Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, January 04, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    HATI ItlMY, JAM AltY 4, -1010.
Twslva-Month Ends With Ltadtra of
Victorious Nations Gsthered te Set
tit Peace Tarma Othar Foralgn and
Domaatle Occurrences.
(Continued from yesterday)
Americana made big advance waat of
the Miuh.
Japanese llnar Hlrano torpedoed; M
Oct t Caar Ferdinand of Bulgaria abdi
cated In favor of frlnva liorla.
Uermany and Austria asked armlatlca
and peace negutlaUona based on Wllaon'a
nwk0""""1 Um Bor,h of R,im
Otranto sunk In colli
sion; 410 lost,
t T-Amerlrans In furious battla for
Bonn and of Araonne forest.
Oct s-Presideiit Wilson anawsred Oar.
.? pni'a mile br deman.llns tha evac
uation of all occupied territory and uk.
Irt whether I he chancellor meant Oer
any accepted the Wlleon terme, and
J.I.t 'VI'i " ?v?k only 'r Uia present
Ulhorttlea of the empire.
Allies smashed Hlndenburs defanaaa on
V-mlle front between C'einbr el and Bt.
Wuenlln. and Kranco-Atnericene started
n?1 " east of the Meuse.
..O1- -rlr'tleh occupied Cambrel and
puehed far beyond.
l-rlnco Kredenik Charlea of Ileaaa elect,
dJf.,n?.( pnlwd by landing
Oct. 10-Irish, mull boat Lelualer lorpe
doed; tm lost
Ilea C",au' ""'"ay canter, taken by al-
Oct. U-Arsonne wood cleared of Oar
Biane by Americana.
Kaiser railed rulers of all Oorman fed
erated eutee to conference
lUerman chancellor Bent reply to
W llaon, sarins; 'iermany accepted all hie
terme end avr4 to evacuate all Invaded
Kntlre German defense ayatem In Cham
pagne smaehed.
French"-'' K"" ni UM"1 Ull,n b" ,n
Herbs captured N'leh.
Oct. U-I' Wlleon rejected Ger
many e pea.e and armistice nropoeala.
Allies Iimwi tii drive In Flanders. Uk
Inir Haulers end other towns.
Itallane CNtiturpd lurao.
tH'l. It-Alllna tunk Mcnln, flanked Os
len.l eml threatened Uruilea: Umii oris tnken. v
f,'V 7,"arBl retreat from northern
Ilelsium by Hermans.
Atnei..i,e is, .lured tlrand Pra. north of
the Arauune.
Alllee pureurd Austrlana Into Montane
' .t!;',K1T9n""", VIMU"l'd Oatand. Ulle
and rmual.
t.llri'LAH,'m o'T1"' Tureolnt. Rou
bal Keehrnciie and Thlclt.
lixUjM-ti.lcn. oi nation
declared by He provisional amernmem.
hiiip. t'hnile ,,-rv , federiillsallon
vf Auhtro-ltiii.imrinn enipiie
Oct. Is-ITeniiieni Wll.on rejected A us-trla-llutiKnry
s true pr...osala
Allied armies In liclglum reached the
I 'inch frontier.
Fourth tltwrty loan clooe.. hruvlly over
aiihecrHed. ii'-f;'" "": Germane m-l.-rned
In Hi. Hand.
.''i?Ai",:"'",y. mild "P'y lo Praal.
lent UIImiii. full of evueluna ilrnlala and
aeeurnnc a.
Alllaa In H.irhu tanched tha Danube and
Iruluteil Tulkcy.
Oct. K-lirltUh entered auhurhe of Val
ancleniir i end i Scheldt.
ct. 23-IT. i l.t. ni Wlleon tol.l (lermi.n
overnn.ciit he would tuke up with allk
i, ,UW"J1 of n armletlca; but thin the
V. i.. If It muni deu wltli tha kle.T and crew, iI.-imim.Ii'O not peace neaotla
tione, but eiirrtnUer.
..,'.'."!!. tr"k hrouh German defrnaea
aouth of Vairncicnnre.'
