Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, January 04, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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RATI Itn.W, JAM AIIY 4, lUli
Published Daily Except Saturday
j. K. VOORHIES, Pub. and Propr.
Entered at postofflce, Oranta Pass.
Ore., aa second class mall matter.
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The Associated Press Is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
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All rights ot republication of ape
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Fair, continued cold; light
easterly winds.
Always Use -
member ot parliament. In an article
In a Japanese magaslne. Mr. Ueh
nra attempts to explode the theory
that Japan must acquire territory in
order to develop herself from an In-
duatrlal standpoint. Instead, he pro
pose industrial cooperation with the
United States. I
"I have no doubt," he writes, "that I
the conclusion of peace will find the'
United States In a position to lead,
the world In, the matter of thought
as well a In economics. It would
therefore be the height of unwisdom
for Japan to shape her future policy
otherwise than In accordance with1
the policy of the United States. Not
only the Pacific question but almost
all ot Japan's international questions
such as those regarding China. Utia
sla, Canada. Australia. South Amer
ica and India are Impossible of so-
That the future holds much in
store for the people of the United
c.t. t thn view taken by Brad-
street's review of the business year.
Europe to going to call for. all our
surplus raw materials and our own
plans will require no small amounts
according to this authority. Fur
ther this review states:
"Lower prices may come, not all
of them at once, by the way and may
delay but sho t' 1 not rsdcaily Inter
fere with the processes of proper re
flinatment. While war inflation
may have been responsible for some
ot the present high prices, the lat
ter in the last analysis merely spells
scarcity, which it should be our work
to remove, and in removing make
business friends who will stick and
customers who will come again. No
headlong break in domestic prices
seems probable with the purchasing
power of our people so high; supply
and demand conditions what they
are; stocks of goods outside ot gov
ernment hands not, burdensome;
those in government control large
perhaps, but promising to be liqui
dated conservatively; iredit condi
tions, as reflected In failure ro..nd;
the farms of the country uch irises
if vpiilth. and the outside world's
needs so great It really seems cer
tain that the people and the country
that have done so much in the past
tour years will not falter now that
peace has come and 'business as us
ual is again to be the watchword.
"While a certain amount of the
buoyancy with which the victory of
the allies was greeted has disappear
ed, and readjustments from a war to
a peace basis in Industry have made
for a good deal of uncertainty, due
mainly to the question of the future
of prices and the disposition of un
seeded war supplies, there seems to
be no good reason for taking counsel
of our fears as to what Is to happen
after peace terms are signed. Much
weighty talk of problems to be solved
appears In the papers, but unless
all past experience Is at fault, most
of the problems arising are very sim
ilar to those encountered In other
periods of readjustment following
- widespread hostilities, if the re
sult had been different and Ger
many had won, there might have
been good reasons for a rast deal of
worry. But dvilixatlon has Won.
"We believe that a big potential
demand for goods exists, at a price,
and It la known that there Is and will
be a tremendous demand for food
evnm TCnrorje. while ma-
fIVUWWM, . - w - -
terlals for clothing and shelter and
Implements of agriculture will prob
ably be badly needed. The United
States having suffered the least ot
all the belligerents should be In a
position to supply these demands.
"Fears ot unemployment ot the
masses should be considered with
the known fact In view that Immi
gration, which should have given us
5,000,000 persons In the past four
years, has been almost at a stand
still. Furthermore, we are not euro
that our whole army Is coming home
much before a Tear from now. War
taxes are a source ot apprehension
but these too should be looked at In
the light ot the fact that taxation In
this country has not assumed the all-
prevading character Imparted to it
In Europe by centuries ot custom and
precedent. Unless most signs tail,
the possibilities ot future state con
trol. Interference or regulation are
not so great as seemed certain when
we were In the full stress of war."
