Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, January 03, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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9, JA.M Aitr , iuio.
Dona Aim-iit Telia of KxiHfUni'Ni
ljuigrnn, Prance,
November 27, 1818.
l)imr Kutlior: ' !
Thla hit been tlia second Thanks
KlvInK for ma In the army, and while
I will not have the fine dinner of a
your ago, still 1 think 1 have move
to be thankful' for now than I had
then. In the firm place tho whole
I won't go Into detail, however, at
I'll Jtmt wait for that good day wlmn
I can ateu on that home door-step
aguln to do that.
We started our career of "active
unrvlno" on the morning of January
23, 1818, at 2 o'clock a. m. We bad
bituft herded on the old Oerman boat
a coupla of dayi previous, and await
ed tho completing of our convoy,
which waa mail up at several differ
ent points. It was blttor cold weath
er und the harbor waa full of float
ing Ice, but the boat furnlahed a lit
tle warmer stooping place tban we
were used to, ao It waon't ao bad af
ter all. A little tug towed ui out
world hua beon treed from the wont
enemy It baa bud In onturles, and.nto the harbor early Id tha evening.
we may reasonably expert to live In und a we were not allowed on deck,
peace for tha rent of our lives, at we R0( wn&t little gllmpue we could
luaat. Tban I bave bad the opppr- 0( the retreating illhouette of the
,. ..!, ,n IKtlm li It mnA hnva u. ....... -' i 1 1. u m imrl IwiIa
,11,1,, lu iiviji ,1V, m "-"lOlMUV Ui Uli'BriJ liuui m mw.v
come out aafe and aound ao far and partly open. It certainly eent a
that la no small thing to be thankful thrill through tie when sudden VI
Tor,' after aeelng how much more
aome of the boys have had to give
to win this war. '
The ctmaorshlp regulations have
been lifted, according to the papers,
but no official order haa reached
bratlon In the ship told us we were
finally on our way "Over There."
Next morning we were out early get
ting our first real view of the bound-
1hs deep front the shipboard. We
soon hit the Gulf Stream' and the
here, ao I'm sending thla by bae . weather became at once warmer and
censor. I'll give you a brief out
line of where I've been and when
-. slila , n trai KAll t wtthnilt.
WW Wfirp i' w " r'- -
macktnaws and blouses for the first
time In months. The sea was rough
all the way serosa and we could sit
on the docks outside and watch the
other vessels of our convoy wallow
ing In the heavy sea. The big bat-,
tloshlp which sailed ahead of us
noomert much more stable than the I
real, and the waves only daubed
against Its sides and slung sprsy allj
over It.. When within a couple of,
duvs of France we met the moaqulto
fleet. Theae little destroyers first
sppeared here, then there, then off
somewhere on the horizon as first a J
par sticking up In the air, and a
light cloud of smoke, and finally the)
row or imoke atacas, .ana mm i
about all you ever see of them ln(
a rolling. sea, except when they cross,
your bow or run along close, as they
do In their rlgxagglng Journey. You j
woud swear there was nothing but a,
row or smoke stacks out mere anat
the two wireless masts. However,
when you did finally see the Mlm
body or your active little guard it
was painted In strokes and blotches
about like a zebra, and you would
consider It about the most apparent
thing thereabouts, nut there Is a
reason lor these lines which I will
explain when I get home.
The subs didn't get us, and we
all felt slightly disappointed at not
having to shoot those gum on the
bow and stern ot the old boot. But
It was lucky for us that we didn't as
Frits got one of our boats In a close
following convoy.
On the morning of February 4,
there was considerable stir on deck
so 1 bestlred myself and went above,
and lo! there'lay the rocky coast of
France, it was some sight! The
first thing I noticed was the atone
houses of France, and then I saw a
real castle, and things came too fast
for me to relate here. v
Knliruarr 6th. I out my feet on
French soil and marched through
Crest to the station In a drizzling
rain. We received our first' Initia
tion Into the French railway system
here, and every one Immediately
formed a definite Idea as to why the
. . . . t a
war haa lostea so long. . we Doara
ed a string of coaches which looked
about like our old stage coaches did.
We also. noted a sign on a French
box car near by which finally trans
lated, gave us a little uneasiness. It
read: "8 Cheveau 40 , Hommes"
(8 horses 40 people.)
I From Brest we went to St. Naz-
jlcre and here rested lor several
days during which we first got wet.
then tried to dry out without a fire,
ana Ihen 'goi'wet'agafn.-'We'a'irhad
an opportunity to go np town several
times, while there are received our
first' astonishing Impressions of
French customs -and manners. Our
stay was short here, however, and
February 22 found us at the battle
front camped In a swamp in Lorraine
In pup tents. We were there for five
months widening roads, putting In
new ones, building ammunition
dumps, and repairing old roads. We
pride ourselves ' on' our work when
we think 6f the clockwork-like pre
cision with' which the St. ' Mlblel
drive came off, for communication is
the big secret or it all. We were
not in the St. Mlhlel drive, however,
is we went over to ' the Chateau
Thierry drive, resting two weeks at
Ussy Sur Marne first. When we fin
ally caught up with the boys," they
were just across the Vesle river at
Flsmea, and at this point we did
some good work. Having accom
plished our tactical mission a track
company of 30 big Mack trucks was
sent after us and we ' high-balled"
it for the Argonne Woods. ' We were
practically the first American troops
In that sector and we saw the whole
thine through. When I left the
company to go to school here, Octo
ber 12, our company was working
negro and pioneer Infantry welt to
ward Grande Pre to Newvllle on the
As for myself I'm sort of a lost
duck here, aa Is everyone else. We
really belong to no units now, and I
suppose rate as casuals, and will fill
In where needed when the course la
over. ' I hope to get back into Co.