At,ntrJ'.". .'",vnc " terrific
nithtlnc In Meuae valley.
berba. Hlovenee end Croatlana announced
formation of eoverelan aute.
h?'jM.Vnne,!U'' on,n,,v on
St" Jf8TK",nch ,n bl advance In Serra
Olea realnn.
I.udendnrir reelsncd.
Urclaratlun ut InUependenca of tha
peopl.e of middle Kurope promulaatad In
independence Hall. Philadelphia.
Hrftleh ms-upied Aleppo.
Oct. -iermany reidled to Prealdent
Wllann. aakiiia tcrma for armlittca.
i.VJrISTi-!?lr1'"'" "rol of mili
tary In civil Kovernment.
r""aHl Hia Fltive In Italian drive.
ri-iAiV"r'"Hu,"'rir k,,, tot aep.
JT 'm'l'7 and peace on alllea' terma
tntSJ b,y0n1 ,h l'v
Turkey preeented aeparata peace propoa-
curi'd'.' TUrk" ' -
alticV. U-Arln"",u wl,h Turkey want Into
Alllea opened nw drive on Ghent.
K Hik-rtom of Greater Serbia proclaimed.
liALium! u,rm,n ou o' towna la
.e17.!1;VTyy fl0'n crM Talla.
uiSSOiSSt: "un"' Pltr.
llkl'll.lMia --.1 .., .
Niiv, fr-H-lna- liorla of Bu
ad and a peaaant republlo
ll.ii.MH. r a coinplela aei
Aualrla .I..1ki,..I. 1
bei.. leuiona captured Lam-
Dutirarla abdlcat-
) wee Ntnl,llBl.Aj
aeparatlon from'
ii i naiiana.
Valeiicleimee taken by llrltlah.
ftNllV. I 'I'rleala i..mmii,U.I by llullana.
rinlellua with Aualrla alaiied. "
aft'ea! " """" 'r Q,rmn
Jliillell capliired I O. leaner In treat
jl.haldt t",w"" 'ur and lha
Nuv, a-Amertcana win fierce battla for
VroealiiH .if the Meuae.
..."".i "! VVII," ""'d, ermany to aek
ariiilalh e lei me tram cShiIi, .
American troopa entered He.lan.
GeriimB eiiilaeurlea raacliad Marahal
rjij'h t aek aimUlWa teuua
Oernmiia avaoMhUil
haWia'l?c,M'f ,WH' hdliatln of
NOV. e-liavailiiij iU a..i.., King
Uiluli aim W.u WUwleWcb Aynaaty,
tivK- WMiu abdicated.
nwiai iwi'.ia ii. Wl y i.f Movern.
.1, I lal'ii... i.u . U'l T .
liir, fapwUUy lnvvmuii4 hi tierlln.
Nuv. W-kalJor lvd tit lii.Han.1.
Nov. 1) leriuauy t Until armlatU
taraia, atnuimtlun (u iinwmiUHnial auitan
iter, and ti war yatue v(i.a.
Nov, It-Emperor Chartaa of Auatrla ab
dicated. Nov. M-Allled fleet arrived at Conatan-
Nov. la-American and French troooa
Diovel Into Alaaio. r
Former ;;rown prlnca of Germany In
ternett In Holland. '
N!"!i .l(r.N"w. """man overnmnl ap
pealed to I'realdrnt Wlleon to eava Uar
many from etarvatlon and anarchy.
Cacchn-Hlovak renubllo utidi.r Maaaryk
aa prealdent rallllad by national aaaembly
werp' lB",,,'n 'ropa entered Ant-
American troupe hi,n march to Rhine.
Ithl'na' "-l,r"'h """P ,ad for the
Nov. !(-preident Wllaon announced ha
"lil attend opiinlna of peace ennrerrnce.
Admiral Kolchak put In control of all
Kuealnn tovernment at Omak.
Nov. I0-Overlhrow of Ukrainian aovem
T,"' by antl-holehevlk fnrcea announced.
Nov. 21-Oeriiwn fleet was aurreudered.