Toklo, Jan. 4. If Japan desires
to become Industrially strong she
should shape her future policy In ac
cordance with that of the United
States, declares E. Uehara, a former
Jution without
United States.
the support of the
London, Jan. 4. There are 15.
000 more British prisoners In Ger
many than the British records show,
so that a number ot men previously
given up as dead or missing will re
turn to thrlr homes. It was state.!
here today.
our classified Js b'la: results
1 flt the Churches
By James A. B. Scherer
Lately I have been reading President Wilson's speeches. They Il
lustrate vividly the power ot public opinion, which the president many
timee has said is the oracle to which public men must listen. So great
la his respect for this oracle that when public opinion has unmistakably
rendered Its verdict he has not failed to reverse his own opinions on the
most Important questions of the day. as the following citations will show:
Church, of Christ
There will be a 10 o'clock surprise
today. The hour is 10, be on time.
Communion at 11. followed by ser
mon, "A superior Priesthood." This
is a continuation of the series on the
book of Hebrews. Evening service
at 7:30. Subject. "Will We Know
onr Tved Ones In Heaven." There
will be special music by Mrs. Drake
and Mrs. J. D. Boyd. A cordial wel
come. Chas. R. Drake, Minister.
Ifcremtwr 8, 1914... Second An-,
nual Message to Congress: "I turn
away from the subject. It is not
new. There is no new need to dis
cuss It. We shall not alter our at
titude toward it because some
among us are nervous and excited.
. . . The country has been mis
informed. We have not been neg
ligent ot national defense."
January Ul, 1010, at Cleveland:
"1 am afraid of the danger of
shame; I am afraid ot the danger
of Inadequacy."
Krtruary 2, I9ttt, at Kanmu
City: "The navy of the United
States must now be as rapidly as
possible brought to a state ot effi
ciency and of numerical strength
which will make It practically Im
pregnable to the navies of the
Newman M- E. Church
At the 11 o'clock morning service
the sermon toplo will be, "The Di
vine Plan and Human Need." An
them by the choir In charge of Mrs.
Guy Knapp. At the 7:30 o'clock
evening service the topic will be.
"God's Test." Duet, Mrs. Knapp
and Mrs. WlbU.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Ep-
worth League at 6:30 p. m. A wel
come tor all at these services.
Melville T. Wire, pastor.
Baptist Church
Bible school at 9:45 a. m. Morn
ing service at 11. sermon on "Re
demption In Christ," to be followed
by the ordinance .of the Lords bup
ner. B. Y. P. U. at 6:30. Evening
service at 7:30, sermon on "The In
terest of Three Worlds." A cordial
invitation is extended to all to come
and worship with us.
C. M. Cline, Preacher.
December H, 1914. Second An
nual Mcwajce to Congre: "A war
with which we have nothing to do.
whose causes cannot touch us.
February 3, 1910, at St. Louis:
If great Issues were Involved
which it was our honorable obli
gation to defend we should not be
at peace.
May 27, 1010, Before the League
to Enforce Peace: "With Its
causes ana its objects we are not
concerned. The obscure fountains
from which Its stupendous flood
has burst forth we are not interest
ed to search for or explore."
Presbyterian Church
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Mid
week service Thursday at 7:45 p. m
On Thursday, January 16, will occur
the annual meeting of Bethany
church and congregation for the re
celving of reports and election of of
fleers and such other business as
may come before the meeting.
Catholic Cfanrch
Masses on Sunday at 7
:! a. m.
Rev. Father J. Q. Vlea.
30 and
First Church of Christ Scientist
Christian Science services are held
everv Sunday, la the W. O. W. hall
at 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meet
(ass st 8 o'clock. The sublect fe
today Is, "Christian Science."
Reading room is open from 2
4 d. m. daily except Sundays aad
holidays. The public Is cordially In
vited to attend the services and to
visit the reading room.