A, however.
It's almost dinner time now so win
close, and love to all and Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year to
yon. - DANA.
A. C. 8. Eng Bee.
A. P. O. 714
American Ex. Forces, France.
All kinds of OoDunereial Mating
at the Courier Office.
Baveleaes at the Ceirier Office.
' hU-lr !! il BrWi
. pill la tUA m4 b.14 nuicy
IS B. muh nuns riiu tt
It '- U tan. a... a ... nrrru.i.irA
bULD 81 UkWlBli tltXIKaUK
..OGRc a&Li'ommZ fce"5i
J.I .
fieslismA " '
.... 4 i, ' ' .rt't
10 Fot 1919 RESOLVE to Join the Big Movement to Make Oregon Grow and Prosper -
rv t',-
It Pays to Buy the Best
Ask for
Olympic, Flour
p, "f ",v i--: n-r '
Made from carefully selected Northwestern Wheat,
thoroughly cleaned and scoured by the most modern meth
ods known. All the nutritious qualities of the Wheat are
retained and it reaches you clean, pure and wholesome.
The Portland Flouring Mills Co.
J Wlff. Tru Bio OraUas have the are ooov "fs
Ipfe, btnaUsa of rich food vatoe aad crisp i-Wji
p"?. -itUdounus that ! Ueai sver wd- Aji
W?& ar. always pspular. Mads tor yon hi
Us dajUaht food factory. Bold everf :
wo..- . y -'r
JPrqon Made fm Ooeoon Trade
Poll vrair nearest heater for information
ATnvrir. Thon talfo th enrliest oDDortunitv of conveyina
to said dealer the idea' that you wish to acquirooneof these
viii. !;.: r - Mr,"" 'i
i v-i. LABOR ' SAVERS ' ' ' f
A Caroline ;-Wotor,i.JDriven
Drag Saw Machine that saws
This Man .Talks Like It Was
' TrioUiliv.Vr16r.1W. S'f. 4.
Vaufhaa Motor Works
.. PertlanaOrfioM":':' 1"' ?
v Iir HlraiuiAlii having fin auc
crs with thu DtUe old bug. Avar
age tea ricks to gallon of gas; al
so cut 3U0 ricka at 4 l-8e cost
per rick. - Qoiog some for an old
rig. Rcipecttully yours, J, J.
- Alp' to 25 'cordsf wood
hit o 'lit itir-A i. 1 vwid ;
NOTE : We also suggest that
for good results you should
' - 'specify a 'VAUGHAtf "J
u-fv Drag Saw. "
' Tor furtbW details address ' f
475 East Main Street ' t " " ' V Portland, Oregon.
Makes, economy a double pleasure; a
table treat; delicious on toast and
bread end on steaks and vegetables.
You'll like it right from the start
Composed of pure, carefully select
ed ingredients and churned fresh
daily with pasteurized milk. i
The most noticeable differ-,
ence between Columbia
Brand Oleomargarine and
fane; Creamer; better is the
price and It's in favor ot
Users of Oleumnrarine.' ' "'
Packed In waxed, odor
proof - cartena. D. S. Gov
ernment inspected.
North Portland, Oregon 4 f44
The Sign of Good Quality -
WHV t'WvoulO Vse
Golden Rod Cereals
In quality ot reasonable price
and the product ot a Home
Industry, ' j Vhc ! ;A
GoldecJRod Milling Co.
'Cereal Millers and Poultry
Food Manufacturers
urrr, ' " 'P'1 ; '"TT
Portlaadt Orccos
Before the War
Crown Floiir
Wasestabuabed a product' of
the highest quality and recognised
by every housewife as the best
flour obtainable." " -
During the War
Cr6wn Flour
a - - .
Helped tb'e'UduSVlfetd'Make
" " better Victory tiread. ' -
m . i i I u,-;.- i i '- ' hi . ' '
jWbeai'WaqatlaeetnJetfoes ie).fs
i moved and you can again enjoy
freabi . nogriaklng, - home-made
bread you dont' need to be told
that you gi't better reaulta frmn
. ; Crown Flouir .
Tou've learned from . experience
how much Ita u 'HhpMvea the
quality of your, bread, giving -lereased'
volume, and. preserving
that ideal texture, and .Importlag
that delidsos flrr aa4 eeer. .
i'iir' MflapJacksM If
savory"' 9notcakr-iull-of Jff
Ml ' goodness, are fox ;jrour break- .
fast. A delightful .treat, so- -.'M
'expensive and. sirhple to pre- 'mn
,1 if .
, day in the year. l - v Mil
I t ntiia&mu&JsJi