Bnieaila"1""" A""fl ' B"''um '''d
Nov. it-American troopa croeeed tha
I'ruealan frontier. .
'"lee captured Lambert.
Nov. it--North German etatea proclaim
ed a republlo.
French under Oen. Gourand entered
Nov. 2b-flovleti (alned upper hand In
Rerun, but wara outvoted eleewhere In
Nov. 24 Crown Prtnce Aleaander of Bar
bla made reaont of Juao-Hlav atata.
Nov. n-Uavarta broke relatione with
Nov. t Wllhnlin deHnltaly renounced all
hla rlahta to tha throne.
Nov. a-llutiaary Interned Mackeneen'a
army of lTO.ouo.
King Nl'holae of Montenegro depoead
by national aeeemhly.
wv. -L4thuania proclaimed a repub-
Bocretery Lanalng, Henry White, Gen
eral llllae and Colonel llouaa Darned U.
i. peace delegatea.
iJea 1-Flrat of U. S. returning army
reached New Torlc.
Dee. 1 Congroee reconvened and heard
Prealdent Wllaon'a meeaaaa and farewell.
Ilrltleh fleet arrived at Llbau.
Dee. a-Prealdent Wllaon and party
aalled for France.
lieo. a-RkuropadakL hat man of tha
Ukraine, killed and that country under
control of tha IJnlonlata.
Deo. t-Kalglan troopa occupied Duaeel
dorf on ha Hhlna.
Rloody flahtlnt In Berlin between ao
clallet fact lone.
I T Hrltiah occupied Cologne,
Deo. I American troopa ruehed to Cob
leni aa laet German forcea eroaeed Rhine.
Dee. Former kaleer attamptad aul
elite. Dae. Jo-French army occupied Mains.
Dec. It-Brltlah troops croeaed tha Hhlna
at Cologne.
Dec. II American troopa crossed tha
Rhine at Coblena.
Prealdent Wlleon landed at Braat.
. Dec lt-Praaldent Wlleon received In
Armlatlca extended to Jan. IT.
Kiev occupied by troop of tha "direc
tory." Dec 16 Oen. Mannerhelm elected re
gent of Finland.
Imhi. la-Centrnl rongreea of aoldlera and
workmen'a delegatea met In llerllni Liab
knecht and Hpartacldea defeated.
Dec. 17 Pollah general atalf ordered
mobilisation of I.Kju.uuo man.
Dec. Preeldent Wilson ata Chrlitmaa
dinner with troopa of American army of
Jan. (Charles R. Henderaon appointed
aenalor from Nevada.
Jan. S-Mlaslealppl leglalalure ratlMad
pmhlbltlon conelltutlonal amendment
Jan. Iv Ilouao adopted national woman
Suffrage amendment reaolutlon.
Jan. U-Chlcago and middle west para
lysed by turrlllo bllssard.
. .rh-. "-Montana leglalatura ratlrted
federal prohibition amendment.
heb. u Wisconsin aanala passed reao
lutlon, II to T, denouncing La Polletta.
March 1-Hrlg. Oen. Thomaa Cruaa.
quartermaater'a department. U, a A.,
named In chargea of conspiracy la fur
nlahing army euppllva.
March t-Mlea Anne Martin of Reno.
Nev announced her candidacy for the
U. H. senate.
March 6-Wlacnneln aaaembly deadlock
ed all night on Joint reaolutlon denounc
ing I .a Kollette ua disloyal.
March --WI. oruiln aaaembly paaaaa
Joint reaolutlon denouncing I. a l ollcite.
Hecn-tary Dan.ela eetablUhed llve-mlla
dry ' jii around naval training atu
tloaa llouee pa aed anhotoge hill, !S to 0.
Miin-li i-Confeieea agreed on admlnla
tratlon rnllioad bill. e chamber of cornmer.e an
nounie.l cut of a. pr cent In production
of pbaeure auloniuj.lm for Ha al year.
Metropolitan inuguaine for March ex-
l.idrd ironi mailt (or publication of ar
tlcla "la America Honaat?" by William
March 8-hcnate ordered Inquiry Into
pn.o of food.