AojtUAt 37, 1917. Itety to the
Pope's IVace Proposal: "The ob
ject of this war Is to deliver the
free peoples of the world from the
menace and the actual power of a
vast military establishment, con
trolled by an Irresponsible govern
ment, which, having secretly
planned to dominate the world,
proceeded to carry the plan out
without regard either to the sacre4
obligations of treaty, or the long
established practices and long
cherished principles of interna
tional action and honor; which
chose Its own time for the war;
delivered Its blow fiercely and sud
denly; stopped at no barrier, ei
ther ot law or ot mercy; swept a
whole continent within the tide of
blood not the blood of soldiers
only, but the blood of innocent
women and children also, and ot
the helpless poor and now stands
balked, but not defeated, the en
emy of four-fifths of ths world."
January 8, 1915, at Indianapolis
Look -abroad upon the troubled
world! Only America at peace:
Among all the great powers of the
world only America saving her
power for her own people."
May 10, 1915, at Philadelphia,
Three Days After the LuNitania
was Sunk: "There is such a thing
as a man being too proud to tight.
There is such a thing as a nation
being so right that It does not need
to convince others by force that it
is right."
June 30, 1910, lief ore the Prem
Club, New York: "Force will not
accomplish anything that Is per
manent, I venture to say, In the
great struggle which Is now going
on on the other side of the sea."
May IN. 1918, at New York: "The
glory of this war, fellow citizens. In
so far as we are concerned, ts that
it Is, perhaps for the first time In
history, an unselfish war. I could
not be proud to fight for a selfish
purpose, but I can be proud to
fight for mankind." Washington
Post, May 19, 1918.
We Have
4vv. iril'fo 1
"We have with us to-night-
As welcome at the midnight spread as at the break
fast table the
meets the approval of the discriminating. It is not only attrac
tive in appearance and easy to use, but it produces toast the
superior of that prepared by any other method. For toast fur
Welsh rarebits, creamed chicken or similar light dishes at any
time, the G-E toaster means instant, easily controlled heat.
No need of "bringing up" the fire.
Calif ornia - Oregon Power Co.
W. T. Brews, Prwyv.
H. tfcknatfa, .
Gracts Pass & Cresccrt (ily SUge Co,
Big, Eay Riding Pierce Arrow Car
Of Old OWner BIk. Crnes- a4 U stress
Telephone t-J 4 l
St. Luke's Episcopal
. Bvening prayer and sermon, 7:30
p. m. Rer. P. K. Hammond, of Ash
land, Ticar In charge. An Invitation
Is heartily extended to all.
Batter Wrappers printed to con
vlf with Uelaw at the Courier.
January 22, 1917, Address to the
Senate on Oaential Peace Term
in Europe: "It must be a peace
without victory. It ts not pleasant
to say this. . . I am seeking
only to face realities and to face
them without soft concealments.
VK'tory would mean peace forced
upon the loser, a victor's terms Im
posed upon the vanquished. . .
Only a peace between equals can
Public opinion should show
stands by his right-hand column.
April ft, 191M, at Baltimore:
"Force, force to the utmost, foree
without stint or limit, the righteous !
and triumphant force which shall i
make right the law of th world'
and cast every selfish dominion
down In the dust." j
Itocemtwr 4, 1917, Fifth Anna!
Mevwge to Congress: "This Intol-j
erable thing of which the masters
ot Germany have shown us the
ugly face, this menace of com-:
bined Intrigue and foree which wej
now see so clearly as the German ,
power, a thing without conscience!
or honor or capacity for covenanted !
peace, must be crushed." I
Joly 4, I9lft, at Washington's1
Tomb: "There can be but one ls-!
sue. The settlement mist be final.
There can be no compromise. So
half-way decision would he toler
able. No half-way decision Is conceivable."
President nnmtslakably that It
Pasadena, October 2D, IS tit. 1
Good weathe IV
Air Tight Heaters
The economy Stoves will save their
price In lessened fuel cooaamptloa.
JeWell Hdw. Co.