pounds from the Myrtle Creek plant. Mr. Jackson estimates that nearly 8,500,000 pounds of prunes were produced In this county the past year, and that an average of fully ten cents per pound was re ceived by the growers for the crop, or approximately $850,000. Jackson County Office t The changes at the county court house today were made without any fuss and feathers when the officers chosen at the last election were In ducted Into office, says the Medford Tribune of Monday. George A. Gard ner succeeded Frank L. Tou Velle as county Judge, Chauncey Florey took office as county clerk, Chas. Terrell became sheriff In place of Uslle W. Stansell and James Owens became county commissioner. Mrs. IJlakely succeeded herself as county treasur er. County School Superintendent Ager and County Assessor Coleman both hold over for two years. John Perl succeeded himself as county coroner. Emmy Whelen in "His Bonded Wife" "The Doctor and The Woman" An adaption of Mary Roberts Rlnc-hui-tA funioiu novel "K" How Women Can Lighten Their Labors and Save Money at the Same Time Inferior groceries require more work lu tho handling, pro duce unsatisfactory results, and because of their luck of nourish ment are expensive in the nd, requiring a much greater amount to sustnlu lite and strength. High grade groceries contain mors nourUlimont, require less labor lu bundling, and often cost no more thuu tho Inferior grades. They last much longer, are more strengthening and satisfy Ing. and In the i-iul cost much less. We Invito you to give OUR store a trial on your next order. You wilt nut regret It. THE ROCHDALE THK STORK OK (U'All ANTKKD GOODS C. It. KIHKI.R, Manager TLAND SCHOOL GIRLS IN THEFT RING With the arrest late yesterday of two women on a oharge of receiving stolon goods from high school girl shoplifters, police believe they have broken up a ring which was rapidly undermining the morals ot Portland students. Police say the girls bnd been taught to steal expensive gar ments In downtown department stores, and were selling tbem tor one-fifth of tho retail price. The women arrested wero: Mrs. Ilitiel Wright, 27, landlady ot the lodging at 223 West Park street and her mother, Mrs. Hannah Wright. Police took up tho trail of the al leged arch-crlmlnals after a school girl had told of soiling them her loot. The authorities refuse to dlvulgo the names of the schoolgirls Imnll- cated, but say that at least four, all students at the same high school, and none of them more than 14 years old, have been stealing either directly or Indirectly through the Influence of the women under ar rest. The Oregonlan. W. T. Itrera, propr. Grants Pass 4 Crescent City Stage Co. Big, Easy Riding Pierce Arrow Car Office Md Observer II tk. Orr Seventhand O streets Phone 'M Telophase 2iM-J sad BARGAIN 1917 Ford $390 C. L. HOBART CO. JOY THEATER TO.VKJIIT ONLY A (Vimedy of Error mid Corrections WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Lois Weber presents Mildred Harris (Mrs. Chas. Chaplin) in Coming Sunday and Monday WILLIAM FARNUM in "LES MISERABLES" Matinee Sunday afternoon (XH'NTY THKAHl ItKK'H CALL ixm jkm:kal wakhanth All JosKphlnit County General Warrants. Issued prior to October 7h. 191 2, and protested prior to that dntu, are Iwreby called In. and are payable at the County Treasur er'e office on or after the 8th day of January, 1919, on which date Inter est will cease. GKO. 8. CALHOUN, County Treasurer for Joseplilns County, Oregon. 80 Our olasslfled ads b'lat: results Adler-i-ka Again! "I had a bud case of consllpatlou, gas on tho stomach, and other bowel trouble. Twelve hours after I took Adler-l-ka 1 felt IelU'r and aftor con tinuing I coimldor mysnlf CURKD." (Signed) K. II. fireman, Cullnpell, Wash. Adlor-l-ka expels ALL gus and sourness, stopping stomach distress INSTANTLY. Removes ALL foul matter which poisons system. Often CURBS constipation. Prevents ap pendicitis. Wo bavo sold Adlor-l-ka many years. It Is a mixture of buckthorn, rnscara, glycerine and nine other simple drugs. National Drug Store. H. Oldillnit. A item