March victor Bergcr, Milwaukee;
Ailblph Oi rmer. J. Louie Kngdahl, W. P.
Kruae, Irwin Ht. John Tucker. Chicago,
Indicted under spy act.
March ll-fcemiie unanimously author
ised eale of vjerman-owned property In
L'iiitrd Stutca to American c'.tucna.
March I2-Hemite paaevd urgent dalt
clency bill, carrying f l.iW.UOO.Uvu.
I oiiKreeaman Hcoti l crrie of Ukluhoma
eiectod chnlrman vf Democratic uongrea
slnnal committee.
March IS acnate p:iseed conference re
port on railroad control bill.
Maryland house of delegates defeated
women's auffrage bill.
March la World'a largeat reinforced
coin rete ship, hi. inched at a Pacini- port,
pronounced complete aucceaa by experta,
Kather Cleveland, daughter of U rover
Cleveland, married to Capl. W. 8. Ii Boa.
anquet of ColdeLreain Guarda, In London.
March lfr-Congreaa puaeed daylight sav
ing bill to take affect March iL -
March It-Delaware leglalatura ratified
prohibition amendment. v
April I Irvine L Lenroot, Republican,
elected U. 8. senator from Wlaconsln.
Maasachueette legislature ratified na
tional prohibition amendment.
April -X. P. Whitley appointed aana
tor from Mlaaourl.
May 16 Air mall route between Wash
ington, Philadelphia and New York
Aug. V Walter H. Page, American am
bassador to Great Britain, resigned.
Two American aoldlera and a number
of Mexlcana killed In battla at Nogalea.
Sept. 4 Bomb explosion In Federal
building. Chicago, killed 4 and Injured 10,
Sept. 11 John W. Davia made American
ambassador to Great Britain.
Oct. 1 Senate defeated woman suffrage
amendment to constitution.
Nov. I Republicans gained control of
tha aenate and the house of representa
tives in general election.
Nov. to Government assumed control
of all cable lines.
Nov, a Secretary of tha Treasury Mo
Adoo resigned.
Dec. ID Carter Olaaa aworn In aa aao
retary of the treasury.
Jan. 1 Dr. Frederick A. Noble, leading
Congregational clergyman, at Evanaton,
Jan. s-Dr. John 8. I'oley, Catholic blah
op of Detroit.
Jan. IS U. 0. Senator James H. Brady
f leaho. I
Jan. 14 MaJ. A. P. Gardner, former i
Congressman from Massachusetts. I
Jan. SO-Unttad Btutea Benalor William i
tlugbea of Naw Jersey. i
Keb. I John I Uulllvan, former heavy I
weight champion, at Weet Ablngton,
l.eander Richardson, dramatic editor '
and author.
Keb. 4-Col. rrederlck II. Smith, Repub- I
lican leader In Illinois, at Peoria.
Ken. ID-Abdul Hamid, former auHaa of
Turkey. . ,
(To te eontlttued) ,
WalljMe Coutant Kmm Mt. Illunc
Alx-lct lining, France,
December 1, 1918
Dear Mother and All:
Tli la It my last day on furlough
and It hat been wonderful one.
We are supposed to check la - at
headquarter! tomorrow and find out
where we are to fo.
The second Inatallment of our
company came down here yesterday
and they tell me that the outfit Is
neap 11 eU somewhere. It take a
truck ride of 80 kilometer from the
railroad station the way we bave to
no to gut to camp.
This aurely has been a fine vaca
tion and I'm mighty glad that I had
the opportunity to come, but wish
It was In the summer time when the
retort wat In full twins. The
weather bat been bad most of the
week and It was hard to plan on
that account. But I managed to tee
enough to make It worth while.
Gil came down last night and we
took a trip up Mt. Revard by cog
train thta morning and a hike
around town thlt afternoon. ' There
wat about three Inohea of snow on
the tammit and It wat cold, but it
wat clear enough to we could look
off to the northeast and tee Mt.
Olano about teventy kilometers dis
tance. It had beapa of anow on it.
Thanksgiving day we had turkey
and a football game, to H teemed
most like borne. A dance at the Y
In the evening with all the dough
nuts and applet we could eat to
top it off with. It ture hat Been a
vacation and one that la appreciated
after our nine montha at the front.
Breakfast It served until 9 o'clock
and arising at 8:30 Just about gels
ua there In time. The breakfasts
consist of sauce, (apple, prune, etc.)
bread and cocoa, with extras if
wanted. Dinner and luncheon are
about the tame, soup, roast beef and
spuds, with a salad and fruit.
Bains it the French word tor
baths and this place is the fine one
for them and they have all kinds,
shapes and sizes tubs, showers,
plunges and one where they bave a
spray covering all the body except
the back and they turn the one and
one-halt inch hose on that A fellow
ought to be clean when he gets
through the mill. '
Have sent a little Christmas re
membrance from Alx-les-Balns and
hope you get It in good shape.
Haven't seen a soul that I know
down here and there are thousands
of the boyt here at this place and
other towns near here.
Suppose there will be plenty of
mall for me when I get back to the
company for we don't get mall while
on leave. The mail orderly came
down here with the bunch last night
and he informed me of several let
ter! Am enclosing a circular of Mt.
Revard to you can read what It is
like. The aurrounding country is
similar to it.
Have no dope about coming home
yet, bnt will try and let you know
when. If it la possible.
Heaps of love. WALLACE!
(The circular describes Mount Re
vard as 5,070 feet altitude and
"from the top one has an unsur
passed view of the Alps, the glaciers,
the mountains of the Jura and the
king of mountains, Mount Blanc. It
is a gently rolling plateau carpeted
with grass etudded with all varie
ties of Alpine flora and embraces
over 4,000 acres and ought to be
seen by everyone.")
13,000,000 SALMON KGOS
The salmon eggs bave been gath
ered from the racks at the McKenzle
fish hatchery near Vlda and M. U
Ryckman, superintendent of the
hatchery, who was in Eugene yester
day on business, tald that he now has
13,000,000 eggs planted. The re
mainder taken out of the river were
sent to the hatchery at Bonneville
on the Columbia liver above Port
land. The hatchery 1b filled to capacity,
Mr. Ryckman said, and he now has
4,000,000 young fish there. Each
year when they reach sufficient age
to care for themselves the young
flsb are turned back Into the river.
Eugene Register.
8peskln' of Boyt.
"Yes," tald the almost-phllosopher,
"there's a heap of difference in the
attitude parents take In raisin' boyt.
Some folks are content to bring 'em np
to be good men for tht boys' own Bakes.
Others selfishly harp about wantln' the
boys to be a credit to their parents.
This may be til right, bat It teemt to
me the only thing tht old folks can
borrow on that kind of credit la trouble."
An Interview with Mr. J. H. Den
Ison, local Bulck distributor, makes
certain that the purchaser of a
Bulck car between now and the end
of the 1919 season is not running
any chance that the pr.lce will be sub
Ject to further change during that
I have Just received a letter
from the Home Office," said Mr. J.
H. Denlson, "containing the revised
price schedule effective January 1st,
1919, covering the various Bulck
models during the remainder of the
season. Four models have been re
duced In price and the other two re
main untouched.
"There has been considerable
speculation as to what the Bulck
Motor Company wat going to do
about the prices of their cars, aa he
close of the war left things In such
an uncertain condition regarding tbe
price and quantities of raw material
available that a good many people
felt it would be Impossible for the
really big manufacturers to find
their bearings for some time to come.
"This prompt action on the part
of the Company shows that they have
been able to clear the situation up
sooner than anybody expected, and
I for one am delighted with the an
nouncement so early In the season.
"Their war orders which have
been demanding tbe major part of
their energies have been completed
and tbe announcement of the pres
ent prices Is evidence that the Bulck
Motor Company now has a measure
of the situation and sufficient ma
terial is in sight that will permit
laying out' a definite building
schedule which again proves the
buyer of a Bulck automobile Is at
all times protected against unwar
ranted price changes.
"Orders for Bulck cars are piling
up on us very fast and I feel reas
onably sure that we shall be able
to take care of the greater part of
them within a reasonable time. We
shall continue to follow our old pol
icy of filling orders, and will make
every effort to see that no favoritism
is shown our waiting ltat which plan
worked out so admirably In tbe past
Bulck enthusiasts appreciate the
importance of this announcement,
because all uncertainty has been re
moved., both as to the possibility of
getting Bulck cars this year and the
possibility of the prices being raised
or lowered."
Djon't worry about old age. A. sound
man is flood at any age. Keep your
body iu gi od condition and you can be
as halo and hearty and able to "do your
bit" as when yon were a young fellow.
ACx'tions of the kidneys and bladder
are among tbe leading causes of esrly
or helpless age. Keep tbem clean and
the other organs in working condition,
and yon will have nothing to tear.
Drive tbe poisonous wsstet from the
system and avoid uric acid accumula
tions. Take GOLD MEDAL Haarlem
Oil Capsules periodically and yuu will
find that you are as good as the next
fellow, tour spirits will be rejuve
nated,' your muscles strong and jour
mind keen enough for any task.
GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules
roll do the work. But be sure to get
the original imported GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil Capsules. They are re
liable and should help you, or your
money will be refunded. For sale by
most druggists. In sealed packages
three sizes.
The American Red Cross tent
3,000 tons ot condensed milk to the
children of prisoners In Archangel,
Siberia, and 2,000 ponnds of powder
ed milk to the children of France.
the county cfnrt will consider bids
for medical attention of the poor of
Josephine county, Oregon, for a per
iod ot one year from January 1,
1919, according to certain terms and
conditions, to-wtt:
All bids must specify . the exact
amount per month. The successful
bidder to provide all necessary med
icines, etc., and to furnish necessary
medical attention not only to those
in the County Home, but to those
within a radius of one mile from the
city limits of Grant Pass, tor the
same price.
All bids must be filed on or be
fore ten o'clock a. m. of the 6th. day
ot January, 1919.
The Court reserves tht right to
reject any or all bids or award the
contract according to the best Inter
ests of the county.
By order of the County Court ot
Josephine county, Oregon.
' ' : County Clerk".
FOR SALE or TRADE 80-acre
homestead near Takllma, Ore.
Address Geo. L. Allen, Takllma,
Ore. s(
WOOD Laurel, oak, fir and pine
and dry pine at f 2.75 per tier de
livered. R. Tlmmons, phone
533-J. sitf
FOR SALE Hay a the old skating
rink, opposite the roundhouse,
$25 per ton. Will be there from
10 a. m. to 3 p. m. A. A. Hyde. 57
to ftmrr
FOR RENT Partly furnished coU
tage at 221 Rogue River Avenue;
three rooms and sleeping porch,
good well and one-half acre ot
land, barn; 5.00 per month.
Key at 402 Rogue River Ave. 07tf
dences at 801 and 811, North 6th
St., eight and ten dollars a month.
Will tell either or both. Make me
an offer. John Summera, Leba
non, Oregon. 40tf
WANTED A position as cook in
town or camp. Address 2217 care
of Courier. i 57
JITNEY SERVICE Any where, any
lime. Phone Mocha Cafe 1S1-T!
Otto J. Knlps. "tffidence M-Y
MED FORD business College, now
open. Stenography and related
subjects; classes nnder personal
supervision of F. Roy Davis, offi
cial court reporter. 60
WE REAPAIR cars, mag's, coils.
generators, starters, batteries, ig
nition systems. Satisfaction guar
anteed. Stelger Garage, 211 North
Sixth street. 36tf
HAVE YOUR tires repaired at the
Maxwell garage. Get work that
holds any kind of an injury on any
alzed tire taken care of. 70
E. L. GALBRATTH, insurance, rent
als, acreage, building and loans;
snsps In city property. 609 G St,
Launer't old location. 68
FURS, FURS, FURS We buy furs,
hides, wool, old autos for wreck
ing, and all kinds of Junk. Grants
Pass Junk Co., 403 South Sixth
street, phone 21. 7,9
The California and Oregon
Coast Railroad Company
Effective Nor. 19, 1918.
Trains will run Tuesday, . Thursday
and Saturday
Leave Grants Pass l p. M.
Arrive Waters Creek 2 P. M:
Leave Waters Creek 3 P. M.
Arrive Grants Pass 4 P. M.
For Information regarding freight
and passenger rates call at the office
of tbe company, Lundburg building.
or telephone 131.
lMleal WrearBFisUHi
C el-akee-ear e DlaataasBraaa
Pllle la KeS awl tKW eueulkA
bona, aaaled Mtk Bles Ribfcom. V
Take etsar. Bar sT T r y ,
praaaM. A.k fiCItM'PKA-TFBS
1iaHund iirand riLLa. a aa
years kaowe at Best, SaieM. alwer Beuabla
SJLt Every Csika
Years Ago
few bills were paid by check
It b considered NECESSARY In order to facilitate bnt
iett, that a check be used for all payments.
Thlt bank Invites your Checking Account, large or
' small, business or personal, guaranteeing a, banking
service which will become Indispensable to yon.
w '
jyje-MieMBBWsNsBaj ,
WILL TRADE Five or 10 acrea la
peart, 9 yeara old, adjoining city
bt Grants Pats, for property la
or near Portland, Ore. Inquire of
F. H. Gelger, 912 North Tenth
atreet, Boise, Idaho. 74
THE PICTURE MILL for fine photo
graphs. Open dally except Ban
day from 10 a. m. to ( p. m. Sun
day sittings by appointment only.
Phone Mill, 283-R, or residence
H0-J. 57tf
L. O. CLEMENT, M. D., Practice
limited to diseases of the eye, tar,
nose and throat. Glasses fltted.
Office) hourt 9-12, 2-6, or on ap
pointment Office phoae 62. real
dene phono 319-J.
& LODQHBJDGK, M. Fhytloiaa
and surgeon. City or country calls
attended day or night Resident
phone 169; office phone 111
Sixth and H, Toffs Bldg.
DR. J. O. NIBLEY, Physician and
turgtoa. Lnndburg Bldg. Health
officer. Offioe hour. 9 to 11 a.
m. and 1 to I p. m. Phone 110-J.
. A. WITHAM, M. D. Internal
medicine and nervous diseases;
908 Corbett Bldg., Portland, Ore.
Honrs 9 a. m. to 1 p. m.
OK. K. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian.
Office, residence. Phono 805-R.
E. C. MACY, D. M. D. First-flats
dentistry. 109ft South Sixth
street. Grants Past, Oregon.
kinds of drayage and tranefex
werk carefully and promptly dona
Phone 181-J. Stand at trelf-hi
depot A. Shade, Prop.
THE WORLD MOVES; to do we.
Bunch Brot. Transfer Co. Phoua
T. Q. ISHAM, drayage and transfer.
Safes, pianot and furniture
moved, packed, ahipped and stor
ed. Office phone 124-Y. Resi
dence phone, 124-R.
H. D. NORTON. Attorney-at-Uw.
Practices In all State and Federal
Courts. First National Bank Bid a.
COLVIQ ft WILLIAMS, Attorney a-at-Law,
Grants Pass Banking Co,
Bldg., Grant Pass. Oregon.
E. S. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Prac
tical In all court First National
Bank Bldg. ' "
O. S. BLANCH ARD, Attorney at
Law. Golden Rule Building
Phona.170. Grants Pass, Oregon,
torneys, Albert Bldg. Photu
1.3 6-J. Practice la all courts; lant
board attorneys. '
C. A. 8IDLER, Attorney-at-Lsw. ref
eree In bankruptcy.' Matonlt
temple. Grants Pass, Ore,
Seek Healthy View Point.
If you desire to posset a brieid.
healthy point of view, observe tha
horde of restless, unhappy meat and
women who have failed to find happi
ness through a worship of false gods
and who find It only after ha ring;
found a purpose that would effectively
serve humanity. Thev will mm si'
lesson on the futility of striving after
we uungs mat serve no useful as
Get a healthy viewpoint npon life I